!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ !********************************************************************** ! subroutine sbzdisp !********************************************************************** subroutine sbzdisp (szrgh, bcxrow, bc0rg, wzoflg, & & bdrlai, bdrsai, bbzht, bcrlai, bcrsai, bczht, & & awzdisp, wzdisp) ! +++ PURPOSE +++ ! Calc. zero plane displacement (mm) ! set field zero plane displacement equal to Anemometer zero plane ! displacement when anem. at the field site, ie. wzoflg = 1 ! using equation from: Raupach, M.R. 1994. Simplified Expressions for ! Vegetation Roughness Length and Zero-Plane Displacement as functions ! of Canopy Height and Area index. Boundary Layer meteorology 71:211-216. ! +++ ARGUMENT DECLATION +++ real szrgh, bcxrow integer bc0rg, wzoflg real bdrlai, bdrsai, bbzht real bcrlai, bcrsai, bczht real awzdisp, wzdisp ! +++ ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS +++ ! szrgh - ridge height (mm) ! bcxrow - crop row spacing (m) ! bc0rg - flag=0 - crop planted in furrow bottom ! flag=1 - crop planted on ridge top ! wzoflg - flag=0 - weather measurements are from a distant station ! flag=1 - weather measurements are in field ! bdrlai - residue leaf area index (total)(m2/m2) ! bdrsai - residue stem area index (total)(m2/m2) ! bbzht - composite average residue height (m) ! bcrlai - crop leaf area index (m2/m2) ! bcrsai - crop stem area index (m2/m2) ! bczht - crop height (m) ! bc0rg - flag=0 - crop planted in furrow bottom ! flag=1 - crop planted on ridge top ! awzdisp - zero plane displacement at weather location (mm) ! wzdisp - zero plane displacement at location (mm) ! +++ FUNCTIONS CALLED real biodrag ! +++ LOCAL VARIABLES +++ real bht, bsai ! +++ LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS +++ ! bht - biomass height (mm) ! bsai - biomass silhouette area index ! +++ INCLUDE FILES+++ include 'p1unconv.inc' ! +++ PARAMETERS +++ ! +++ END SPECIFICATIONS +++ ! calculate "effective" biomass silhouette area index bsai = biodrag( bdrlai, bdrsai, bcrlai, bcrsai, bc0rg, & & bcxrow, bczht, szrgh ) ! find maximum biomass height and convert to mm bht = max(bbzht, bczht) * mtomm ! use silhouette area index and biomass height to find zero plane displacement if( bsai .gt. 1.0e-10 ) then wzdisp = bht * (1.0 - (1.0 - exp( -(15.0*bsai)**0.5) ) & & / (15.0*bsai)**0.5) else wzdisp = 0.0 end if if (wzoflg .eq. 1) then ! anemom. in field set weather displacement to field displacement awzdisp = wzdisp endif return end