!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ subroutine write_main_event(sumfile,cd, cm, cy, precp, & & runoff, & & irdgdx,avedet,maxdet,ptdet,avedep,maxdep,ptdep,avsole, & & enrato,detpt1, detpt2, dtavls, detstd, detmax, pdtmax, & & detmin, pdtmin, deppt1, deppt2, dpavls, depstd, depmax, pdpmax, & & depmin, pdpmin,ndetach,ndepos, npart,frac,frcflw, dia, & & spg,frsnd,frslt, frcly,frorg,slplen,fwidth,avgslp, & & stdist,dslost,years,annualavg) use wepp_interface_defs, ignore_me=>write_main_event integer, intent(in) :: sumfile,cd,cm,cy,ndetach,ndepos,npart real, intent(in) :: precp,runoff,avedet,maxdet,ptdet,avedep real, intent(in) :: maxdep,ptdep,avsole,enrato,irdgdx real, intent(in) :: detpt1(*), detpt2(*), dtavls(*) real, intent(in) :: detstd(*), detmax(*), pdtmax(*) real, intent(in) :: detmin(*), deppt1(*), deppt2(*) real, intent(in) :: dpavls(*), depstd(*), depmax(*) real, intent(in) :: pdpmax(*), depmin(*), pdpmin(*) real, intent(in) :: pdtmin(*) real, intent(in) :: frac(*),frcflw(*),dia(*), spg(*) real, intent(in) :: frcly(*), frslt(*), frsnd(*), frorg(*) real, intent(in) :: slplen,fwidth,avgslp real, intent(in) :: stdist(*),dslost(*) integer, intent(in) :: years integer, intent(in) :: annualavg ! ! write_main_event() ! ! This subroutine writes out the information in the main WEPP summary ! file. It is a collection from various places in the original WEPP ! code. ! There are two options for this output: detailed and summary ! For detailed output this can be called after each event, for summary ! output it is called at the end of the simulation. ! integer i character*4 mths(12) integer defaultHill,defaultOFE real areaHa data mths /'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug',& & 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'/ defaultHill = 1 defaultOFE = 1 ! real hyd0, hyd1, hyd2, hyd3, hyd4, hyd5, hyd6, hyd7, hyd8, hyd9, ! 1 hyd10 ! ! section 1 - hydrology event data if (annualavg.eq.0) then write(sumfile,1000) defaultHill write(sumfile,1100) defaultOFE,mths(cm), cd, cy write(sumfile,1700) endif ! section - 2 on-site effects write(sumfile,2500) ! detachment section(s) write(sumfile,2600) write(sumfile,2750) avedet write(sumfile,2850) maxdet,ptdet write(sumfile,2950) irdgdx,defaultOFE write(sumfile,3000) do i=1,ndetach write (sumfile,3350)detpt1(i),detpt2(i), & & dtavls(i),detstd(i),detmax(i), pdtmax(i), & & detmin(i), pdtmin(i) end do ! deposition section(s) only printed if there was at least one deposition region if (ndepos.gt.0) then write(sumfile,3700) write(sumfile,3750) avedep write(sumfile,3800) maxdep,ptdep write(sumfile,3850) do i=1,ndepos write (sumfile,3350)deppt1(i), deppt2(i), & & dpavls(i), depstd(i), depmax(i), & & pdpmax(i), depmin(i), pdpmin(i) end do end if ! section 3 - plot info write(sumfile,3100) write(sumfile,3200) write(sumfile,3300) write(sumfile,3400) write(sumfile,3500) ! 3 columns, 34 entries in first 2, 32 entries in last column do i=1,32 write(sumfile,3550) stdist(i), dslost(i), & & stdist(i+34), dslost(i+34), & & stdist(i+68), dslost(i+68) end do write(sumfile,3580) stdist(33), dslost(33), stdist(67), dslost(67) write(sumfile,3580) stdist(34), dslost(34), stdist(68), dslost(68) write(sumfile,3600) ! section 4 - sediment leaving and characteristics write(sumfile,4000) areaHa = (fwidth * slplen) / 10000.0 if (annualavg.eq.0) then write(sumfile,4100) mths(cm), cd, cy, avsole else write(sumfile,4110) avsole,avsole*fwidth,fwidth, & & ((avsole*fwidth)/1000.0)/areaHa, areaHa endif ! write(sumfile,4150) defaultOFE,0 write(sumfile,4600) write(sumfile,4200) do i=1,npart write(sumfile,4400) i,dia(i)*1000.0,spg(i),frsnd(i)*100, & & frslt(i)*100, frcly(i)*100,frorg(i)*100,frac(i),frcflw(i) end do write(sumfile,4300) if (annualavg.eq.0) then write(sumfile,4550) mths(cm), cd, cy,enrato else write(sumfile,4500) enrato endif ! -------------- ! ! Main event information, only printed if summary file has detailed event output ! 1000 format (///'HILLSLOPE ',i1,' RESULTS',/,19('-'),// & & 'I. ABBREVIATED EVENT-BY-EVENT HYDROLOGY',/,5x,11('-'),1x, & & 14('-'),1x,9('-')) 1100 format (/7x,'Overland flow element number:',i3/7x,'Event date: ',1& & x,a3,1x,i2,', year ',i4) 1300 format (/,7x,'precipitation amount',f8.2,7x,'rainfall amount ',& & f8.2/,7x,'snow melt amount ',f8.2,7x,'runoff amount ',& & f8.2/,7x,'rain/melt duration ',f8.2,7x,'effective duration ',& & f8.2/,7x,'peak runoff rate ',f8.2,7x,'effective length ',& & f8.2/) 1700 format (7x,'note: amounts = mm, durations = min, rates = mm/hr', & & ', length = meters'/) ! ! Areas of net soil or deposition along profile ! 2500 format (//'II. ON SITE EFFECTS ON SITE EFFECTS', & & ' ON SITE EFFECTS',/,5x,(3(15('-'),2x))/) 2600 format (/2x,'A. AREA OF NET SOIL LOSS') 2750 format (/6x,'** Soil Loss (Avg. of Net Detachment',' Areas) = ', & & f8.3,' kg/m2 **') 2850 format (6x,'** Maximum Soil Loss = ',f8.3,' kg/m2 at ',f7.2, & & ' meters **'/) 2950 format (6x,'** Interrill Contribution = ',f8.3,' kg/m2 ', & & ' for OFE #',i2) 3000 format (/,6x,'Area of',4x,'Soil Loss',3x,'Soil Loss',3x,'MAX',3x, & & 'MAX Loss',3x,'MIN',3x,'MIN Loss',/,6x,'Net Loss',6x,'MEAN', & & 6x,'STDEV',6x,'Loss',4x,'Point',4x,'Loss',3x,'Point',/,8x, & & '(m)',7x,'(kg/m2)',5x,'(kg/m2)',2x,'(kg/m2)',4x,'(m)',4x, & & '(kg/m2)',2x,'(m)',/,72('-')) 3350 format (f7.2,'-',f7.2,1x,f8.3,2x,f8.3,2x,f9.3,1x,f7.2,2x,f8.3,2x, & & f7.2) 3700 format (/2x,'B. AREA OF SOIL DEPOSITION') 3750 format (/6x,'** Soil Deposition (Avg. of Net Deposition', & & ' Areas) = ',f9.3,' kg/m2 **') 3800 format (6x,'** Maximum Soil Deposition = ',f9.3,' kg/m2 at ',f7 & & .2,' meters **'/) 3850 format (6x,'Area of',4x,'Soil Dep',3x,'Soil Dep',5x,'MAX',4x, & & 'MAX Dep',3x,'MIN',3x,'MIN Dep',/,6x,'Net Dep',7x,'MEAN',5x, & & 'STDEV',7x,'Dep',5x,'Point',4x,'Dep',4x,'Point',/,8x,'(m)',7x,& & '(kg/m2)',4x,'(kg/m2)',3x,'(kg/m2)',4x,'(m)',4x,'(kg/m2)',2x, & & '(m)',/,72('-')) ! ! Plot of soil loss or depsition along profile ! 3100 format (///2x,'C. SOIL LOSS/DEPOSITION ALONG SLOPE PROFILE',//, & & 10x,'Profile distances are from top to bottom of hillslope'//) 3200 format (1x,'distance',1x,'soil',10x,'distance',3x,'soil', & & 10x,'distance',3x,'soil') 3300 format (4x,'(m)',3x,'loss',13x,'(m)',5x,'loss',13x, & & '(m)',5x,'loss') 3400 format (9x,'(kg/m2)',18x,'(kg/m2)',18x,'(kg/m2)') 3500 format (72('-'),/) 3550 format (3(5x,f7.2,5x,f7.3)) 3580 format (2(5x,f7.2,5x,f7.3)) 3600 format (/'note: (+) soil loss - detachment (-) soil loss', & & ' - deposition') ! ! Offsite effects and sediment enrichment information ! 4000 format (///'III. OFF SITE EFFECTS OFF SITE EFFECTS', & & ' OFF SITE EFFECTS',/,5x,(3(16('-'),2x))/) 4100 format (5x,'A. SEDIMENT LEAVING PROFILE for ',a3,1x,i3,1x,i4,1x, & & f9.3,' kg/m'/) 4110 format (5x,'A. AVERAGE ANNUAL SEDIMENT LEAVING PROFILE ',/, & & 14x,f10.3, ' kg/m of width',/,14x,f10.3,' kg (based on a ', & & 'profile width of ',f7.3,' m)',/,14x,f10.3,' t/ha (assuming' & & ' contributions from ',f7.3,' ha)',/) 4150 format (9x,'Predicted sediment leaving side of OFE ',i2,1x, & & 'is ',f10.3,' kg/m width') 4200 format (/5x,'sediment particle information leaving profile',/, & & '-------------------------------------------------------', & & '------------------------',/, & & ' particle composition', & & ' detached fraction',/,'class diameter specific ---& &------------------------------',' sediment in flow',/,9x, & & '(mm) gravity % sand % silt % clay % o.m.', & & ' fraction exiting',/, & & '-------------------------------------------------------', & & '------------------------') 4300 format ('---------------------------------------------------', & & '----------------------------'/) 4400 format (1x,i2,4x,f6.3,6x,f4.2,4x,f5.1,4x,f5.1,4x,f5.1,4x,f5.1,5x, & & f5.3,4x,f5.3) 4500 format (/5x,'SSA enrichment ratio leaving profile = ',f6.2) 4550 format (/5x,'SSA enrichment ratio leaving profile for ',a3,1x,i3, & & 1x,i4,' = ',f6.2) 4600 format (//5x,'B. SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS AND ENRICHMENT') ! end