! !$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ ! subroutine spllay_ifc ! ***************************************************************** wjr ! Converts NASIS layered IFC files into 10,40,50,... IFC files ! ! Edit History ! 07-Feb-01 wjr created ! 10-Oct-04 lew modified to work with "versioned" IFC files only ! include 'p1werm.inc' include 'wpath.inc' include 'm1subr.inc' include 'm1sim.inc' include 'm1geo.inc' include 'm1flag.inc' include 'm1dbug.inc' include 's1layr.inc' include 's1surf.inc' include 's1phys.inc' include 's1agg.inc' include 's1dbh.inc' include 's1dbc.inc' include 's1sgeo.inc' include 'h1hydro.inc' include 'h1scs.inc' include 'h1db1.inc' include 'file.inc' include 'command.inc' !declarations for commandline args ! + + + LOCAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'main/main.inc' ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + ! integer lay ! character line*256 integer isr real max_depth, add_depth real totthk, curdep, tgtthk integer otnlay(mnsz) real newthk(mnsz) integer oldcur, newcur, tmpcur integer dolcur integer ldx ! set up target layers (use as max for now) real targetthk(mnsz) real targetdep(mnsz) real mfac ! multipier for progressive layer thickness real tinfser ! total inflation series for interlayer adjustment ! create temporary layer thickness and depth and value arrays real tempthk(mnsz) real tempdep(mnsz) integer tempstat(mnsz) ! 0 = target layer, 1 = fixed input layer real tempval(mnsz) integer tempnslay targetthk(1) = 10 targetthk(2) = 40 targetthk(3) = 50 targetthk(4) = 50 targetthk(5) = 50 targetthk(6) = 75 targetthk(7) = 75 do ldx=8,mnsz targetthk(ldx) = 100 end do ! set multiplier factor mfac = 1.0 + layer_infla/100.0 do isr = 1,nsubr ! alternative layering targetthk(1) = layer_scale targetdep(1) = targetthk(1) do ldx=2,mnsz targetthk(ldx) = targetthk(ldx-1) * mfac targetdep(ldx) = targetdep(ldx-1) + targetthk(ldx) end do ! compute out depth to bottom of soil layer aszlyd(1, isr) = aszlyt(1, isr) do ldx = 2, nslay(isr) aszlyd(ldx, isr) = aszlyd(ldx-1, isr) + aszlyt(ldx, isr) end do ! based on depth to impermeable, bedrock layer, increase depth ! of soil. With a unit gradient at the bottom boundary, no water ! will move up from the lower boundary. max_depth = 3000.0 if( aszlyd(nslay(isr),isr) .lt. max_depth ) then add_depth = max_depth - aszlyd(nslay(isr),isr) aszlyd(nslay(isr),isr) = aszlyd(nslay(isr),isr) + add_depth aszlyt(nslay(isr),isr) = aszlyt(nslay(isr),isr) + add_depth end if ! set temporary layer thicknesses, matching input layer boundaries ! checking termination layer to get same total soil thickness ! set number of layers oldcur = 1 newcur = 1 tmpcur = 1 do while ( (newcur .le. mnsz) .and. (oldcur .le. nslay(isr)) ) if( targetdep(newcur) .le. aszlyd(oldcur, isr) ) then ! totally within layer tempthk(tmpcur) = targetthk(newcur) tempdep(tmpcur) = targetdep(newcur) tempstat(tmpcur) = 0 ! target layer boundary tmpcur = tmpcur + 1 newcur = newcur + 1 else if( tempdep(tmpcur-1) .le. aszlyd(oldcur, isr) ) then ! crossed layer boundary set at layer boundary tempthk(tmpcur) = aszlyd(oldcur,isr) - tempdep(tmpcur-1) tempdep(tmpcur) = aszlyd(oldcur,isr) ! adjust target thickness to match new layer division targetthk(newcur) = targetdep(newcur) - aszlyd(oldcur,isr) tempstat(tmpcur) = 1 ! input layer boundary ! increment counters tmpcur = tmpcur + 1 oldcur = oldcur + 1 end if end do tempnslay = tmpcur-1 ! even out layer spacing of last surface layers ! search for first original layer boundary newcur = 1 do while( (newcur.lt.tempnslay) .and. (tempstat(newcur).eq.0) ) newcur = newcur + 1 end do ! surface layers only, average last two layers totthk = tempthk(newcur-1) + tempthk(newcur) tgtthk = totthk / 2.0 ! redo layers tempthk(newcur-1) = tgtthk if( newcur .eq. 2 ) then ! only two surface layers, keep indexes in bounds tempdep(newcur-1) = tempthk(newcur-1) else tempdep(newcur-1) = tempdep(newcur-2) + tempthk(newcur-1) end if ! get the last layer of the interval exact tempthk(newcur) = tempdep(newcur) - tempdep(newcur-1) ! even out layer spacing between fixed layers oldcur = 0 newcur = 0 do tmpcur = 1, tempnslay if( tempstat(tmpcur) .eq. 1 ) then ! fixed layer found oldcur = newcur newcur = tmpcur end if if( oldcur .gt. 0 ) then ! below surface layers dolcur = (newcur-oldcur) ! add up series used to set layer adjustment series tinfser = 1.0 do ldx = 1, dolcur-1 tinfser = tinfser + mfac**ldx end do totthk = tempdep(newcur) - tempdep(oldcur) tgtthk = totthk / tinfser do ldx = oldcur+1, newcur-1 ! redo layers in this interval tempthk(ldx) = tgtthk * mfac ** (ldx - oldcur - 1) tempdep(ldx) = tempdep(ldx-1) + tempthk(ldx) end do ! get the last layer of the interval exact tempthk(ldx) = tempdep(newcur) - tempdep(newcur-1) ! set so that adjustment not done until next permanent layer oldcur = 0 end if end do ! debug write of layering created ! do ldx=1,nslay(isr) ! write(*,*) 'Old_Layer: ', ldx, aszlyt(ldx,isr),aszlyd(ldx,isr) ! end do ! do ldx=1,tempnslay ! write(*,*) 'New_Layer: ',ldx, tempthk(ldx), tempdep(ldx), & ! & tempstat(ldx) ! end do ! ldx = 1 ! do ldx=1,mnsz ! write(*,*) 'Tar_Layer: ', ldx, targetthk(ldx), targetdep(ldx) ! end do ! average soil properties and put back into property arrays ! save old layer values of property before placing new values ! into enlarged array. All layers are averaged, allowing for ! new layers to be either smaller or larger than original ! IP soil physical properties call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asfsan(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asfsil(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asfcla(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asvroc(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asfvcs(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asfcs(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asfms(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asffs(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asfvfs(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asdwblk(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asdwsrat(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) ! IP soil chemical properties call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asfom(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), as0ph(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asfcce(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asfcec(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asfcle(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) ! IC aggregate properties call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), aslagm(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), as0ags(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), aslagx(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), aslagn(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asdagd(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), aseags(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) ! IC soil hydrologic properties call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asdblk(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), asdblk0(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), ahrwc(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), ahrwcs(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), ahrwcf(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), ahrwcw(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) ! soil hydrologic (water release curve) properties call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), ah0cb(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), aheaep(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), ahrsk(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) ! New variable added that isn't read in any IFC file formats ! but is calculated with the -w4 cmdline option wc_type == 4 ! before the layers are split call move_ave_val( nslay(isr), aszlyd(1,isr), ahfredsat(1,isr), & & tempnslay, tempdep ) ! set new number of soil layers into original variable nslay(isr) = tempnslay ! put new thickness into array do ldx = 1, tempnslay aszlyt(ldx, isr) = tempthk(ldx) end do ! recalculate depth to bottom of soil layer call depthini( nslay(isr), aszlyt(1,isr), aszlyd(1,isr) ) end do return do isr = 1,nsubr oldcur = 0 newcur = 0 totthk = 0 tgtthk = 0 10 continue oldcur = oldcur + 1 totthk = totthk + aszlyt(oldcur,isr) newcur = newcur + 1 tgtthk = tgtthk + targetthk(newcur) otnlay(newcur) = oldcur 20 if( tgtthk .lt. totthk ) then newcur = newcur + 1 tgtthk = tgtthk + targetthk(newcur) otnlay(newcur) = oldcur go to 20 end if if (oldcur .lt. nslay(isr)) goto 10 nslay(isr) = newcur do ldx = 1, nslay(isr) aszlyt(ldx, isr) = targetthk(ldx) end do go to 1000 ! end of hot fix ! + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + ! ! convert layers by subregion ! ! do isr = 1,nsubr write(*,*) 'ready to spllay_ifc:' totthk = 0; do ldx = 1, nslay(isr) totthk = totthk + aszlyt(ldx, isr) enddo ! ! stop if soil sample is less than 40mm thick ! if (totthk .lt. 40.0) then write(0,9002) 9002 format('Total soil thickness too thin for WEPS') call exit (1) endif oldcur = 1 newcur = 1 dolcur = 1 if (aszlyt(dolcur,isr) .ge. 150) then newthk(1) = 10 newthk(2) = 40 newthk(3) = 50 otnlay(1) = oldcur otnlay(2) = oldcur otnlay(3) = oldcur aszlyt(1, isr) = aszlyt(1, isr) - 100 newcur = 4 oldcur = 1 elseif (aszlyt(dolcur,isr) .ge. 120) then newthk(1) = aszlyt(1, isr) * 1 / 15 newthk(2) = aszlyt(1, isr) * 4 / 15 newthk(3) = aszlyt(1, isr) * 5 / 15 newthk(4) = aszlyt(1, isr) * 5 / 15 otnlay(1) = oldcur otnlay(2) = oldcur otnlay(3) = oldcur otnlay(4) = oldcur newcur = 5 oldcur = 2 elseif (aszlyt(dolcur,isr) .ge. 70) then newthk(1) = aszlyt(1, isr) * 1 / 10 newthk(2) = aszlyt(1, isr) * 4 / 10 newthk(3) = aszlyt(1, isr) * 5 / 10 otnlay(1) = oldcur otnlay(2) = oldcur otnlay(3) = oldcur newcur = 4 oldcur = 2 elseif(aszlyt(dolcur,isr) .ge. 20) then newthk(1) = aszlyt(1, isr) * 1 / 5 newthk(2) = aszlyt(1, isr) * 4 / 5 otnlay(1) = oldcur otnlay(2) = oldcur newcur = 3 oldcur = 2 else newthk(1) = aszlyt(dolcur, isr) * 1 / 5 otnlay(1) = oldcur newcur = 2 oldcur = 2 if (newthk(1).lt.4) newthk(1) = 4 endif dolcur = oldcur if (newcur .eq. 2) then if (aszlyt(dolcur,isr) .ge. newthk(1) * 14) then newthk(2) = newthk(1) * 4 newthk(3) = newthk(1) * 5 otnlay(2) = oldcur otnlay(3) = oldcur aszlyt(dolcur,isr) = aszlyt(dolcur,isr) - newthk(2) - & & newthk(3) newcur = 4 oldcur = 2 elseif(aszlyt(dolcur,isr) .ge. newthk(1) * 11) then newthk(2) = newthk(1) * 4 / 14 newthk(3) = newthk(1) * 5 / 14 newthk(4) = newthk(1) * 5 / 14 otnlay(2) = oldcur otnlay(3) = oldcur otnlay(4) = oldcur newcur = 5 oldcur = 3 elseif(aszlyt(dolcur,isr) .ge. newthk(1) * 6) then newthk(2) = newthk(1) * 4 / 9 newthk(3) = newthk(1) * 5 / 9 otnlay(2) = oldcur otnlay(3) = oldcur newcur = 4 oldcur = 3 else newthk(2) = aszlyt(dolcur,isr) otnlay(2) = oldcur newcur = 3 oldcur = 3 endif endif dolcur = oldcur if(newcur.eq.3) then if (aszlyt(dolcur,isr) .ge. newthk(2)*1.25 + 50) then newthk(3) = newthk(2) * 1.25 aszlyt(dolcur,isr) = aszlyt(dolcur,isr) - 50 otnlay(3) = oldcur newcur = 4 oldcur = 3 elseif (aszlyt(dolcur,isr) .ge. newthk(2)*1.25) then newthk(3) = newthk(2) * .5 newthk(4) = newthk(2) * .5 otnlay(3) = oldcur otnlay(4) = oldcur newcur = 5 oldcur = 3 else newthk(3) = aszlyt(dolcur,isr) if (newthk(3) .lt. 10) newthk(3) = 10 otnlay(3) = oldcur newcur = 4 oldcur = 3 endif endif curdep = 0 do ldx = 1, newcur-1 curdep = curdep + newthk(ldx) enddo ! ! layers in top 200 mm are targeted to 50 mm thickness ! do while (curdep .lt. 200) if (aszlyt(oldcur, isr) .gt. 100) then newthk(newcur) = 50 aszlyt(oldcur, isr) = aszlyt(oldcur, isr) - 50 otnlay(newcur) = oldcur newcur = newcur + 1 curdep = curdep + 50 else if (aszlyt(oldcur, isr) .gt. 50) then newthk(newcur) = aszlyt(oldcur, isr) / 2.0 newthk(newcur+1) = newthk(newcur) otnlay(newcur) = oldcur otnlay(newcur+1) = oldcur newcur = newcur + 2 oldcur = oldcur + 1 if (oldcur .gt. nslay(isr)) then exit endif else newthk(newcur) = aszlyt(oldcur, isr) curdep = curdep + newthk(newcur) otnlay(newcur) = oldcur newcur = newcur + 1 oldcur = oldcur + 1 if (oldcur .gt. nslay(isr)) then exit endif endif enddo ! ! no more input layers left ! if (oldcur .gt. nslay(isr)) goto 120 ! ! layers in top 200-400 mm are targeted to 50-100 mm thickness ! depending on depth ! do while (curdep .lt. 400) tgtthk = 50 + ((curdep - 200) / 200) * 50 if (aszlyt(oldcur, isr) .gt. tgtthk * 2) then newthk(newcur) = tgtthk aszlyt(oldcur, isr) = aszlyt(oldcur, isr) - 50 otnlay(newcur) = oldcur newcur = newcur + 1 curdep = curdep + 50 else if (aszlyt(oldcur, isr) .gt. tgtthk) then newthk(newcur) = aszlyt(oldcur, isr) / 2.0 newthk(newcur+1) = newthk(newcur) otnlay(newcur) = oldcur otnlay(newcur+1) = oldcur newcur = newcur + 2 oldcur = oldcur + 1 if (oldcur .gt. nslay(isr)) then exit endif else newthk(newcur) = aszlyt(oldcur, isr) curdep = curdep + newthk(newcur) otnlay(newcur) = oldcur newcur = newcur + 1 oldcur = oldcur + 1 if (oldcur .gt. nslay(isr)) then exit endif endif enddo ! ! no more input layers left ! if (oldcur .gt. nslay(isr)) goto 120 ! ! layers lower than 400 mm are targeted at 100 mm ! do while (oldcur .le. nslay(isr)) if (aszlyt(oldcur, isr) .gt. 200) then newthk(newcur) = 100 aszlyt(oldcur, isr) = aszlyt(oldcur, isr) - 100 otnlay(newcur) = oldcur newcur = newcur + 1 else newthk(newcur) = aszlyt(oldcur, isr) / 2 newthk(newcur+1) = aszlyt(oldcur, isr) / 2 otnlay(newcur) = oldcur otnlay(newcur+1) = oldcur newcur = newcur + 2 oldcur = oldcur + 1 endif enddo ! ! update number of layers ! nslay(isr) = newcur -1 ! ! transfer new layer thicknesses to global array ! do ldx = 1, nslay(isr) aszlyt(ldx, isr) = newthk(ldx) enddo ! ! update soil properties for new layers ! ! note!, this is done backward assuming that more layers are created ! than exist in the original soil layering and the old value ! will be used before it is overwritten 1000 continue do ldx = nslay(isr), 2, -1 ! IP surface physical properties asfsan(ldx, isr) = asfsan(otnlay(ldx), isr) asfsil(ldx, isr) = asfsil(otnlay(ldx), isr) asfcla(ldx, isr) = asfcla(otnlay(ldx), isr) asvroc(ldx, isr) = asvroc(otnlay(ldx), isr) asfcs(ldx, isr) = asfcs(otnlay(ldx), isr) asfms(ldx, isr) = asfms(otnlay(ldx), isr) asffs(ldx, isr) = asffs(otnlay(ldx), isr) asfvfs(ldx, isr) = asfvfs(otnlay(ldx), isr) asdwblk(ldx, isr)= asdwblk(otnlay(ldx), isr) ! IP soil chemical properties asfom(ldx, isr) = asfom(otnlay(ldx), isr) as0ph(ldx, isr) = as0ph(otnlay(ldx), isr) asfcce(ldx, isr) = asfcce(otnlay(ldx), isr) asfcec(ldx, isr) = asfcec(otnlay(ldx), isr) asfcle(ldx, isr) = asfcle(otnlay(ldx), isr) ! IC aggregate properties aslagm(ldx, isr) = aslagm(otnlay(ldx), isr) as0ags(ldx, isr) = as0ags(otnlay(ldx), isr) aslagx(ldx, isr) = aslagx(otnlay(ldx), isr) aslagn(ldx, isr) = aslagn(otnlay(ldx), isr) asdagd(ldx, isr) = asdagd(otnlay(ldx), isr) aseags(ldx, isr) = aseags(otnlay(ldx), isr) ! IC soil hydrologic properties asdblk(ldx, isr) = asdblk(otnlay(ldx), isr) asdblk0(ldx, isr) = asdblk0(otnlay(ldx), isr) ahrwc(ldx, isr) = ahrwc(otnlay(ldx), isr) ! soil hydrologic (water release curve) properties ahrwcs(ldx, isr) = ahrwcs(otnlay(ldx), isr) ahrwcf(ldx, isr) = ahrwcf(otnlay(ldx), isr) ahrwcw(ldx, isr) = ahrwcw(otnlay(ldx), isr) ! soil hydrologic (water release curve) properties ah0cb(ldx, isr) = ah0cb(otnlay(ldx), isr) aheaep(ldx, isr) = aheaep(otnlay(ldx), isr) ahrsk(ldx, isr) = ahrsk(otnlay(ldx), isr) ! other variables by depth asdsblk(ldx, isr)= asdsblk(otnlay(ldx), isr) asdpart(ldx, isr)= asdpart(otnlay(ldx), isr) asdwsrat(ldx, isr)= asdwsrat(otnlay(ldx), isr) end do 120 continue end do return end