# plot erodstats.out set term pdf set output 'erodstats.pdf' set title 'Testing1 - 1, Testing2 - 2, Seed 0-4' set xlabel 'Number of Simulation Years' set ylabel 'Erosion (tn/ac)' #plot 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 0 using 3:2:1 with labels font "Helvetica,4" notitle, 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 0 using 3:2 with points title '15 year', \ # 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 1 using 3:2:1 with labels font "Helvetica,4" notitle, 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 1 using 3:2 with points title '20 year', \ # 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 2 using 3:2:1 with labels font "Helvetica,4" notitle, 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 2 using 3:2 with points title '30 year', \ # 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 3 using 3:2:1 with labels font "Helvetica,4" notitle, 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 3 using 3:2 with points title '100 year', \ # 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 4 using 3:2:1 with labels font "Helvetica,4" notitle, 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 4 using 3:2 with points title '1000 year' plot 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 0 using 3:2:1 with labels font "Helvetica,4" notitle, 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 0 using 3:2 with points title '15 year', \ 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 1 using 3:2:1 with labels font "Helvetica,4" notitle, 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 1 using 3:2 with points title '20 year', \ 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 2 using 3:2:1 with labels font "Helvetica,4" notitle, 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' index 2 using 3:2 with points title '30 year' plot 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' using 1 with lines, \ 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' using 2 with lines, \ 'allruns_ave_erosion_c95.out' using 3 with lines # plot 95% Confidence Interval data plot 'all_erosion_c95.out' using 1:2 with lines, \ 'all_erosion_c95.out' using 1:3 with lines, \ 'all_erosion_c95.out' using 1:4 with lines