DrawField:main=This is a diagram of the simulated field (it is not editable) Barrier:numBarriers=Number of barriers

The number of barriers on the field boundaries


X-coordinate of the lower left barrier corner, meters


Y-coordinate of the lower left barrier corner, meters


X-coordinate of the upper right barrier corner, meters


Y-coordinate of the upper right barrier corner, meters

Barrier:height=Barrier height

Average barrier height, meters

Barrier:porosity=Barrier porosity

Average barrier optical porosity (1.0 - silhouette area), m^2/m^2

Barrier:width=Barrier width

Average barrier width, meters

Barrier:xLength=Field length (X)

Length of the simulation region in the X-direction, meters

Barrier:yLength=Field length (Y)

Length of the simulation region in the Y-direction, meters

Barrier:angle=Orientation angle

Orientation of the simulation region, degrees clockwise from North

Biomass:residueHeight=Residue average height

Average height of residue above the soil surface, meters

Biomass:residueSAI=Residue stem area index

Residue Stem Area Index, m^2/m^2

Biomass:residueLAI=Residue leaf area index

Residue Leaf Area Index, m^2/m^2

Biomass:residueFlatCover=Residue leaf area index

The flat biomass cover on the soil surface, m^2/m^2

Biomass:residueStandingCover= Biomass:residueTotalCover=Residue total cover

Residue total (flat and standing) cover of the soil surface, m^2/m^2

Growing crop height

Average height of growing crop above the soil surface, meters

Biomass:growingSAI=Growing crop stem area index

Growing crop stem area index, m^2/m^2

Biomass:growingLAI=Growing crop leaf area index

Growing crop leaf area index, m^2/m^2

Biomass:rowSpacing=Row spacing

Growing crop row spacing, meters

Biomass:seedPlacement=Seed placement

Crop seed placement in ridge or furrow

Hydrology:snowDepth=Snow depth

Average depth of snow cover, mm

Hydrology:WPWC=Soil layer wilting point water content

Water content at 15 bar tension, Mg/Mg

Hydrology:WC=Water content

Water content at the time of simulation, Mg/Mg

Hydrology:surfaceWC=Hourly surface water content

Water content at each hour of the day, Mg/Mg

RunDialog : Cancel=Cancel SoilLayers:numLayers=Numbers of soil layers

The number of soil layers used for the simulation


Thickness of each soil layer, mm

SoilLayers:BD=Bulk density

Bulk density (dry), Mg/m^3

SoilLayers:sand=Sand fraction

Sand fraction of the totalsoil, Mg/Mg

SoilLayers:vfSand=Very fine and fraction

Fraction of total soil that is very fine (0.05-0.1mm), Mg/Mg

SoilLayers:silt=Silt fraction

Silt fraction of the total soil, Mg/Mg

SoilLayers:clay=Clay fraction

Clay fraction of the total soil, Mg/Mg

SoilLayers:rock=Rock volume fraction

Fraction of rock fragments > 2 mm by volume, m^3/m^3

SoilLayers:aggDensity=Avg aggregate density

Average oven dry density of soil aggregates, Mg/m^3

SoilLayers:aggStability=Avg dry aggregate stability

Average dry aggregate stability measured as the mean
natural log of aggregate crushing energy, ln(J/kg)

SoilLayers:aggGMD=GMD of aggregates

Geometric mean diameter of aggregates, mm

SoilLayers:aggMinSize=Minimum aggregate size

Lower limit of aggregate size distribution, mm

SoilLayers:aggMaxSize=Maximun aggregate size

Upper limit of aggregate size distribution, mm

SoilLayers:aggGSD=GSD of aggregate size

Geometric standard devioation of aggregate size, mm/mm

SoilLayers:shiftLeft=Cycle layers up

Used to cycle lower soil layers to the surface

SoilLayers:shiftRight=Cycle layers down

Used to cycle all soil layers to a lower position in the soil

SoilSurface:crustFraction=Surface crust fraction

Fraction of surface covered with consolidated soil
as opposed to aggregated soil, m^2/m^2

SoilSurface:crustThickness=Surface crust thickness

Thickness of the consolidated zone in the surface layer, mm

SoilSurface:LMF=Loose material on crust

Fraction of crust surface only covered by loose material, m^2/m^2

SoilSurface:LMM=Loose mass on crust

Mass of loose material on the crust surface, kg/m^2

SoilSurface:density=Crust density

Soil crust density, Mg/m^3

SoilSurface:stability=Crust stability

Soil crust stability (mean natural log of crushing energy), ln(J/kg)

SoilSurface:ARR=Allmaras random roughnessm

The standard deviation of the soil height as described by Allmaras, mm

SoilSurface:ridgeHeight=Ridge height

Height of ridge from bottom to top of furrow, mm

SoilSurface:ridgeSpacing=Ridge spacing

Spacing between ridge tops, mm

SoilSurface:ridgeWidth=Ridge width

Width of the ridge top, mm

SoilSurface:ridgeOrientation=Ridge orientation

Orientation of tillage ridges, degrees clockwise from North

SoilSurface:dikeSpacing=Dike spacing

Spacing between dikes in the furrows, mm

Weather:airDensity=Air density

Density of the air, kg/M^3

Weather:windDirection=Wind direction

Direction of the wind for the day, degrees clockwise from North

Weather:intervals=Number of intervals/day to run EROSION

Number of intervals (i.e., 24 = hourly periods;
48 = 30 minute periods; 96 = 15 minute periods

Weather:anemHeight=Anemometer height

Height above the soil surface at which wind speed was measured, m

Weather:aeroRough=Aerodynamic roughness at anemometer site

Aerodynamic roughness at the site windspeeds
were measured, not the simulation site, mm

Weather:zoFlg=Zo location flag

Select where the windspeed was measured, at the simulation
field or a remote site weather station

Weather:weibullFlg=Wind/Weibull selection

Select 'Weibull' for winds based on wind distribution or
select 'Wind' to enter measured wind speeds

Weather:calm=Fraction of the time winds are calm

The fraction of tthe time pperiods are calm for the day
(used with Weibull parameters only).
For example, if 24 (hourly) time intervals are specified, use (#of calm hours/24)

Weather:weibullC=Weibull "c" factor

The Weibull scale parameter "c", m/s

Weather:weibullK=Weibull "k" factor

The Weibull shape parameter "k", unitless

Weather:windTable=Wind table

Wind speed for each interval of the day (number of speeds must
equal number of intervals specified), m/s