# All lines starting with the "#" character are comment lines # As such, they are ignored by the program reading this file # and are used to describe the file contents to facilitate changes # that may be made to this file. # # tooltip help shared among all report screens Toolbar:main=
Tool Bar
Toolbar:close=CloseCloses the window
Toolbar:saveNotes=Save NotesSaves changes to notes
Toolbar:printSummary=Print SummaryPrint the summary report
Toolbar:printPreview=Print PreviewView the report format prior to printing
Toolbar:printNotes=Print NotesPrint report notes
Toolbar:about=HelpDisplay WEPS help online help
Toolbar:help=Popup HelpDisplay popup help
Click here and then on an item on the screen to display help for that item
Toolbar:printDet=Print DetailsPrints the detailed yield table
Toolbar:printSumTable=Print SummaryPrints the statistical summary table
Toolbar:print=PrintPrints the summary
Toolbar:ProjectSummary=Run Summary Report Toolbar:ManagementSummary=Management Summary Report Toolbar:CropSummary=Crop Summary Report Toolbar:DetailedSummary=Run Detail Report RepSumPanel:main=Weps Report Summary RepSumPanel:prj_name=Project NameName and path for the project
RepSumPanel:run_name=Run NameName for the run
RepSumPanel:date_cr=Date CreatedDate the run was created
RepSumPanel:client=ClientThe client or operator for whom the simulation run is created
RepSumPanel:farmID=Farm No.An identification number to distinguish different farms owned by one operator
RepSumPanel:fieldID=Field No.Part of tract that is separated by permanent boundaries
RepSumPanel:tractID=Tract No.An FSA and NRCS identification number
RepSumPanel:soilFileName=SoilName of the current soil
RepSumPanel:manFileName=ManagementName of the current management file
# Project Summary screen ProjSummary:mainPanel=Project Summary main screen ProjSummary:notes=Notes DrawField:main=Draw PanelDiagram of the simulation field configuration
RepSimPanel:main=Simulation and Site Information
RepSimPanel:type=Mode:The type of run length
RepSimPanel:simlength=Duration:The number of years in the rotation
RepSimPanel:state=StateState of the US in which the field is located
RepSimPanel:county=CountyCounty of the State in which the field is located
RepSimPanel:latitude=LatitudeLatitude of the field location or center of the county
RepSimPanel:latitudeSign=The latitude hemisphere RepSimPanel:longitude=LongitudeLongitude of the field location or center of the county
RepSimPanel:longitudeSign=The longitude hemisphere RepSimPanel:fieldTitle=Field Dimension Information RepSimPanel:xLength=X-LengthLength of the simulation region in the X-direction
RepSimPanel:xLengthUnits=Units of the length of the simulation region in the X-direction RepSimPanel:yLength=Y-LengthLength of the simulation region in the Y-direction
RepSimPanel:yLengthUnits=Units of the length of the simulation region in the Y-direction RepSimPanel:elevation=ElevationElevation of the field location or the Cligen station
RepSimPanel:elevationUnits=The units of elevation RepSimPanel:orientation=OrientationOrientation of the simulation region
RepSimPanel:area=AreaArea of the simulation region
RepSimPanel:areaUnits=The units of the simulation region area RepSimPanel:stationInfo=Weather Station/Files RepSimPanel:cliGen=Climate StationCLIGEN Station
RepSimPanel:windGen=Wind StationWINDGEN Station
RepLossPanel:crp+salt=Creep/Salt.Average creep plus saltation net loss from the field
RepLossPanel:crop=CropHarvested crop
RepLossPanel:gross_loss=Gross LossAverage erosion within the field
RepLossPanel:period=PeriodReporting period by rotation year and average annual for the total simulation
RepLossPanel:pm10=Average PM10Average PM10 net loss from the field
RepLossPanel:suspen=SuspensionAverage suspension net loss from the field
RepLossPanel:tot_loss=TotalAverage total net loss from the field
RepBarPanel:barwidth=WidthBarrier width
RepBarPanel:barheight=HeightBarrier height
RepBarPanel:barloc=Barrier LocationLocation of the barrier on the field
RepBarPanel:barpor=PorosityBarrier porosity
RepBarPanel:bartype=Barrier TypeBarrier type for each direction
NotPanel:text=Enter and edit notes here.
These are stored with the project and in the summary report
# Crop Summary Screen - Toolbar and summary help is shared among screens RepYieldPanel:rotcycle=Rot. Cycle
Rotation cycle number
RepYieldPanel:rotyears=Yr. in Rot.Number of simulation years for each crop in the rotation
RepYieldPanel:harvdate=Harvest Date RepYieldPanel:cropname=Crop Name RepYieldPanel:dryyield=Dry Yield RepYieldPanel:residue=ResidueHarvest time residue biomass
RepYieldPanel:harvidx=Harvest IndexDry weight of the yield divided by the dry weight of the total plant including yield
RepYieldPanel:wetyield=Harvested YieldYield at the stated water content
RepYieldPanel:water=Yield % MoistureWater content of the harvested material
RepStatPanel:harvdate=Rotation Harvest DateThe date on which the crop was harvested
RepStatPanel:cropname=Crop Name RepStatPanel:stattype=Statistic TypeThe type of statistic being reported
RepStatPanel:dryyield=Dry YieldDry yield statistics
RepStatPanel:residue=ResidueHarvest time residue biomass statistics
RepStatPanel:harvidx=Harvest IndexHarvest index statistics
RepStatPanel:wetyield=Harvested YieldWet yield statistics
# Management Summary screen RepOpsPanel:crop=Crop
Crop planted
RepOpsPanel:date=DateDate of the operation
RepOpsPanel:oper=OperationOperation performed on the date
# Detailed Outputs DetailReports:selectReport=Select ReportSelect a report to view
RepDetailPanel:sd ed mo yr=DateStart and end date for the month and rotation year
RepDetailPanel:operation=OperationManagement operation
RepDetailPanel:crop=CropCrop planted on first day of the period
RepDetailPanel:gross_loss=Gross LossAverage gross soil loss
RepDetailPanel:tot_loss=Average TotalAverage total loss from the field
RepDetailPanel:crp+salt=Average Creep/Sal.Average creep plus saltation loss from the field
RepDetailPanel:suspen=Average Susp.Average suspension loss from the field
RepDetailPanel:pm10=Average PM10Average PM10 loss from the field
RepDetailPanel:cs1=Creep+SaltationTotal creep plus saltation loss across the indicated boundary
RepDetailPanel:cs2=Creep+SaltationTotal creep plus saltation loss across the indicated boundary
RepDetailPanel:cs3=Creep+SaltationTotal creep plus saltation loss across the indicated boundary
RepDetailPanel:cs4=Creep+SaltationTotal creep plus saltation loss across the indicated boundary
RepDetailPanel:ss1=SuspensionTotal suspension loss across the indicated boundary
RepDetailPanel:ss2=SuspensionTotal suspension loss across the indicated boundary
RepDetailPanel:ss3=SuspensionTotal suspension loss across the indicated boundary
RepDetailPanel:ss4=SuspensionTotal suspension loss across the indicated boundary
RepDetailPanel:pm1=PM10Total PM10 loss across the indicated boundary
RepDetailPanel:pm2=PM10Total PM10 loss across the indicated boundary
RepDetailPanel:pm3=PM10Total PM10 loss across the indicated boundary
RepDetailPanel:pm4=PM10Total PM10 loss across the indicated boundary
RepDetailPanel:salt_loss=Soil LossAmount of creep plus saltation emission from the field
RepDetailPanel:loss_area=Field Area - acres or haArea of the field having creep and saltation emission
RepDetailPanel:loss_frac=Field Area - fractionFraction of the field having creep and saltation emission
RepDetailPanel:salt_dep=Soil DepositionAmount of creep plus saltation deposition within the field
RepDetailPanel:dep_area=Field Area - acres or haAreo of the field having creep and saltation deposition
RepDetailPanel:dep_frac=Field Area - fractionFraction of the field having creep and saltation deposition
RepDetailPanel:flux_rate= RepDetailPanel:flux_area= RepDetailPanel:flux_frac= RepDetailPanel:shelt_area=Field Area - acres or haArea of the field having no active erosion
RepDetailPanel:shelt_frac=Field Area - fractionFraction of total field haveing no active erosion
RepDetailPanel:precip=PrecipitationAverage total precipitation
RepDetailPanel:w_energy=Wind EnergyAverage wind energy > 8 m/s
RepDetailPanel:snow_cover=Snow CoverFraction of time snow depth exceeds 20 mm for indicated time period
RepDetailPanel:l_can_cov=Canopy coverCanopyy cover of live biomass
RepDetailPanel:l_sil_area=Standing SilhouetteStanding silhouette area index of live biomass
RepDetailPanel:l_st_mass=Above Ground MassAbove ground live crop biomass
RepDetailPanel:d_fl_cov=Flat coverCover from flat dead biomass
RepDetailPanel:d_st_sil=Standing SilhouetteStanding silhouette area index of dead biomass
RepDetailPanel:d_fl_mass=Flat MassFlat dead biomass
RepDetailPanel:d_st_mass=Standing MassStanding dead biomass
RepDetailPanel:b_f_fl_cov=Flat CoverFlat cover from live and dead biomass
RepDetailPanel:b_f_st_sil=Standing ShlhouetteStanding silhouette area index of live and dead biomass
RepDetailPanel:b_m_fl_cov=Flat massFlat live and dead biomass
RepDetailPanel:b_m_st_sil=Standing MassStanding live and dead biomass
RepDetailPanel:rdg_or=Ridge OrientationOrientation of ridges with 0 representing north/south
RepDetailPanel:rdg_ht=Ridge HeightHeight of the ridges
RepDetailPanel:rdg_sp=Ridge SpacingSpacing between ridges
RepDetailPanel:rr=Random RoughnessStandard deviaiton of the soil random roughness
RepDetailPanel:surf_84=Aggregates < 0.84 mmFraction of aggregates that are less than 0.84 mm
RepDetailPanel:surf_AS=Dry Aggregate StabilityStability of dry soil aggregates
RepDetailPanel:surf_crust=Crust CoverFraction of soil curface that has mineral crust
# Debug Reports OutputViewer:selectFile=Select file to display OutputViewer:FileNames=Select file to display OutputViewer:Text=Output data to view or print # Print Preview PrintPreview:first=FirstGo to the first page of the table
PrintPreview:previous=PreviousGo to the previous page of the table
PrintPreview:next=NextGo to the next page of the table
PrintPreview:last=LastGo to the last page of the table
PrintPreview:format=Page FormatFormat the page for printing
PrintPreview:print=PrintPrint the current page
PrintPreview:printall=Print AllPrint the entire table
PrintPreview:close=CloseClose the Table Print Preview window