Weps:menu=Menu Bar Menu:file=File menu
Display menu for file operations
Menu:new=NewOpen an empty, unnamed soil screen
Menu:open=OpenOpen an existing Soil input file
Menu:openlocal=Open Local DBOpen a local Soil database
Menu:openremote=Open Remote DBOpen a remote Soil database (not currently functional)
Menu:save=SaveSave the current soil file
Menu:saveAs=Save AsSave the current soil file to a new name
Menu:print=PrintPrint the soil file
Menu:exit=ExitExit the soil interface
Menu:edit=Edit menuDisplay menu to edit soil layers
Menu:cutlayer=Cut LayerCut selected layer(s) and place into the clipboard
Menu:copyrows=Copy LayerCopy selected layer(s) and place into the clipboard
Menu:pasterows=Paste LayerPaste selected or cut layer(s) from the clipboard above the currently selected layer
Menu:pasteBeforeRow=Paste LayerPaste selected layer(s) from the clipboard before the currently selected layer
Menu:pasteAfterRow=Paste LayerPaste selected layer(s) from the clipboard after the currently selected layer
Menu:duplicatelayer=Duplicate LayerDuplicate the selected layer(s)
Menu:view=View MenuDisplay menu to select the fields to be viewed
Menu:all=All fieldsMenu:selected=Selected fields Menu:onlinehelp=On-Line Help
Open the soil on line help system
Menu:helpTopics=Help Topics Menu:about=About Soil Weps:toolbar=Tool Bar Toolbar:open=OpenOpen an existing Soil file
Toolbar:save=SaveSave the Soil file
Toolbar:cut=CutCut selected soil layer(s) and place into the clipboard
Toolbar:copy=CopyCopy selected soil layer(s) into the clipboard
Toolbar:paste=PastePaste soil layer(s) from the clipboard before the currently selected soil layer
Toolbar:print=PrintPrint the soil file
Toolbar:help=Popup HelpDisplay SOIL popup help
Click here and then on an item on the screen to display help for that item.
Toolbar:close=CloseClose the soil interface
Menu:output=ViewDisplay menu to view databases
Menu:nasis= Soil:main=Main Soil screen IDPanel:soilID=Soil Identification Panel IDPanel:state=StateState in which the soil is located
IDPanel:county=CountyCounty in which the soil is located
IDPanel:area=Soil Survey Area NameSoil survey area name in which the soil occurs
IDPanel:ssid=Soil Survey IDA unique soil survey identification
IDPanel:mapunit=Map Unit SymbolSymbol used to uniquely identify the soil map unit in the soil survey
IDPanel:compname=Component NameName of the soil
IDPanel:comppercent=Component PercentPercentage of the component of the map unit
IDPanel:soilorder=Soil OrderTaxonomic soil order
IDPanel:localphase=Local PhasePhase criterion used at the local level to help identify the soil component
IDPanel:texture=TextureClass of the surface layer based on USDA system for particle size
IDPanel:losstol=Loss ToleranceMaximum amount of erosion at which the quality of a soil as a medium for plant growth can be maintained
SurfPanel:soilsurf=Soil Surface Properties Panel SurfPanel:crustthick=Soil Crust - ThicknessThickness of the consolidated zone in the surface layer
SurfPanel:crustdensity=Soil Crust - DensitySoil crust density
SurfPanel:cruststability=Soil Crust - StabilitySoil crust stability (mean natural log of crushing energy)
SurfPanel:crustfract=Soil Crust - FractionFraction of surface covered with consolidated soil as opposed to aggregated soil
SurfPanel:loosemass=Loose Material on Crust - MassMass of loose material on the crust surface
SurfPanel:loosefract=Loose Material on Crust - Cover FractionFraction of crust surface only covered by loose material
SurfPanel:randruff=Roughness - RandomThe standard deviation of the soil height
SurfPanel:ridgeorient=Ridge - OrientationOrientation of tillage ridge with North = 0.0
SurfPanel:ridgeheight=Ridge - HeightHeight of ridge from bottom of furrow to top
SurfPanel:ridgespace=Ridge - SpacingSpacing between ridge tops
SurfPanel:ridgewidth=Ridge - WidthWidth of the ridge top
SurfPanel:albedo=Soil Albedo - DryFraction of solar radiation reflected from the dry soil surface
SurfPanel:slope=Surface - SlopeDifference in elevation of two points on the overall field, expressed as a fraction of the distance between those points
SurfPanel:surffrag=Surface - FragmentsThe percent of the surface covered by mineral fragments 2 mm or greater in size
SurfPanel:bedrockdepth=bedrock depthDepth of the Bedrock
SurfPanel:resdepth=Restriction DepthDepth to a root restricting layer
LayerPanel:soillayer=Soil Layer Properties Panel LayerPanel:layernumber=Layer Number LayerPanel:layerthick=ThicknessThickness of each soil layer
LayerPanel:om=Organic MatterFraction of soil organic matter by weight
LayerPanel:sand=SandSand fraction
LayerPanel:silt=SiltSilt fraction
LayerPanel:clay=ClayClay fraction
LayerPanel:rock=Rock FragmentsFraction of rock fragments > 2 mm by volume
LayerPanel:vcsand=Sand Fractions - Very CoarseFraction of total soil that is very coarse (1.0-2.0mm)
LayerPanel:csand=Sand Fractions - CoarseFraction of total soil that is coarse (0.5-1.0mm)
LayerPanel:msand=Sand Fractions - MediumFraction of total soil that is medium (0.25-0.5)
LayerPanel:fsand=Sand Fractions - FineFraction of total soil that is fine (0.0-0.25)
LayerPanel:vfsand=Sand Fractions - Very FineFraction of total soil that is very fine (0.05-0.1)
LayerPanel:wetbd=Bulk Density - WetBulk density at 1/3 bar water content
LayerPanel:drybd=Bulk Density - DryOven dry weight per unit volume of bulk soil
LayerPanel:aggmd=Aggregate - GMDAggregate geometric mean diameter
LayerPanel:aggsd=Aggregate - GSDAggregate geometric standard deviation
LayerPanel:agmax=Aggregate - Max. SizeUpper limit of aggregate size distribution
LayerPanel:agmin=Aggregate - Min. SizeLower limit of aggregate size distribution
LayerPanel:agden=Aggregate - DensityOven dry weight per unit volume of aggregates
LayerPanel:agstab=Aggregate - StabilityMean natural log of aggregate crushing energy
LayerPanel:waterinit=Water Content - InitialWater content at the beginning of the simulation
LayerPanel:watersat=Water Content - SaturationWater content at saturation
LayerPanel:waterfc=Water Content - Field CapacityWater content at 1/3 bar tension
LayerPanel:waterpwp=Water Content - Wilting PointWater content at 15 bar tension
LayerPanel:cb=CBSoil CB value - the power of Campbell's model of the soil water characteristic curve
LayerPanel:aep=Air Entry Pot.Air entry potential or bubbling pressure
LayerPanel:satk=Sat. Hydraulic ConductivitySaturated hydraulic conductivity
LayerPanel:ph=pHSoil pH
LayerPanel:caco3=CaCO3Soil calcium carbonate equivalent
LayerPanel:cec=CECSoil cation exchange capacity
LayerPanel:lep=Linear ExtensibilityPercent difference in the soil volume between oven dry and moist state
warningPanel:warning=NotesUser entered notes pertaining to the soil file. These notes may also list parameters
that were adjusted by the interface because they were out of range.