Weps:menu=Menu Bar Menu:file=File menu

Display menu for file operations


Open an empty, unnamed soil screen


Open an existing Soil input file


Menu:openlocal=Open Local DB

Open a local Soil database


Menu:openremote=Open Remote DB

Open a remote Soil database (not currently functional)



Save the current soil file


Menu:saveAs=Save As

Save the current soil file to a new name



Print the soil file



Exit the soil interface

Menu:edit=Edit menu

Display menu to edit soil layers

Menu:cutlayer=Cut Layer

Cut selected layer(s) and place into the clipboard


Menu:copyrows=Copy Layer

Copy selected layer(s) and place into the clipboard


Menu:pasterows=Paste Layer

Paste selected or cut layer(s) from the clipboard above the currently selected layer


Menu:pasteBeforeRow=Paste Layer

Paste selected layer(s) from the clipboard before the currently selected layer


Menu:pasteAfterRow=Paste Layer

Paste selected layer(s) from the clipboard after the currently selected layer


Menu:duplicatelayer=Duplicate Layer

Duplicate the selected layer(s)


Menu:view=View Menu

Display menu to select the fields to be viewed

Menu:all=All fields

Menu:selected=Selected fields

Menu:onlinehelp=On-Line Help

Open the soil on line help system


Menu:helpTopics=Help Topics

Menu:about=About Soil

Weps:toolbar=Tool Bar Toolbar:open=Open

Open an existing Soil file


Save the Soil file


Cut selected soil layer(s) and place into the clipboard


Copy selected soil layer(s) into the clipboard


Paste soil layer(s) from the clipboard before the currently selected soil layer


Print the soil file

Toolbar:help=Popup Help

Display SOIL popup help

Click here and then on an item on the screen to display help for that item.


Close the soil interface


Display menu to view databases

Menu:nasis= Soil:main=Main Soil screen IDPanel:soilID=Soil Identification Panel IDPanel:state=State

State in which the soil is located


County in which the soil is located

IDPanel:area=Soil Survey Area Name

Soil survey area name in which the soil occurs

IDPanel:ssid=Soil Survey ID

A unique soil survey identification

IDPanel:mapunit=Map Unit Symbol

Symbol used to uniquely identify the soil map unit in the soil survey

IDPanel:compname=Component Name

Name of the soil

IDPanel:comppercent=Component Percent

Percentage of the component of the map unit

IDPanel:soilorder=Soil Order

Taxonomic soil order

IDPanel:localphase=Local Phase

Phase criterion used at the local level to help identify the soil component


Class of the surface layer based on USDA system for particle size

IDPanel:losstol=Loss Tolerance

Maximum amount of erosion at which the quality of a soil as a medium for plant growth can be maintained

SurfPanel:soilsurf=Soil Surface Properties Panel SurfPanel:crustthick=Soil Crust - Thickness

Thickness of the consolidated zone in the surface layer

SurfPanel:crustdensity=Soil Crust - Density

Soil crust density

SurfPanel:cruststability=Soil Crust - Stability

Soil crust stability (mean natural log of crushing energy)

SurfPanel:crustfract=Soil Crust - Fraction

Fraction of surface covered with consolidated soil as opposed to aggregated soil

SurfPanel:loosemass=Loose Material on Crust - Mass

Mass of loose material on the crust surface

SurfPanel:loosefract=Loose Material on Crust - Cover Fraction

Fraction of crust surface only covered by loose material

SurfPanel:randruff=Roughness - Random

The standard deviation of the soil height

SurfPanel:ridgeorient=Ridge - Orientation

Orientation of tillage ridge with North = 0.0

SurfPanel:ridgeheight=Ridge - Height

Height of ridge from bottom of furrow to top

SurfPanel:ridgespace=Ridge - Spacing

Spacing between ridge tops

SurfPanel:ridgewidth=Ridge - Width

Width of the ridge top

SurfPanel:albedo=Soil Albedo - Dry

Fraction of solar radiation reflected from the dry soil surface

SurfPanel:slope=Surface - Slope

Difference in elevation of two points on the overall field, expressed as a fraction of the distance between those points

SurfPanel:surffrag=Surface - Fragments

The percent of the surface covered by mineral fragments 2 mm or greater in size

SurfPanel:bedrockdepth=bedrock depth

Depth of the Bedrock

SurfPanel:resdepth=Restriction Depth

Depth to a root restricting layer

LayerPanel:soillayer=Soil Layer Properties Panel LayerPanel:layernumber=Layer Number LayerPanel:layerthick=Thickness

Thickness of each soil layer

LayerPanel:om=Organic Matter

Fraction of soil organic matter by weight


Sand fraction


Silt fraction


Clay fraction

LayerPanel:rock=Rock Fragments

Fraction of rock fragments > 2 mm by volume

LayerPanel:vcsand=Sand Fractions - Very Coarse

Fraction of total soil that is very coarse (1.0-2.0mm)

LayerPanel:csand=Sand Fractions - Coarse

Fraction of total soil that is coarse (0.5-1.0mm)

LayerPanel:msand=Sand Fractions - Medium

Fraction of total soil that is medium (0.25-0.5)

LayerPanel:fsand=Sand Fractions - Fine

Fraction of total soil that is fine (0.0-0.25)

LayerPanel:vfsand=Sand Fractions - Very Fine

Fraction of total soil that is very fine (0.05-0.1)

LayerPanel:wetbd=Bulk Density - Wet

Bulk density at 1/3 bar water content

LayerPanel:drybd=Bulk Density - Dry

Oven dry weight per unit volume of bulk soil

LayerPanel:aggmd=Aggregate - GMD

Aggregate geometric mean diameter

LayerPanel:aggsd=Aggregate - GSD

Aggregate geometric standard deviation

LayerPanel:agmax=Aggregate - Max. Size

Upper limit of aggregate size distribution

LayerPanel:agmin=Aggregate - Min. Size

Lower limit of aggregate size distribution

LayerPanel:agden=Aggregate - Density

Oven dry weight per unit volume of aggregates

LayerPanel:agstab=Aggregate - Stability

Mean natural log of aggregate crushing energy

LayerPanel:waterinit=Water Content - Initial

Water content at the beginning of the simulation

LayerPanel:watersat=Water Content - Saturation

Water content at saturation

LayerPanel:waterfc=Water Content - Field Capacity

Water content at 1/3 bar tension

LayerPanel:waterpwp=Water Content - Wilting Point

Water content at 15 bar tension


Soil CB value - the power of Campbell's model of the soil water characteristic curve

LayerPanel:aep=Air Entry Pot.

Air entry potential or bubbling pressure

LayerPanel:satk=Sat. Hydraulic Conductivity

Saturated hydraulic conductivity


Soil pH


Soil calcium carbonate equivalent


Soil cation exchange capacity

LayerPanel:lep=Linear Extensibility

Percent difference in the soil volume between oven dry and moist state


User entered notes pertaining to the soil file. These notes may also list parameters
that were adjusted by the interface because they were out of range.