Editing WEPS Operation Parameters

To load all the WEPS crop files into the viewer when the program first starts select the option to View Operations Records and click OK.

If there are any error messages when loading the operation files these are displayed. The most common error would be a parameter that is included in the operation file but not in the MCREW configuration files. If this happens you should contact WEPS technical support.

After the operations data is loaded the viewer is in read-only mode and the data can not be changed. Before any changes can be made select the Options item from the main menu and then click the Allow Changes item.

All data items can be changed except those lines that are displayed in gray which indicates the file is marked as read-only.

The main operations window lists the operation name followed by the list of processes that make up the operation. On the left side of the window is a tabbed listing of all the various WEPS groups and processes that have parameters. The processes or groups that do not have parameters are not listed.

Clicking on the various tabs will switch the table to a view of the parameters associated with that particular group or process. If an operation does not have parameters associated with a certain process or group then the columns will be gray and have a '--' displayed.

To change values in any of the cells in the process/group tables just double-click the cell and type in a new value. There is some error checks to make sure that numeric fields contain numeric values. There is no checking for the range of acceptable (or reasonable) numbers. If the field is a dropdown list when the cell is click the choices are displayed.

After any field is changed the name of the crop is highlighted in yellow.

To display the cell values in English units click the Options menu and select the first item Alternate (English) Units.

Working with the Operation Name Menu

To display this menu right-click when the mouse is over an operation name in the main operations window. The detail process tables do not display this menu.

If the file is read-only some of these choices will not be available.
  1. Create New Empty Operation - This will create a new operation that contains no processes. A file window will be displayed where the name of the new file can be entered and also what subdirectory the file will be created in. All new operations should be created someplace under the WEPS operations directory.
  2. Clone an Operation - This creates a copy of this operation with a different name. The new file is created in the same directory as the original.
  3. Rename an Operation - This will rename an operation. The file is saved under the new name.
  4. Delete an Operation - Remove an operation file.
  5. View List of Processes - This will display a window with the list of processes listed vertically. This is easier to read that the horizontal list of processes. This window is only for information, no changes can be made.
  6. Set New Operation Type - This inserts a new operation type as the first entry in the operation.
  7. Save this Operation - Writes the information to the operations file.
  8. Check Process Order - Verifies that the processes have the correct groups preceding them in the list.

Working with the Operation Process Menu

To display this menu right-click when the mouse is over a process name in an operation.

If the file is read-only this menu will not be displayed.
  1. Delete Process - Remove the current process from the list.
  2. Select a Different Process - A window will be displayed that lists the available processes. Select one process to replace this one.
  3. Insert a New Process Before - A window will be displayed that lists the available processes. Select one process to insert before this one. The operation will now have an additional process.
  4. Insert a New Process After - A window will be displayed that lists the available processes. Select one process to insert after this one. The operation will now have an additional process.
  5. Move Process Left - Shift this process one position to the left. The operation will have the same number of processes.
  6. Move Process Right - Shift this process one position to the right. The operation will have the same number of processes.