WEPS Database Viewer

The WEPS Database viewer is a separate java program from WEPS that is designed to allow editing of WEPS crop and operation database files in  a spreadsheet view. The spreadsheet view allows the parameters from each database file to be compared with other files. New operations can also be defined and the process order within existing operations can be modified.

After starting the program the following window is displayed asking what type of WEPS data will be viewed/edited. Either the WEPS crops or operations files can be selected.

If the directory containing the crop or operations files can not be determined then the following window will be displayed to allow the user to choose the directory where WEPS is installed. If the crop and operations files can be found  this window is not shown.

To select the directory just double-click on the name.

The crop or operations database files are then listed in the spreadsheet view, each line contains the name name of the file. Since the operations data may be arranged in subdirectories the subdirectory name is added for operations files. The spreadsheet is initially read-only and no data can be changed.

To change any data the select the main Options menu and select the "Allow Changes" entry.