9/20/2016 1. Complete: 9/12/16: data files after install still contain %20, etc. 2. Complete: 9/20/16: Need NRCS version (make launch file and add link to web page) Added, but not working yet. Config file not found. Config file found. Now, other NRCS errors when starting. NRCS has distinct directory / file naming scheme. ? 3. Complete: 9/16/16: Linux version not working 4. Complete: 9/16/16: weps science code output not showing in reports. wepsgui.out file exists after run (is returned from server) but no results showing in report. 5. Complete: 9/16/16: Add cert dir to dataHandler and builds Complete: 9/16/16: Add wmrm dir to dataHandler and builds 6. Complete: 9/16/16: Desktop icon is default java instead of weps 7. Complete: 9/16/16: Linux end up with 2 "Weps Files" dirs. One in home that has runs in it, one in home/Documents that has projects 8. Complete: 9/20/16: data files after UPDATE still contain %20, etc. (install works, not update) 9. Complete: 9/21/16: Put the WebStart config panel items into its own tabbed pane so that the overall size of the panel is not so big. 10. Complete: 11/16/16: Add functionality to run from CD. Problem: startup is OK, but then invocation of local server (for datahandler) fails. At that point, we are running on the local HD and have lost 'contact' with the CD drive. Resolution: bundle the dataHandler code into the weps jar, so that it can be accessed via getResource(), which always works after the initial startup, since Java keeps track (internally) of the jar resources, wherever we are executing from. 11. Complete: 11/16/16: Add data version info (server and local machine) to the data / installer dialog. 12. Complete: 11/16/16: Remove "ServerControlExec, failed in parsing progress result" debug output statement. 13.