IDENTIFICATION: CDS header Length:0 USAF: Identification FIXED-WEATHER-STATION USAF MASTER STATION CATALOG identifier The identifier that represents a FIXED-WEATHER-STATION. Length:6 NCDC: Identification FIXED-WEATHER-STATION NCDC WBAN identifier The identifier that represents a FIXED-WEATHER-STATION. Length:5 DATE: Identification GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION date The date of a GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION. Length:8 HRMN: Identification GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION time The time of a GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION based on Coordinated Universal Time Code (UTC). Length:4 I: Identification GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION data source flag The flag of a GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION showing the source or combination of sources used in creating the observation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: USAF hourly observation, candidate for merge with NCDC Surface Hourly (not yet merged, failed element cross-checks) 2: NCDC hourly observation, candidate for merge with USAF Surface Hourly (not yet merged, failed element cross-checks) 3: USAF hourly/NCDC hourly merged observation 4: USAF Surface Hourly observation 5: NCDC hourly observation 6: ASOS/AWOS observation from NCDC* 7: ASOS/AWOS observation merged with USAF Surface Hourly observation* 8: MAPSO observation (NCDC)* A: USAF hourly/NCDC hourly precipitation merged observation, candidate for merge with NCDC Surface Hourly (not yet merged, failed element cross-checks) B: NCDC hourly/NCDC hourly precipitation merged observation, candidate for merge with USAF Surface Hourly (not yet merged, failed element cross-checks) C: USAF hourly/NCDC hourly/NCDC hourly precipitation merged observation D: USAF hourly/NCDC hourly precipitation merged observation E: NCDC hourly/NCDC hourly precipitation merged observation F: Form OMR/1001 - Weather Bureau city office (keyed data)* G: SAO surface airways observation, pre-1949 (keyed data)* H: SAO surface airways observation, 1965-1981 format/period (keyed data)* I: Climate Reference Network observation* J: Cooperative Network observation* K: Radiation Network observation* L: Data from Climate Data Modernization Program (CDMP) data source* M: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)* N: NCAR / NCDC cooperative effort (various national datasets)* TYPE: Identification GEOPHYSICAL-REPORT-TYPE code The code that denotes the type of geophysical surface observation. Length:5 Default Value:99999 Table of Values: AERO: Aerological report AUST: Dataset from Australia* AUTO: Report from an automatic station BOGUS: Bogus report BRAZ: Dataset from Brazil* COOPD: US Cooperative Network summary of day report* COOPS: US Cooperative Network soil temperature report* CRB: Climate Reference Book data from CDMP* CRN05: Climate Reference Network report, with 5-minute reporting interval* CRN15: Climate Reference Network report, with 15-minute reporting interval* FM-12: SYNOP Report of surface observation form a fixed land station FM-13: SHIP Report of surface observation from a sea station FM-14: SYNOP MOBIL Report of surface observation from a mobile land station FM-15: METAR Aviation routine weather report FM-16: SPECI Aviation selected special weather report FM-18: BUOY Report of a buoy observation GREEN: Dataset from Greenland* MESOS: MESONET operated civilian or government agency MEXIC: Dataset from Mexico* NSRDB: National Solar Radiation Data Base PCP15: US 15-minute precipitation network report* PCP60: US 60-minute precipitation network report* S-S-A: Synoptic, airways, and auto merged report SA-AU: Airways and auto merged report SAO: Airways report (includes record specials) SAOSP: Airways special report (excluding record specials) SHEF: Standard Hydrologic Exchange Format SMARS: Supplementary airways station report SOD: Summary of day report from U.S. ASOS or AWOS station* SOM: Summary of month report from U.S. ASOS or AWOS station* SURF: Surface Radiation Network report* SY-AE: Synoptic and aero merged report SY-AU: Synoptic and auto merged report SY-MT: Synoptic and METAR merged report SY-SA: Synoptic and airways merged report WBO: Weather Bureau Office* WNO: Washington Naval Observatory WIND: WIND-OBSERVATION header Length:0 DIR: WIND-OBSERVATION direction angle The angle, measured in a clockwise direction, between true north and the direction from which the wind is blowing. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:999 Table of Values: 999: Missing. If type code (below) = V, then 999 indicates variable wind direction. Q: WIND-OBSERVATION direction quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported WIND-OBSERVATION direction angle. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present I: WIND-OBSERVATION type code The code that denotes the character of the WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: A: Abridged Beaufort B: Beaufort C: Calm H: 5-Minute Average Speed N: Normal Q: Squall R: 60-Minute Average Speed T: 180 Minute Average Speed V: Variable SPD: WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate The rate of horizontal travel of air past a fixed point. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Meters per Second Default Value:9999 Q: WIND-OBSERVATION speed quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0: Passed gross limits check 1: Passed all quality control checks 2: Suspect 3: Erroneous 4: Passed gross limits check , data originate from an NCDC data source 5: Passed all quality control checks, data originate from an NCDC data source 6: Suspect, data originate from an NCDC data source 7: Erroneous, data originate from an NCDC data source 9: Passed gross limits check if element is present QCP: Identification METEOROLOGICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION quality control process name The name of the quality control process applied to a weather observation. Length:4