c the database header c sign: '#' c st_no: station wban number c st_country: station country location c st_state: station state location c st_city: station city location c lati_deg: latitude of site in degrees c lati_min: latitude of site in minutes c lati_hem: latitude of site in hemisphere c long_deg: longitude of site in degrees c long_min: longitude of site in minutes c long_hem: longitude of site in hemisphere c elevation: elevation of site c s_date: start date of the data c e_date: end date of the data c obs: observations from header character *1 sign integer st_no character st_country*4, st_state*2, st_city*20 integer lati_deg, lati_min character *1 lati_hem integer long_deg, long_min character *1 long_hem integer elevation character*8 s_date, e_date character*5 obs integer CALM integer NDIR integer NMONTHS parameter (CALM = 16) parameter (NDIR = 16) parameter (NMONTHS = 12) c directional frequency, wind shape factor, wind scale factor c wind ratio, and hour of max wind speed real dir(0:NDIR,0:NMONTHS-1) real shape(0:NDIR-1,0:NMONTHS-1) real scale(0:NDIR-1,0:NMONTHS-1) real ratio(0:NMONTHS-1) integer hr_max(0:NMONTHS-1) common / wind_db / i st_no, i lati_deg, lati_min, i long_deg, long_min, i elevation, i hr_max, r dir, shape, scale, ratio, c lati_hem, long_hem, c st_country, st_state, st_city, c s_date, e_date, obs