subroutine idfind(nst, p, n, x, y, z, seln, dist) integer nst, n, seln(*) real p(3), x(n), y(n), z(n), dist(*) !*********************************************************** ! ! Fred Fox ! USDA-ARS-CGAHR-EWERU ! Manhattan KS ! ! 6/03/2011 ! ! This subroutine locates the NST points that are closest to ! point P from the set of N points supplied and returns the point ! index and the distances for each point selected. ! ! On input: ! ! NST = Number of points to be returned ! ! P = Array of length 3 containing the x, y, and z ! coordinates (in that order) of the point P to be ! located. ! ! N = Number of points to be searched. N .GE. NST. ! ! X,Y,Z = Arrays of length N containing the Cartesian ! coordinates of the triangulation nodes (unit ! vectors). (X(I),Y(I),Z(I)) defines node I ! for I = 1 to N. ! ! Input parameters are not altered by this routine. ! ! On output: ! ! SELN = Array of length NST of indexes of the nearest points ! ! DIST = Array of length NST with distance from point P ! to point reference by SELN. ! ! Modules required by IDFIND: arc_len ! ! Intrinsic function called by TRFIND: None ! !*********************************************************** integer idx, jdx, imaxdist real dist1, maxdist, dx(2), dy(2), dz(2) ! function declaration real arc_len ! set up location point dx(1) = p(1) dy(1) = p(2) dz(1) = p(3) ! set up initial distance array to large values do idx = 1,nst dist(idx) = 10.0 seln(idx) = 0 end do ! distances are in radians so should be max 2pi ! this value triggers replacement of originals maxdist = 10.0 imaxdist = 1 ! loop through all candidate points selecting the closest ones do idx = 1, n ! insert point into distance array dx(2) = x(idx) dy(2) = y(idx) dz(2) = z(idx) dist1 = arc_len(dx, dy, dz) !write(*,*) 'imaxdist, maxdist, dist1:', imaxdist, maxdist, dist1 if( dist1 .lt. maxdist ) then ! this point is closer than the max distance point, replace it. dist(imaxdist) = dist1 seln(imaxdist) = idx ! find point in selected array that is new max distance do jdx = 1, nst if( dist(jdx) .gt. dist(imaxdist) ) then maxdist = dist(jdx) imaxdist = jdx end if end do end if end do return end