# plot triangulation arcs # when triangulate is run with -d, the files listed below are created. # run this file in gnuplot to show the triangulation triangles and in # particular the three points selected to interpolate the specified point. # changed .edg files to allow input into GRASS to create .shp files # now .edg files must be stripped of 'L 2' string # /usr/bin/cat windgen_int_internal.edg | /usr/bin/sed "s/L 2//" > windgen_int_internal.edg.gnuplot # /usr/bin/cat windgen_int_reflected.edg | /usr/bin/sed "s/L 2//" > windgen_int_reflected.edg.gnuplot ! /bin/cat windgen_int_internal.edg | /bin/sed "s/L 2//" > windgen_int_internal.edg.gnuplot ! /bin/cat windgen_int_reflected.edg | /bin/sed "s/L 2//" > windgen_int_reflected.edg.gnuplot # changed .pol files to allow input into GRASS to create .shp files # now .pol files must be stripped of 'B*' string ! /bin/cat windgen_int_poly_as_read.pol | /bin/sed "s/B.*//" > windgen_int_poly_as_read.pol.gnuplot unset key unset border unset yzeroaxis unset xtics unset ytics #set xrange [-115:-60] #set yrange [21:52] # Colorado example set xrange [-105.5:-100.5] set yrange [35.5:40.5] set terminal pdf set output 'interp_debug.pdf' set title "Data point triangulation with boundary reflections" plot 'windgen_int_poly_as_read.pol.gnuplot' with lines lt 4, \ 'windgen_int_inbound.pts' with points lt 3 pt 1 ps 1, \ 'windgen_int_internal.edg.gnuplot' with lines lt 5, \ 'windgen_int_reflected.edg.gnuplot' with linespoints lt 1 pt 1 ps 1, \ 'windgen_int_internal.pts' with lines lt 1, \ 'windgen_int_internal.pts' with points lt 2 pt 3 ps 2 # 'windgen_int_large.pol' with lines lt 7, \ # 'windgen_int_small.pol' with lines lt 7, \ # 'windgen_int_boxes.pol' with lines lt 2, \ # 'windgen_int_poly_as_read.pol' with lines lt 2, \