c$Header: /weru/cvs/climate/wind_gen/src/tst_fdate_0/main.for,v 1.1 1999-04-12 19:53:45 ffa Exp $ c program tstdat c + + + PURPOSE + + + c To test JULDAY function and CALDAT subroutine c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c date, utility, test c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer dd, mm, yyyy, day, month, year c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c dd - day --\ c mm - month >-- parsed from input c yyyy - year --/ c c day - day --\ c month - month >-- returned from CALDAT c year - year --/ c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer nod, wk c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c caldat, mvdate c c + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + integer julday, lstday, difdat integer dayear, wkday, wkjday logical isleap c c + + + INPUT FORMATS + + + 1000 format (i2, 1x, i2, 1x, i4) c c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + 2000 format ('Date Entered? : ', i2.2, '/', i2.2, '/', i4.4) 2005 format ('Substituting date: ', i2.2, '/', i2.2, '/', i4.4) 2006 format ('Day of year is : ', i3.3) 2010 format ('A week ago it was: ', i2.2, '/', i2.2, '/', i4.4) 2020 format ('Tommorrow will be: ', i2.2, '/', i2.2, '/', i4.4) 2030 format ('There are ', i2, ' more days til payday') 2040 format ('Payday is on Friday, the ', i2, 'th.') c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c print*, 'Enter a date (dd/mm/yyyy)' read 1000, dd, mm, yyyy call caldat (julday (dd, mm, yyyy), day, month, year) print 2000, day, month, year c c day, month, year contains corrected date (i.e. 31/09/XXXX => 01/10/XXXX) if (day.ne.dd) then print*, 'The date entered does not exist or algorithm ERROR.' print 2005, day, month, year c dd, mm, yyyy are now corrected also dd=day mm=month yyyy=year endif c if (isleap(yyyy)) then print*, 'This is a leap year' else print*, 'This is not a leap year' endif print 2006, dayear(dd,mm,yyyy) wk = wkday(dd,mm,yyyy) if (wk .eq. 0) then print*, 'This is a Monday' else if (wk .eq. 1) then print*, 'This is a Tuesday' else if (wk .eq. 2) then print*, 'This is a Wednesday' else if (wk .eq. 3) then print*, 'This is a Thursday' else if (wk .eq. 4) then print*, 'This is a Friday' else if (wk .eq. 5) then print*, 'This is a Saturday' else if (wk .eq. 6) then print*, 'This is a Sunday' endif if (wk .eq. wkjday(julday(dd,mm,yyyy))) then print*, 'I agree with the day of the week' else print*, 'I disagree with weekday - check wkday/wkjday' endif print*, 'Last day of the month is: ', lstday (mm, yyyy) print*, 'Julian date is: ', julday (dd, mm, yyyy) call mvdate (-7, dd, mm, yyyy, day, month, year) print 2010, day, month, year call mvdate (1, dd, mm, yyyy, day, month, year) print 2020, day, month, year nod=difdat (dd, mm, yyyy, lstday (mm, yyyy), mm, yyyy)+1 if (nod.eq.1) then print*, 'There is 1 more day till the next month.' else wk=wkjday(julday(lstday (mm, yyyy),mm,yyyy) + 1) day = lstday(mm, yyyy) if (wk .eq. 5) then nod = nod - 1 print 2030, nod day = day - 1 print 2040, day else if (wk .eq. 6) then nod = nod - 2 print 2030, nod day = day - 2 print 2040, day else print 2030, nod print*, 'PS: Pay day is first of next month.' endif endif endif end c c$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ cRevision 1999/03/12 17:05:31 wagner cBaseline version of WEPS with Bill Rust's modifications c c Revision 1995/01/18 04:20:08 wagner c Initial checkin c c Revision 2.2 1993/03/08 18:58:35 dudley c pay day function is more acurrate! :) c c Revision 2.1 1992/03/27 17:22:53 wagner c Generic test routine for the date functions. c It does not exercise any routines thoroughly c but does exercise all of them some. c c Version 2 code. c