program wind_genf include '' c-------------------1. declear variable and format -------------------- integer lnblnk, julday c for file units (read and write) integer i_unit !input file unit (wind_gen database record) integer o_unit !output file unit (wind_gen output file) integer e_unit !error output file unit c output filename character file_wdb*128, file_out*128, file_out1*128 c desired wban station no. integer station_no character*1 answer c used for loop integer i, m, j c julian start and stop days integer jstart, jstop c random number real rnd1, rnd2, rand c max, min, and representative wind speed real umax, umin, urep c a term real a ! directional frequency for each month (computed) real dirf(0:NDIR,0:NMONTHS-1) c beginning year of simulation and number of yeras to simulate integer begin_year, no_years integer y c the month for scale access, calendar year and day integer month, cal_year, cal_day c the direction of the wind integer idir ! index for wind directions real wdir ! actual computed wind direction in degrees c beginning calendar year of simulation begin_year = 1 c number of years to simulate no_years = 1 c Set unit numbers for input and output file devices. c (stdin = 5, stdout = 6, stderr = 0) i_unit = 8 !stdin !can't use stdin until station no. is obtained differently o_unit = 6 !stdout e_unit = 0 !stderr c for the database header 100 format (a,1x,i5,1x,a,a,1x,a) 110 format (i2,1x,i2,1x,a,1x,i3,1x,i2,1x,a,1x,i2,1x,a,1x,a,1x,a) 200 format (12(1x,f4.1)) !for dir(i,m) 300 format (12(2x, f4.2)) !for scale(i,m) and shape(i,m) 400 format (12(2x,f3.1)) !for ratio(m) 500 format (12(i2, 3x)) !for hr_max(m) c for the output header 600 format (1x,'station: ',a,', ',a,2x,a) 610 format (1x,'lat: ', i3, 'd ', i2,'m ', a,' lon: ', + i3,'d ',i2,'m ',a) 620 format (1x, 'period: ',a,'-',a,' el: ',i4, 'm') 630 format (1x, 'day mo year dir umax umin hrmax') 631 format (1x, 'day mo year dir umax umin hrmax', * ' urep a shape scale idir rand1 rand2') 640 format (1x, ' deg m/s m/s') 650 format ('-------------------------------------') c for the output data 700 format (i3,i3,1x,i5,f6.1,f6.1,f6.1,i5) c for long output format 800 format (i3,i3,1x,i5,f6.1,f6.1,f6.1,i5, * f6.1,f7.3,f6.2,f6.2,i3,f6.3,f6.3) c Open input file (if changed from stdin). if (i_unit .ne. 5) then file_wdb = 'wind_gen.wdb' ! default wind_gen db file name write(0,*) 'Enter the name of wind_gen database input file:' read*, file_wdb open (i_unit, file=file_wdb) else file_wdb = 'stdin' endif write(0,*) 'Enter the station no:' read*, station_no write(0,*) 'Do we want "long" output format? (y/n)' read*, answer c Open output file (if changed from stdout). if (o_unit .ne. 6) then print*, 'Enter the name of daily-wind output file:' read*, file_out1 open(o_unit, file = file_out1) endif call read_wdb(i_unit, station_no) if (answer .eq. 'y' .or. answer .eq. 'Y') then call disp_wdb(o_unit) ! part of long output format !call write_wdb(o_unit) ! to verify read_wdb() endif c------------------ 4. do the daily wind speed simulation --------------- ! print output header write(o_unit,600) * st_city(1:lnblnk(st_city)), st_state, st_country write(o_unit,610) * lati_deg, lati_min, lati_hem, * long_deg, long_min, long_hem write(o_unit,620) s_date, e_date, elevation if (answer .eq. 'y' .or. answer .eq. 'Y') then write(o_unit,631) else write(o_unit,630) endif write(o_unit,640) write(o_unit,650) jstart = julday(1,1,begin_year) y = begin_year+no_years-1 jstop = julday(31,12,y) rnd1 = rand(1) !initialize random number generator call get_dirf(dirf) !initialize dirf() array do 80 j=jstart, jstop !for each day.... call caldat(j, cal_day, month, cal_year) rnd1 = rand(0) !get random no for computing wind direction rnd2 = rand(0) !get random no for computing wind speed call day_wind( rnd1, rnd2, month, dirf(0,0), + idir, wdir, a, + urep, umax, umin) if (answer .eq. 'y' .or. answer .eq. 'Y') then if (idir .eq. 16) then write(o_unit,800) cal_day, month, cal_year, + wdir, umax, umin, -1, + urep, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0, + idir,rnd1,rnd2 else write(o_unit,800) cal_day, month, cal_year, + wdir, umax, umin, hr_max(month-1), + urep,a,shape(idir,month-1),scale(idir,month-1), + idir,rnd1,rnd2 endif else write(o_unit,700) cal_day, month, cal_year, + wdir, umax, umin, hr_max(month-1) endif 80 continue if (i_unit .ne. 5) then close(i_unit) endif if (o_unit .ne. 6) then close(o_unit) endif stop end