Symposium Tour
Table of Contents
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On the tour bus
The WERU Wind Tunnel Laboratory
Soil surface measurement equipment
Roughness measurement devices
Pin meter for measuring surface roughness
Scanning a pin meter photograph
A laser roughness meter
Soil aggregate measurement devices
Soil Aggregate Crushing Energy Meter (SACEM)
A modified rotary sieve
Erosion measurement equipment
Erosion measurement equipment
Fine particle measurement devices
Fine particle measurement devices
The WERU large wind tunnel fan
The working section of the large wind tunnel
The WERU wind tunnel in the field
The NRCS Plant Materials Center
Opening a gate on the Konza Prairie
Bison on the Konza prairie
Bison and calf
A tour stop on the Konza Prairie
The carbon dioxide flux study
A 3-dimensional sonic anemometer
A propeller type anemometer
Instrument tower at the carbon dioxide flux study site
The Konza Prairie headquarters
The stone barn at KPRNA
The end of the tour
Gathering at the KPRNA headquarters
Bison BBQ dinner
Bison BBQ dinner
Bison BBQ dinner
Bison BBQ dinner
Bison BBQ dinner
Sunset at the end of the day
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