A 3-dimensional sonic anemometer
Go to slide: 1: On the tour bus 2: The WERU Wind Tunnel Laboratory 3: Soil surface measurement equipment 4: Roughness measurement devices 5: Pin meter for measuring surface roughness 6: Scanning a pin meter photograph 7: A laser roughness meter 8: Soil aggregate measurement devices 9: Soil Aggregate Crushing Energy Meter (SACEM) 10: A modified rotary sieve 11: Erosion measurement equipment 12: Erosion measurement equipment 13: Fine particle measurement devices 14: Fine particle measurement devices 15: The WERU large wind tunnel fan 16: The working section of the large wind tunnel 17: The WERU wind tunnel in the field 18: The NRCS Plant Materials Center 19: Opening a gate on the Konza Prairie 20: Bison on the Konza prairie 21: Bison and calf 22: Bison 23: A tour stop on the Konza Prairie 24: The carbon dioxide flux study 25: A 3-dimensional sonic anemometer 26: A propeller type anemometer 27: Instrument tower at the carbon dioxide flux study site 28: The Konza Prairie headquarters 29: The stone barn at KPRNA 30: The end of the tour 31: Gathering at the KPRNA headquarters 32: Bison BBQ dinner 33: Bison BBQ dinner 34: Bison BBQ dinner 35: Bison BBQ dinner 36: Bison BBQ dinner 37: Sunset at the end of the day
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