JClass DesktopViews 6.3.0 API Documentation |
Interface Summary | |
BindingModel | Extends ReadOnlyBindingModel and provides update methods. |
ColumnModel | Interface for information about columns. |
DataModel | This is the data interface for JClass DataSource. |
DataModelListener | Objects interested in receiving DataModelEvents must implement this interface. |
DataTableAbstractionLayer | This interface is only of interest to those who wish to implement their own data source using some other implementation. |
DataTableModel | This is the interface for data storage for the JClass DataSource datamodel. |
IdeDataTableModel | An interface which abstracts common IDE methods. |
IdeMetaDataModel | An interface which abstracts common ide methods. |
MetaDataModel | This is the interface for objects that hold the meta-data for data tables. |
ProviderModel | Classes implementing this interface can be specified as providers of data for MetaData levels. |
ReadOnlyBindingListener | Passive listeners -- objects interested in receiving only read-only DataModelEvents should implement this interface. |
ReadOnlyBindingModel | This interface provides a single-level, 2-dimensional view of a set of data. |
StoreModel | Provides storage and retrieval for DataTableData. |
TreeIteratorModel | This is the interface for an iterator which will traverse the list of children for this this node. |
VirtualColumnModel | This is the interface for derived columns which can be added to DataSource. |
Class Summary | |
BaseColumn | An implementation of ColumnModel. |
BaseDataTable | This class provides a default implementation of DataTableModel and DataTableAbstractionLayer interfaces. |
BaseMetaData | Base implementation of MetaDataModel. |
BaseVirtualColumn | Adds columns to rows which are not retrieved from the data source. |
Binding | Extends ReadOnlyBinding and provides update methods. |
DataModelAdapter | DataModelListener adapter for DataModelEvent. |
DataModelEvent | DataModelEvent describes changes to the data source. |
DataSourceTreeModel | This class extends the swing DefaultTreeModel to provide methods required by JClass DataSource. |
DataSourceTreeNode | This class extends the swing DefaultMutableTreeNode to provide methods required by JClass DataSource. |
ErrorDialog | This is a class for displaying DataSource errors in a popup dialog. |
ForwardTreeIterator | Iterates over the siblings of a tree in the Forward direction; extends TreeIterator. |
IdeDataTable | This class extends BaseDataTable to provide functionality common to IDE implementations. |
IdeMetaData | Exploits commonality betwee ides. |
JCVersion | In JClass, each package has a JCVersion class. |
LocaleBundle | Locale specific tag-message pairs used in DataSource to provide internationalization. |
LoginDialog | A user login dialog is used to prompt user entering login information. |
ReadOnlyBinding | This class provides a single-level, 2-dimensional view of a set of data. |
ReverseTreeIterator | Iterates over the siblings of a tree in the Reverse direction; extends TreeIterator. |
Store | Provides storage and retrieval for DataTableData. |
TreeData | An implementation of DataModel. |
TreeIterator | Iterates over the siblings of a tree; extends TreeIteratorModel. |
Exception Summary | |
DataModelException | Any exceptions from this data model will be wrapped in this DataModelException. |
Contains the core classes for JClass Datasource. JClass DataSource allows you to access multiple tables in multiple databases by expressing a hierarchy of queries. JClass DataSource represents this hierarchy as a tree so your components can easily navigate the meta data and bind to a particular table and column. It may be used in conjunction with any data bound component, such as Quest's JClass LiveTable and JClass Field, and it can be tied to a grid or multiple tables to display hierarchical data.
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