JClass DesktopViews 6.3.0 API Documentation |
Interface Summary | |
ActionInitiator | ActionInitiators are used by TableAction to
associate a key stroke or mouse press or other type of event to a
specific action on table. |
CellBorderModel | Defines the requirements for a object responsible for renderering cell borders. |
CellLayoutModel | Defines the requirements for an object responsible for cell dimensions. |
CellStyleModel | The CellStyleModel class provides CellRenderer
and CellEditor objects formatting information that can
be used in drawing. |
ComponentModel | ComponentModel defines the requirements of a class that controls
the storage, placement and traversal of components in cells. |
DataViewModel | The DataViewModel interface defines the methods for classes
that can serve as an intermediary between the JCTable and the
data source (TableDataModel ). |
EditableTableDataModel | The EditableTableDataModel interface extends the basic read-only
TableDataModel interface, adding the ability for the
JCTable object to change the data if the user edits it. |
EditTraverseHandler | EditTraverseHandler controls the cell traversal and editor
display/commit/cancel logic. |
FocusModel | Since in JDK1.4, a different focus mechanism is used, an object implementing
the FocusManager interface is required to use the correct
mechanism for the current environment. |
JCCellDisplayListener | This is the listener interface for receiving JCCellDisplayEvent
objects for cells. |
JCEditCellListener | The listener interface for receiving JCEditCellEvent objects. |
JCPaintListener | The listener interface for receiving JCPaintEvent objects. |
JCPrintListener | The listener interface for receiving JCPrintEvent objects. |
JCResizeCellListener | The interface that receives JCResizeCellEvent objects. |
JCResizeCellMotionListener | The interface that receives JCResizeCellEvent objects during
the resize process. |
JCScrollListener | The listener interface for receiving JCScrollEvent objects. |
JCSelectListener | The listener interface for receiving JCSelectEvent objects. |
JCSortListener | The listener interface for receiving JCSortEvent objects. |
JCTableDataListener | The interface that receives JCTableDataEvent objects. |
JCTableEnum | These are commonly used variables and constants in JClass JCTable . |
JCTraverseCellListener | The listener interface for receiving JCTraverseCellEvent objects. |
Moveable | Moveable defines the interface required by classes that DataViewSupport can move/add/delete and swap. |
RowColumnSeriesModel | RowColumnSeriesModel defines the interface required by classes
that can store row or column based properties. |
SelectionModel | The SelectionModel interface represents the current cell
selection state in Table. |
SeriesModel | SeriesModel defines the interface required by classes that can
store row/column based properties (for example, editors, renderers, styles). |
SortableDataViewModel | The SortableDataViewModel adds methods to sort, drag and swap rows
and columns in the view. |
TableCellInfoModel | TableCellInfoModel interface extends the CellInfo
adding table specific methods. |
TableDataModel | The TableDataModel interface defines a data source for
the JCTable |
Class Summary | |
AdjustmentHandler | AdjustmentHandler responds to AdjustmentEvents and
manages table scrolling. |
BaseDataView | The BaseDataView class implements all DataViewModel methods that control
editors and renderers. |
CellArea | A CellArea is a transparent component that manages
a specific scrollable or non-scrollable region within JCTable. |
CellAreaHandler | CellAreaHandler controls the creation and removal of
CellAreas within the table. |
CellAreaRenderer | CellAreaRenderer controls the painting of
CellAreas within the table. |
CellRangeFlavor | CellRangeFlavor is a Transferable
object that passes cell data through a Vector of cells. |
CellRangeValue | Contains a JCCellRange and associated object. |
CellSize | The CellSize class controls the dimensions for single row or
column. |
CellStyleChangeSupport | The CellStyleChangeSupport class provides methods to notify
PropertyChange listeners of style changes. |
ComponentHandler | ComponentHandler controls the placement of components within
table and ensures that traverse from a component to table or table to
component flows across and down the cells or to the left and up for reverse
traversal. |
ComponentHandlerNew | ComponentHandler controls the placement of components within
table and ensures that traverse from a component to table or table to
component flows across and down the cells or to the left and up for reverse
traversal. |
ComponentHandlerOld | ComponentHandler controls the placement of components within
table and ensures that traverse from a component to table or table to
component flows across and down the cells or to the left and up for reverse
traversal. |
EditTraverseHandlerAbstract | EditTraverseHandlerOld controls the cell traversal and editor
display/commit/cancel logic for JDK's prior to 1.4. |
EditTraverseHandlerNew | EditTraverseHandlerNew controls the cell traversal and editor
display/commit/cancel logic for JDK's 1.4 and later. |
EditTraverseHandlerOld | EditTraverseHandlerOld controls the cell traversal and editor
display/commit/cancel logic for JDK's prior to 1.4. |
FocusManager | Since in JDK1.4, a different focus mechanism is used, an object implementing
the FocusModel interface is required to use the correct
mechanism for the current environment. |
FocusManagerNew | A FocusManager object for JDK 1.4 and later |
FocusManagerOld | A FocusManager object for JDK's prior to 1.4 |
InputHandler | InputHandler provides copy/paste support for
KeyInputHandler and MouseInputHandler . |
JCCellBorder | The JCCellBorder class implements the CellBorderModel
interface, and provides border drawing for the standard border types. |
JCCellDisplayAdapter | The adapter which receives JCCellDisplay events. |
JCCellDisplayEvent | The event posted when a cell value is requested for display. |
JCCellLayout | Maintain row/column heights and widths in a "chain" or array of runs. |
JCCellPosition | JCCellPosition is used to set the attributes or
values of a cell, label or range. |
JCCellRange | JCCellRange is used to specify a range of cells or labels. |
JCCellStyle | The JCCellStyle class provides a default implementation of
the CellStyleModel interface. |
JCEditCellAdapter | The adapter which receives JCEditCell events. |
JCEditCellEvent | The event posted before and after editing a cell. |
JCListTable | JCListTable is a subclass of JCTable that provides list-like look
and behavior. |
JCPaintAdapter | The adapter which receives JCPaintEvent objects. |
JCPaintEvent | The event posted before and after a portion of the table is painted (whenever the table redraws or modifies an onscreen area). |
JCPrintAdapter | The adapter which receives JCPrint events. |
JCPrintEvent | The event posted for each page during printing. |
JCPrintPreview | The JCPrintPreview frame displays table print pages. |
JCPrintTable | The JCPrintTable class controls paging, header and footers, and
print layout for JClass LiveTable. |
JCResizeCellAdapter | The adapter which receives JCResizeCell events. |
JCResizeCellEvent | The event posted as a user resizes a row and/or column. |
JCResizeCellMotionAdapter | The adapter which receives JCResizeCell events during
the resize process. |
JCRowColumnSeries | RowColumnSeriesModel defines the interface required by classes
that can store row or column based properties (for example, row height and
column width). |
JCScrollAdapter | The adapter which receives JCScroll events. |
JCScrollEvent | The event posted before and after the table is scrolled. |
JCSelectAdapter | The adapter which receives JCSelectEvent objects. |
JCSelectEvent | The event posted as a user selects cells or cells are selected programmatically. |
JCSelection | The SelectionModel interface represents the current cell
selection state in Table . |
JCSeries | SeriesModel defines the interface required by classes that can
store row/column based properties (for example: editors, renderers, styles). |
JCSortAdapter | The adapter which receives JCSort events. |
JCSortEvent | The event posted after a call to sortByColumn() . |
JCTable | The core JClass LiveTable class; JCTable is the base
class for all the Beans, and contains the majority
of the programmatic API for JClass LiveTable. |
JCTableCellInfo | JCTableCellInfo is an object passed to CellRenderer
and CellEditor objects to supply information about the
type of cell being displayed or edited. |
JCTableDataAdapter | The adapter which receives JCTableDataEvent events. |
JCTableDataEvent | TableDataEvent objects describe changes to a
TableDataModel object. |
JCTableUI | JCTableUI controls the pluggable look and feel (PLAF) changes
for JCTable . |
JCTraverseCellAdapter | The adapter which receives JCTraverseCell events. |
JCTraverseCellEvent | This event is posted as a user traverses from one cell to another. |
JCVersion | In JClass, each package has a JCVersion class. |
KeyActionInitiator | KeyActionInitiator are used by TableAction to
associate a combination of key code and modifier to a specific action
on table. |
KeyInputHandler | KeyInputHandler processes all key events for
table during key press. |
MouseActionInitiator | MouseActionInitiator are used by TableAction to
associate a combination of mouse button and modifier to a specific action
on table. |
MouseInputHandler | MouseInputHandler processes all mouse events for
table. |
PositionCellSize | Contains a row/column position and associated CellSize object. |
PrintCellAreaHandler | PrintCellAreaHandler controls the creation and removal of
CellAreas within the table during printing. |
PrintCellAreaRenderer | PrintCellAreaRenderer controls the painting of
CellAreas within the table. |
PrintCellLayout | PrintCellLayout is a simplified implementation of the
CellLayoutModel that stores row heights and
column widths during printing. |
Sort | Static methods to process column sorting. |
SpanHandler | SpanHandler controls the creation, validation, removal and
repaint of spanned cell ranges. |
StringCellRangeFlavor | StringCellRangeFlavor is a Transferable
object that passes cell data through a string of
cells separating by tab/newline characters. |
SwingCellBorder | The SwingCellBorder class implements the
CellBorderModel interface to provide cell and frame border
drawing using Swing borders. |
Table | Compatability class. |
TableAction | TableAction is responsible for defining a
mapping from a user event to an action performed on table. |
TableChangeHandler | TableChangeHandler batches repaint/recalc/relayout requests in
order to minimize calculation and painting and to process requests
"off-line". |
TableDataComparator | Defines a class that performs comparisons based on object type for objects that support the Comparatable interface. |
TableDataView | The TableDataView serves an an intermediary between the
Table and the data source (TableData ). |
TableFocusTraversalPolicy | TableFocusTraversalPolicy |
TableLayout | TableLayout controls the placement of CellAreas
and scrollbars in table based on their need and positionning policy. |
TableListenerPropagator | Wrap a formula and listen for changes to table cells which are operands for this formula. |
TableMouseWheelListener | TableMouseWheelListener responds to
MouseWheelEvents and passes adjust the scrollbars appropriately. |
TablePopupMenu | TablePopupMenu is the popup menu to hide columns, show columns,
or go to a row. |
Exception Summary | |
ImmutableEventException | ImmutableEventException are thrown when methods in table events
are called inappropriately. |
JCTableException | Generates Table specific runtime exceptions. |
Contains the base classes for JClass LiveTable. JClass LiveTable supports data-intensive environments through automatic data-binding and XML support, and lets you provide a wide variety of user interactions. JClass LiveTable can easily be configured to act as a spreadsheet, data-entry form, multi-column list or data grid. Built-in formula abstractions allow the developer to add customized spreadsheet functionality to tables
Copyright © 2004 Quest Software Inc.. All rights reserved. |