
Getting Started

Introduction to JClass JarMaster
How JClass JarMaster Works

Overview of Features

Overview of the User Interface

Running JarMaster

Using JarMaster

Creating and Building JARs
Creating an Empty JAR

Creating a JAR with the Wizard

Creating a JAR Based on a JAR Comparison

Creating a JAR from the Command Prompt

Including JarMaster in Your Build Scripts

Creating JARs Using JarMaster's Programming Interface

Viewing and Extracting JARs
Viewing the Contents of a JAR

Comparing JAR Contents

Viewing Class Dependencies

Extracting JAR Contents

Editing JAR Contents
Adding Files to a JAR

Adding New Dependencies to a JAR

Updating a JAR

Copying Classes between JARs

Deleting Classes from a JAR

Working with Manifest Files and CLASSPATHs
Creating and Editing Manifest Entries

Viewing Manifest Files

Editing the CLASSPATH

Setting Preferences

Hints and Tips