JClass Chart



Text and Style Elements

Header and Footer Titles  Legends  Chart Labels  Chart Styles

OutlineStyle  Borders  Fonts  Colors

Positioning Chart Elements  3D Effect  Anti-Aliasing

This chapter describes the different formatting elements available within JClass Chart, and how they can be used. If you are developing your chart application using one of the JClass Chart Beans, please refer to Bean Reference, in Chapter 4.

9.1 Header and Footer Titles

A chart can have two titles, called the header and footer. By default they are JLabel instances and behave accordingly (A JLabel class is a Swing class.) A JLabel object can display text, an image, or both.

You can specify where in the label's display area the label's contents are aligned by setting the vertical and horizontal alignment. By default, labels are vertically centered in their display area. Text-only labels are left-aligned by default. Image-only labels are horizontally centered by default.

A title consists of one or more lines of text with an optional border, both of which you can customize. You can also set the text alignment, positioning, colors, and font used for the header or footer.

See "How to Use Labels" in the Java Tutorial for further documentation.

9.2 Legends

A legend shows the visual attributes (or ChartStyle) used for each series in the chart, with text that labels the series. You can customize the series label and positioning. The legend is a JComponent, and all properties such as border, colors, font, and so on, apply.

Figure 32 :  Vertically oriented legend anchored NorthEast.

New Location for the Legend Classes

In order to make the legend classes more accessible to the JClass products, all four legend classes - JCLegend, JCGridLegend, JCMultiColLegend, and JCLegendItem - have been moved from com.klg.jclass.chart  to com.klg.jclass.util.legend.

How will this affect you?

For most users, all you will need to do when converting from 4.0.x to 4.5 and higher, is to change the import statements to import the legend classes (JCLegend, JCGridLegend, JCMultiColLegend, and JCLegendItem) from the com.klg.jclass.util.legend package.

This converting can be done either by hand or via running the provided porting script (please see the second bullet). Each method will yield the same result.

import com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLegend;
import com.klg.jclass.chart.JCGridLegend;
import com.klg.jclass.chart.JCMultiColLegend;
import com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLegendItem;
import com.klg.jclass.chart.*;


import com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCLegend;
import com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCGridLegend;
import com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCMultiColLegend;
import com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCLegendItem;
import com.klg.jclass.chart.*; import com.klg.jclass.util.legend.*;

perl legend4to45.pl filename

where filename is the name of the file you want to convert from 4.0.x to 4.5 or higher.

As noted, for most users the above changes to the import statements are all that is required when converting from 4.0.x to 4.5 or higher. However, for users who are already overriding JCLegend and implementing custom layouts, converting may require dealing with changes to JClass Chart's JCLegend and JCLegendItem classes. These items are not covered by the porting script so will need to be done manually.

  1. These fields have been added to JCLegendItem:
    • int drawType (determines drawing type; takes as its parameter one of JCLegend.NONE, JCLegend.BOX, JCLegend.IMAGE, JCLegend.IMAGE_OUTLINED, JCLegend.CUSTOM_SYMBOL, or JCLegend.CUSTOM_ALL)
    • Object itemInfo (refers to data related to this legend item - in JClass Chart, this is a JCDataIndex object containing the data view and series to which this legend item is related)
  2. The new Object itemInfo field replaces these three fields:
    • ChartDataView view (the view associated with the ChartDataView)
    • ChartDataViewSeries series (the series associated with the ChartDataViewSeries)
    • int seriesIndex (the series index associated with the ChartDataViewSeries)
  3. JCLegend's drawLegendItem(Graphics gc, JCChart chart, Font useFont, JCLegendItem thisItem) has been changed to:
    • drawLegendItem(Graphics gc, Font useFont, JCLegendItem thisItem)

Legend Text and Orientation

The legend displays the text contained in the Label property of each Series in a DataView. The VisibleInLegend property of the series determines whether the Series will appear in the Legend.

SeriesLabels support the use of HTML tags. The use of HTML tags overrides the default Font and Color properties of the label. Please note that HTML labels may not work with PDF, PS, or PCL encoding.

Use the legend Orientation property to lay out the legend horizontally or vertically.

Legend Positioning

Use the legend Anchor property to specify where to position the legend relative to the ChartArea. You can select from eight compass points around the ChartArea.

See Section 9.9, Positioning Chart Elements, for more information.

9.2.1 Customizing Legends

JClass provides two types of legend objects: JCGridLegend (the default) for a single-column layout and JCMultiColLegend for a multiple-column layout. If these legends do not provide the desired functionality, the user can customize the legend using the JCLegend Toolkit.

Single-Column Legends

The classic single-column legend layout is provided by JCGridLegend. This is the default layout in JClass Chart.

Multi-Column Legends

Multi-column legend layout is available using JCMultiColumnLegend. To designate this layout, follow these steps:

  1. Create an instance.
  2. Set the number of rows and columns.
  3. Set the legend property of the JClass Chart to this instance to create a multi-column legend.

Multi-Column Legends example

JCMultiColLegend mcl = new JCMultiColLegend();

This example will create a legend for the current chart that has two columns. The number of rows depends on the number of items in the legend. To fix the number of rows, use setNumRows(). Both the number of rows and the number of columns are variable by default.

To reset the number of rows and columns to a variable state after they have been fixed, call the appropriate set method with a negative value. If both the NumRows and NumColumns properties are set to fixed values, the legend will be of that exact size and will ignore any extra items.

JCLegend Toolkit

The JCLegend Toolkit allows you the freedom to design your own legend implementations. The options range from simple changes, such as affecting the order of the items in the legend, to providing more complex layouts.

The JCLegend Toolkit consists of a JCLegend class that can be subclassed to provide legend layout rules and two interfaces: JCLegendPopulator and JCLegendRenderer. JCLegendPopulator is implemented by classes wishing to populate a legend with data, and JCLegendRenderer is implemented by a class that wishes to help render the legend's elements according to the user's instructions. Examples of how to use the JCLegend Toolkit are provided in JCLASS_HOME/examples/chart/legend/ .

JCChartLegendManager is the class used by JClass Chart to implement both the JCLegendPopulator and JCLegendRenderer interfaces, and to provide a built-in mechanism for itemizing range objects in a legend.

Custom Legends - Layout

JClass provides a Legend Toolkit that allows creation of custom legend implementations. JCLegend is an abstract class that can be subclassed by users wishing to customize the legend layout or other legend behavior.

To provide a custom layout, override the method:

public abstract Dimension layoutLegend(List itemList, boolean
    vertical, Font useFont)

The itemlist argument is a List containing a Vector for each data view contained in the chart. Each of these sub-vectors contains one JCLegendItem instance for each series in the data view and one instance for the data view title.

The vertical argument is true if the orientation of the legend is vertical, and false if the orientation of the legend is horizontal.

The useFont argument contains the default font to use for the legend.

Each item in the legend consists of a text portion and a symbol portion. For example, in a Plot Chart, the text portion is the name of the series, and is preceded by the symbol used to mark a point on the chart. For the title of the data view, the text portion is the name of the data view and there is no symbol.

JCLegendItem is a class that encapsulates an item in the legend with the properties.

Property name


Point pos;

Position of this legend item within the legend.

Point symbolPos;

Position of the symbol within the legend item.

Point textPos;

Position of the text portion within the legend item.

Dimension dim;

Full size of the legend item.

Dimension symbolDim;

Size of the symbol; provided by JCLegend.

Dimension textDim;

Size of the text portion; provided by JCLegend.

Rectangle pickRectangle;

The rectangle to use for pick operations; optional.

int drawType;

Determines drawing type; one of JCLegend.NONE, JCLegend.BOX, JCLegend.IMAGE, JCLegend.IMAGE_OUTLINED, JCLegend.CUSTOM_SYMBOL, or JCLegend.CUSTOM_ALL.

Object itemInfo

Data related to this legend item. In JClass Chart, this is a JCDataIndex object containing the data view and series to which the legend item is related.

Object symbol;

The symbol if other than the default type; usually null (means drawLegendItem decides).

Object contents;

The text portion; a String or JCString.

When the itemList is passed to layoutLegend, it has been filled in with JCLegendItem instances representing each data series and data view title. These instances will have the symbolDim, textDim, symbol, contents, itemInfo, and drawType already filled in.

The value of drawType will determine whether a particular default symbol type will be drawn or whether user-provided drawing methods will be called.

The layoutLegend() method is expected to calculate and fill in the pos, symbolPos, textPos, and dim fields. Additionally, the method must return a Dimension object containing the overall size of the legend. Optionally, it may also calculate the pickRectangle member of the JCLegendItem class. The pickRectangle is used in pick operations to specify the region in the legend that is associated with the series that this legend item represents. If left null, a default pickRectangle will be calculated using the dim and pos members.

Any of the public methods in the JCLegend class may be overridden by a user requiring custom behavior. One such method is:

public int getSymbolSize()

getSymbolSize() returns the size of the legend-calculated symbols to be drawn in the legend. Default JCLegend behavior sets the symbol size to be equal to the ascent of the default font that is used to draw the legend text. It is overridable by users who wish to use a different symbol size. One possible implementation is to use a symbol size identical to that which appears on the actual chart.

Custom Legends - Population

JCLegendPopulator is an interface that can be implemented by any user desiring to populate the legend with custom items. This interface comprises two methods that need to be implemented:

public List getLegendItems(FontMetrics fm)
public boolean isTitleItem(JCLegendItem item)

getLegendItems() should return a List object containing any number of Vector objects where each Vector object represents one column in the legend. Each Vector object contains the JCLegendItem objects for that column. In JClass Chart, each column generally represents one data view.

isTitleItem() should return true or false, depending on whether the passed JCLegendItem object represents a title for the column. This is used to determine whether a symbol is drawn for a particular legend item.

If implemented, the legend should be notified of the new populator with the setLegendPopulator() method of JCLegend.

Custom Legends - Rendering

JCLegendRenderer is an interface that can be implemented by any user desiring to custom render legend items. This interface consists of four methods that need to be implemented:

public void drawLegendItem(Graphics gc, Font useFont, JCLegendItem thisItem)
public void drawLegendItemSymbol(Graphics gc, Font useFont, JCLegendItem thisItem)
public Color getOutlineColor(JCLegendItem thisItem)
public void setFillGraphics(Graphics gc, JCLegendItem thisItem)

JCLegendRenderer also has the capacity to implement custom text objects for drawing, and is called when the legend cannot interpret an object placed in the contents field of the JCLegendItem. This interface consists of one method that needs to be implemented:

void drawLegendItemText (Graphics gc, Font useFont, JCLegendItem thisItem);

drawLegendItem() provides a way for a user to define a custom drawing routine for an entire legend item. It is called when a legend item's draw type has been set to JCLegend.CUSTOM_ALL.

drawLegendItemSymbol() provides a way for a user to define a custom drawing routine for a legend item's symbol. It is called when a legend item's draw type has been set to JCLegend.CUSTOM_SYMBOL.

getOutlineColor() should return the outline color to be used to draw the legend item's symbol. If null is returned, the legend's foreground color will be used. getOutlineColor() is called when a legend item's draw type has been set to either JCLegend.BOX or JCLegend.IMAGE_OUTLINED.

setFillGraphics() should set the appropriate fill properties on the provided Graphics object for drawing the provided legend item. setFillGraphics() is called when the legend item's draw type has been set to JCLegend.BOX.

If implemented, the legend should be notified of the new renderer with the setLegendRenderer() method of JCLegend.

Examples of Simple Custom Legends

The easiest way to perform simple legend customizations is to extend an existing legend. This is clearly demonstrated in the Reversed Legend example in JCLASS_HOME/examples/chart/legend/. This example overrides the JCChartLegendManager class (the class that implements the JCLegendPopulator and JCLegendRenderer interfaces in JClass Chart) to reverse the order of the legend items. This class overrides the getLegendItems() method, first calling the superclass' method to get the list of legend items and then rearranging the order before returning the newly reversed list of legend items.

Figure 33 :  The Reversed Legend example, which extends JCChartLabelManager to reverse the order of the legend items.

Here's the pertinent code:

public ReverseLegend() {

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));

    // replace standard legend with custom legend that reverses
    // the order of the legend items
    JCChart c = new JCChart(JCChart.PLOT);
    RevLegendManager legMan = new RevLegendManager(c);

/** RevLegendManager overrides the standard legend representation
* to reverse the drawing order of the legend items. It does this by
* overriding getLegendItems() method of the JCChartLabelManager
* class to reverse the order of the items in the legend
* vector.

class RevLegendManager extends JCChartLegendManager

RevLegendManager(JCChart chart)
/** Override getLegendItems(). Reverse order of items in legend
* vector.
public List getLegendItems(FontMetrics fm)
    // get the list of legend items from the superclass
    List itemList = super.getLegendItems(fm);

    // reverse the list
    for (int i = 0; i < itemList.size(); i++) {
      List viewItems = (List) itemList.get(i);

      List reverseView = new Vector();
      for (int j = viewItems.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
        JCLegendItem thisItem = (JCLegendItem) viewItems.get(j);

        // reverse items in list, but keep the title at the top.
         if (isTitleItem(thisItem)) {
          reverseView.add(0, thisItem);
        } else {
      itemList.set(i, reverseView);
    // now that we've set up the list correctly, let the superclass
    // position it
    return itemList;


The Separator Legend example in JCLASS_HOME/examples/chart/legend/ shows how to place a separator between the data view title and the series beneath it. Similar to the Reversed Legend example, the Separator Legend example overrides the JCChartLegendManager class.

In the Separator Legend example, a new JCLegendItem is inserted into the list after the data view title item as part of the layoutLegend() method. This new JCLegendItem has only its textDimension filled in with the size of the separator, but the actual contents field remains null - which is how one recognizes the separator when it is time to draw it.

The drawType field of the JCLegendItem is set to JCLegend.CUSTOM_ALL to ensure that the drawLegendItem() method will be called. Finally, the example returns the item list with the newly added item and lets the superclass do the positioning and sizing calculations.

The drawLegendItem() method is also overridden so that the separator can be drawn. Before drawing, however, it is first determined whether the provided legend item is, indeed, the separator created above.

Figure 34 :  The Separator Legend example places a separator between the data view title and the series beneath it, and extends JCChartLabelManager.

Here's the relevant code:

public SeparatorLegend() {

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));

      // replace standard legend with custom legend that draws a
      // separator between the title and the body
     JCChart c = new JCChart(JCChart.BAR);
      SepLegendManager sepMan = new SepLegendManager(c);

/** sepLegendManager overrides the standard legend populator and
* renderer implementations to draw a separator between the legend
* title and body. It does this by overriding the
* JCChartLegendManager's getLegendItem() method (to insert an item
* to take the place of a separator) and drawLegendItem() (to draw
* the separator) methods.
public class SepLegendManager extends JCChartLegendManager

public SepLegendManager(JCChart chart)

/** Override getLegendItems() to insert separator item into
* legend vector.
public List getLegendItems(FontMetrics fm)
    // get the list of legend items from the superclass
    List itemList = super.getLegendItems(fm);

    // go through the list to find the spot for the separator
    for (int i = 0; i < itemList.size(); i++) {
      List viewItems = (List) itemList.get(i);

      for (int j = 0; j < viewItems.size(); j++) {
        JCLegendItem thisItem = (JCLegendItem) viewItems.get(j);

        // Insert separator item after title item
        // our separator is identified by having null contents
        // but an existing text dimension. Make the separator as
        // wide as the text portion of the title.

     if (isTitleItem(thisItem)) {
        JCLegendItem newItem = new JCLegendItem();
        boolean vertical = chart.getLegend().getOrientation() ==
        if (vertical) {
          newItem.textDim = new Dimension(thisItem.textDim. width, 3);
        } else {
          newItem.textDim = new Dimension(3,

        // make sure to set draw type as CUSTOM_ALL so that
        // drawLegendItem() will be called.
        newItem.drawType = JCLegend.CUSTOM_ALL;
        viewItems.add(j+1, newItem);

  // now that the list is set up, let the superclass worry about
  // positioning everything
  return itemList;

/** Override drawLegendItem() to draw the separator item
* when encountered.
public void drawLegendItem(Graphics gc, Font useFont, JCLegendItem thisItem)
      // if our separator, draw it
      if (thisItem.contents == null && thisItem.textDim != null) {
       if (gc.getColor() != getForeground())

        gc.fillRect(thisItem.pos.x + thisItem.textPos.x,
          thisItem.pos.y + thisItem.textPos.y,

Remember to use the setLegendPopulator() and setLegendRenderer() methods of the JCLegend class to notify the legend of the new class.

Examples of Complex Legends

More complex customizations are also possible. Legends that require full-scale changes to the rules of layout can override the JCLegend class and create their own implementation. Have a look at JCLASS_HOME/examples/chart/legend/FlowLegend for an example of a custom legend layout.

9.3 Chart Labels

Chart labels allow you to add more information to your chart. There are static labels that display continuously and interactive labels that pop-up when a cursor moves over a data item. Labels can be attached to different parts of a chart: absolute coordinates, coordinates in the plotting area, or a specific data item. To see a wide range of label uses, browse the demos in the JCLASS_HOME/demos/chart/labels/ directory.

9.3.1 Label Implementation

JClass Chart contains a list of labels, managed by the ChartLabelManager. This property is initially null. By calling getChartLabelManager(),  JClass Chart will create a manager class with an empty list of labels. When you create a label, you must add it to the manager with addChartlabel(). Labels are instances of the JCChartLabel class.

9.3.2 Adding Labels to a Chart

Labels are added to a chart in two ways: with the AutoLabels property of ChartDataView, or by attaching an instance of JCChartLabel to a chart element.

Individual labels are attached in three ways: to coordinates on the chart area (ATTACH_COORD), coordinates on the plot area (ATTACH_DATACOORD), or to a data item (ATTACH_DATAINDEX). Interactive labels must use the ATTACH_DATAINDEX method.

Each label on the chart below uses a different attachment method. The "Point(100,50)" label, is attached to coordinates originating from the top left corner of the chart area. "Value(2,220)" is attached to axes coordinates, and "Data(Set0,Point2)" is attached to a specific data item.

Attaching a Label to a Data Item

To attach a label to a point, bar or slice, set the AttachMethod property to ATTACH_DATAINDEX. The labels move with the data element; the labels also move when the chart is resized. Note that the points and series are zero-based. The following example puts a label on a chart next to the fourth data point in the second data series.

cl = new JCChartLabel("Fourth data point");
cl.setDataIndex(new JCDataIndex(view, series, 1, 3));

Attaching a Label to Chart Area Coordinates

To attach a label to a point on the chart area, set the AttachMethod property to ATTACH_COORD. The coordinate origin for this method is the top left corner of the chart area.

JCChartLabel cl = new JCChartLabel("Point( 100.50 )");
cl.setAttachMethod( JCChartLabel.ATTACH_COORD );
cl.setCoord( new Point( 100, 50 ) );

Attaching a Label to Plot Area Coordinates

To attach a label to coordinates on the plot area, set the AttachMethod property to ATTACH_DATACOORD. The plot area is defined by the chart's X- and Y-axes. The following example places a label in the plot area at X-value 2.5, y-value 160.

JCChartLabel cl = new JCChartLabel("Attached to the data coordinate", false);
cl.setDataCoord( new JCDataCoord( 2.5, 160 ) );
cl.setAnchor( JCChartLabel.NORTH );
cl.setAttachMethod( JCChartLabel.ATTACH_DATACOORD );
cl.setBorderType( Border.ETCHED_OUT );
cl.setBorderWidth( 5 );


9.3.3 Interactive Labels

You can have labels pop-up as a cursor dwells over a point, bar or slice (a dwell label). This allows you to create an interactive chart where information is hidden until the user wants to see it. The AutoLabel property will set up a complete series of dwell labels for your chart. In the example below, `225' appears on top of the bar as the cursor passes over it, to indicate the value of the bar.

Automatically Generated Labels

The AutoLabel property of ChartDataView will generate a complete series of dwell labels if set to true. It attaches dwell labels to every data index. The following code adds automatic dwell labels to the data:


Adding Individual Dwell Labels

Attaching an individual dwell label follows the same procedure as attaching a static label to a data item, except that the DwellLabel property is set to true:


A dwell label can only be used when the AttachMethod property is set to ATTACH_DATAINDEX.

9.3.4 Adding and Formatting Label Text

JCChartLabel is just a holder for any JComponent. By default it is a JLabel instance, and text can be set the same way you would set text on a JLabel. You can access the component portion of the chart label with the getComponent() method.

JLabels support the use of HTML tags. The use of HTML tags overrides the default Font and Color properties of the label. Please note that HTML labels may not work with PDF, PS, or PCL encoding.

Adding Label Text

You can add text to a label by passing it to the constructor, or by using the Text property. To add text to a label when it is constructed, include the text in the constructor's argument, as follows:

JCChartLabel cl = new JCChartLabel("I'm a Label", false);

To add text using the Text property, use the setText method, as follows:

((JLabel)cl.getComponent()).setText("I'm a Label");

Formatting Label Text

Font f = new Font("timesroman", Font.BOLD, 24);

JComponent properties such as fonts, borders, colors, an so on, are set in the same manner.

9.3.5 Positioning Labels

The Anchor property determines the position of the label, relative to the point of attachment. Valid positions include: NORTH, NORTHEAST, NORTHWEST, EAST, WEST, SOUTHEAST, SOUTHWEST, and SOUTH. The following example shows the syntax:


9.3.6 Adding Connecting Lines

You can add lines that connect a label to its point of attachment. This can help the end-user pinpoint what a label refers to on a chart.

To add a connecting line to a label, set the Connected property to true, as follows:


9.4 Chart Styles

Chart styles define all of the visual attributes of how data appears in the chart, including:

Each series in a data view has its own JCChartStyle object; as new series are added, new JCChartStyle objects are created automatically by the chart. JClass Chart automatically defines a set of visually different styles for up to 13 series, so while you can customize any chart style, you may not need to.

Every ChartStyle has a FillStyle, a LineStyle, and a SymbolStyle. FillStyles are used for Area, Bar, Candle, Hi-Lo, Hi-Lo-Open-Close, Pie, and Stacking Bar charts. LineStyles and SymbolStyles are used for plots.

Figure 35 :  Types of ChartStyles available.

ChartStyle is an indexed property of ChartDataView that "owns" the JCChartStyle objects for that data view. It can be manipulated like any other indexed property, for example:

arr.setChartStyle(0, new JCChartStyle());

This adds the specified ChartStyle to the indexed property at the specified index. If the ChartStyle is null, the JCChartStyle at the specified point is removed. The following lists some of the other ways ChartStyle can be used:

Normally, you will not need to add or remove JCChartStyle objects from the collection yourself. If a JCChartStyle object already exists when its corresponding series is created, the previously created JCChartStyle object is used to display the data in this series.

Customizing Existing ChartStyles

Each JCChartStyle object contains three smaller objects that control different aspects of the style: JCFillStyle, JCLineStyle, and JCSymbolStyle.

The most common chart style sub-properties are repeated in JCChartStyle. For example, FillColor is a property of JCChartStyle that corresponds to the Color property of JCFillStyle object. The following lists all of the repeated properties:


JCFillStyle controls the fills used in bar, pie, area, and candle charts. Its properties include Color and Pattern. Use Pattern to set the fill drawing pattern and Color to set the fill color. The default pattern is solid fill.

For JDK 1.3.1 and higher, available fill patterns include none, solid, 25%, 50%, 75%, horizontal stripes, vertical stripes, 45 degree angle stripes, 135 degree angle stripes, diagonal hatched pattern, cross hatched pattern, custom fill, custom paint, or, for bar charts only, custom stack fill.

Custom fill and custom stack fill draw using the image set in the Image property. Custom paint draws using the TexturePaint object, which is set in the CustomPaint property.

Note that filled areas are not supported for Polar charts.


JCLineStyle controls line drawing, used in line and hi-lo charts. Its properties are Color, Pattern and Width. Use Pattern to set the line drawing pattern, Color to set the line color, and Width to set the line width.

Custom line patterns can be set with a setPattern() method that specifies the line pattern arrays to use.


JCSymbolStyle controls the symbol used to represent points in a data series, used in plot or scatter plot charts. Its properties are Shape, Color and Size. Use Shape to set the symbol type, Size to set its size, and Color to set the symbol color.

Valid symbols are shown below:

Figure 36 :  Symbols available in JCSymbolStyle.

You can also provide a custom shape by implementing an abstract class JCShape and assigning it to the CustomShape property.

Customizing All ChartStyles

By looping through the JCChartStyle indexed property, you can quickly change the appearance of all of the bars, lines, or points in a chart. For example, the following code lightens all of the bars in a chart whenever the mouse is clicked:

for (Iterator i = c.getDataView(1).getChartStyle().listIterator(); i.hasNext();)
      JCChartStyle cs = (JCChartStyle) i.next();
      JCFillStyle fs = cs.getFillStyle();

9.5 OutlineStyle

The ChartDataView's OutlineStyle property controls the outlines of area, stacking area, area radar, bar, stacking bar, and pie charts. It is of type JCLineStyle and thus the properties of the line can be controlled by getting the JCLineStyle object using getOutlineStyle() and setting its properties.

The default outline style is a solid line of width one in the chart area's foreground color.

9.6 Borders

One way to highlight important information or improve the chart's appearance is to use a border. You can customize the border of the following chart objects:

Border properties are set using the standard JComponent border facilities, getBorder() and setBorder().

9.7 Fonts

A chart can have more impact when you customize the fonts used for different chart elements. You may also want to change the font size to make an element better fit the overall size of the chart. Any font available when the chart is running can be used. You can set the font for the following chart elements:

Changing a Font

Font properties are set using the standard JComponent font facilities, getFont() and setFont().

Use the font properties to set the font, style, and size attributes.

9.8 Colors

Color can powerfully enhance a chart's visual impact. You can customize chart colors using Java color names or RGB values. Using an interactive tool like The Chart Customizer can make selecting custom colors quick and easy. Each of the following visual elements in the chart has a background and foreground color that you can customize:

Other chart objects have color properties too, including ChartDataView (bar/pie outline color) and ChartStyles.

Color Defaults

All chart subcomponents are transparent by default with no background color. If made opaque, the legend, chart area and plot will inherit background color from the parent chart. The same objects will always inherit the foreground color from the chart.

Headers and footers are independent objects and behave according to the rules of whatever object they are.

However, once the application sets the colors of an element, they do not change when other elements' colors change.

Specifying Foreground and Background Colors

Each chart element listed above has a Background and Foreground property that specifies the current color of the element. The easiest way to specify a color is to use the built-in colornames defined in java.awt.Color. The following table summarizes these colors:

Built-in Colors in java.awt.Color
















Alternately, you can specify a color by its RGB components, useful for matching another RGB color. RGB color specifications are composed of a value from 0 - 255 for each of the red, green and blue components of a color. For example, the RGB specification of Cyan is "0-255-255" (combining the maximum value for both green and blue with no red).

The following example sets the header background using a built-in color, and the footer background to an RGB color (a dark shade of Turquoise):


mycolor = new Color(95,158,160);

Take care not to choose a background color that is also used to display data in the chart. The default ChartStyles use all of the built-in colors in the following order: Red, Orange, Blue, Light Gray, Magenta, Yellow, Gray, Green, Dark Gray, Cyan, Black, Pink, and White. Note that JClass Chart will skip colors that match background colors. For example, if the chart area background is Red, then the line, fill, and symbol colors will start at Orange.

For all JClass Chart charts, the foreground and background colors of the plot area are adjustable.


If the JClass Chart component is meant to have a transparent background, set the Opaque property to False; then generated GIFs and PNGs will also contain a transparent background.

9.9 Positioning Chart Elements

Each of the main chart elements (Header, Footer, Legend, and ChartArea) has properties that control its position and size. While the chart can automatically control these properties, you can also customize the following:

When the chart controls positioning, it first allows space for the Header, Footer, and Legend, if they exist (size is determined by contents, border, and font). The ChartArea is sized and positioned to fit into the largest remaining rectangular area. Positioning adjusts when other chart properties change.

ChartLabels do not figure into the overall Chart layout. Instead, they are positioned above all other Chart elements.

Changing the Location and Size

To specify the absolute location and size of a chart element, call setLayoutHints() in JClass Chart with the object you wish to move and a rectangle containing its desired X- and Y-location, width, and height. If you desire any of those values to be calculated rather than set, make them equal to Integer.MAX_VALUE.

For example,

chart.setLayoutHints(legend, newRectange(0,150,200,200))

will set the legend to be 200 x 200 and place it at (0,150), while

chart.setLayoutHints(legend, Rectange(0,150,Integer.MAX_VALUE,Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE))

will leave the legend's size alone but still move it to (0,150).

9.10 3D Effect

Data in bar, stacking bar and pie charts can be displayed with a three-dimensional appearance using several JCChartArea properties:

You can set the visual depth and the "elevation angle" of the 3D effect. You can also set the "rotation angle" on bar and stacking bar charts. Depth, Rotation, and Elevation are all properties of the ChartArea.

Figure 37 :  Four JClass Charts illustrating 3D effects.

9.11 Anti-Aliasing

Anti-aliasing is the process of smoothing out lines and curves to remove the pixelated appearance of text and graphics. The smoothing is done by padding pixels with intermediate colors. For example, a black and white image would be smoothed out using gray.

Figure 38 :  The appearance of text with and without anti-aliasing.

JClass Chart is equipped with the antiAliasing property which can turn anti-aliasing on or off when the chart and its subcomponents are painted.
