The AnnotationMethod property determines how axis annotations are generated. Valid values are JCAxis.VALUE (annotation is generated by Chart, with possible callbacks to a label generator), JCAxis.VALUE_LABELS (annotation is taken from a list of value labels provided by the user - a value label is a label that appears at a particular axis value), JCAxis.POINT_LABELS (annotation comes from the data source's point labels that are associated with particular data points), and JCAxis.TIME_LABELS (Chart generates time/date labels based on the TimeUnit , TimeBase and TimeFormat properties). Default value is JCAxis.VALUE .
The AnnotationRotation property specifies the rotation of each axis label. Valid values are JCAxis.ROTATE_90 , JCAxis.ROTATE_180 , JCAxis.ROTATE_270 , or JCAxis.ROTATE_NONE . Default value is JCAxis.ROTATE_NONE .
The Background property determines the background color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Background property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.
The Editable property determines whether the axis can be affected by edit/translation/zooming. Default value is true .
The Font property determines what font is used to render text inside the chart region. Note that the Font property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.
The Foreground property determines the foreground color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Foreground property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.
The Formula property determines how an axis is related to another axis object. If set, the Formula property overrides all other axis properties. See JCAxisFormula for details.
The Gap property determines the amount of space left between adjacent axis annotations, in pixels.
The GeneratedValueLabels property reveals the value label at the specified index in the list of value labels generated for this axis.
The GridSpacing property controls the spacing between gridlines relative to the axis. Default value is 0.0.
The GridSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the grid spacing value. If true , Chart will calculate the grid spacing. If false , Chart will use the provided grid spacing. Default value is true .
The GridStyle property controls how grids are drawn. The default value is generated.
The GridVisible property determines whether a grid is drawn for the axis. Default value is false .
The Height property determines the height of the ChartRegion. The default value is calculated.
The HeightIsDefault property determines whether the height of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true ) or taken from the Height property (false ). Default value is true .
The LabelGenerator property holds a reference to an object that implements the JCLabelGenerator interface. This interface is used to externally generate labels if the AnnotationMethod property is set to JCAxis.VALUE . Default value is null .
The Left property determines the location of the left of the ChartRegion. The default value is calculated.
The LeftIsDefault property determines whether the left position of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true ) or taken from the Left property (false ). Default value is true .
The Logarithmic property determines whether the axis will be logarithmic (true ) or linear (false ). Default value is false .
The Max property controls the maximum value shown on the axis. The data max is determined by Chart. Default value is calculated.
The MaxIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the maximum axis value. If true , Chart calculates the axis max. If false , Chart uses the provided axis max. Default value is true .
The Min property controls the minimum value shown on the axis. The data min is determined by Chart. Default value is calculated.
The MinIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the minimum axis value. If true , Chart will calculate the axis minimum. If false , Chart will use the provided axis minimum. Default value is true .
The Name property specifies a String identifier for the ChartRegion object. Note that the Name property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.
The NumSpacing property controls the interval between axis labels. The default value is calculated.
The NumSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering spacing. If true , Chart will calculate the spacing. If false , Chart will use the provided numbering spacing. Default value is true .
The Origin property controls location of the origin along the axis. The default value is calculated.
The OriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin. If true , Chart calculates the axis origin. If false , Chart uses the provided axis origin value. Default value is true .
The OriginPlacement property specifies where the origin is placed. Note that the OriginPlacement property is only active if the Origin property has not been set. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (places origin at minimum value). ZERO (places origin at zero), MIN (places origin at minimum value on axis), or MAX (places origin at maximum value on axis). Default value is AUTOMATIC .
The OriginPlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for determining the location of the axis origin. If true , Chart calculates the origin positioning. If false , Chart uses the provided origin placement.
The Placement property determines the method used to place the axis. Valid values include JCAxis.AUTOMATIC (Chart chooses an appropriate location), JCAxis.ORIGIN (appears at the origin of another axis, specified via the PlacementAxis property), JCAxis.MIN (appears at the minimum axis value), JCAxis.MAX (appears at the maximum axis value), or JCAxis.VALUE_ANCHORED (appears at a particular value along another axis, specified via the PlacementAxis property). Default value is AUTOMATIC .
The PlacementAxis property determines the axis that controls the placement of this axis. In JCChart , it is possible to position an axis at a particular position on another axis (in conjunction with the PlacementLocation property or the Placement property). Default value is null .
The PlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for determining the location of the axis. If true , Chart calculates the axis positioning. If false , Chart uses the provided axis placement.
The PlacementLocation property is used with the PlacementAxis property to position the current axis object at a particular point on another axis. Default value is 0.0.
The Precision property controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in chart-generated axis labels. The default value is calculated.
The PrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision. If true , Chart will calculate the precision. If false , Chart will use the provided precision. Default value is true .
The Reversed property of JCAxis determines if the axis direction is reversed. Default value is false .
The TickSpacing property controls the interval between tick lines on the axis. Note: if the AnnotationMethod property is set to POINT_LABELS , tick lines appear at point values. The default value is calculated.
The TickSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the tick spacing. If true , Chart will calculate the tick spacing. If false , Chart will use the provided tick spacing. Default value is true .
The TimeBase property defines the start time for the axis. Default value is the current time.
The TimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes. The formats supported are the same as in Java's SimpleDateFormat class. Default value is calculated based on TimeUnit .
The TimeFormatIsDefault property determines whether a time label format is generated automatically, or the user value for TimeFormat is used. Default value is true .
The TimeUnit property controls the unit of time used for labelling a time labelled axis. Valid TimeUnit values include JCAxis.SECONDS , JCAxis.MINUTES , JCAxis.HOURS , JCAxis.DAYS , JCAxis.WEEKS , JCAxis.MONTHS , and JCAxis.YEARS . Default value is JCAxis.SECONDS .
The Title property controls the appearance of the axis title.
The Top property determines the location of the top of the ChartRegion. The default value is calculated.
The TopIsDefault property determines whether the top position of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true ) or taken from the Top property (false ). Default value is true .
The ValueLabels property is an indexed property containing a list of all annotations for an axis. Default value is null , no value labels.
The Vertical property determines whether the associated Axis is vertical. Default value is false .
The Visible property determines whether the associated Axis is currently visible. Default value is true . Note that the Font property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.
The Width property determines the width of the ChartRegion. The default value is calculated.
The WidthIsDefault property determines whether the width of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true ) or taken from the Width property (false ). Default value is true .