JClass Chart


Appendix  A

JClass Chart Property Listing

ChartDataView  ChartDataViewSeries  ChartText  JCAreaChartFormat   JCAxis

  JCAxisFormula  JCAxisTitle  JCBarChartFormat  JCCandleChartFormat  JCChart

JCChartArea  JCChartLabel  JCChartLabelManager  JCChartStyle  JCFillStyle

JCGridLegend  JCHLOCChartFormat  JCLegend  JCLineStyle  JCMultiColLegend 

JCPieChartFormat  JCPolarRadarChartFormat  JCSymbolStyle

JCValueLabel  PlotArea  SimpleChart

This appendix summarizes the JClass Chart properties for all commonly-used classes, in alphabetical order.

A.1 ChartDataView




The AutoLabel property determines if the chart automatically generates labels for each point in each series. The default is false. The labels are stored in the AutoLabelList property. They are created using the Label property of each series.


The Batched property controls whether the ChartDataView is notified immediately of data source changes, or if the changes are accumulated and sent at a later date.


The BufferPlotData property controls whether plot data is to be buffered to speed up the drawing process. This property is applicable for Plot, Scatter, Area, Hilo, HLOC, and Candle chart types only. Normally it is true. The property is ignored if the FastUpdate property is true. Plot data will be buffered for FastUpdate.


The ChartFormat property represents an instance of JCAreaChartFormat, JCBarChartFormat, JCCandleChartFormat, JCHiloChartFormat, JCHLOCChartFormat, or JCPieChartFormat, depending on the current chart type.


The Changed property manages whether the data view requires recalculation. If set to true, a recalculation may be triggered. Default value is true.


The ChartStyle property contains all the ChartStyles for the data series in this data view. Default value is generated.


The ChartType property of the ChartData object specifies the type of chart used to plot the data. Valid values are JCChart.AREA, JCChart.AREA_RADAR, JCChart.BAR, JCChart.CANDLE, JCChart.HILO, JCChart.HILO_OPEN_CLOSE, JCChart.PIE, JCChart.PLOT (default), JCChart.POLAR, JCChart.RADAR, JCChart.SCATTER_PLOT, JCChart.STACKING_AREA, and JCChart.STACKING_BAR.


The ColorHandler property specifies a class used to override the default color determination. The ColorHandler property must implement JCDrawableColorHandler.


The DataSource property, if non-null, is used as a source for data in the ChartDataView. The object must implement ChartDataModel.


The DrawFrontPlane property determines whether a data view that has both axes on the front plane of a 3d chart will draw on the front or back plane of that chart. If true, it will draw on the front plane; if false it will draw on the back plane. If either axis associated with the data view is on the back plane, this property will be ignored and the data view will automatically be drawn on the back plane. This property is also ignored for 3d chart types such as bar and stacking bars that automatically appear on the front plane.


The DrawingOrder property determines the drawing order of items. When the DrawingOrder property is changed, the order properties of all ChartDataView instances managed by a single JCChart object are normalized.


The FastUpdate property controls whether column appends to the data are performed quickly, only recalculating and redrawing the newly-appended data.


The HoleValue property is a floating point number used to represent a hole in the data. Internally, ChartDataView places this value in the X- and Y-arrays to represent a missing data value. Note that if the HoleValue is changed, values in the X- and Y-data previously set with HoleValues will not change their values but will now draw.


If the Inverted property is set to true, the X-axis becomes vertical, and the Y-axis becomes horizontal. Default value is false.


The Name property is used as an index for referencing particular ChartDataView objects.


The NumPointLabels property determines the number of labels in the PointLabels property. The PointLabels property is an indexed property consisting of a series of Strings representing the desired label for a particular data point.


The NumSeries property determines how many data series there are in a ChartDataView.


The OutlineColor property determines the color with which to draw the outline around a filled chart item (e.g. bar, pie).


The PickFocus property specifies how distance is determined for pick operations. When set to PICK_FOCUS_XY, a pick operation will use the actual distance between the point and the drawn data. When set to values of PICK_FOCUS_X or PICK_FOCUS_Y, the distance only along the X- or Y-axis is used.


Sets a particular PointLabel from the PointLabels property (see below).


The PointLabels property is an indexed property comprising a series of Strings representing the desired label for a particular data point.


The Series property is an indexed property that contains all data series for a particular ChartDataView. The order of ChartDataViewSeries objects in the series array corresponds to the drawing order.


The Visible property determines whether the dataview is showing or not. Default value is true.


The VisibleInLegend property determines whether or not the view name and its series will appear in the chart legend.


The XAxis property determines the X-axis against which the data in ChartDataView is plotted.


The YAxis property determines the Y-axis against which the data in ChartDataView is plotted.

A.2 ChartDataViewSeries




The DrawingOrder property determines the order of display of data series. When the DrawingOrder property is changed, ChartDataView will normalize the order properties of all the ChartDataViewSeries objects that it manages.


The FirstPoint property controls the index of the first point displayed in the ChartDataViewSeries.


The Included property determines whether a data series is included in chart calculations (like axis bounds).


The Label property controls the text that appears next to the data series inside the legend.


The LastPoint property controls the index of the first point displayed in the ChartDataViewSeries.


The LastPointIsDefault property determines whether the LastPoint property should be calculated from the data.


The Name property represents the name of the data series. In JClass Chart, data series are named, and can be retrieved by name.


The Style property defines the rendering style for the data series.


The Visible property determines whether the data series is showing in the chart area. Note that data series that are not showing are still used in axis calculations. See the Included property for details on how to omit a data series from chart calculations.


The VisibleInLegend property determines whether or not this series will appear in the chart legend.

A.3 ChartText




The Adjust property determines how text is justified (positioned) in the label. Valid values include ChartText.LEFT, ChartText.CENTER, and ChartText.RIGHT. The default value is ChartText.LEFT.


The Background property determines the background color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Background property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.


The Font property determines what font is used to render text inside the chart region. Note that the Font property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.


The Foreground property determines the foreground color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Foreground property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.


The Height property determines the height of the ChartRegion. The default value is calculated.


The HeightIsDefault property determines whether the height of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Height property (false). The default value is true.


The Insets property specifies the space that a container must leave at each of its edges. The space can be a border, a blank space, or a title.


The Left property determines the location of the left of the ChartRegion. The default value is calculated.


The LeftIsDefault property determines whether the left position of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Left property (false). The default value is true.


The Name property specifies a String identifier for the ChartRegion object.


The Rotation property controls the rotation of the label. Valid values include ChartText.DEG_90, ChartText.DEG_180, ChartText.DEG_270, and ChartText.DEG_0. The default value is ChartText.DEG_0.


The Text property is a String property that represents the text to be displayed inside the chart label. Default value is " " (empty String).


The Top property determines the location of the top of the ChartRegion. The default value is calculated.


The TopIsDefault property determines whether the top position of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Top property (false). The default value is true.


The Visible property determines whether the associated ChartRegion is currently visible. Default value is true.


The Width property determines the width of the ChartRegion. The default value is calculated.


The WidthIsDefault property determines whether the width of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Width property (false). The default value is true.

A.4 JCAreaChartFormat




The 100Percent property determines whether a stacking area will be charted versus an axis representing a percentage between 0 and 100. Default value is false.

A.5 JCAxis




The AnnotationMethod property determines how axis annotations are generated. Valid values are JCAxis.VALUE (annotation is generated by Chart, with possible callbacks to a label generator), JCAxis.VALUE_LABELS (annotation is taken from a list of value labels provided by the user - a value label is a label that appears at a particular axis value), JCAxis.POINT_LABELS (annotation comes from the data source's point labels that are associated with particular data points), and JCAxis.TIME_LABELS (Chart generates time/date labels based on the TimeUnit, TimeBase and TimeFormat properties). Default value is JCAxis.VALUE.


The AnnotationRotation property specifies the rotation of each axis label. Valid values are JCAxis.ROTATE_90, JCAxis.ROTATE_180, JCAxis.ROTATE_270, or JCAxis.ROTATE_NONE. Default value is JCAxis.ROTATE_NONE.


The Background property determines the background color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Background property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.


The Editable property determines whether the axis can be affected by edit/translation/zooming. Default value is true.


The Font property determines what font is used to render text inside the chart region. Note that the Font property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.


The Foreground property determines the foreground color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Foreground property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.


The Formula property determines how an axis is related to another axis object. If set, the Formula property overrides all other axis properties. See JCAxisFormula for details.


The Gap property determines the amount of space left between adjacent axis annotations, in pixels.


The GeneratedValueLabels property reveals the value label at the specified index in the list of value labels generated for this axis.


The GridSpacing property controls the spacing between gridlines relative to the axis. Default value is 0.0.


The GridSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the grid spacing value. If true, Chart will calculate the grid spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided grid spacing. Default value is true.


The GridStyle property controls how grids are drawn. The default value is generated.


The GridVisible property determines whether a grid is drawn for the axis. Default value is false.


The Height property determines the height of the ChartRegion. The default value is calculated.


The HeightIsDefault property determines whether the height of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Height property (false). Default value is true.


The LabelGenerator property holds a reference to an object that implements the JCLabelGenerator interface. This interface is used to externally generate labels if the AnnotationMethod property is set to JCAxis.VALUE. Default value is null.


The Left property determines the location of the left of the ChartRegion. The default value is calculated.


The LeftIsDefault property determines whether the left position of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Left property (false). Default value is true.


The Logarithmic property determines whether the axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false). Default value is false.


The Max property controls the maximum value shown on the axis. The data max is determined by Chart. Default value is calculated.


The MaxIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the maximum axis value. If true, Chart calculates the axis max. If false, Chart uses the provided axis max. Default value is true.


The Min property controls the minimum value shown on the axis. The data min is determined by Chart. Default value is calculated.


The MinIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the minimum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis minimum. If false, Chart will use the provided axis minimum. Default value is true.


The Name property specifies a String identifier for the ChartRegion object. Note that the Name property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.


The NumSpacing property controls the interval between axis labels. The default value is calculated.


The NumSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided numbering spacing. Default value is true.


The Origin property controls location of the origin along the axis. The default value is calculated.


The OriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin. If true, Chart calculates the axis origin. If false, Chart uses the provided axis origin value. Default value is true.


The OriginPlacement property specifies where the origin is placed. Note that the OriginPlacement property is only active if the Origin property has not been set. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (places origin at minimum value). ZERO (places origin at zero), MIN (places origin at minimum value on axis), or MAX (places origin at maximum value on axis). Default value is AUTOMATIC.


The OriginPlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for determining the location of the axis origin. If true, Chart calculates the origin positioning. If false, Chart uses the provided origin placement.


The Placement property determines the method used to place the axis. Valid values include JCAxis.AUTOMATIC (Chart chooses an appropriate location), JCAxis.ORIGIN (appears at the origin of another axis, specified via the PlacementAxis property), JCAxis.MIN (appears at the minimum axis value), JCAxis.MAX (appears at the maximum axis value), or JCAxis.VALUE_ANCHORED (appears at a particular value along another axis, specified via the PlacementAxis property). Default value is AUTOMATIC.


The PlacementAxis property determines the axis that controls the placement of this axis. In JCChart, it is possible to position an axis at a particular position on another axis (in conjunction with the PlacementLocation property or the Placement property). Default value is null.


The PlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for determining the location of the axis. If true, Chart calculates the axis positioning. If false, Chart uses the provided axis placement.


The PlacementLocation property is used with the PlacementAxis property to position the current axis object at a particular point on another axis. Default value is 0.0.


The Precision property controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in chart-generated axis labels. The default value is calculated.


The PrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision. If true, Chart will calculate the precision. If false, Chart will use the provided precision. Default value is true.


The Reversed property of JCAxis determines if the axis direction is reversed. Default value is false.


The TickSpacing property controls the interval between tick lines on the axis. Note: if the AnnotationMethod property is set to POINT_LABELS, tick lines appear at point values. The default value is calculated.


The TickSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the tick spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the tick spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided tick spacing. Default value is true.


The TimeBase property defines the start time for the axis. Default value is the current time.


The TimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes. The formats supported are the same as in Java's SimpleDateFormat class. Default value is calculated based on TimeUnit.


The TimeFormatIsDefault property determines whether a time label format is generated automatically, or the user value for TimeFormat is used. Default value is true.


The TimeUnit property controls the unit of time used for labelling a time labelled axis. Valid TimeUnit values include JCAxis.SECONDS, JCAxis.MINUTES, JCAxis.HOURS, JCAxis.DAYS, JCAxis.WEEKS, JCAxis.MONTHS, and JCAxis.YEARS. Default value is JCAxis.SECONDS.


The Title property controls the appearance of the axis title.


The Top property determines the location of the top of the ChartRegion. The default value is calculated.


The TopIsDefault property determines whether the top position of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Top property (false). Default value is true.


The ValueLabels property is an indexed property containing a list of all annotations for an axis. Default value is null, no value labels.


The Vertical property determines whether the associated Axis is vertical. Default value is false.


The Visible property determines whether the associated Axis is currently visible. Default value is true. Note that the Font property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.


The Width property determines the width of the ChartRegion. The default value is calculated.


The WidthIsDefault property determines whether the width of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Width property (false). Default value is true.

A.6 JCAxisFormula




The Constant property specifies the "c" value in the axis relationship y2 = my + c.


The Multiplier property specifies the "m" value in the relationship y2 = my + c.


The Originator property specifies an object representing the axis that is related to the current axis by the formula y = mx + c. The originator is "x".

A.7 JCAxisTitle




The Adjust property determines how text is justified (positioned) in the label. Valid values include ChartText.LEFT, ChartText.CENTER, and ChartText.RIGHT. Default value is ChartText.LEFT.


The Background property determines the background color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Background property is inherited from the parent ChartText.


The Font property determines what font is used to render text inside the chart region. Note that the Font property is inherited from the parent ChartText.


The Foreground property determines the foreground color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Foreground property is inherited from the parent ChartText.


The Height property defines the height of the chart region. The default value is calculated.


The HeightIsDefault property determines whether the height of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Height property (false).


The Left property determines the location of the left of the chart region. This property is read-only.


The LeftIsDefault property determines whether the left position of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Left property (false).


The Placement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis. Valid values include JCLegend.NORTH or JCLegend.SOUTH for horizontal axes, and JCLegend.EAST, JCLegend.WEST, JCLegend.NORTHEAST, JCLegend.SOUTHEAST, JCLegend.NORTHWEST, or JCLegend.SOUTHEAST for vertical axes. The default value is calculated.


The PlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title. Default value is true.


The Rotation property controls the rotation of the label. Valid values include ChartText.DEG_90, ChartText.DEG_180, ChartText.DEG_270, and ChartText.DEG_0. Default value is ChartText.DEG_0.


The Text property is a String property that represents the text to be displayed inside the chart label. Default value is " " (nothing).


The Top property determines the location of the top of the chart region. This property is read-only.


The TopIsDefault property determines whether the top position of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Top property (false).


The Visible property determines whether the associated Axis is currently visible. Default value is true.


The Width property defines the width of the chart region. The default value is calculated.


The WidthIsDefault property determines whether the width of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Width property (false).

A.8 JCBarChartFormat




The 100Percent property determines whether stacking bar charts will be charted versus an axis representing a percentage between 0 and 100. Default value is false.


The ClusterOverlap property specifies the overlap between bars. Valid values are between -100 and 100. Default value is 0.


The ClusterWidth property determines the percentage of available space which will be occupied by the bars. Valid values are between 0 and 100. Default value is 80.

A.9 JCCandleChartFormat




The CandleOutlineStyle determines the candle outline style of the complex candle chart.


The Complex property determines whether candle charts use the simple or the complex display style. When false, Chart only uses the style referenced by getHiLoStyle() for the candle appearance. When set to true, all four styles are used. Default value is false.


The FallingCandleStyle determines the candle style of the falling candle style of the complex candle chart.


The HiloStyle determines the candle style of the simple candle or the HiLo line of the complex candle chart.


The RisingCandleStyle determines the rising candle style of the complex candle chart.

A.10 JCChart




The About property displays contact information for Quest Software in the bean box.


The AllowUserChanges property determines whether the user viewing the graph can modify graph values. Default value is false.


The Background property determines the background color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Background property is inherited from the parent JCComponent.


The Batched property controls whether chart updates are accumulated. Default value is false.


The CancelKey property specifies the key used to perform a cancel operation.


The Changed property determines whether the chart requires recalculation. Default value is false.


The ChartArea property controls the object that controls the display of the graph. Default value is null.


The ChartLabelManager property manages all chart labels.


The CustomizerName property specifies the full class name of the Chart Customizer. Default is com.klg.jclass.chart.customizer.ChartCustomizer.


The DataView property is an indexed property that contains all the data to be displayed in Chart. See ChartDataView for details on data format. By default, one ChartDataView is created.


The FillColorIndex property controls the fill color index. Default value is 0.


The Font property determines what font is used to render text inside the chart region. Note that the Font property is inherited from the parent JCComponent.


The Footer property controls the object that controls the display of the footer. Default value is a JLabel instance


The Foreground property determines the foreground color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Foreground property is inherited from the parent JCComponent.


The Header property controls the object that controls the display of the header. Default value is a null.


The LayoutHints property sets layout hints for a child component of JClass Chart.


The Legend property controls the object that controls the display of the legend. Default value is an instance of JCGridLegend.


The LineColorIndex property controls the line color index. Default value is 0.


The NumData property indicates how many ChartDataView objects are stored in JCChart. This is a read-only property. Default value is 1.


The NumTriggers property indicates how many event triggers have been specified.


The ResetKey property specifies the key used to perform a reset operation.


The SymbolColorIndex property controls the symbol color index. Default value is 0.


The SymbolShapeIndex property controls the symbol shape index. Default value is 1.


The Trigger property is an indexed property that contains all the information necessary to map user events into Chart actions. The Trigger property is made up of a number of EventTrigger objects. Default value is empty.


The WarningDialog property determines whether JClass Chart will display a warning dialogue when required.

A.11 JCChartArea




The AngleUnit property determines the unit of all angle values. Default value is DEGREES.


The AxisBoundingBox property determines whether a box is drawn around the area bound by the inner axes.


The Background property determines the background color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Background property is inherited from the parent JCChart.


The Depth property controls the apparent depth of a graph. Default value is 0.0.


The Elevation property controls distance from the X-axis. Default value is 0.0.


The FastAction property determines whether chart actions will use an optimized mode in which it does not bother to display axis annotations or gridlines. Default value is false.


The Font property determines what font is used to render text inside the chart region. Note that the Font property is inherited from the parent JCChart.


The Foreground property determines the foreground color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Foreground property is inherited from the parent JCChart.


The HorizActionAxis property determines the axis used for actions (zooming, translating) in the horizontal direction. Default value is null.


The PlotArea property represents the region of the ChartArea that is inside the axes. This property is read-only.


The Rotation property controls the position of the eye relative to the Y-axis. Default value is 0.0.


The VertActionAxis property determines the axis used for actions (zooming, translating) in the vertical direction. Default value is null.


If true, the ChartRegion will appear on the screen. If false, it will not appear on the screen. (Legend, header, footer and chart area are all ChartRegion instances.) Default value is true.


The XAxis property is an indexed property that contains all the X-axes for the chart area. Default value is one X-axis.


The YAxis property is an indexed property that contains all the y axes for the chart area. Default value is one Y-axis.

A.12 JCChartLabel




Specifies how the label is to be positioned relative to the specified point. Valid values are JCChartLabel.NORTHEAST, JCChartLabel. NORTHWEST, JCChartLabel.NORTH, JCChartLabel.EAST, JCChartLabel.WEST, JCChartLabel.SOUTHEAST, JCChartLabel.SOUTHWEST, and JCChartLabel.SOUTH.


Specifies how the label is attached to the chart. Valid values are JCChartLabel.ATTACH_COORD (attach label to an absolute point anywhere on the chart), JCChartLabel.ATTACH_DATACOORD (attach label to a point in the data space on the chart area), and JCChartLabel.ATTACH_DATAINDEX (attach the label to a specific point/bar/slice on the chart).


The Swing component used as the chart label. By default, this is a JLabel instance.


The coordinate in the chart's space where the label is to be attached.


The coordinate in the chart area's data space where the label is to be attached.


A data index representing the point/bar/slice in the chart to which the label is to be attached.


For labels using ATTACH_DATACOORD, this property specifies which ChartDataView's axes should be used.


When DwellLabel is set to true, the label is only displayed when the cursor is over the point/bar/slice that the label is attached to. This property is only used when the label is attached using ATTACH_DATAINDEX. When set to false (the default), the label is always displayed.


Offset specifies where the label should be positioned relative to the position the labels thinks it should be, depending on what the label's attachMethod is.


The ParentManager property is the ChartLabelManager instance that controls the JCChartLabel.


The Text property controls the text displayed inside the label.

A.13 JCChartLabelManager




The AutoLabelList property is a two-dimensional array of automatically-generated JCChartLabel instances, one for every point and series. The inner array is indexed by point; the outer array by series. Default is empty.

A.14 JCChartStyle




The FillColor property determines the color used to fill regions in chart. Default value is generated.


The FillImage property determines the image used to paint the fill region of Bar and Area charts. Default value is null.


The FillPattern property determines the fill pattern used to fill regions in chart. This is only supported in JDK 1.3.1 and higher. Default value is JCFillStyle.SOLID.


The FillStyle property controls the appearance of filled areas in chart. See JCFillStyle for additional properties. Note that all JCChartStyle properties of the format Fill* are virtual properties that map to properties of JCFillStyle.


The LineCap property specifies the cap style used to end a line. This is only supported in JDK 1.3.1 and higher. Valid values include BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, and BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE.


The LineColor property determines the color used to draw a line. Default value is generated.


The LineJoin property specifies the join style used to join two lines. This is only supported in JDK 1.3.1 and higher. Valid values include BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, and BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND.


The LinePattern property dictates the pattern used to draw a line. Valid values include JCLineStyle.NONE, JCLineStyle.SOLID, JCLineStyle.LONG_DASH, JCLineStyle.SHORT_DASH, JCLineStyle.LSL_DASH, and JCLineStyle.DASH_DOT. This is only supported in JDK 1.3.1 and higher. Default value is JCLineStyle.SOLID.


The LineStyle property controls the appearance of lines in chart. See JCLineStyle for additional properties.


The LineWidth property controls the line width. This is only supported in JDK 1.3.1 and higher. Default value is 1.


The SymbolColor property determines the color used to paint the symbol. Default value is generated.


The SymbolCustomShape property contains an object derived from JCShape that is used to draw points. See JCShape for details. Default value is null.


The SymbolShape property determines the type of symbol that will be drawn. Valid values include JCSymbolStyle.NONE, JCSymbolStyle.DOT, JCSymbolStyle.BOX, JCSymbolStyle.TRIANGLE, JCSymbolStyle.DIAMOND, JCSymbolStyle.STAR, JCSymbolStyle.VERT_LINE, JCSymbolStyle.HORIZ_LINE, JCSymbolStyle.CROSS, JCSymbolStyle.CIRCLE, and JCSymbolStyle.SQUARE. Default value is generated.


The SymbolSize property determines the size of the symbol. Default value is 6.


The SymbolStyle property controls the symbol that represents an individual point. See JCSymbolStyle for additional properties. Note that all JCChartStyle properties of the format Symbol* are virtual properties that map to properties of JCSymbolStyle.

A.15 JCFillStyle




The Background property determines the background color used when painting patterned fills.


The Color property determines the color used to fill regions in chart. The default value is generated.


The CustomPaint property specifies the TexturePaint object used to paint the fill region when the pattern is set to CUSTOM_PAINT. This is only supported in JDK 1.3.1 and higher.


The Image property determines the image used to paint the fill region when the pattern is set to CUSTOM_FILL or CUSTOM_STACK. The default value is null.


The Pattern property determines the fill pattern used to fill regions in chart. This is only supported in JDK 1.3.1 and higher. The default value is JCFillStyle.SOLID.


A.16 JCGridLegend




The Anchor property determines the position of the legend relative to the ChartArea. Valid values include JCLegend.NORTH, JCLegend.SOUTH, JCLegend.EAST, JCLegend.WEST, JCLegend.NORTHWEST, JCLegend.SOUTHWEST, JCLegend.NORTHEAST, and JCLegend.SOUTHEAST. The default value is JCLegend.EAST.


The Background property determines the background color used to draw inside the legend. Note that the Background property is inherited from the parent JCChart.


The Font property determines what font is used to render text inside the legend. Note that the Font property is inherited from the parent JCChart.


The Foreground property determines the foreground color used to draw inside the legend. Note that the Foreground property is inherited from the parent JCChart.


The GroupGap property determines the gap between groups of items in the chart legend (e.g. the columns/rows associated with a data view).


The InsideItemGap property determines the gap between the symbol and text portions of a legend item.


The ItemGap property determines the gap between the legend items in the same group.


The MarginGap property determines the gap between the edge of the legend and the start of the item layout.


The Orientation property determines how legend information is laid out. Valid values include JCLegend.VERTICAL and JCLegend.HORIZONTAL. The default value is JCLegend.VERTICAL.


The SymbolSize property determines the size of the symbol. Default value is 6.


The Visible property determines the gap between the legend items in the same group.

A.17 JCHLOCChartFormat




The OpenCloseFullWidth property indicates whether the open and close tick indications are drawn across the full width of the Hi-Lo bar or just on one side. The default value is false.


The ShowingClose property indicates whether the close tick indication is shown or not. The tick appears to the right of the Hi-Lo line. The default value is true.


The ShowingOpen property indicates whether the open tick indication is shown or not. The tick appears to the left of the Hi-Lo line. The default value is true.


The TickSize property specifies the tick size for open and close ticks.

A.18 JCLegend




The Anchor property determines the position of the legend relative to the ChartArea. Valid values include JCLegend.NORTH, JCLegend.SOUTH, JCLegend.EAST, JCLegend.WEST, JCLegend.NORTHWEST, JCLegend.SOUTHWEST, JCLegend.NORTHEAST, and JCLegend.SOUTHEAST. The default value is JCLegend.EAST.


The Background property determines the background color used to draw inside the legend. Note that the Background property is inherited from the parent JCChart.


The Border property sets the border of a component. Note that the Border property is inherited from JComponent.


The Font property determines what font is used to render text inside the legend. Note that the Font property is inherited from the parent JCChart.


The Foreground property determines the foreground color used to draw inside the legend. Note that the Foreground property is inherited from the parent JCChart.


The Opaque property determines the background color. If the component is completely opaque, the background will be filled with the background color. Otherwise, the background is transparent, and whatever is underneath will show through. Note, that the Opaque property is inherited from JComponent.


The Orientation property determines how legend information is laid out. Valid values include JCLegend.VERTICAL and JCLegend.HORIZONTAL. The default value is JCLegend.VERTICAL.


The Visible property determines whether the legend is currently visible. Default value is false.

A.19 JCLineStyle




The Cap property specifies the cap style used to end a line. This is only supported in JDK 1.3.1 and higher. Valid values include BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, and BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE.


The Color property determines the color used to draw a line. The default value is generated.


The Join property specifies the join style used to join two lines. This is only supported in JDK 1.3.1 and higher. Valid values include

BasicStroke. JOIN_MITER, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, and BasicStroke. JOIN_ROUND.


The Pattern property dictates the pattern used to draw a line. Valid values include JCLineStyle.NONE, JCLineStyle.SOLID, JCLineStyle.LONG_DASH, JCLineStyle.SHORT_DASH, JCLineStyle.LSL_DASH, and JCLineStyle.DASH_DOT. This is only supported in JDK 1.3.1 and higher. The default value is JCLineStyle.SOLID.


The Width property controls the line width. This is only supported in JDK 1.3.1 and higher. The default value is 1.

A.20 JCMultiColLegend




The Anchor property determines the position of the legend relative to the ChartArea. Valid values include JCLegend.NORTH, JCLegend.SOUTH, JCLegend.EAST, JCLegend.WEST, JCLegend.NORTHWEST, JCLegend.SOUTHWEST, JCLegend.NORTHEAST, and JCLegend.SOUTHEAST. The default value is JCLegend.EAST.


The Background property determines the background color used to draw inside the legend. Note that the Background property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.


The Border property sets the border of a component. Note that the Border property is inherited from JComponent.


The Font property determines what font is used to render text inside the legend. Note that the Font property is inherited from the parent JCChart.


The Foreground property determines the foreground color used to draw inside the legend. Note that the Foreground property is inherited from the parent JCChart.


The GroupGap property determines the gap between groups of items in the chart legend (e.g. the columns/rows associated with a data view).


The Insets property specifies the space that a container must leave at each of its edges. The space can be a border, a blank space, or a title.


The InsideItemGap property determines the gap between the symbol and text portions of a legend item.


The ItemGap property determines the gap between the legend items in the same group.


The MarginGap property determines the gap between the edge of the legend and the start of the item layout.


The NumColumns property determines the number of columns in this legend. If the number of columns is set to zero (the default), then the NumColumns will be adjusted automatically.


The NumRows property determines the number of rows in this legend. If the number of rows is set to zero (the default), the number of rows will be adjusted automatically.


The Orientation property determines how legend information is laid out. Valid values include JCLegend.VERTICAL and JCLegend.HORIZONTAL. The default value is JCLegend.VERTICAL.


The SymbolSize property determines the size of the symbol. Default value is 6.

A.21 JCPieChartFormat




The ExplodeList property specifies a list of exploded pie slices in the pie charts. Default value is an empty list.


The ExplodeOffset property specifies the distance a slice is exploded from the center of a pie chart. Default value is 10.


The MinSlices property represents the minimum number of pie slices that Chart will try to display before grouping slices into the other slice. Default value is 5.


The OtherLabel property represents the label used on the "other" pie slice. As with other point labels, the "other" label is a ChartText instance. Default value is " " (empty String).


The OtherStyle property specifies the style used to render the "other" pie slice.


The SortOrder property determines the order in which pie slices will be displayed. Note that the other slice is always last in any ordering. Valid values include JCPieChartFormat.ASCENDING_ORDER, JCPieChartFormat.DESCENDING_ORDER, and JCPieChartFormat.DATA_ORDER. Default value is JCPieChartFormat.DATA_ORDER.


The position in the pie chart where the first pie slice is drawn. A value of zero degrees represents a horizontal line from the center of the pie to the right-hand side of the pie chart; a value of 90 degrees represents a vertical line from the center of the pie to the top-most point of the pie chart; a value of 180 degrees represents a horizontal line from the center of the pie to the left-hand side of the pie chart; and so on. Slices are drawn clockwise from the specified angle. Values must lie in the range from zero degrees to 360 degrees. The default value is 135 degrees.


The ThresholdMethod property determines how the ThresholdValue property is used. If the method is SLICE_CUTOFF, the ThresholdValue is used as a cutoff to determine what items are lumped into the other slice. If the method is PIE_PERCENTILE, items are groups into the other slice until it represents "ThresholdValue" percent of the pie. Default value is SLICE_CUTOFF.


The YAxisAngle property determines the angle that the Y-axis makes with the axis origin base. Default value is 0 degrees.

A.22 JCPolarRadarChartFormat




The HalfRange property determines whether the X-axis for Polar charts consists of two half-ranges or one full range from 0 to 360 degrees.


The OriginBase property determines the angle of the theta axis origin in Polar, Radar, and Area Radar charts. Angles are based on zero degrees pointing east (the normal rectangular X-axis direction) with positive angles going counter-clockwise. The angle units are assumed to be the current value of the chart area's angleUnit property.


The YAxisGridCircular property determines whether gridlines are circular or "webbed" for Radar and Area Radar charts.


The YAxisAngle property determines the angle of the Y-axis in Polar, Radar, and Area Radar charts. Angles are relative to the current origin base. The angle units are assumed to be the current value of the chart area's angleUnit property.

A.23 JCSymbolStyle




The Color property determines the color used to paint the symbol. The default value is generated.


The CustomShape property contains an object derived from JCShape that is used to draw points. See JCShape for details. The default value is null.


The Shape property determines the shape of symbol that will be drawn. Valid values include JCSymbolStyle.NONE, JCSymbolStyle.DOT, JCSymbolStyle.BOX, JCSymbolStyle.TRIANGLE, JCSymbolStyle.DIAMOND, JCSymbolStyle.STAR, JCSymbolStyle.VERT_LINE, JCSymbolStyle.HORIZ_LINE, JCSymbolStyle.CROSS, JCSymbolStyle.CIRCLE and JCSymbolStyle.SQUARE. The default value is JCSymbolStyle.DOT.


The Size property determines the size of the symbol. The default value is 6.

A.24 JCValueLabel




The ChartText property controls the ChartText associated with this Value label. The default value is a ChartText instance.


The Text property specifies the text displayed inside the label. The default value is " " (empty String).


The Value property controls the position of a label in data space along a particular axis. The default value is 0.0.

A.25 PlotArea




The Background property determines the background color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Background is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.


The Bottom property determines the location of the bottom of the PlotArea


The BottomIsDefault property determines whether the Bottom of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Bottom property (false).


The Foreground property determines the color used to draw the axis bounding box controlled by JCChartArea. Note that the Foreground property is inherited from the parent ChartRegion.


The Left property determines the location of the left of the PlotArea


The LeftIsDefault property determines whether the left position of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Left property (false).


The Right property determines the Right of the PlotArea.


The RightIsDefault property determines whether the Right of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Right property (false).


The Top property determines the location of the top of the PlotArea.


The TopIsDefault property determines whether the top position of the chart region is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Top property (false).

A.26 SimpleChart




The AxisOrientation property determines if the X- and Y-axes are inverted and reversed.


The Background property determines the background color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Background property is inherited from the parent JCComponent.


The ChartType property determines the chart type of the first set of data in the chart.


The Data property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.


The Font property determines what font is used to render text inside the chart region. Note that the Font property is inherited from the parent JCComponent.


The FooterFont property determines what font is used to render text inside the footer region.


The FooterText property holds the text that is displayed in the footer. The default value is " " (empty String).


The Foreground property determines the foreground color used to draw inside the chart region. Note that the Foreground property is inherited from the parent JCComponent.


The HeaderFont property determines what font is used to render text inside the header region.


The HeaderText property holds the text that is displayed in the header. The default value is " " (empty String).


The LegendAnchor property determines the position of the legend relative to the ChartArea. Valid values include NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, NORTHWEST, SOUTHWEST, NORTHEAST, and SOUTHEAST. The default value is EAST.


The LegendOrientation property determines how legend information is laid out. Valid values include VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL. The default value is VERTICAL.


The LegendVisible property determines whether the legend is currently visible. Default value is false.


Sets the chart's data source to use a specified Swing TableModel object, instead of using the Data property.


The View3D property combines the values of the Depth, Elevation, and Rotation properties defined in JCChartArea. Depth controls the apparent depth of a graph. Elevation controls the distance above the X-axis for the 3D effect. Rotation controls the position of the eye relative to the
Y-axis for the 3D effect. The default value is "0.0,0.0,0.0".


The XAxisAnnotationMethod property determines how axis annotations are generated. Valid values include VALUE (annotation is generated by Chart, with possible callbacks to a label generator), VALUE_LABELS (annotation is taken from a list of value labels provided by the user - a value label is a label that appears at a particular axis value), POINT_LABELS (annotation comes from the data source's point labels that are associated with particular data points), and TIME_LABELS (Chart generates time/date labels based on the TimeUnit, TimeBase and TimeFormat properties). The default value is VALUE.


The XAxisGridVisible property determines whether a grid is drawn for the axis. The default value is false.


The XAxisLogarithmic property determines whether the first X-axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false). The default value is false.


The XAxisMinMax controls both the XAxisMin and XAxisMax properties. The XAxisMin property controls the minimum value shown on the axis. If a null String is used, Chart will calculate the axis minimum. The data minimum is determined by Chart. The default value is calculated. The XAxisMax property controls the maximum value shown on the axis. If a null String is used, Chart will calculate the axis maximum. The data maximum is determined by Chart. The default value is calculated.


The XAxisNumSpacing property controls the interval between axis labels. If a null String is used, Chart will calculate the interval. The default value is calculated.


The XAxisTitleText property specifies the text that will appear as the X-axis title. The default value is " " (empty String).


The XAxisVisible property determines whether the first X-axis is currently visible. Default value is true.


The YAxisAnnotationMethod property determines how axis annotations are generated. Valid values include VALUE (annotation is generated by Chart, with possible callbacks to a label generator), VALUE_LABELS (annotation is taken from a list of value labels provided by the user - a value label is a label that appears at a particular axis value), POINT_LABELS (annotation comes from the data source's point labels that are associated with particular data points), and TIME_LABELS (Chart generates time/date labels based on the TimeUnit, TimeBase and TimeFormat properties). The default value is VALUE.


The YAxisGridVisible property determines whether a grid is drawn for the axis.


The YAxisLogarithmic property determines whether the first Y-axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false). The default value is false.


The YAxisMinMax controls both the YAxisMin and YAxisMax properties. The YAxisMin property controls the minimum value shown on the axis. If a null String is used, Chart will calculate the axis min. The data min is determined by Chart. The default value is calculated. The YAxisMax property controls the maximum value shown on the axis. If a null String is used, Chart will calculate the axis max. The data max is determined by Chart. The default value is calculated.


The YAxisNumSpacing property controls the interval between axis labels. If a null String is used, Chart will calculate the interval. The default value is calculated.


The YAxisTitleText property specifies the text that will appear as the Y-axis title. The default value is " " (empty String).


The YAxisVisible property determines whether the first Y-axis is currently visible. Default value is true.
