

Integrating JClass DesktopViews
within your IDE

Borland JBuilder 7 or higher

IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.0, 5.1, and Eclipse 2.1

Sun Java Studio 5, Standard Edition, and NetBeans 3.5

This chapter outlines how JClass DesktopViews can be integrated within several popular IDEs. Please note that only IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer is supported on both Window and UNIX platforms.

Borland JBuilder 7 or higher

For full details on using JavaBeans with Borland JBuilder, please refer to the documentation that came with JBuilder. We provide an overview here.

Note: Only the 2D version of the JClass Chart 3D JavaBean works in JBuilder, and you will need to add vecmath.jar to your project.

  1. Make a library available to JBuilder by clicking Configure Libraries in the Tools menu and navigating to the library you want to add. Alternatively, add the required libraries in the Project Wizard.
  2. Click the New button and fill in the Name and the Location for your new library. When completed, select the required JAR files and click OK.
  3. From JBuilder's Tools menu, choose Configure Palette... (or right-click the component palette and choose Properties...).

  4. From the Pages tab of the Palette Properties dialog, click Add... to create a new page. Label this page, for example, Quest (alternatively, create a new page for each JClass product that you install).

  5. Click on this new page name and select the Add Components tab of the Palette Properties dialog.
  6. Click Select Library and browse to where you installed your JClass library, then click OK.
  7. In the Palette page to receive components box, select the page where you want this component to be stored (for example, Quest).
  8. Select the component(s) that you wish to install.
  9. Click Add from Selected Library... to view Results window, which contains the list of Beans in your selected library. Click OK. This will return you to the Palette Properties window.
  10. When you return to the Palette Properties window, click OK.

For more information, see the JBuilder help.

You should now see your page name in the component palette. When you click on it, icons for the Beans you added will appear. When you are in JBuilder's Design mode you will be able to drop the components into the frame.

Removing a JClass Product from Borland JBuilder

Using the Add/Remove Programs dialog in the Control Panel does not remove a JClass product from JBuilder. You must manually configure JBuilder to remove all references to the JClass product:

IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.0, 5.1, and Eclipse 2.1

Using JClass JavaBeans in IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.0 and 5.1

  1. From the File menu, select New then Visual Class.

  2. In the Create New Java Class using Visual Editor window, define the Source Folder (either by entering the name in the field, or by clicking the Browse... button and navigating to an existing folder), and enter a name for the Java class in the Name field. For example, MyClass.

  3. Continue adding information about your new Java class until you are satisfied, then click the Finish button. The visual editor's workbench will appear.
  4. Right click the name of the Java project in the Packages window, and select Properties.

  5. Select Java Build Path in the list, and click the Libraries tab.

  6. Click the Add External JARs... button. In the JAR Selection window, navigate to the JCLASS_HOME/lib directory. Select the appropriate JARs from the list, and click the Open button.

  7. Click the OK button on the Properties window to return to the visual editor.

Using the JClass JavaBeans

  1. To use the JavaBeans, click the (Choose Bean) button. In the Choose Bean window, select either the AWT or Swing radio button, and choose a JAR and class from the lists. Click the OK button.

    Note: If you already know the path for the class, you can type it into the File Selection text box instead of selecting it from the list. (For example, type com.klgjclass.chart.JCChart.)

  2. Click and drag on the visual editor to place the component in the file.

Removing JClass JavaBeans from a WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.0 Java Class

  1. To remove JavaBeans from WebSphere Studio Application Developer, right click the name of the Java class from which you would like to remove the Beans, and select Properties.
  2. From the Properties window, go to the Libraries tab and select the JavaBeans from the list that you would like to eliminate. Click the Remove button.

Sun Java Studio 5, Standard Edition, and NetBeans 3.5

For full details on using JavaBeans with Sun ONE Studio, please refer to the documentation provided with Sun ONE Studio. We provide an overview here.

  1. From the Tools menu, select Options. From the resulting Options window, select IDE Config/Look and Feel.

  2. Right click Component Palette and, from the drop-down list, select Add Palette Category.

  3. In the New Palette Category window, enter a name for the new palette (for example, Quest) and click the OK button. Close the Options window.

  4. To add Beans to the palette, go to Tools/Install New Java Bean. In the Install JavaBean window, navigate to the location of your JClass JARs, select the appropriate JAR, and click OK.

  5. From the resulting Select JavaBean window, select the JavaBeans from the JAR that you would like to install and click OK.

  6. From the Palette Category window, select the palette where you would like the JavaBeans to appear (for example, Quest) and click OK.

  7. Your Beans will be located at the top of any open form editor.

Removing JClass JavaBeans from Sun ONE Studio 4 Community Edition

  1. To remove JClass Beans, go to the Tools menu and select Global Options.
  2. In the Global Options (or Options) window, view the Component Palette and open the palette category where your Bean is located.

  3. Right click on the Bean you would like to remove and select Delete from the drop-down menu. (You can also select the Bean and hit the Delete key.)

  4. When the Confirm Object Deletion window appears, click Yes.

  5. Next, you must remove the JClass JAR from the filesystem. To do so, right click on the filesystem you want to remove (the JClass filesystem) in Forte's Explorer window and select Unmount Filesystem from the menu. (You can also unmount the filesystem by going to the File menu and selecting Unmount Filesystem.)
