Class ElementDecorator

  extended by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.ElementDecorator
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, JRChild, JRCloneable, JRCommonElement, JRElement, JRIdentifiable, JRPropertiesHolder, JRStyleContainer, JRVisitable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ElementDecorator
extends java.lang.Object
implements JRElement

$Id: 5050 2012-03-12 10:11:26Z teodord $
Lucian Chirita (

Constructor Summary
ElementDecorator(JRElement decorated)
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
 java.lang.Object clone(JRElementGroup parentGroup)
 void collectExpressions(JRExpressionCollector collector)
 java.awt.Color getBackcolor()
 JRDefaultStyleProvider getDefaultStyleProvider()
 JRElementGroup getElementGroup()
          Indicates the logical group that the element belongs to.
 java.awt.Color getForecolor()
 int getHeight()
 java.lang.String getKey()
          Returns the string value that uniquely identifies the element.
 ModeEnum getModeValue()
          Returns the element transparency mode.
 java.awt.Color getOwnBackcolor()
 java.awt.Color getOwnForecolor()
 ModeEnum getOwnModeValue()
 JRPropertiesHolder getParentProperties()
          Returns the parent properties holder, whose properties are used as defaults for this object.
 PositionTypeEnum getPositionTypeValue()
          Returns the position type for the element
 JRExpression getPrintWhenExpression()
          Gets the the expression that is evaluated in order to decide if the element should be displayed.
 JRGroup getPrintWhenGroupChanges()
          Returns the group for which an element with a printRepeatedValues attribute set to true will be redisplayed even if the value has not changed.
 JRPropertiesMap getPropertiesMap()
          Returns this object's properties map.
 JRPropertyExpression[] getPropertyExpressions()
          Returns the list of dynamic/expression-based properties for this report element.
 StretchTypeEnum getStretchTypeValue()
          Indicates the stretch type for the element
 JRStyle getStyle()
          Returns this object's style.
 java.lang.String getStyleNameReference()
          Returns the name of an external style which is to be used by this object.
 java.util.UUID getUUID()
 int getWidth()
 int getX()
          Gets the the section relative horizontal offset of the element top left corner.
 int getY()
          Gets the the section relative vertical offset of the element top left corner.
 boolean hasProperties()
          Checks whether the object has any properties.
 boolean isPrintInFirstWholeBand()
          Returns true if an element with a printRepeatedValues attribute set to true will be redisplayed for every new page or column that is not an overflow from a previous page or column.
 boolean isPrintRepeatedValues()
          Specifies if the element value will be printed for every iteration, even if its value has not changed.
 boolean isPrintWhenDetailOverflows()
          If this is set to true, the element will be reprinted on the next page if the band does not fit in the current page.
 boolean isRemoveLineWhenBlank()
          Returns true if the remaining blank space appearing when the value is not printed will be removed.
 void setBackcolor(java.awt.Color backcolor)
 void setForecolor(java.awt.Color forecolor)
 void setMode(byte mode)
 void setMode(java.lang.Byte mode)
 void setMode(ModeEnum mode)
          Sets the element transparency mode.
 void setPositionType(byte positionType)
 void setPositionType(PositionTypeEnum positionType)
          Sets the position type for the element.
 void setPrintInFirstWholeBand(boolean isPrintInFirstWholeBand)
          Specifies whether an element with a printRepeatedValues attribute set to true should be redisplayed for every new page or column that is not an overflow from a previous page or column.
 void setPrintRepeatedValues(boolean isPrintRepeatedValues)
 void setPrintWhenDetailOverflows(boolean isPrintWhenDetailOverflows)
          If this is set to true, the element will be reprinted on the next page if the band does not fit in the current page.
 void setRemoveLineWhenBlank(boolean isRemoveLineWhenBlank)
          Specifies whether the remaining blank space appearing when the value is not printed will be removed.
 void setStretchType(byte stretchType)
 void setStretchType(StretchTypeEnum stretchTypeEnum)
          Specifies how the engine should treat a missing image.
 void setWidth(int width)
 void setX(int x)
          Sets the the section relative horizontal offset of the element top left corner.
 void visit(JRVisitor visitor)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ElementDecorator(JRElement decorated)
Method Detail


public java.lang.Object clone()
Specified by:
clone in interface JRCloneable
clone in class java.lang.Object


public void collectExpressions(JRExpressionCollector collector)
Specified by:
collectExpressions in interface JRElement


public JRElementGroup getElementGroup()
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Indicates the logical group that the element belongs to. More elements can be grouped in order to get the height of the tallest one.

Specified by:
getElementGroup in interface JRElement
See Also:


public java.util.UUID getUUID()
Specified by:
getUUID in interface JRIdentifiable


public java.lang.String getKey()
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Returns the string value that uniquely identifies the element.

Specified by:
getKey in interface JRCommonElement
Specified by:
getKey in interface JRElement


public PositionTypeEnum getPositionTypeValue()
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Returns the position type for the element

Specified by:
getPositionTypeValue in interface JRElement
the position type


public JRExpression getPrintWhenExpression()
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Gets the the expression that is evaluated in order to decide if the element should be displayed. The print expression always returns a boolean value.

Specified by:
getPrintWhenExpression in interface JRElement


public JRGroup getPrintWhenGroupChanges()
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Returns the group for which an element with a printRepeatedValues attribute set to true will be redisplayed even if the value has not changed.

Specified by:
getPrintWhenGroupChanges in interface JRElement
See Also:


public JRPropertyExpression[] getPropertyExpressions()
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Returns the list of dynamic/expression-based properties for this report element.

Specified by:
getPropertyExpressions in interface JRElement
an array containing the expression-based properties of this report element


public StretchTypeEnum getStretchTypeValue()
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Indicates the stretch type for the element

Specified by:
getStretchTypeValue in interface JRElement
a value representing one of the stretch type constants in StretchTypeEnum


public int getX()
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Gets the the section relative horizontal offset of the element top left corner.

Specified by:
getX in interface JRElement


public int getY()
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Gets the the section relative vertical offset of the element top left corner.

Specified by:
getY in interface JRElement


public boolean isPrintInFirstWholeBand()
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Returns true if an element with a printRepeatedValues attribute set to true will be redisplayed for every new page or column that is not an overflow from a previous page or column.

Specified by:
isPrintInFirstWholeBand in interface JRElement
See Also:


public boolean isPrintRepeatedValues()
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Specifies if the element value will be printed for every iteration, even if its value has not changed.

Specified by:
isPrintRepeatedValues in interface JRElement
See Also:
JRElement.isRemoveLineWhenBlank(), JRElement.isPrintInFirstWholeBand()


public boolean isPrintWhenDetailOverflows()
Description copied from interface: JRElement
If this is set to true, the element will be reprinted on the next page if the band does not fit in the current page. Actually if there is at least one element with this attribute, the band is redisplayed from the beginning, except those elements that fitted in the current page and have isPrintWhenDetailOverflow set to false.

Specified by:
isPrintWhenDetailOverflows in interface JRElement


public boolean isRemoveLineWhenBlank()
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Returns true if the remaining blank space appearing when the value is not printed will be removed. Under certain circumstances (the element has an empty string as its value or contains a repeated value that is supressed) the space reserved for the current element remains empty. If this method returns true, it means the engine will try to suppress the blank line, but will only succeed if no other elements occupy the same vertical space.

Specified by:
isRemoveLineWhenBlank in interface JRElement


public void setPositionType(byte positionType)


public void setPositionType(PositionTypeEnum positionType)
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Sets the position type for the element.

Specified by:
setPositionType in interface JRElement
positionType - the position type


public void setPrintInFirstWholeBand(boolean isPrintInFirstWholeBand)
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Specifies whether an element with a printRepeatedValues attribute set to true should be redisplayed for every new page or column that is not an overflow from a previous page or column.

Specified by:
setPrintInFirstWholeBand in interface JRElement
See Also:


public void setPrintRepeatedValues(boolean isPrintRepeatedValues)
Specified by:
setPrintRepeatedValues in interface JRElement


public void setPrintWhenDetailOverflows(boolean isPrintWhenDetailOverflows)
Description copied from interface: JRElement
If this is set to true, the element will be reprinted on the next page if the band does not fit in the current page. Actually if there is at least one element with this attribute, the band is redisplayed from the beginning, except those elements that fitted in the current page and have isPrintWhenDetailOverflow set to false.

Specified by:
setPrintWhenDetailOverflows in interface JRElement


public void setRemoveLineWhenBlank(boolean isRemoveLineWhenBlank)
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Specifies whether the remaining blank space appearing when the value is not printed will be removed. Under certain circumstances (the element has an empty string as its value or contains a repeated value that is supressed) the space reserved for the current element remains empty. If the parameter is set to true, it means the engine will try to suppress the blank line, but will only succeed if no other elements occupy the same vertical space.

Specified by:
setRemoveLineWhenBlank in interface JRElement


public void setStretchType(byte stretchType)


public void setStretchType(StretchTypeEnum stretchTypeEnum)
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Specifies how the engine should treat a missing image.

Specified by:
setStretchType in interface JRElement
stretchTypeEnum - a value representing one of the stretch type constants in StretchTypeEnum


public void setWidth(int width)
Specified by:
setWidth in interface JRElement


public void setX(int x)
Description copied from interface: JRElement
Sets the the section relative horizontal offset of the element top left corner.

Specified by:
setX in interface JRElement


public java.lang.Object clone(JRElementGroup parentGroup)
Specified by:
clone in interface JRChild


public void visit(JRVisitor visitor)
Specified by:
visit in interface JRVisitable


public java.awt.Color getBackcolor()
Specified by:
getBackcolor in interface JRCommonElement


public java.awt.Color getForecolor()
Specified by:
getForecolor in interface JRCommonElement


public int getHeight()
Specified by:
getHeight in interface JRCommonElement


public ModeEnum getModeValue()
Description copied from interface: JRCommonElement
Returns the element transparency mode. The default value depends on the type of the report element. Graphic elements like rectangles and lines are opaque by default, but the images are transparent. Both static texts and text fields are transparent by default, and so are the subreport elements.

Specified by:
getModeValue in interface JRCommonElement


public java.awt.Color getOwnBackcolor()
Specified by:
getOwnBackcolor in interface JRCommonElement


public java.awt.Color getOwnForecolor()
Specified by:
getOwnForecolor in interface JRCommonElement


public ModeEnum getOwnModeValue()
Specified by:
getOwnModeValue in interface JRCommonElement


public int getWidth()
Specified by:
getWidth in interface JRCommonElement


public void setBackcolor(java.awt.Color backcolor)
Specified by:
setBackcolor in interface JRCommonElement


public void setForecolor(java.awt.Color forecolor)
Specified by:
setForecolor in interface JRCommonElement


public void setMode(byte mode)


public void setMode(java.lang.Byte mode)


public void setMode(ModeEnum mode)
Description copied from interface: JRCommonElement
Sets the element transparency mode.

Specified by:
setMode in interface JRCommonElement


public JRDefaultStyleProvider getDefaultStyleProvider()
Specified by:
getDefaultStyleProvider in interface JRStyleContainer


public JRStyle getStyle()
Description copied from interface: JRStyleContainer
Returns this object's style.

Specified by:
getStyle in interface JRStyleContainer
this object's style


public java.lang.String getStyleNameReference()
Description copied from interface: JRStyleContainer
Returns the name of an external style which is to be used by this object.

External styles are defined in templates and are resolved at fill time. This attribute is only effective if no direct style (as returned by getStyle() is specified for this object.

Specified by:
getStyleNameReference in interface JRStyleContainer
the name of an external style


public JRPropertiesHolder getParentProperties()
Description copied from interface: JRPropertiesHolder
Returns the parent properties holder, whose properties are used as defaults for this object.

Specified by:
getParentProperties in interface JRPropertiesHolder
the parent properties holder, or null if no parent


public JRPropertiesMap getPropertiesMap()
Description copied from interface: JRPropertiesHolder
Returns this object's properties map.

Specified by:
getPropertiesMap in interface JRPropertiesHolder
this object's properties map


public boolean hasProperties()
Description copied from interface: JRPropertiesHolder
Checks whether the object has any properties.

Specified by:
hasProperties in interface JRPropertiesHolder
whether the object has any properties

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