Interface JRParagraph

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public interface JRParagraph
extends JRStyleContainer

$Id: 5117 2012-03-22 14:12:48Z shertage $
Teodor Danciu (

Field Summary
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_FIRST_LINE_INDENT
          Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the first line indent, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_LEFT_INDENT
          Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the left indent, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_LINE_SPACING_SIZE
          Specifies the default value for the text line spacing size, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_RIGHT_INDENT
          Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the right indent, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_SPACING_AFTER
          Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the spacing after lines, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_SPACING_BEFORE
          Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the spacing before lines, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_TAB_STOP_WIDTH
          Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the tab stop width, if no explicit information is provided in a paragraph.
Method Summary
 void addTabStop(int index, TabStop tabStop)
 void addTabStop(TabStop tabStop)
 JRParagraph clone(JRParagraphContainer paragraphContainer)
 java.lang.Integer getFirstLineIndent()
          Gets the text first line indent.
 java.lang.Integer getLeftIndent()
          Gets the text left indent.
 LineSpacingEnum getLineSpacing()
          Gets the text line spacing.
 java.lang.Float getLineSpacingSize()
          Gets the text line spacing size to be used in combination with the line spacing type.
 java.lang.Integer getOwnFirstLineIndent()
          Gets the text own first line indent.
 java.lang.Integer getOwnLeftIndent()
          Gets the text own left indent.
 LineSpacingEnum getOwnLineSpacing()
          Gets the text own line spacing.
 java.lang.Float getOwnLineSpacingSize()
          Gets the text own line spacing size to be used in combination with the line spacing type.
 java.lang.Integer getOwnRightIndent()
          Gets the text own right indent.
 java.lang.Integer getOwnSpacingAfter()
          Gets the text own spacing after.
 java.lang.Integer getOwnSpacingBefore()
          Gets the text own spacing before.
 TabStop[] getOwnTabStops()
          Gets the custom tab stops.
 java.lang.Integer getOwnTabStopWidth()
          Gets the text own tab stop width.
 java.lang.Integer getRightIndent()
          Gets the text right indent.
 java.lang.Integer getSpacingAfter()
          Gets the text spacing after.
 java.lang.Integer getSpacingBefore()
          Gets the text spacing before.
 TabStop[] getTabStops()
          Gets the custom tab stops.
 java.lang.Integer getTabStopWidth()
          Gets the text tab stop width.
 void removeTabStop(int index)
 void removeTabStop(TabStop tabStop)
 void setFirstLineIndent(java.lang.Integer firstLineIndent)
          Sets the text own first line indent.
 void setLeftIndent(java.lang.Integer leftIndent)
          Sets the text own left indent.
 void setLineSpacing(LineSpacingEnum lineSpacing)
          Sets the text line spacing.
 void setLineSpacingSize(java.lang.Float lineSpacingSize)
          Sets the text line spacing size to be used in combination with the line spacing type.
 void setRightIndent(java.lang.Integer rightIndent)
          Sets the text own right indent.
 void setSpacingAfter(java.lang.Integer spacingAfter)
          Sets the text own spacing after.
 void setSpacingBefore(java.lang.Integer spacingBefore)
          Sets the text own spacing before.
 void setTabStopWidth(java.lang.Integer tabStopWidth)
          Sets the text own tab stop width.
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRStyleContainer
getDefaultStyleProvider, getStyle, getStyleNameReference

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_LINE_SPACING_SIZE
Specifies the default value for the text line spacing size, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph. This value is used in combination with the size-dependent line spacings in LineSpacingEnum:

See Also:
AbstractTextRenderer.getLineHeight(boolean, JRParagraph, float, float), Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_FIRST_LINE_INDENT
Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the first line indent, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
By default the first line in JR paragraphs has no indentation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_LEFT_INDENT
Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the left indent, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
By default JR paragraphs provide no left indentation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_RIGHT_INDENT
Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the right indent, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
By default JR paragraphs provide no right indentation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_SPACING_BEFORE
Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the spacing before lines, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
By default JR paragraphs provide no spacing before lines.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_SPACING_AFTER
Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the spacing after lines, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
By default JR paragraphs provide no spacing after lines.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_TAB_STOP_WIDTH
Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the tab stop width, if no explicit information is provided in a paragraph.
By default JR paragraphs provide 40 pixels wide tab stops.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


JRParagraph clone(JRParagraphContainer paragraphContainer)


LineSpacingEnum getLineSpacing()
Gets the text line spacing.

a value representing one of the line spacing constants in LineSpacingEnum


LineSpacingEnum getOwnLineSpacing()
Gets the text own line spacing.

a value representing one of the line spacing constants in LineSpacingEnum


void setLineSpacing(LineSpacingEnum lineSpacing)
Sets the text line spacing.

lineSpacing - a value representing one of the line spacing constants in LineSpacingEnum


java.lang.Float getLineSpacingSize()
Gets the text line spacing size to be used in combination with the line spacing type.


java.lang.Float getOwnLineSpacingSize()
Gets the text own line spacing size to be used in combination with the line spacing type.


void setLineSpacingSize(java.lang.Float lineSpacingSize)
Sets the text line spacing size to be used in combination with the line spacing type.


java.lang.Integer getLeftIndent()
Gets the text left indent.


java.lang.Integer getOwnLeftIndent()
Gets the text own left indent.


void setLeftIndent(java.lang.Integer leftIndent)
Sets the text own left indent.


java.lang.Integer getFirstLineIndent()
Gets the text first line indent.


java.lang.Integer getOwnFirstLineIndent()
Gets the text own first line indent.


void setFirstLineIndent(java.lang.Integer firstLineIndent)
Sets the text own first line indent.


java.lang.Integer getRightIndent()
Gets the text right indent.


java.lang.Integer getOwnRightIndent()
Gets the text own right indent.


void setRightIndent(java.lang.Integer rightIndent)
Sets the text own right indent.


java.lang.Integer getSpacingBefore()
Gets the text spacing before.


java.lang.Integer getOwnSpacingBefore()
Gets the text own spacing before.


void setSpacingBefore(java.lang.Integer spacingBefore)
Sets the text own spacing before.


java.lang.Integer getSpacingAfter()
Gets the text spacing after.


java.lang.Integer getOwnSpacingAfter()
Gets the text own spacing after.


void setSpacingAfter(java.lang.Integer spacingAfter)
Sets the text own spacing after.


java.lang.Integer getTabStopWidth()
Gets the text tab stop width.


java.lang.Integer getOwnTabStopWidth()
Gets the text own tab stop width.


void setTabStopWidth(java.lang.Integer tabStopWidth)
Sets the text own tab stop width.


TabStop[] getTabStops()
Gets the custom tab stops.


TabStop[] getOwnTabStops()
Gets the custom tab stops.


void addTabStop(TabStop tabStop)


void addTabStop(int index,
                TabStop tabStop)


void removeTabStop(int index)


void removeTabStop(TabStop tabStop)

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