Interface JRVirtualizer

All Known Implementing Classes:
JRAbstractLRUVirtualizer, JRFileVirtualizer, JRGzipVirtualizer, JRSwapFileVirtualizer

public interface JRVirtualizer

$Id: 5180 2012-03-29 13:23:12Z teodord $
John Bindel
See Also:

Method Summary
 void cleanup()
          Called when we are done with the virtualizer and wish to cleanup any resources it has.
 void clearData(JRVirtualizable o)
          Called when the virtual object paged-out data should be freed.
 void deregisterObject(JRVirtualizable o)
          Lets this virtualizer know that it no longer must track the object.
 void registerObject(JRVirtualizable o)
          Lets this virtualizer know that it must track the object.
 void requestData(JRVirtualizable o)
          Called when the virtual object must be paged-in.
 void touch(JRVirtualizable o)
          Lets the virtualizer know that this object is still being used.
 void virtualizeData(JRVirtualizable o)
          Called when the virtual object should be paged-out.

Method Detail


void registerObject(JRVirtualizable o)
Lets this virtualizer know that it must track the object.

All virtualizable object must register with their virtualizer upon construction.


void deregisterObject(JRVirtualizable o)
Lets this virtualizer know that it no longer must track the object.


void touch(JRVirtualizable o)
Lets the virtualizer know that this object is still being used. This should be called to help the virtualizer determine which objects to keep in its cache, and which objects to page-out when it must do some paging-out.

The virtualizer gets to decide what type of caching strategy it will use.


void requestData(JRVirtualizable o)
Called when the virtual object must be paged-in.

If the object's virtual data is not paged-out, the object will only be touched.


void clearData(JRVirtualizable o)
Called when the virtual object paged-out data should be freed.

If the object's virtual data is not paged-out, the object will only be touched.


void virtualizeData(JRVirtualizable o)
Called when the virtual object should be paged-out.


void cleanup()
Called when we are done with the virtualizer and wish to cleanup any resources it has.

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