Class JRBaseImage

  extended by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseElement
      extended by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseGraphicElement
          extended by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseImage
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, JRChangeEventsSupport, JRAlignment, JRAnchor, JRBoxContainer, JRChild, JRCloneable, JRCommonElement, JRCommonGraphicElement, JRCommonImage, JRElement, JRGraphicElement, JRHyperlink, JRIdentifiable, JRImage, JRPenContainer, JRPropertiesHolder, JRStyleContainer, JRVisitable

public class JRBaseImage
extends JRBaseGraphicElement
implements JRImage

The actual implementation of a graphic element representing an image.

$Id: 5180 2012-03-29 13:23:12Z teodord $
Teodor Danciu (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  JRExpression anchorNameExpression
protected  int bookmarkLevel
          The bookmark level for the anchor associated with this image.
protected  JRGroup evaluationGroup
protected  EvaluationTimeEnum evaluationTimeValue
protected  JRExpression expression
protected  HorizontalAlignEnum horizontalAlignmentValue
protected  JRExpression hyperlinkAnchorExpression
protected  JRExpression hyperlinkPageExpression
protected  JRExpression hyperlinkReferenceExpression
protected  boolean isLazy
protected  java.lang.Boolean isUsingCache
protected  JRLineBox lineBox
protected  java.lang.String linkTarget
protected  java.lang.String linkType
protected  OnErrorTypeEnum onErrorTypeValue
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_LAZY
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_ON_ERROR_TYPE
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_USING_CACHE
protected  ScaleImageEnum scaleImageValue
protected  VerticalAlignEnum verticalAlignmentValue
Fields inherited from class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseGraphicElement
fillValue, linePen
Fields inherited from class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseElement
backcolor, defaultStyleProvider, elementGroup, forecolor, height, isPrintInFirstWholeBand, isPrintRepeatedValues, isPrintWhenDetailOverflows, isRemoveLineWhenBlank, key, modeValue, parentStyle, parentStyleNameReference, positionTypeValue, printWhenExpression, printWhenGroupChanges, PROPERTY_POSITION_TYPE, PROPERTY_PRINT_IN_FIRST_WHOLE_BAND, PROPERTY_PRINT_REPEATED_VALUES, PROPERTY_PRINT_WHEN_DETAIL_OVERFLOWS, PROPERTY_REMOVE_LINE_WHEN_BLANK, PROPERTY_STRETCH_TYPE, PROPERTY_WIDTH, PROPERTY_X, stretchTypeValue, uuid, width, x, y
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRAnchor
Constructor Summary
protected JRBaseImage(JRImage image, JRBaseObjectFactory factory)
          protected JRBaseImage() { super(); } /** Initializes properties that are specific to images.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
 void collectExpressions(JRExpressionCollector collector)
 JRExpression getAnchorNameExpression()
          Returns an expression whose value represents the anchor name.
 int getBookmarkLevel()
          Returns the level of the bookmark corresponding to the anchor.
 java.lang.Float getDefaultLineWidth()
 JRGroup getEvaluationGroup()
          Gets the evaluation group for this text field.
 EvaluationTimeEnum getEvaluationTimeValue()
          Indicates the evaluation time for this image.
 JRExpression getExpression()
 HorizontalAlignEnum getHorizontalAlignmentValue()
          Gets the text horizontal alignment.
 JRExpression getHyperlinkAnchorExpression()
          Returns the expression whose value represents the anchor.
 JRExpression getHyperlinkPageExpression()
          Returns an integer representing the page index of the link.
 JRHyperlinkParameter[] getHyperlinkParameters()
          Returns the list of hyperlink parameters.
 JRExpression getHyperlinkReferenceExpression()
          Returns the expression whose value represents the hyperlink reference.
 byte getHyperlinkTarget()
          Retrieves the hyperlink target for the element.
 JRExpression getHyperlinkTooltipExpression()
          Returns the expression which will generate the hyperlink tooltip.
 byte getHyperlinkType()
          Deprecated. Replaced by getHyperlinkTypeValue().
 HyperlinkTypeEnum getHyperlinkTypeValue()
          Retrieves the hyperlink type for the element.
 JRLineBox getLineBox()
 java.lang.String getLinkTarget()
          Returns the hyperlink target name.
 java.lang.String getLinkType()
          Returns the hyperlink type.
 ModeEnum getModeValue()
          Returns the element transparency mode.
 OnErrorTypeEnum getOnErrorTypeValue()
          Indicates how the engine will treat a missing image.
 HorizontalAlignEnum getOwnHorizontalAlignmentValue()
 ScaleImageEnum getOwnScaleImageValue()
          Gets the image own scale type.
 VerticalAlignEnum getOwnVerticalAlignmentValue()
 ScaleImageEnum getScaleImageValue()
          Gets the image scale type.
 java.lang.Boolean getUsingCache()
          Indicates if the engine is loading the current image from cache.
 VerticalAlignEnum getVerticalAlignmentValue()
          Gets the text vertical alignment.
 boolean isLazy()
          Indicates if the images will be loaded lazily or not.
 java.lang.Boolean isOwnUsingCache()
          Deprecated. Replaced by getUsingCache().
 boolean isUsingCache()
          Deprecated. Replaced by getUsingCache().
 void setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignEnum horizontalAlignmentValue)
          Sets the text horizontal alignment.
 void setLazy(boolean isLazy)
          Gives control over when the images are retrieved from their specified location.
 void setOnErrorType(OnErrorTypeEnum onErrorTypeValue)
          Specifies how the engine should treat a missing image.
 void setScaleImage(ScaleImageEnum scaleImageValue)
          Sets the image scale type.
 void setUsingCache(boolean isUsingCache)
          Specifies if the engine should be loading the current image from cache.
 void setUsingCache(java.lang.Boolean isUsingCache)
          Specifies if the engine should be loading the current image from cache.
 void setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignEnum verticalAlignmentValue)
          Gets the text vertical alignment.
 void visit(JRVisitor visitor)
Methods inherited from class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseGraphicElement
getDefaultLineColor, getFillValue, getLinePen, getOwnFillValue, setFill
Methods inherited from class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseElement
clone, getBackcolor, getBaseStyle, getDefaultStyleProvider, getElementGroup, getEventSupport, getForecolor, getHeight, getKey, getOwnBackcolor, getOwnForecolor, getOwnModeValue, getParentProperties, getPositionTypeValue, getPrintWhenExpression, getPrintWhenGroupChanges, getPropertiesMap, getPropertyExpressions, getStretchTypeValue, getStyle, getStyleNameReference, getUUID, getWidth, getX, getY, hasProperties, isPrintInFirstWholeBand, isPrintRepeatedValues, isPrintWhenDetailOverflows, isRemoveLineWhenBlank, setBackcolor, setForecolor, setMode, setPositionType, setPrintInFirstWholeBand, setPrintRepeatedValues, setPrintWhenDetailOverflows, setRemoveLineWhenBlank, setStretchType, setWidth, setX
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRElement
getElementGroup, getKey, getPositionTypeValue, getPrintWhenExpression, getPrintWhenGroupChanges, getPropertyExpressions, getStretchTypeValue, getX, getY, isPrintInFirstWholeBand, isPrintRepeatedValues, isPrintWhenDetailOverflows, isRemoveLineWhenBlank, setPositionType, setPrintInFirstWholeBand, setPrintRepeatedValues, setPrintWhenDetailOverflows, setRemoveLineWhenBlank, setStretchType, setWidth, setX
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChild
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPropertiesHolder
getParentProperties, getPropertiesMap, hasProperties
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRCommonGraphicElement
getFillValue, getLinePen, getOwnFillValue, setFill
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRCommonElement
getBackcolor, getForecolor, getHeight, getOwnBackcolor, getOwnForecolor, getOwnModeValue, getWidth, setBackcolor, setForecolor, setMode
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRIdentifiable
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPenContainer
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRStyleContainer
getDefaultStyleProvider, getStyle, getStyleNameReference
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRBoxContainer

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_LAZY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_ON_ERROR_TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_USING_CACHE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected ScaleImageEnum scaleImageValue


protected HorizontalAlignEnum horizontalAlignmentValue


protected VerticalAlignEnum verticalAlignmentValue


protected java.lang.Boolean isUsingCache


protected boolean isLazy


protected OnErrorTypeEnum onErrorTypeValue


protected EvaluationTimeEnum evaluationTimeValue


protected java.lang.String linkType


protected java.lang.String linkTarget


protected JRLineBox lineBox


protected JRGroup evaluationGroup


protected JRExpression expression


protected JRExpression anchorNameExpression


protected JRExpression hyperlinkReferenceExpression


protected JRExpression hyperlinkAnchorExpression


protected JRExpression hyperlinkPageExpression


protected int bookmarkLevel
The bookmark level for the anchor associated with this image.

See Also:
Constructor Detail


protected JRBaseImage(JRImage image,
                      JRBaseObjectFactory factory)
protected JRBaseImage() { super(); } /** Initializes properties that are specific to images. Common properties are initialized by its parent constructors.

image - an element whose properties are copied to this element. Usually it is a JRDesignImage that must be transformed into an JRBaseImage at compile time.
factory - a factory used in the compile process
Method Detail


public ModeEnum getModeValue()
Description copied from interface: JRCommonElement
Returns the element transparency mode. The default value depends on the type of the report element. Graphic elements like rectangles and lines are opaque by default, but the images are transparent. Both static texts and text fields are transparent by default, and so are the subreport elements.

Specified by:
getModeValue in interface JRCommonElement
getModeValue in class JRBaseElement


public ScaleImageEnum getScaleImageValue()
Description copied from interface: JRCommonImage
Gets the image scale type.

Specified by:
getScaleImageValue in interface JRCommonImage
a value representing one of the scale type constants in ScaleImageEnum


public ScaleImageEnum getOwnScaleImageValue()
Description copied from interface: JRCommonImage
Gets the image own scale type.

Specified by:
getOwnScaleImageValue in interface JRCommonImage
a value representing one of the scale type constants in ScaleImageEnum


public void setScaleImage(ScaleImageEnum scaleImageValue)
Description copied from interface: JRCommonImage
Sets the image scale type.

Specified by:
setScaleImage in interface JRCommonImage
scaleImageValue - a value representing one of the scale type constants in ScaleImageEnum


public HorizontalAlignEnum getHorizontalAlignmentValue()
Description copied from interface: JRAlignment
Gets the text horizontal alignment.

Specified by:
getHorizontalAlignmentValue in interface JRAlignment
a value representing one of the horizontal alignment constants in HorizontalAlignEnum


public HorizontalAlignEnum getOwnHorizontalAlignmentValue()
Specified by:
getOwnHorizontalAlignmentValue in interface JRAlignment


public void setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignEnum horizontalAlignmentValue)
Description copied from interface: JRAlignment
Sets the text horizontal alignment.

Specified by:
setHorizontalAlignment in interface JRAlignment
horizontalAlignmentValue - a value representing one of the horizontal alignment constants in HorizontalAlignEnum


public VerticalAlignEnum getVerticalAlignmentValue()
Description copied from interface: JRAlignment
Gets the text vertical alignment.

Specified by:
getVerticalAlignmentValue in interface JRAlignment
a value representing one of the vertical alignment constants in VerticalAlignEnum


public VerticalAlignEnum getOwnVerticalAlignmentValue()
Specified by:
getOwnVerticalAlignmentValue in interface JRAlignment


public void setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignEnum verticalAlignmentValue)
Description copied from interface: JRAlignment
Gets the text vertical alignment.

Specified by:
setVerticalAlignment in interface JRAlignment
verticalAlignmentValue - a value representing one of the vertical alignment constants in VerticalAlignEnum


public boolean isUsingCache()
Deprecated. Replaced by getUsingCache().

Description copied from interface: JRImage
Indicates if the engine is loading the current image from cache. Implementations of this method rely on default values that depend on the type of the image expression if a value was not explicitly set of this flag.

Specified by:
isUsingCache in interface JRImage
true if the image should be loaded from cache, false otherwise


public java.lang.Boolean isOwnUsingCache()
Deprecated. Replaced by getUsingCache().

Specified by:
isOwnUsingCache in interface JRImage


public java.lang.Boolean getUsingCache()
Description copied from interface: JRImage
Indicates if the engine is loading the current image from cache. Implementations of this method return the actual value for the internal flag that was explicitly set on this image element.

Specified by:
getUsingCache in interface JRImage
Boolean.TRUE if the image should be loaded from cache, Boolean.FALSE otherwise or null in case the flag was never explicitly set on this image element


public void setUsingCache(boolean isUsingCache)
Description copied from interface: JRImage
Specifies if the engine should be loading the current image from cache. If set to true, the reporting engine will try to recognize previously loaded images using their specified source. For example, it will recognize an image if the image source is a file name that it has already loaded, or if it is the same URL.

For image elements that have expressions returning java.lang.String objects as the image source, representing file names, URLs or classpath resources, the default value for this flag is true.

Specified by:
setUsingCache in interface JRImage


public void setUsingCache(java.lang.Boolean isUsingCache)
Description copied from interface: JRImage
Specifies if the engine should be loading the current image from cache. If set to Boolean.TRUE, the reporting engine will try to recognize previously loaded images using their specified source. For example, it will recognize an image if the image source is a file name that it has already loaded, or if it is the same URL.

If set to null, the engine will rely on some default value which depends on the type of the image expression. The cache is turned on by default only for images that have java.lang.String objects in their expressions.

Specified by:
setUsingCache in interface JRImage


public boolean isLazy()
Description copied from interface: JRImage
Indicates if the images will be loaded lazily or not.

Specified by:
isLazy in interface JRImage


public void setLazy(boolean isLazy)
Description copied from interface: JRImage
Gives control over when the images are retrieved from their specified location. If set to true, the image is loaded from the specified location only when the document is viewed or exported to other formats. Otherwise it is loaded during the report filling process and stored in the resulting document.

Specified by:
setLazy in interface JRImage
isLazy - specifies whether


public OnErrorTypeEnum getOnErrorTypeValue()
Description copied from interface: JRImage
Indicates how the engine will treat a missing image.

Specified by:
getOnErrorTypeValue in interface JRImage
a value representing one of the missing image handling constants in OnErrorTypeEnum


public void setOnErrorType(OnErrorTypeEnum onErrorTypeValue)
Description copied from interface: JRImage
Specifies how the engine should treat a missing image.

Specified by:
setOnErrorType in interface JRImage
onErrorTypeValue - a value representing one of the missing image handling constants in OnErrorTypeEnum


public EvaluationTimeEnum getEvaluationTimeValue()
Description copied from interface: JRImage
Indicates the evaluation time for this image.

Specified by:
getEvaluationTimeValue in interface JRImage
one of the evaluation time constants in EvaluationTimeEnum


public JRLineBox getLineBox()
Specified by:
getLineBox in interface JRBoxContainer


public byte getHyperlinkType()
Deprecated. Replaced by getHyperlinkTypeValue().

Specified by:
getHyperlinkType in interface JRHyperlink


public HyperlinkTypeEnum getHyperlinkTypeValue()
Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
Retrieves the hyperlink type for the element.

The actual hyperlink type is determined by getLinkType(). This method can is used to determine whether the hyperlink type is one of the built-in types or a custom type. When hyperlink is of custom type, CUSTOM is returned.

Specified by:
getHyperlinkTypeValue in interface JRHyperlink
one of the hyperlink type constants
See Also:


public byte getHyperlinkTarget()
Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
Retrieves the hyperlink target for the element.

The actual hyperlink target is determined by getLinkTarget(). This method can is used to determine whether the hyperlink target is one of the built-in target names or a custom one. When hyperlink has a custom target name, HyperlinkTargetEnum.CUSTOM is returned.

Specified by:
getHyperlinkTarget in interface JRHyperlink
one of the hyperlink target constants
See Also:


public JRGroup getEvaluationGroup()
Description copied from interface: JRImage
Gets the evaluation group for this text field. Used only when evaluation time is group.

Specified by:
getEvaluationGroup in interface JRImage
See Also:


public JRExpression getExpression()
Specified by:
getExpression in interface JRImage


public JRExpression getAnchorNameExpression()
Description copied from interface: JRAnchor
Returns an expression whose value represents the anchor name.

Specified by:
getAnchorNameExpression in interface JRAnchor


public JRExpression getHyperlinkReferenceExpression()
Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
Returns the expression whose value represents the hyperlink reference. It is only used when the hyperlink type is reference or anchor

Specified by:
getHyperlinkReferenceExpression in interface JRHyperlink


public JRExpression getHyperlinkAnchorExpression()
Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
Returns the expression whose value represents the anchor. It is only used when the hyperlink type is anchor.

Specified by:
getHyperlinkAnchorExpression in interface JRHyperlink


public JRExpression getHyperlinkPageExpression()
Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
Returns an integer representing the page index of the link. It is only used when the hyperlink type is page. If the expression does not evaluate to an integer, an exception will be thrown.

Specified by:
getHyperlinkPageExpression in interface JRHyperlink


public void collectExpressions(JRExpressionCollector collector)
Specified by:
collectExpressions in interface JRElement


public void visit(JRVisitor visitor)
Specified by:
visit in interface JRVisitable


public int getBookmarkLevel()
Description copied from interface: JRAnchor
Returns the level of the bookmark corresponding to the anchor.

Specified by:
getBookmarkLevel in interface JRAnchor
the level of the bookmark corresponding to the anchor (starting from 1) or NO_BOOKMARK if no bookmark should be created for this anchor


public java.lang.Float getDefaultLineWidth()
Specified by:
getDefaultLineWidth in interface JRPenContainer
getDefaultLineWidth in class JRBaseGraphicElement


public java.lang.String getLinkType()
Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
Returns the hyperlink type.

The type can be one of the built-in types (Reference, LocalAnchor, LocalPage, RemoteAnchor, RemotePage), or can be an arbitrary type.

Specified by:
getLinkType in interface JRHyperlink
the hyperlink type


public java.lang.String getLinkTarget()
Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
Returns the hyperlink target name.

The type can be one of the built-in names (Self, Blank, Top, Parent), or can be an arbitrary name.

Specified by:
getLinkTarget in interface JRHyperlink
the hyperlink target name


public JRHyperlinkParameter[] getHyperlinkParameters()
Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
Returns the list of hyperlink parameters.

The parameters can be used by custom hyperlink types to generate dynamic links.

Specified by:
getHyperlinkParameters in interface JRHyperlink
the list of hyperlink parameters


public JRExpression getHyperlinkTooltipExpression()
Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
Returns the expression which will generate the hyperlink tooltip.

Specified by:
getHyperlinkTooltipExpression in interface JRHyperlink
the expression which will generate the hyperlink tooltip


public java.lang.Object clone()
Specified by:
clone in interface JRCloneable
clone in class JRBaseGraphicElement

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