Uses of Interface

Packages that use JRTemplate
net.sf.jasperreports.engine Provides access to the library's main functionality through façade classes for compiling, filling and exporting reports and also publishes the library's main interfaces and classes. 
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill Contains fill time implementations for the library's main interfaces and the entire engine used in the filling process (the actual core of JasperReports). 
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml Contains classes for loading report templates from XML files. 

Uses of JRTemplate in net.sf.jasperreports.engine

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine that implement JRTemplate
 class JRSimpleTemplate
          Default JRTemplate implementation.

Uses of JRTemplate in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill

Fields in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill with type parameters of type JRTemplate
protected  java.util.List<JRTemplate> JRBaseFiller.templates

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill that return JRTemplate
 JRTemplate JRFillReportTemplate.evaluate()
 JRTemplate JRFillContext.getLoadedTemplate(java.lang.Object source)
          Gets a cached template.
protected static JRTemplate JRFillReportTemplate.loadTemplate(java.lang.Object source, JRBaseFiller filler)

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill that return types with arguments of type JRTemplate
 java.util.List<JRTemplate> JRBaseFiller.getTemplates()

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill with parameters of type JRTemplate
protected  void JRBaseFiller.collectIncludedTemplates(JRTemplate template, java.util.List<JRStyle> externalStyles, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> loadedLocations, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> templateParentLocations)
protected  void JRBaseFiller.collectStyles(JRTemplate template, java.util.List<JRStyle> externalStyles, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> loadedLocations)
protected  void JRBaseFiller.collectStyles(JRTemplate template, java.util.List<JRStyle> externalStyles, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> loadedLocations, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> templateParentLocations)
 void JRFillContext.registerLoadedTemplate(java.lang.Object source, JRTemplate template)
          Registers a template loaded from a source.

Uses of JRTemplate in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml that return JRTemplate
static JRTemplate JRXmlTemplateLoader.load( file)
static JRTemplate JRXmlTemplateLoader.load( data)
static JRTemplate JRXmlTemplateLoader.load(java.lang.String location)
static JRTemplate JRXmlTemplateLoader.load( url)
 JRTemplate JRXmlTemplateLoader.loadTemplate( file)
          Parses a template XML file into a template object.
 JRTemplate JRXmlTemplateLoader.loadTemplate( data)
          Parses a template XML data stream into a template object.
 JRTemplate JRXmlTemplateLoader.loadTemplate(java.lang.String location)
          Parses a template XML found at a specified location into a template object.
 JRTemplate JRXmlTemplateLoader.loadTemplate( url)
          Parses a template XML located at a URL into a template object.

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml with parameters of type JRTemplate
static java.lang.String JRXmlTemplateWriter.writeTemplate(JRTemplate template)
          Returns the XML representation of a template.
static void JRXmlTemplateWriter.writeTemplate(JRTemplate template, out)
          Writes the XML representation of a template to an output stream.
static void JRXmlTemplateWriter.writeTemplate(JRTemplate template, out, java.lang.String encoding)
          Writes the XML representation of a template to an output stream.
static java.lang.String JRXmlTemplateWriter.writeTemplate(JRTemplate template, java.lang.String encoding)
          Returns the XML representation of a template.
protected static void JRXmlTemplateWriter.writeTemplate(JRTemplate template, out, java.lang.String encoding)
static void JRXmlTemplateWriter.writeTemplateToFile(JRTemplate template, java.lang.String outputFile)
          Writes the XML representation of a template to a file.
static void JRXmlTemplateWriter.writeTemplateToFile(JRTemplate template, java.lang.String outputFile, java.lang.String encoding)
          Writes the XML representation of a template to a file.

Constructors in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml with parameters of type JRTemplate
JRXmlTemplateWriter(JRTemplate template, out, java.lang.String encoding)
          Creates an XML template writer.

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