Uses of Class

Packages that use JRDesignElement Contains design time implementations for the library's main interfaces as well as report compiling tools. 
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml Contains classes for loading report templates from XML files. 

Uses of JRDesignElement in

Subclasses of JRDesignElement in
 class JRDesignCrosstab
          Design-time crosstab implementation.

Uses of JRDesignElement in

Subclasses of JRDesignElement in
 class JRDesignBreak
          The actual implementation of a break element, used at design time.
 class JRDesignChart
 class JRDesignComponentElement
          A JRComponentElement implementation which is to be used at report design time.
 class JRDesignEllipse
          The actual implementation of a graphic element representing an ellipse, used at design time.
 class JRDesignFrame
          Implementation of JRFrame to be used at design time.
 class JRDesignGenericElement
          A implementation of JRGenericElement that is to be used at report design time.
 class JRDesignGraphicElement
          This class contains functionality common to graphic elements at design time.
 class JRDesignImage
          The actual implementation of a graphic element representing an image, used at design time.
 class JRDesignLine
          The actual implementation of a graphic element representing a straight line, used at design time.
 class JRDesignRectangle
          The actual implementation of a graphic element representing a rectangle, used at design time.
 class JRDesignStaticText
          This class is used for representing a design static text element.
 class JRDesignSubreport
 class JRDesignTextElement
          This class provides functionality common to design text elements.
 class JRDesignTextField

Methods in that return JRDesignElement
 JRDesignElement JRDesignElementGroup.removeElement(JRDesignElement element)

Methods in with parameters of type JRDesignElement
 void JRDesignElementGroup.addElement(int index, JRDesignElement element)
 void JRDesignElementGroup.addElement(JRDesignElement element)
 JRDesignElement JRDesignElementGroup.removeElement(JRDesignElement element)

Uses of JRDesignElement in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml with parameters of type JRDesignElement
 void JRXmlLoader.addGroupReprintedElement(JRDesignElement element)

Constructors in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml with parameters of type JRDesignElement
ElementReprintGroupReference(JRDesignElement element)

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