Package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.xml

Interface Summary
JRXPathExecuter An XPath expression executer.
JRXPathExecuterFactory An XPath Executer factory.

Class Summary
JaxenNsAwareXPathExecuter XPath executer implementation that uses a namespace aware Jaxen.
JaxenXPathExecuter XPath executer implementation that uses Jaxen.
JaxenXPathExecuterFactory Jaxen XPath executers factory.
JRXmlDocumentProducer Produces a org.w3c.dom.Document based on a, or a java.lang.String uri
JRXPathExecuterUtils Helper class used to instantiate XPath executers.
XalanNsAwareXPathExecuter XPath executer implementation that uses Apache Xalan.
XalanXPathExecuter XPath executer implementation that uses Apache Xalan.
XalanXPathExecuterFactory Apache Xalan XPath executers factory.

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