Interface FileSetCheck

All Superinterfaces:
Configurable, Contextualizable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFileSetCheck, AbstractHeaderCheck, FileLengthCheck, FileTabCharacterCheck, HeaderCheck, JavadocPackageCheck, NewlineAtEndOfFileCheck, RegexpHeaderCheck, RegexpMultilineCheck, RegexpSinglelineCheck, StrictDuplicateCodeCheck, TranslationCheck, TreeWalker

public interface FileSetCheck
extends Configurable, Contextualizable

Interface for Checking a set of files for some criteria.

lkuehne, oliver

Method Summary
 void beginProcessing(String aCharset)
          Called when about to be called to process a set of files.
 void destroy()
          Cleans up the object.
 void finishProcessing()
          Called when all the files have been processed.
 void init()
          Initialise the instance.
 TreeSet<LocalizedMessage> process(File aFile, List<String> aLines)
          Request to process a file.
 void setMessageDispatcher(MessageDispatcher aDispatcher)
          Sets the MessageDispatcher that is used to dispatch error messages to AuditListeners during processing.
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


void setMessageDispatcher(MessageDispatcher aDispatcher)
Sets the MessageDispatcher that is used to dispatch error messages to AuditListeners during processing.

aDispatcher - the dispatcher


void init()
Initialise the instance. This is the time to verify that everything required to perform it job.


void destroy()
Cleans up the object.


void beginProcessing(String aCharset)
Called when about to be called to process a set of files.

aCharset - the character set used to read the files.


TreeSet<LocalizedMessage> process(File aFile,
                                  List<String> aLines)
Request to process a file. The implementation should use the supplied contents and not read the contents again. This reduces the amount of file I/O.

The file set to process might contain files that are not interesting to the FileSetCheck. Such files should be ignored, no error message should be fired for them. For example a FileSetCheck that checks java files should ignore HTML or properties files.

The method should return the set of messages to be logged.

aFile - the file to be processed
aLines - an immutable list of the contents of the file.
the list of messages to be logged.


void finishProcessing()
Called when all the files have been processed. This is the time to perform any checks that need to be done across a set of files. In this method, the implementation is responsible for the logging of messages.

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