which is basically the same as
except that the method
does not select the first
object if one exists.
- execute() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.VersionAddTask
- execute() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.VersionDeleteTask
- execute() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.VersionUpdateTask
method has returned.
- getProject(String) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Returns the project with name
- getProject(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getProject(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getProject(String) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getProject() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssue
- getProject() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssueHeader
- getProject() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Issue
- getProject() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.IssueHeader
- getProjectAttachment(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Get the data for the specified project attachment.
- getProjectAttachment(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Get the data for the specified project attachment.
- getProjectAttachment(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getProjectAttachment(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getProjectAttachments(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Get the attachments that belong to the specified project.
- getProjectAttachments(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Get the attachments that belong to the specified project.
- getProjectAttachments(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getProjectAttachments(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getProjectByName(String) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getProjectByName(String) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.MantisConnectTask
- getProjectData() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.IssueSubmitTask
- getProjectId() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Filter
- getProjectId() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IFilter
- getProjectId() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IProjectVersion
- getProjectId() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.ProjectVersion
- getProjectIssueHeaders(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Get all issue headers that match the specified project.
- getProjectIssueHeaders(long, int) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Get the issue headers that match the specified project id and paging
details Constrain the number of issues to
- getProjectIssueHeaders(long, int, int) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Get the issue headers that match the specified project id and paging
- getProjectIssueHeaders(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Get all issue headers that match the specified project.
- getProjectIssueHeaders(long, int) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Get the issue headers that match the specified project id and paging
details Constrain the number of issues to
- getProjectIssueHeaders(long, int, int) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Get the issue headers that match the specified project id and paging
- getProjectIssueHeaders(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getProjectIssueHeaders(long, int) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getProjectIssueHeaders(long, int, int) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getProjectIssueHeaders(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getProjectIssueHeaders(long, int) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getProjectIssueHeaders(long, int, int) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getProjectIssues(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Get all issues that match the specified project.
- getProjectIssues(long, int) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Get the issues that match the specified project id and paging details
Constrain the number of issues to
- getProjectIssues(long, int, int) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Get the issues that match the specified project id and paging details
- getProjectIssues(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Get all issues that match the specified project.
- getProjectIssues(long, int) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Get the issues that match the specified project id and paging details
Constrain the number of issues to
- getProjectIssues(long, int, int) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Get the issues that match the specified project id and paging details
- getProjectIssues(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getProjectIssues(long, int) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getProjectIssues(long, int, int) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getProjectIssues(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getProjectIssues(long, int) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getProjectIssues(long, int, int) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getProjectUsers(long, AccessLevel) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Get appropriate users assigned to a project by access level.
- getProjectUsers(long, int) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Use getProjectUsers(long, AccessLevel)
- getProjectUsers(long, AccessLevel) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Get appropriate users assigned to a project by access level.
- getProjectUsers(long, int) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getProjectUsers(long, AccessLevel) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getProjectUsers(long, AccessLevel) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getProjection() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssue
- getProjection() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Issue
- getProxyHost() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.JMTTransportClientProperties
- Deprecated.
- getProxyHost() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.SessionFactory
- Deprecated.
- getProxyHost() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.MantisConnectTask
- getProxyHost() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.Proxy
- getProxyPort() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.JMTTransportClientProperties
- Deprecated.
- getProxyPort() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.SessionFactory
- Deprecated.
- getProxyPort() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.MantisConnectTask
- getProxyPort() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.Proxy
- getPwd() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getPwd() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getRealName() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Account
- getRealName() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IAccount
- getRelationships() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssue
- getRelationships() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Issue
- getReleasedVersions(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Get the released versions that belong to the specified project.
- getReleasedVersions(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Get the released versions that belong to the specified project.
- getReleasedVersions(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getReleasedVersions(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getReporter() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssue
- getReporter() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssueHeader
- getReporter() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.INote
- getReporter() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Issue
- getReporter() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.IssueHeader
- getReporter() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Note
- getReproducibility() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssue
- getReproducibility() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Issue
- getRequireClosed() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.CustomFieldDefinition
- getRequireClosed() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.ICustomFieldDefinition
- getRequireReport() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.CustomFieldDefinition
- getRequireReport() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.ICustomFieldDefinition
- getRequireResolved() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.CustomFieldDefinition
- getRequireResolved() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.ICustomFieldDefinition
- getRequireUpdate() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.CustomFieldDefinition
- getRequireUpdate() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.ICustomFieldDefinition
- getResolution() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssue
- getResolution() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssueHeader
- getResolution() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Issue
- getResolution() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.IssueHeader
- getSelectedItem() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.AbstractIssueUiPart.MyComboBoxModel
- getSession() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.IssueSubmitTask
- getSession() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.MantisConnectTask
- getSession() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.DefaultSessionProvider
- getSession() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ui.ISessionProvider
- getSession() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.AbstractIssueUiPart
- getSessionClass() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.MantisConnectTask
- getSessionProvider() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.IssueSubmitFrame
- getSeverity() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssue
- getSeverity() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssueHeader
- getSeverity() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Issue
- getSeverity() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.IssueHeader
- getSize() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssueAttachment
- getSize() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IProjectAttachment
- getSize() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.IssueAttachment
- getSize() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.ProjectAttachment
- getSize() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.AbstractIssueUiPart.MyComboBoxModel
- getSponsorshipTotal() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssue
- getSponsorshipTotal() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Issue
- getStatus() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssue
- getStatus() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssueHeader
- getStatus() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IProject
- getStatus() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Issue
- getStatus() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.IssueHeader
- getStatus() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Project
- getStatus() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.ProgressMonitor
- getStepsToReproduce() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssue
- getStepsToReproduce() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Issue
- getString(String) -
Static method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.Messages
- getSubProject(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IProject
- getSubProject(String) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IProject
- getSubProject(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Project
- getSubProject(String) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Project
- getSubProjects() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IProject
- getSubProjects() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Project
- getSubmitter() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.AttachmentsPart
- getSummary() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssue
- getSummary() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssueHeader
- getSummary() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Issue
- getSummary() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.IssueHeader
- getTargetId() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IRelationship
- getTargetId() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Relationship
- getText() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.INote
- getText() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Note
- getTitle() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IProjectAttachment
- getTitle() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.ProjectAttachment
- getTitle() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ui.IIssueUiPart
- getTitle() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.AdvancedPart
- getTitle() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.AttachmentsPart
- getTitle() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.GeneralPart
- getTitle() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.NotePart
- getTotal() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.ProgressMonitor
- getType() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.CustomFieldDefinition
- getType() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.ICustomFieldDefinition
- getType() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IRelationship
- getType() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Relationship
- getUiComponent() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.AbstractIssueUiPart
- getUiComponent() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.ISwingIssueUiPart
- getUnreleasedVersions(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Get the unreleased version that belong to the specified project.
- getUnreleasedVersions(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Get the unreleased version that belong to the specified project.
- getUnreleasedVersions(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getUnreleasedVersions(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getUrl() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.MantisConnectTask
- getUrl() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.DefaultSessionProvider
- getUrl() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ui.ISessionProvider
- getUser() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getUser() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getUser() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.DefaultSessionProvider
- getUser() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ui.ISessionProvider
- getUsername() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.MantisConnectTask
- getValidRegexp() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.CustomFieldDefinition
- getValidRegexp() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.ICustomFieldDefinition
- getValue() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.CustomField
- getValue() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.CustomFieldValue
- getValue() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.ICustomFieldValue
- getValue() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.SwingWorker
- Get the value produced by the worker thread, or null if it hasn't been
constructed yet.
- getVersion() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Get Version of MantisConnect this session is connected to.
- getVersion() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Get Version of MantisConnect this session is connected to.
- getVersion() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getVersion() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- getVersion() -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.model.IIssue
- getVersion() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.model.Issue
- getVersionByName(String, String) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.MantisConnectTask
- getVersions(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.IMCSession
- Get the versions belonging to the specified project.
- getVersions(long) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.ISession
- Deprecated. Get the versions belonging to the specified project.
- getVersions(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.Session
- Deprecated.
- getVersions(long) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.axis.MCSession
- parse(String) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.text.DateCustomFieldFormat
Expects a String containing a date in miliseconds.
- parse(String) -
Method in interface org.mantisbt.connect.text.ICustomFieldFormat
Parses a value which comes in Mantis-Format and transforms it into an
appropriate Java-Object.
- parse(String) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.text.ListCustomFieldFormat
Expects a string containing values separated by "|"
- parse(String) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.text.StringCustomFieldFormat
- parseItems(String) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.text.CustomFieldFormat
- parseValue(int, String) -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ant.taskdefs.CustomField
- platform -
Variable in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.AdvancedPart
- priority -
Variable in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.GeneralPart
- privateIssue -
Variable in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.GeneralPart
- privateNote -
Variable in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.NotePart
- productBuild -
Variable in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.AdvancedPart
- project -
Variable in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.GeneralPart
- projectChanged() -
Method in class org.mantisbt.connect.ui.swing.GeneralPart
method and
then exit.