Class ChainableIOException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ChainableIOException
extends IOException
implements Cloneable

Represents a chain of IOExceptions. This class supports chaining exceptions for reasons other than causes (which is a functionality already provided by J2SE 1.4 and later). A ChainableIOException can be used to implement an algorithm which must be able to continue with some work although one or more IOExceptions have occured.

For example, when looping through a list of files, an algorithm might encounter an IOException when processing a file element in the list. However, it may still be required to process the remaining files in the list before actually throwing the corresponding IOException. Hence, whenever this algorithm encounters an IOException, it would catch the IOException, create a ChainableIOException for it and continue processing the remainder of the list. Finally, at the end of the algorithm, if any IOExceptions have occured, the ChainableIOException chain would get sorted according to priority (see getPriority() and sortPriority()) and finally thrown. This would allow a client application to filter the exceptions by priority with a simple try-catch statement, ensuring that no other exception of higher priority is in the catched exception chain.

Note: This is not related to the cause concept of exceptions in J2SE 1.4 and higher. Exceptions chained by this class are not causes of each other, but have just been merely collected over time and then thrown as one exception (list).

TrueZIP 6.0 (generalized from the former ArchiveControllerException).
TrueZIP 6.7
Christian Schlichtherle
See Also:
File.update(), File.umount(), Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
ChainableIOException(ChainableIOException priorException)
          Constructs a new exception with the specified prior exception.
ChainableIOException(ChainableIOException priorException, IOException cause)
          Constructs a new exception with the specified prior exception and the cause.
ChainableIOException(ChainableIOException priorException, String message)
          Constructs a new exception with the specified prior exception and a message.
ChainableIOException(ChainableIOException priorException, String message, IOException cause)
          Constructs a new exception with the specified prior exception, a message and a cause.
Method Summary
 Object clone()
          Returns a shallow clone of this exception.
 int getAppearance()
static int getMaxPrintExceptions()
 ChainableIOException getPrior()
 int getPriority()
          Returns the priority for this class of exception.
 Throwable initCause(IOException cause)
 Throwable initCause(Throwable cause)
          Calls initCause((IOException) cause).
 void printStackTrace(PrintStream s)
          Prints up to getMaxPrintExceptions() exceptions in this chain to the provided PrintStream.
 void printStackTrace(PrintStream s, int maxExceptions)
          Prints up to maxExceptions() exceptions in this chain to the provided PrintStream.
 void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s)
          Prints up to getMaxPrintExceptions() exceptions in this chain to the provided PrintStream.
 void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s, int maxExceptions)
          Prints up to maxExceptions() exceptions in this chain to the provided PrintStream.
static void setMaxPrintExceptions(int maxPrintExcepions)
 ChainableIOException sortAppearance()
          Sorts the elements of this exception chain in descending order of their appearance.
 ChainableIOException sortPriority()
          Sorts the elements of this exception chain in descending order of their priority.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ChainableIOException(ChainableIOException priorException)
Constructs a new exception with the specified prior exception.

priorException - An exception that happened before and that was caught - may be null.
See Also:


public ChainableIOException(ChainableIOException priorException,
                            String message)
Constructs a new exception with the specified prior exception and a message.

priorException - An exception that happened before and that was caught - may be null.
message - The message for this exception.
See Also:


public ChainableIOException(ChainableIOException priorException,
                            IOException cause)
Constructs a new exception with the specified prior exception and the cause.

priorException - An exception that happened before and that was caught - may be null.
cause - The cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the Throwable.getCause() method). (A null value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or unknown.).
See Also:


public ChainableIOException(ChainableIOException priorException,
                            String message,
                            IOException cause)
Constructs a new exception with the specified prior exception, a message and a cause.

priorException - An exception that happened before and that was caught - may be null.
message - The message for this exception.
cause - The cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the Throwable.getCause() method). (A null value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or unknown.).
See Also:
Method Detail


public Object clone()
Returns a shallow clone of this exception.

clone in class Object


public int getPriority()
Returns the priority for this class of exception. This should always return the same value for all instances of a particular class.

0 for all instances of this class.


public final int getAppearance()
The order of appearance for this ZIP exception.


public ChainableIOException getPrior()
The exception chain represented by the prior exception, or null if no prior exception exists.


public ChainableIOException sortPriority()
Sorts the elements of this exception chain in descending order of their priority. If the priority of two elements is equal, they are sorted in descending order of their appearance.

The sorted exception chain, consisting of cloned elements where required to enforce the immutability of this class. This is a non-destructive sort, i.e. elements already in order are guaranteed not to get rearranged. If and only if all elements are in order, this exception chain is returned and no elements are cloned.


public ChainableIOException sortAppearance()
Sorts the elements of this exception chain in descending order of their appearance.

The sorted exception chain, consisting of cloned elements where required to enforce the immutability of this class. This is a non-destructive sort, i.e. elements already in order are guaranteed not to get rearranged. If and only if all elements are in order, this exception chain is returned and no elements are cloned.


public final Throwable initCause(Throwable cause)
Calls initCause((IOException) cause).

initCause in class Throwable
ClassCastException - If cause is not an instance of IOException.


public Throwable initCause(IOException cause)


public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s)
Prints up to getMaxPrintExceptions() exceptions in this chain to the provided PrintStream.

Exceptions are printed in ascending order of this chain. If this chain has not been sorted, this results in the exceptions being printed in order of their appearance.

If more exceptions are in this chain than are allowed to be printed, then the printed message starts with a line indicating the number of exceptions which have been omitted from the beginning of this chain. Thus, this exception is always printed as the last exception in the list.

printStackTrace in class Throwable


public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s,
                            int maxExceptions)
Prints up to maxExceptions() exceptions in this chain to the provided PrintStream.

Exceptions are printed in ascending order of this chain. If this chain has not been sorted, this results in the exceptions being printed in order of their appearance.

If more exceptions are in this chain than are allowed to be printed, then the printed message starts with a line indicating the number of exceptions which have been omitted from the beginning of this chain. Thus, this exception is always printed as the last exception in the list.


public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s)
Prints up to getMaxPrintExceptions() exceptions in this chain to the provided PrintStream.

Exceptions are printed in ascending order of this chain. If this chain has not been sorted, this results in the exceptions being printed in order of their appearance.

If more exceptions are in this chain than are allowed to be printed, then the printed message starts with a line indicating the number of exceptions which have been omitted from the beginning of this chain. Thus, this exception is always printed as the last exception in the list.

printStackTrace in class Throwable


public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s,
                            int maxExceptions)
Prints up to maxExceptions() exceptions in this chain to the provided PrintStream.

Exceptions are printed in ascending order of this chain. If this chain has not been sorted, this results in the exceptions being printed in order of their appearance.

If more exceptions are in this chain than are allowed to be printed, then the printed message starts with a line indicating the number of exceptions which have been omitted from the beginning of this chain. Thus, this exception is always printed as the last exception in the list.


public static int getMaxPrintExceptions()
See Also:
printStackTrace(PrintStream), printStackTrace(PrintWriter)


public static void setMaxPrintExceptions(int maxPrintExcepions)
See Also:
printStackTrace(PrintStream), printStackTrace(PrintWriter)