AbstractArchiveDetector - Class in de.schlichtherle.io
Implements the FileFactory part of the ArchiveDetector interface.
AbstractArchiveDetector() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.AbstractArchiveDetector
AbstractArchiveDriver - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.archive.spi
An abstract archive driver implementation to ease the task of developing an archive driver.
AbstractArchiveDriver(String, Icon, Icon) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.spi.AbstractArchiveDriver
Constructs a new abstract archive driver.
AbstractArchiveDriver.InconsistentCharsetSupportError - Error in de.schlichtherle.io.archive.spi
Thrown to indicate that the character set implementation in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for the Java Standard Edition (JSE) is broken and needs fixing.
AbstractComboBoxBrowser - Class in de.schlichtherle.swing
An observer for a JComboBox which provides auto completion for the editable text in the drop down list in order to provide quick browsing capabilities for the user.
AbstractComboBoxBrowser() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.swing.AbstractComboBoxBrowser
Creates a new combo box auto completion browser.
AbstractComboBoxBrowser(JComboBox) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.swing.AbstractComboBoxBrowser
Creates a new combo box auto completion browser.
AbstractKeyProvider - Class in de.schlichtherle.key
This abstract class implements the base functionality required to be a "friendly" KeyProvider.
AbstractKeyProvider() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.key.AbstractKeyProvider
AbstractReadOnlyFile - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.rof
A base class for ReadOnlyFile implementations which implements the common boilerplate.
AbstractReadOnlyFile() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.AbstractReadOnlyFile
AbstractSfxDriver - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip
An archive driver which builds Self Executable (SFX/EXE) ZIP files.
AbstractSfxDriver(String, Icon, Icon, boolean, int) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.AbstractSfxDriver
Constructs a new abstract SFX/EXE driver which allows for a preamble.
AbstractZip32RaesDriver - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.raes
Deprecated. Use AbstractZipRaesDriver instead.
AbstractZip32RaesDriver(Icon, Icon, boolean, boolean, int, long) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.raes.AbstractZip32RaesDriver
AbstractZipRaesDriver - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.raes
An abstract archive driver which builds RAES encrypted ZIP files and optionally authenticates the cipher data of the input archive files presented to it.
AbstractZipRaesDriver(Icon, Icon, boolean, boolean, int, long) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.raes.AbstractZipRaesDriver
Constructs a new abstract ZIP.RAES driver which uses the given byte size to trigger verification of the Message Authentication Code (MAC).
add(Object) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.util.CanonicalStringSet
Adds the canonical form of all strings in the given list to this set.
addAll(CanonicalStringSet) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.util.CanonicalStringSet
Adds all canonical strings in the given set to this set after they have been canonicalized by this set again.
addAll(String) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.util.CanonicalStringSet
Adds the canonical form of all strings in the given list to this set.
addPanelListener(PanelListener) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.swing.EnhancedPanel
Adds the listener to the list of receivers for PanelEvents.
addToKeyManager(String) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.AbstractKeyProvider
Maps this instance as the key provider for the given resource identifier in the KeyManager.
addToKeyManager(String) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.PromptingKeyProvider
Like the super class implementation, but throws an IllegalStateException if this instance is already mapped for another resource identifier.
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
Adds a listener to this model.
AesKeyProvider - Interface in de.schlichtherle.key
A KeyProvider which allows to select the cipher key strength when creating a new AES encrypted resource or replacing the entire contents of an already existing AES encrypted resource.
AesKeyStrengthPanel - Class in de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.swing
A panel which allows the user to select the key strength for the AES cipher.
AesKeyStrengthPanel() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.swing.AesKeyStrengthPanel
Creates new form AesKeyStrengthPanel
ALL - Static variable in interface de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveDetector
Recognizes all archive file suffixes registerd in the global registry by the configuration file(s).
ALL_SUFFIXES - Static variable in class de.schlichtherle.io.DefaultArchiveDetector
Deprecated. This field is not for public use and will vanish private access in the next major release. Use ArchiveDetector.ALL.getSuffixes() instead.
ANCESTOR_WINDOW_HIDDEN - Static variable in class de.schlichtherle.swing.event.PanelEvent
The id for Ancestor Window Hidden Event.
ANCESTOR_WINDOW_SHOWN - Static variable in class de.schlichtherle.swing.event.PanelEvent
The id for Ancestor Window Shown Event.
ancestorWindowHidden(PanelEvent) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.swing.event.PanelAdapter
ancestorWindowHidden(PanelEvent) - Method in interface de.schlichtherle.swing.event.PanelListener
Invoked when the ancestor window of an EnhancedPanel is hidden.
ancestorWindowShown(PanelEvent) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.swing.event.PanelAdapter
ancestorWindowShown(PanelEvent) - Method in interface de.schlichtherle.swing.event.PanelListener
Invoked when the ancestor window of an EnhancedPanel is shown.
Archive - Interface in de.schlichtherle.io.archive
Describes general properties of any archive.
ArchiveBusyException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.io
Thrown if an archive file could not get updated because some input or output streams for its entries are still open.
ArchiveBusyException(ArchiveException, File) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveBusyException
Deprecated. You should not use this constructor. It will vanish in the next major version.
ArchiveBusyWarningException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.io
Thrown if an archive file has been successfully updated, but some input or output streams for its entries have been forced to close.
ArchiveBusyWarningException(ArchiveException, File) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveBusyWarningException
Deprecated. You should not use this constructor. It will vanish in the next major version.
archiveCopyAllFrom(File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Recursively copies the file or directory src to this file or directory and tries to preserve all attributes of the source file to the destination file, too.
archiveCopyAllFrom(File, ArchiveDetector) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Recursively copies the file or directory src to this file or directory and tries to preserve all attributes of the source file to the destination file, too.
archiveCopyAllFrom(File, ArchiveDetector, ArchiveDetector) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Recursively copies the file or directory src to this file or directory and tries to preserve all attributes of the source file to the destination file, too.
archiveCopyAllTo(File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Recursively copies this file or directory to the file or directory dst and tries to preserve all attributes of the source file to the destination file, too.
archiveCopyAllTo(File, ArchiveDetector) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Recursively copies this file or directory to the file or directory dst and tries to preserve all attributes of the source file to the destination file, too.
archiveCopyAllTo(File, ArchiveDetector, ArchiveDetector) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Recursively copies this file or directory to the file or directory dst and tries to preserve all attributes of the source file to the destination file, too.
archiveCopyAllTo(File, File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.JFileTree
Forwards the call to the FileTreeModel and scrolls the tree so that the recursively copied node is selected and visible.
archiveCopyAllTo(File, File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
Copies oldNode to node recursively, preserving its last modification time and updates the tree accordingly.
archiveCopyFrom(File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Copies the file src to this file and tries to preserve all attributes of the source file to the destination file, too.
archiveCopyTo(File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Copies this file to the file dst and tries to preserve all attributes of the source file to the destination file, too.
archiveCopyTo(File, File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.JFileTree
Forwards the call to the FileTreeModel and scrolls the tree so that the copied node is selected and visible.
archiveCopyTo(File, File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
Copies oldNode to node, preserving its last modification time and updates the tree accordingly.
ArchiveDetector - Interface in de.schlichtherle.io
Detects archive files solely by scanning file paths - usually by testing for file name suffixes like .zip or the like.
ArchiveDriver - Interface in de.schlichtherle.io.archive.spi
This "driver" interface is used in a Builder software pattern as the Builder or Abstract Factory which reads and writes archives of a particular type, e.g.
ArchiveEntry - Interface in de.schlichtherle.io.archive.spi
A simple interface for entries in an archive.
ArchiveEntryFactory - Interface in de.schlichtherle.io.archive.spi
Deprecated. Thie interface will vanish in TrueZIP 7.
ArchiveEntryMetaData - Class in de.schlichtherle.io
This class is not intended for public use!
ArchiveEntryStreamClosedException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.io
Thrown if an input or output stream for an archive entry has been forced to close when the archive file was (explicitly or implicitly) unmounted.
ArchiveEntryStreamClosedException() - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveEntryStreamClosedException
ArchiveException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.io
Represents a chain of exceptions thrown by the File.umount() and File.update() methods to indicate an error condition which does incur loss of data.
ArchiveException(ArchiveException) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveException
Constructs a new exception with the specified prior exception.
ArchiveException(ArchiveException, String) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveException
Constructs a new exception with the specified prior exception and a message.
ArchiveException(ArchiveException, IOException) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveException
Constructs a new exception with the specified prior exception and the cause.
ArchiveException(ArchiveException, String, IOException) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveException
Constructs a new exception with the specified prior exception, a message and a cause.
ArchiveInputBusyException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.io
Like its super class, but indicates the existance of open input streams.
ArchiveInputBusyException(ArchiveException, String, int) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveInputBusyException
ArchiveInputBusyWarningException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.io
Like its super class, but indicates the existance of open input streams.
ArchiveInputBusyWarningException(ArchiveException, String, int) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveInputBusyWarningException
ArchiveOutputBusyException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.io
Like its super class, but indicates the existance of open output streams.
ArchiveOutputBusyException(ArchiveException, String, int) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveOutputBusyException
ArchiveOutputBusyWarningException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.io
Like its super class, but indicates the existance of open output streams.
ArchiveOutputBusyWarningException(ArchiveException, String, int) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveOutputBusyWarningException
ArchiveStatistics - Interface in de.schlichtherle.io
A proxy interface which encapsulates statistics about the total set of archives operated by this package.
ArchiveWarningException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.io
Represents a chain of exceptions thrown by the File.umount() and File.update() methods to indicate an error condition which does not incur loss of data and may be ignored.
ArchiveWarningException(ArchiveException, String) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveWarningException
ArchiveWarningException(ArchiveException, String, IOException) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveWarningException
ArchiveWarningException(ArchiveException, IOException) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.ArchiveWarningException
Arrays - Class in de.schlichtherle.util
Arrays() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.util.Arrays
AUTH_KEY_FILE - Static variable in class de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.swing.AuthenticationPanel
The key file authentication method.
AUTH_PASSWD - Static variable in class de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.swing.AuthenticationPanel
The password authentication method.
authenticate() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes.RaesReadOnlyFile
Authenticates all encrypted data in the read only file.
AuthenticationPanel - Class in de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.swing
A panel displaying a password panel or a key file panel in order to let the user select an authentication method and enter the key.
AuthenticationPanel() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.swing.AuthenticationPanel
Creates a new authentication panel.
available() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ReadOnlyFileInputStream
available() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.util.SynchronizedInputStream