Interface Summary | |
AesKeyProvider | A KeyProvider which allows to select the cipher key strength
when creating a new AES encrypted resource or replacing the entire
contents of an already existing AES encrypted resource. |
KeyManager.KeyProviderCommand | Implemented by sub classes to define commands which shall be executed
on key providers with the KeyManager.forEachKeyProvider(de.schlichtherle.key.KeyManager.KeyProviderCommand) method. |
KeyProvider | A general purpose interface used by client applications to retrieve a key which is required to create or open a protected resource. |
PromptingKeyProviderUI | Used by PromptingKeyProvider s for the actual prompting of the user
for a key (a password for example) which is required to access a protected
resource. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractKeyProvider | This abstract class implements the base functionality required to be a
"friendly" KeyProvider . |
KeyManager | An abstract class which maintains a static map of KeyProvider
instances for any protected resource which clients need to create or open. |
PromptingAesKeyProvider | An implementation of AesKeyProvider which prompts the user for
a key and allows to select the cipher key strength when creating a new
AES encrypted resource or replacing the entire contents of an already
existing AES encrypted resource. |
PromptingKeyManager | An abstract KeyManager which prompts the user for a key if required. |
PromptingKeyProvider | A "friendly" implementation of KeyProvider which prompts the user
for a key for its protected resource, enforcing a three seconds suspension
penalty if a wrong key was provided. |
SharedKeyProvider | Deprecated. The class name is a misnomer: Use AbstractKeyProvider
instead. |
Exception Summary | |
KeyPromptingCancelledException | Thrown to indicate that the retrieval of the key to open or create a protected resource has been cancelled. |
KeyPromptingDisabledException | Thrown to indicate that the retrieval of the key to open or create a protected resource has been disabled. |
KeyPromptingInterruptedException | Thrown to indicate that prompting for a key to open or create a protected resource has been interrupted. |
KeyPromptingTimeoutException | Thrown to indicate that prompting for a key to open or create a protected resource has timed out. |
UnknownKeyException | Thrown to indicate that the retrieval of the key to open or create a protected resource has failed. |
An extensible, generalized manager for keys of arbitrary type required to create or open protected resources. Its primary objective is to decouple:
The process to retrieve keys is executed by the (abstract) classes and interfaces in this package. The sub packages contain default implementations of the key manager and its pluggable user interface.
The process to use and optionally authenticate keys is executed by the users of this package, which are called client applications, or clients for short. Clients should never need to use a class in the sub packages directly.
A protected resource can be anything: As an example, it could be an AES encrypted file which the client application is going to create or overwrite. The key could be a password or a key file entered or selected by the user. When the client wants to obtain the password in order to encrypt the plain text into cipher text, it would typically call:
String pathname = file.getCanonicalPath(); KeyManager km = KeyManager.getInstance(); KeyProvider kp = km.getKeyProvider(pathname, AesKeyProvider.class); Object key = kp.getCreateKey(); // may prompt the user int ks; if (kp instanceof AesKeyProvider) { // The run time type of the implementing class is determined // by the key manager. // Anyway, the AES key provider can be safely asked for a cipher // key strength. ks = ((AesKeyProvider) kp).getKeyStrength(); } else { // Unfortunately, another key provider was already mapped for the // pathname before - use default key strength. ks = AesKeyProvider.KEY_STRENGTH_256; }This would cause the following things to happen behind the curtain:
, depending on the value of
the system property de.schlichtherle.key.KeyManager
a new instance of the KeyManager is created and cached for future reuse.
If the system property is not set, the standard Swing based
implementation is instantiated.
If the system property is set, it must denote the fully qualified class
name which will be loaded and instantiated using the current thread's
context class loader.
In this case, the implementation must be a sub class of this class and
provide a public constructor with no parameters.
Otherwise, an UndeclaredThrowableException
is thrown.
, a key provider for the
given canonical pathname as the resource identifier is looked up in
the map.
If found, this instance is returned.
If not found, the key manager determines a suitable implementation of
the AesKeyProvider
interface, instantiates
and maps it for future reuse.
With the Swing based default implementation of the key manager,
this would be actually an instance of the class
Because this is actually a subclass of
, the key manager also
looks up and installs an instance of the user interface in the key provider.
, the key to create the
protected resource or entirely replace its contents is looked up.
If found, a clone of the key is returned or the key itself if cloning it fails for some reason.
If not found, the user is prompted to enter a key. If the standard
Swing based user interface is used, this is either a password or a key file.
Because the key provider is actually an instance of
the user may also select an AES cipher key strength (128, 192 or 256
bit) with its standard Swing based user interface.
Finally, the user's input is remembered for future reuse and a clone of
the key is returned or the key itself if cloning it fails for some reason.
In both cases, the run time type of the returned key is determined by the user interface instance, which is the actual "source" of the key. In the default configuration, the Swing based user interface implementation allows the user either to enter a password (represented as a char array), or select a key file (which's first 512 bytes are returned as a byte array).
With all the light, there is also some shadow: Because of all the caching,
clients should not blindly cast the return types of the methods in this call
Of course, the client usually has a dependency on the run time type of the
key finally returned by getCreateKey()
in this example.
The way to get around with this is to ensure that your application uses an
implementation of the singleton key manager which only uses well known user
interface implementations.
For example, the standard Swing based key manager uses only user interface
implementations which are guaranteed to create char arrays for plain
passwords or byte arrays for key files only.
If you need to create other key types, you can easily provide your own user
interface implementations and a custom key manager.
Please refer to the Javadoc of the interfaces and classes in this package
for more information.