Class CanonicalStringSet

  extended by java.util.AbstractCollection
      extended by java.util.AbstractSet
          extended by de.schlichtherle.util.CanonicalStringSet
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable, Collection, Set
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class CanonicalStringSet
extends AbstractSet

A set of canonicalized strings in natural order. A string is canonicalized by the template method canonicalize(java.lang.String), which should get overridden by subclasses.

String sets can be converted from and to string lists by using addAll(String) and toString(). A string list is a string which consists of zero or more elements which are separated by the separator character provided to the constructor. Note that in general, a string list is just a sequence of strings elements. In particular, a string list may be empty (but not null) and its elements don't have to be in canonical form, may be duplicated in the list and may be listed in arbitrary order. However, string lists have a canonical form, too: A string list in canonical form (or canonical string list for short) is a string list which contains only canonical strings in natural order and does not contain any duplicates (so it's actually a set).

Unless otherwise documented, all Set methods work on the canonical form of the string elements in this set.

Null elements are not permitted in this set.

TrueZIP 6.5
TrueZIP 6.7
Christian Schlichtherle

Constructor Summary
CanonicalStringSet(char separator)
          Constructs a new, empty set of canonical strings.
CanonicalStringSet(char separator, CanonicalStringSet set)
          Constructs a new set of canonical strings from the given set of canonical strings.
CanonicalStringSet(char separator, String list)
          Deprecated. This constructor is dangerous: It may call canonicalize(java.lang.String), which may result in a call from a superclass if this constructor is called from a subclass.
Method Summary
 boolean add(Object list)
          Adds the canonical form of all strings in the given list to this set.
 boolean addAll(CanonicalStringSet set)
          Adds all canonical strings in the given set to this set after they have been canonicalized by this set again.
 boolean addAll(String list)
          Adds the canonical form of all strings in the given list to this set.
protected  String canonical(String s)
          Deprecated. Override and use canonicalize(java.lang.String) instead.
protected  String canonicalize(String s)
          A template method which returns the canonical form of s or null if the given string does not have a canonical form.
 void clear()
 boolean contains(Object list)
          Tests if the canonical form of all strings in the given string list is contained in this set.
 boolean containsAll(CanonicalStringSet set)
          Tests if all canonical strings in the given set are contained in this set.
 boolean containsAll(String list)
          Tests if the canonical form of all strings in the given string list is contained in this set.
 boolean isEmpty()
 Iterator iterator()
          Returns a new iterator for all canonical string elements in this set.
 Iterator originalIterator()
          Returns a new iterator for all original string elements in this set.
 boolean remove(Object list)
          Removes the canonical form of all strings in the given list from this set.
 boolean removeAll(CanonicalStringSet set)
          Removes all canonical strings in the given set from this set.
 boolean removeAll(String list)
          Removes the canonical form of all strings in the given list from this set.
 boolean retainAll(CanonicalStringSet set)
          Retains all canonical strings in the given set in this set.
 boolean retainAll(String list)
          Retains the canonical form of all strings in the given list in this set.
 int size()
 Object[] toArray()
 Object[] toArray(Object[] array)
 String toString()
          Returns the canonical string list representation of this set.
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractSet
equals, hashCode, removeAll
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection
addAll, containsAll, retainAll
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Set
addAll, containsAll, retainAll

Constructor Detail


public CanonicalStringSet(char separator)
Constructs a new, empty set of canonical strings.

separator - The separator character to use in string lists.


public CanonicalStringSet(char separator,
                          CanonicalStringSet set)
Constructs a new set of canonical strings from the given set of canonical strings.

separator - The separator character to use in string lists.
set - A set of canonical strings - may be null to construct an empty set.


public CanonicalStringSet(char separator,
                          String list)
Deprecated. This constructor is dangerous: It may call canonicalize(java.lang.String), which may result in a call from a superclass if this constructor is called from a subclass.

Constructs a new set of canonical strings from the given string list.

separator - The separator character to use in string lists.
list - A string list - may be null to construct an empty set.
Method Detail


protected String canonical(String s)
Deprecated. Override and use canonicalize(java.lang.String) instead.


protected String canonicalize(String s)
A template method which returns the canonical form of s or null if the given string does not have a canonical form.

The implementation in CanonicalStringSet simply returns the parameter.

s - The string to get canonicalized. Never null and never contains the separator.
The canonical form of s or null if s does not have a canonical form.


public final boolean isEmpty()
Specified by:
isEmpty in interface Collection
Specified by:
isEmpty in interface Set
isEmpty in class AbstractCollection


public final int size()
Specified by:
size in interface Collection
Specified by:
size in interface Set
Specified by:
size in class AbstractCollection


public final boolean contains(Object list)
Tests if the canonical form of all strings in the given string list is contained in this set. If a string in the list does not have a canonical form, it's skipped. This implies that if the list is empty or entirely consists of strings which do not have a canonical form, true is returned. In other words, an empty set is considered to be a true subset of this set.

Specified by:
contains in interface Collection
Specified by:
contains in interface Set
contains in class AbstractCollection
list - A non-null string list.
true Iff the canonical form of all strings in the given string list is contained in this set.
NullPointerException - If list is null.
ClassCastException - If list is not a String.


public final Iterator iterator()
Returns a new iterator for all canonical string elements in this set.

Specified by:
iterator in interface Iterable
Specified by:
iterator in interface Collection
Specified by:
iterator in interface Set
Specified by:
iterator in class AbstractCollection
A new iterator for all canonical string elements.


public final Iterator originalIterator()
Returns a new iterator for all original string elements in this set. Note that strings which don't have a canonical form cannot get added to this class and hence cannot get returned by the iterator.

A new iterator for all original string elements.


public final Object[] toArray()
Specified by:
toArray in interface Collection
Specified by:
toArray in interface Set
toArray in class AbstractCollection


public final Object[] toArray(Object[] array)
Specified by:
toArray in interface Collection
Specified by:
toArray in interface Set
toArray in class AbstractCollection


public final boolean add(Object list)
Adds the canonical form of all strings in the given list to this set. If a string in the list does not have a canonical form or its canonical form is already contained in this set, it's ignored.

Specified by:
add in interface Collection
Specified by:
add in interface Set
add in class AbstractCollection
list - A non-null string list.
true Iff this set changed as a result of the call.
NullPointerException - If list is null.
ClassCastException - If list is not a String.


public final boolean remove(Object list)
Removes the canonical form of all strings in the given list from this set. If a string in the list does not have a canonical form, it's ignored.

Specified by:
remove in interface Collection
Specified by:
remove in interface Set
remove in class AbstractCollection
list - A non-null string list.
true Iff this set changed as a result of the call.
NullPointerException - If list is null.
ClassCastException - If list is not a String.


public final boolean containsAll(CanonicalStringSet set)
Tests if all canonical strings in the given set are contained in this set. An empty set is considered to be a true subset of this set.

set - A non-null set of canonical strings.
true Iff all strings in the given set are contained in this set.
NullPointerException - If set is null.


public final boolean containsAll(String list)
Tests if the canonical form of all strings in the given string list is contained in this set. If a string in the list does not have a canonical form, it's skipped. This implies that if the list is empty or entirely consists of strings which do not have a canonical form, true is returned. In other words, an empty set is considered to be a true subset of this set.

list - A non-null string list.
true Iff the canonical form of all strings in the given string list is contained in this set.
NullPointerException - If list is null.


public final boolean addAll(CanonicalStringSet set)
Adds all canonical strings in the given set to this set after they have been canonicalized by this set again.

set - A non-null set of canonical strings.
true Iff this set of canonicalized strings has changed as a result of the call.
NullPointerException - If set is null.


public final boolean addAll(String list)
Adds the canonical form of all strings in the given list to this set. If a string in the list does not have a canonical form, it's skipped.

list - A non-null string list.
true Iff this set of canonicalized strings has changed as a result of the call.
NullPointerException - If list is null.


public final boolean retainAll(CanonicalStringSet set)
Retains all canonical strings in the given set in this set.

set - A non-null set of canonical strings.
true Iff this set of canonicalized strings has changed as a result of the call.
NullPointerException - If set is null.


public final boolean retainAll(String list)
Retains the canonical form of all strings in the given list in this set. If a string in the list does not have a canonical form, it's skipped.

list - A non-null string list.
true Iff this set of canonicalized strings has changed as a result of the call.
NullPointerException - If list is null.


public final boolean removeAll(CanonicalStringSet set)
Removes all canonical strings in the given set from this set.

set - A non-null set of strings.
true Iff this set of canonicalized strings has changed as a result of the call.
NullPointerException - If set is null.


public final boolean removeAll(String list)
Removes the canonical form of all strings in the given list from this set. If a string in the list does not have a canonical form, it's skipped.

list - A non-null string list.
true Iff this set of canonicalized strings has changed as a result of the call.
NullPointerException - If list is null.


public final void clear()
Specified by:
clear in interface Collection
Specified by:
clear in interface Set
clear in class AbstractCollection


public final String toString()
Returns the canonical string list representation of this set. If this string set is empty, an empty string is returned.

toString in class AbstractCollection