JClass DesktopViews 6.3.0 API

Class JCAxis

All Implemented Interfaces:
Changeable, Changeable, com.klg.jclass.chart.Drawable, com.klg.jclass.util.JCName, Serializable

public class JCAxis
extends ChartInteriorRegion
implements Serializable

Class controlling all attributes relating to rendering axes.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.AnnotationHandler annoHandler
          Handler for code specific to axis annotations.
protected  List annoList
          List of JCAnno objects.
protected  int annotationMethod
          AnnotationMethod property, determines how the axis is labelled
protected  int annotationRotation
          Rotation of axis annotations.
protected  double annotationRotationAngle
          Label rotation in radians
static int AUTOMATIC
          Enum value for automatic origin placement.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartArea chartArea
          Pointer to the parent chart area
protected  int chartType
          The type of the chart this axis is associated with.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.MinMax dataLimits
          The mininum and maximum value of data being plotted against this axis.
static long DAYS
          Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of days.
protected  boolean decimalPadded
          True if decimals in annotations should be padded with zeroes.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedInt degreeGradPrecision
          Object that holds the numbering precision for a Polar chart x axis when the angle unit is DEGREES or GRADS.
protected  boolean editable
          True if axis is editable.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxisFormula formula
          Formula used to define axis relationships.
protected  int gap
          Property that controls the gap between visible value labels, in pixels.
protected  boolean gridDefault
protected  List gridList
          List of JCGrid objects.
protected  boolean gridVisible
          True is grid lines are visible.
static long HOURS
          Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of hours.
protected  boolean i_vertical
          Internal flag
protected  boolean isPrimary
          True if this is the primary axis for this chart.
 boolean isTimeBaseSet
          True if the user has explicitly set the time base value.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLabelGenerator labelGenerator
          Generator for custom annotations.
protected  Locale locale
          Locale for this axis.
protected  boolean logarithmic
          True if axis is logarithmic.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.Mapper mapper
          Used for point label image mapping.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedDouble max
          Axis maxiumum.
static int MAX
          Enum value for origin placement at axis maximum.
protected static int MAX_PRECISION
          The default maximum precision.
protected  int maximumPrecision
          The maximum value the axis precision can have.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedDouble min
          Axis miniumum.
static int MIN
          Enum value for origin placement at axis minimum.
static long MINUTES
          Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of minutes.
static long MONTHS
          Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of months.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedDouble numSpacing
          Object that holds the axis numbering spacing specified by the user
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedDouble origin
          Axis origin.
static int ORIGIN
          Enum value for origin placement at axis origin.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedInt originPlacement
          Placement of origin on axis.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis otherAxis
          The other axis associated with this axis.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedInt placement
          Placement of axis with respect to another axis.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis placementAxis
          Axis to place this axis on.
protected  double placementLocation
          Location on placementAxis where this axis is placed.
static int POINT_LABELS
          Enum value representing point label annotations.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.PolarAxisParams polarAxisParams
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedInt precision
          Object that holds the axis numbering precision specified by the user
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedInt radianPrecision
          Object that holds the numbering precision for a Polar chart x axis when the angle unit is RADIANS.
protected  boolean reversed
          True if axis is reversed.
static int ROTATE_180
          Enum value representing a rotation of 180 degrees.
static int ROTATE_270
          Enum value representing a rotation of 270 degrees.
static int ROTATE_90
          Enum value representing a rotation of 90 degrees.
static int ROTATE_NONE
          Enum value representing no rotation.
static int ROTATE_OTHER
          Enum value representing a rotation specified by annotationRotationAngle.
protected  int savedXAxisAnnotationMethod
          Local copy of x axis annotation method.
static long SECONDS
          Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of seconds.
protected  Polygon sideplane
          The polygon that defines the axis trough.
protected  double step
          Internal property that tracks the data space tick spacing
protected  int tickLength
          Internal property specifying the length of the tick marks in pixels
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedDouble tickSpacing
          Object that holds the axis tick spacing specified by the user
static int TIME_LABELS
          Enum value representing time label annotations.
protected  Date timeBase
          Base time used for time labels.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedString timeFormat
          Format used in displaying time labels.
protected  long timeUnit
          Time unit used for time labels.
protected  TimeZone timeZone
          TimeZone for this axis.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxisTitle title
          The axis title.
protected  boolean useAnnoTicks
          If true, and the annotation method is TIME_LABELS, POINT_LABELS, or VALUE_LABELS, draw ticks specified by all the JCAnno objects.
protected  boolean usingDoublePixels
static int VALUE
          Enum value representing value annotations.
          Enum value for origin placement at a particular axis value.
static int VALUE_LABELS
          Enum value representing value label annotations.
protected  boolean vertical
          True if axis is vertical.
static long WEEKS
          Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of weeks.
protected  double yAxisAngle
          Angle (in RADIANS) of y axis in a Polar chart.
static long YEARS
          Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of years.
static int ZERO
          Enum value for origin placement at axis zero.
Fields inherited from class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartInteriorRegion
background, dimIsDefaultChangedToTrue, font, foreground, groupingUsed, height, insets, inUpdate, left, name, needsRepaint, numberLocalization, parentChart, parentRegion, top, transparent, updateParent, visible, width
Fields inherited from class com.klg.jclass.chart.TrackChange
changed, changedFlag
Fields inherited from interface com.klg.jclass.chart.Changeable
Fields inherited from interface com.klg.jclass.util.Changeable
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor
JCAxis(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartArea parent, boolean vert, int meth)
          Constructs a JCAxis object given the parent JCChartArea and a boolean indicating whether the axis is vertical or horizontal.
JCAxis(Locale locale)
          Default constructor with locale.
Method Summary
 void addAnnotation(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAnno anno)
          Adds a JCAnno object to this axis.
 void addDefaultLabels()
          Intended for internal use.
 void addDefaultTicks()
          Intended for internal use.
 void addGrid(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCGrid grid)
          Adds a JCGrid object to this axis.
 void addValueLabel(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel vl)
          Adds the provided value label to the list of value labels.
protected  void adjustCenterAndRadius(int xOffset, int yOffset, int radiusDelta)
          Adjusts the position and size of a Polar/Radar chart to keep all of the annotation within view.
protected  double applyDataToPixelScaling(double dataValue)
          Convert from data to pixel units (i.e., apply scaling factor only, no translation).
protected  double applyPixelToDataScaling(double pixels)
          Convert from pixel to data units (i.e., apply scaling factor only, no translation).
 boolean containsAnnotation(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAnno anno)
          Determines if the specified JCAnno has already been added to the axis.
 boolean containsAnnotation(String annoName)
          Determines if a JCAnno with the specified name has already been added to the axis.
 boolean containsGrid(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCGrid grid)
          Determines if the specified JCGrid has already been added to the axis.
 boolean containsGrid(String gridName)
          Determines if a JCGrid with the specified name has already been added to the axis.
 double dateToValue(Date d)
          Converts a date to a value along this axis, taking into consideration the current TimeBase and TimeUnit properties.
 void draw(Graphics gc)
          Overrides ChartInteriorRegion.draw() to ensure that a border is not drawn around the axis.
 void drawAnnotationsAndTitle(Graphics gc)
 void drawAnnotationsAndTitle(Graphics gc, boolean drawAnno, boolean drawTitle)
protected  void drawGridLineInTrough(Graphics gc, com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLineStyle ls, double v)
          Draw a grid line in the axis trough.
protected  void drawRadialGridLine(Graphics gc, double angle)
          Draws a radial line of length radius at the specified angle.
protected  void drawWebLine(Graphics gc, com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLineStyle ls, double r, int nSpokes)
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAnno getAnnoObject(int type)
          This method searches an internal List for a JCAnno object of the specified type.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.AnnotationHandler getAnnotationHandler()
          Gets the AnnotationHandler for this axis
 List getAnnotationList()
          Returns the List of JCAnno objects that have been set on this axis.
 int getAnnotationMethod()
          Gets the value of the AnnotationMethod property.
 int getAnnotationRotation()
          Gets the AnnotationRotation property of JCAxis.
 double getAnnotationRotationAngle(int angleUnit)
          Returns the AnnotationRotationAngle property of JCAxis.
 Color getBackground()
          Gets the background color of this axis, which is derived according to the following hierarchy: set locally, set on parent region JCChartArea instance and region is opaque, and set on parent JCChart instance and chart is opaque.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartArea getChartArea()
          Gets the parent region JCChartArea instance.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCGrid getDefaultGrid()
          For internal use only.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAnno getDefaultLabels()
          For internal use only.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAnno getDefaultTicks()
          For internal use only.
 Font getFont()
          Gets the font property of this axis, which is derived according to the following hierarchy: set locally, set on parent region JCChartArea instance, and set on parent JCChart instance.
 Color getForeground()
          Gets the foreground color of this axis, which is derived according to the following hierarchy: set locally, set on parent region JCChartArea instance, and set on parent JCChart instance.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxisFormula getFormula()
          Retrieves the JCAxisFormula object, which specifies a relationship between this JCAxis object and another JCAxis object.
 int getGap()
          Gets the value of the Gap property.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel getGeneratedValueLabel(double val)
          Retrieves the value label for the specified value from the list of value labels generated for this axis.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel[] getGeneratedValueLabels()
          Gets the list of value labels generated for this axis.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel getGeneratedValueLabels(int indx)
          Gets the value label at the specified index in the list of value labels generated for this axis.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCGrid getGrid(int index)
          This method returns the JCGrid object at the specified index.
protected  double[] getGridLineList()
          Gets a list of the axis positions that grid lines have to be drawn at.
 List getGridList()
          Returns the List of JCGrid objects.
 double getGridSpacing()
          Gets the GridSpacing property of the first JCGrid object.
 boolean getGridSpacingIsDefault()
          Gets the isDefault property of the first JCGrid object on this axis.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartStyle getGridStyle()
          Gets the GridStyle property of the first JCGrid object on this axis.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLabelGenerator getLabelGenerator()
          Gets the value of the LabelGenerator property.
 Locale getLocale()
          Retrieve the locale for this axis.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.Mapper getMapper()
          Get the current image map mapper.
 double getMax()
          Gets the Max property of the axis, which controls the maximum value shown on the axis.
 boolean getMaxIsDefault()
          Gets the MaxIsDefault property.
 int getMaxPrecision()
          Gets the MaxPrecision property of the Axis, which controls the maximum value of the Precision property.
protected  int getMaxTickOuterExtent()
          This method returns the maximum outer extent of tick marks on this axis.
 double getMin()
          Gets the Min property of the JCAxis, which controls the minimum value shown on the axis.
 boolean getMinIsDefault()
          Gets the MinIsDefault property.
 double getNumSpacing()
          Gets the NumSpacing property of the Axis, which controls the interval between axis labels.
 boolean getNumSpacingIsDefault()
          Gets the NumSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxis.
 double getOrigin()
          Gets the Origin property of the Axis, which controls the location of the origin along the axis.
 double getOriginBase(int units)
          Method to get the angle of the theta axis origin.
 boolean getOriginIsDefault()
          Gets the OriginIsDefault property.
 int getOriginPlacement()
          Gets the OriginPlacement property of the JCAxis, which specifies where the origin is placed.
 boolean getOriginPlacementIsDefault()
          Gets the OriginPlacementIsDefault property.
 int getPlacement()
          Gets the Placement property of the JCAxis, which controls where the axis is placed.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis getPlacementAxis()
          Gets the PlacementAxis property of the axis.
 boolean getPlacementIsDefault()
          Gets the PlacementIsDefault property.
 double getPlacementLocation()
          Gets the value of the PlacementLocation property.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.AnnoBoundsInfo getPolarAnnotationBounds()
          Returns an AnnoBoundsInfo object for this axis.
protected  com.klg.jclass.chart.PolarAxisParams getPolarAxisParams()
 Point2D.Double getPolarRadarCenter()
          Gets the center of the plot area for polar/radar charts.
 double getPolarRadarRadius()
          Gets the radius of the plot area for polar/radar charts.
 int getPrecision()
          Gets the Precision property of the Axis, which controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in the axis label.
 boolean getPrecisionIsDefault()
          Gets the PrecisionIsDefault property of JCAxis.
protected  int getThetaAxisLabelOffset()
          Returns the pixel distance between the theta axis and a theta axis label in a Polar/Radar chart.
 double getTickSpacing()
          Gets the TickSpacing property, which controls the interval between tick lines on the axis.
 boolean getTickSpacingIsDefault()
          Gets the TickSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxis.
 Date getTimeBase()
          Gets the value of the TimeBase property.
 String getTimeFormat()
          Gets the value of the TimeFormat property The TimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes.
 boolean getTimeFormatIsDefault()
          Gets the value of the TimeFormatIsDefault property.
 long getTimeUnit()
          Gets the value of the TimeUnit property.
 TimeZone getTimeZone()
          Retrieve the time zone for this axis.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxisTitle getTitle()
          Retrieves the JCAxisTitle object, which controls the appearance of the axis title.
 boolean getUseAnnoTicks()
          This method returns the value of the useAnnoTicks flag.
 Vector getUserValueLabels()
          Intended for internal use only.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel getValueLabel(double val)
          Retrieves the value label for the specified value from the list of user-specified value labels.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel[] getValueLabels()
          Gets the value of the ValueLabels property.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel getValueLabels(int indx)
          Gets the value of the ValueLabels property at a specified index.
 double getYAxisAngle(int units)
          Method to get the angle of the y axis in a Polar/Radar chart.
 boolean isAnnotationVisible()
          Gets the value of the annotationVisible property.
 boolean isBar()
          Internal methods
protected  boolean isBottomSide()
          Returns true if the axis is on the bottom of the chart.
 boolean isDecimalPadded()
          Gets the DecimalPadded property.
 boolean isEditable()
          Gets the Editable property.
 boolean isGridDefault()
 boolean isGridVisible()
          Gets the value of the GridVisible property.
 boolean isHalfRange()
          Method to get the half range flag for Polar charts.
protected  boolean isLeftSide()
          Returns true if the axis is on the left side of the chart.
 boolean isLogarithmic()
          Gets the Logarithmic property of JCAxis, which determines whether the axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false).
 boolean isPolar()
          Is the chart a polar plot?
 boolean isPolarRadar()
          Is the chart a polar or radar plot?
protected  boolean isPolarRadar(int type)
 boolean isRadar()
          Is the chart a radar plot?
 boolean isRadarCircularGrid()
          Gets the state of the circular flag for Radar chart grid lines.
 boolean isReversed()
          Gets the Reversed property of JCAxis, which determines if the axis order is reversed.
protected  boolean isRightSide()
          Returns true if the axis is on the right side of the chart.
protected  boolean isTopSide()
          Returns true if the axis is on the top of the chart.
 boolean isVertical()
          Gets the value of the Vertical property.
protected  void layoutPolarAxis()
          Axis layout for Polar or Radar charts.
protected  void makeDefaultAnnotations()
          Create default JCAnno objects.
protected  void makeTickLabels()
          If the annotation method is VALUE or if the useAnnoTicks flag is set, iterate through the list of JCAnno objects and create JCValueLabels for the tick marks defined by each JCAnno.
 void recalc()
          Recalculates the axis parameters.
 void removeAllAnnotations()
          Removes all JCAnno objects from the internal List.
 void removeAllGrids()
 void removeAnnotation(int index)
          Removes the JCAnno object at the specified index from this axis.
 void removeAnnotation(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAnno anno)
          Removes the specified JCAnno object from this axis.
 void removeDefaultGrid()
          For internal use only.
 void removeDefaultLabels()
          For internal use only.
 void removeDefaultTicks()
          For internal use only.
 void removeGrid(int index)
          Removes the JCGrid object at the specified index from this axis.
 void removeGrid(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCGrid grid)
          Removes the specified JCGrid object from this axis.
 void removeValueLabel(int index)
          Intended for internal use only.
 void setAnnotationList(List annoList)
          Sets a List of JCAnno objects on this axis.
 void setAnnotationMethod(int newMethod)
          Sets the value of the AnnotationMethod property.
 void setAnnotationRotation(int rot)
          Sets the AnnotationRotation property of JCAxis.
 void setAnnotationRotationAngle(int angleUnit, double rotationAngle)
          Sets the AnnotationRotationAngle property of JCAxis.
 void setAnnotationVisible(boolean visible)
          Sets the value of the annotationVisible property.
 void setBounds(int newx, int newy, int neww, int newh)
          Overridden setBounds() method that makes sure the scale and shift values are recalculated when the axis size or position changes.
 void setDecimalPadded(boolean b)
          Sets the DecimalPadded property.
 void setEditable(boolean b)
          Sets the Editable property.
 void setGap(int gp)
          Sets the value of the Gap property.
 void setGridDefault(boolean isDefault)
          Sets the value of the gridDefault property.
 void setGridSpacing(double space)
          Sets the GridSpacing property of the first JCGrid object on this axis.
 void setGridSpacingIsDefault(boolean useDef)
          Sets the isDefault property of the first JCGrid object on this axis.
 void setGridStyle(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartStyle style)
          Sets the GridStyle property of the first JCGrid object on this axis.
 void setGridVisible(boolean isGridVisible)
          Sets the value of the GridVisible property.
 void setHalfRange(boolean fHalfRange)
          Method to set the half range flag for Polar charts.
 void setLabelGenerator(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLabelGenerator lg)
          Sets the value of the LabelGenerator property.
 void setLocale(Locale locale)
          Set the locale for this axis.
 void setLogarithmic(boolean log)
          Sets the Logarithmic property of JCAxis, which determines whether the axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false).
 void setMapper(com.klg.jclass.chart.Mapper mapper)
          Set the current image map mapper.
 void setMax(double nmax)
          Sets the Max property of the axis, which controls the maximum value shown on the axis.
 void setMaxIsDefault(boolean useDef)
          Sets the MaxIsDefault property.
 void setMaxPrecision(int maxprec)
          Sets the MaxPrecision property of the Axis, which controls the maximum value of the Precision property.
 void setMin(double nmin)
          Sets the Min property of the JCAxis, which controls the minimum value shown on the axis.
 void setMinIsDefault(boolean useDef)
          Sets the MinIsDefault property.
 void setNumSpacing(double inc)
          Sets the NumSpacing property of the Axis, which controls the number interval of the axis labels.
 void setNumSpacingIsDefault(boolean useDef)
          Sets the NumSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxis.
 void setOrigin(double oval)
          Sets the Origin property of the Axis, which controls the location of the origin along the axis.
 void setOriginBase(int units, double angle)
          Method to set the angle of the theta axis origin.
 void setOriginIsDefault(boolean useDef)
          Sets the OriginIsDefault property.
 void setOriginPlacement(int place)
          Sets the OriginPlacement property of the JCAxis, which specifies where the origin is placed.
 void setOriginPlacementIsDefault(boolean useDef)
          Sets the OriginPlacementIsDefault property.
 void setParentChart(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart p)
          Sets the parent chart of this axis.
 void setPlacement(int place)
          Sets the Placement property of the JCAxis, which controls where the axis is placed.
 void setPlacement(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis ax)
          Convenience method that sets the Placement property to ORIGIN, and sets the PlacementAxis property to the provided value
 void setPlacement(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis ax, double v)
          Convenience method that sets the Placement property to VALUE_ANCHORED, the PlacementAxis property to the provided axis, and the PlacementLocation property to the provided floating- point value.
 void setPlacementAxis(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis ax)
          Sets the PlacementAxis property of the axis.
 void setPlacementIsDefault(boolean useDef)
          Sets the PlacementIsDefault property.
 void setPlacementLocation(double v)
          Sets the value of the PlacementLocation property.
protected  void setPolarAxisParams(com.klg.jclass.chart.PolarAxisParams axisParams)
 void setPrecision(int prec)
          Sets the Precision property of the Axis, which controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in the axis label.
protected  void setPrecisionInternal(int prec)
 void setPrecisionIsDefault(boolean useDef)
          Sets the PrecisionIsDefault property of JCAxis.
 void setRadarCircularGrid(boolean fCircular)
          Makes the y grid lines of a Radar chart circular.
 void setReversed(boolean rev)
          Sets the Reversed property of JCAxis, which determines if the axis order is reversed.
 void setTickSpacing(double tick)
          Sets the TickSpacing property, which controls the interval between tick lines on the axis.
 void setTickSpacingIsDefault(boolean useDef)
          Sets the TickSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxis.
 void setTimeBase(Date nb)
          Sets the value of the TimeBase property.
 void setTimeFormat(String tf)
          Sets the value of the TimeFormat property The TimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes.
 void setTimeFormat(String tf, boolean update)
          Sets the value of the TimeFormat property and recalcs as specified.
 void setTimeFormatIsDefault(boolean ud)
          Sets the value of the TimeFormatIsDefault property.
 void setTimeFormatIsDefault(boolean ud, boolean update)
          Sets the value of the TimeFormatIsDefault property and recalcs as specified.
 void setTimeUnit(long tu)
          Sets the value of the TimeUnit property.
 void setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone)
          Set the time zone for formatting.
 void setTitle(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxisTitle props)
          Sets the JCAxisTitle object associated with the JCAxis.
 void setUseAnnoTicks(boolean useAnnoTicks)
          This method is used to set the value of the useAnnoTicks flag.
 void setValueLabels(int index, com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel vl)
          Sets the value of one one value label in the ValueLabels property.
 void setValueLabels(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel[] vl)
          Sets the value of the ValueLabels property.
 void setVertical(boolean v)
          Sets the value of the Vertical property.
protected  void setVerticalInternal(boolean v)
 void setYAxisAngle(int units, double angle)
          Method to set the angle of the y axis in a Polar/Radar chart.
 String timeBaseToString(boolean useTimeFormat)
          Convert the time base to a time label string.
 double toData(int v)
          Converts a pixel value relative to the parent JCChartArea to a value in the data space.
 double toData(int v, boolean drawFront)
          Converts a pixel value relative to the parent JCChartArea to a value in the data space, first shifting the value from the front or back plane of the chart to the plane that holds this axis.
 com.klg.jclass.chart.JCDataCoord toDataPolar(int x, int y)
          Converts a pixel value relative to the parent JCChartArea to a value in the data space.
 int toPixel(double v)
          Converts a data value along the axis to a pixel value.
 int toPixel(double v, boolean drawFront)
          Converts a data value along the axis to a pixel value, shifting the value to the front or back plane of the chart from the plane this axis is on.
 double toPixelDouble(double v)
          Converts a data value along the axis to a pixel value.
 double toPixelDouble(double v, boolean drawFront)
          Converts a data value along the axis to a pixel value, shifting the value to the front or back plane of the chart from the plane this axis is on.
 Point toPixelPolar(double angle, double r, boolean convertDataToPixel)
          Converts polar data (angle,radius) to pixel (x,y) coordinates.
 String toString()
          String representation of the axis.
protected  void updateAnnoDefaultPrecision(int chartType)
          This method is invoked by the setChartType() method of ChartDataView.
protected  void updateAnnoDefPrecision(int prec)
          This method updates the default precision of the DEFAULT_LABELS JCAnno object.
protected  void updateAnnoHandler(int type)
          This method instantiates either an AnnotationHandler or a CircularChartAnnoHandler depending on the chart type parameter.
protected  void updateAnnotations()
          At the end of the layout process, update the default start, stop, and increment values of tick objects.
protected  void updateGridObject(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCGrid chartGrid, double start, double stop, double increment)
protected  void updateGrids()
 Date valueToDate(double v)
          Converts a value along this axis to a Date, taking into consideration the current TimeBase and TimeUnit properties.
Methods inherited from class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartInteriorRegion
getDrawingArea, getDrawingArea, getGraphics, getGroupingUsed, getHeight, getHeightIsDefault, getInsets, getLeft, getLeftIsDefault, getName, getNumberFormatter, getNumberLocalization, getParentChart, getParentRegion, getSize, getTop, getTopIsDefault, getWidth, getWidthIsDefault, hide, insets, inside, isVisible, location, preferredSize, repaint, setBackground, setChanged, setChanged, setFont, setForeground, setGroupingUsed, setHeight, setHeightIsDefault, setInsets, setLeft, setLeftIsDefault, setLocation, setName, setNumberFormatterLocale, setNumberLocalization, setParentRegion, setSize, setTop, setTopIsDefault, setVisible, setWidth, setWidthIsDefault, show, size, sizeChanged, updateParent
Methods inherited from class com.klg.jclass.chart.TrackChange
getChanged, getChanged, isBatched, isChanged, isChanged
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int gap
Property that controls the gap between visible value labels, in pixels.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxisTitle title
The axis title.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedDouble min
Axis miniumum.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedDouble max
Axis maxiumum.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedDouble origin
Axis origin.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedInt originPlacement
Placement of origin on axis.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedInt placement
Placement of axis with respect to another axis.


protected boolean gridVisible
True is grid lines are visible. False otherwise.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxisFormula formula
Formula used to define axis relationships.


protected boolean editable
True if axis is editable.


protected boolean logarithmic
True if axis is logarithmic.


protected boolean reversed
True if axis is reversed.


protected boolean vertical
True if axis is vertical.


protected boolean i_vertical
Internal flag


protected int annotationRotation
Rotation of axis annotations. Value should be one ROTATE_NONE, ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis placementAxis
Axis to place this axis on.


protected double placementLocation
Location on placementAxis where this axis is placed.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLabelGenerator labelGenerator
Generator for custom annotations.


protected boolean decimalPadded
True if decimals in annotations should be padded with zeroes.


protected int savedXAxisAnnotationMethod
Local copy of x axis annotation method.


protected long timeUnit
Time unit used for time labels.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedString timeFormat
Format used in displaying time labels.


protected Date timeBase
Base time used for time labels.


public boolean isTimeBaseSet
True if the user has explicitly set the time base value. Gets reset if the user sets the time base to null.


protected Polygon sideplane
The polygon that defines the axis trough.


protected int tickLength
Internal property specifying the length of the tick marks in pixels


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartArea chartArea
Pointer to the parent chart area


protected Locale locale
Locale for this axis.


protected TimeZone timeZone
TimeZone for this axis. Used only for time labels.


protected double step
Internal property that tracks the data space tick spacing


public static final long SECONDS
Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of seconds.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long MINUTES
Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of minutes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long HOURS
Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of hours.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long DAYS
Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of days.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long WEEKS
Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of weeks.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long MONTHS
Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of months.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long YEARS
Enums for TimeUnit property representing value of years.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.MinMax dataLimits
The mininum and maximum value of data being plotted against this axis.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedInt precision
Object that holds the axis numbering precision specified by the user


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedInt radianPrecision
Object that holds the numbering precision for a Polar chart x axis when the angle unit is RADIANS.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedInt degreeGradPrecision
Object that holds the numbering precision for a Polar chart x axis when the angle unit is DEGREES or GRADS.


protected static final int MAX_PRECISION
The default maximum precision.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected int maximumPrecision
The maximum value the axis precision can have.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedDouble numSpacing
Object that holds the axis numbering spacing specified by the user


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.DerivedDouble tickSpacing
Object that holds the axis tick spacing specified by the user


public static final int AUTOMATIC
Enum value for automatic origin placement.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MIN
Enum value for origin placement at axis minimum.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAX
Enum value for origin placement at axis maximum.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ZERO
Enum value for origin placement at axis zero.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VALUE_ANCHORED
Enum value for origin placement at a particular axis value.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ORIGIN
Enum value for origin placement at axis origin.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VALUE
Enum value representing value annotations.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VALUE_LABELS
Enum value representing value label annotations.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TIME_LABELS
Enum value representing time label annotations.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int POINT_LABELS
Enum value representing point label annotations.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected int annotationMethod
AnnotationMethod property, determines how the axis is labelled


protected double annotationRotationAngle
Label rotation in radians


public static final int ROTATE_NONE
Enum value representing no rotation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROTATE_90
Enum value representing a rotation of 90 degrees.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROTATE_180
Enum value representing a rotation of 180 degrees.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROTATE_270
Enum value representing a rotation of 270 degrees.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ROTATE_OTHER
Enum value representing a rotation specified by annotationRotationAngle.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected transient int chartType
The type of the chart this axis is associated with.


protected transient boolean isPrimary
True if this is the primary axis for this chart.


protected transient com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis otherAxis
The other axis associated with this axis. If this is an X axis, the other axis is the associated Y axis, and vice versa.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.AnnotationHandler annoHandler
Handler for code specific to axis annotations.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.PolarAxisParams polarAxisParams


protected double yAxisAngle
Angle (in RADIANS) of y axis in a Polar chart.


protected boolean usingDoublePixels


protected List annoList
List of JCAnno objects.


protected List gridList
List of JCGrid objects.


protected boolean gridDefault


protected boolean useAnnoTicks
If true, and the annotation method is TIME_LABELS, POINT_LABELS, or VALUE_LABELS, draw ticks specified by all the JCAnno objects. If false, draw ticks at the positions of the labels. This flag is ignored if the annotation method is VALUE. In that case, always draw ticks specified by the JCAnno objects.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.Mapper mapper
Used for point label image mapping.

Constructor Detail


public JCAxis(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartArea parent,
              boolean vert,
              int meth)
Constructs a JCAxis object given the parent JCChartArea and a boolean indicating whether the axis is vertical or horizontal.

parent - parent JCChartArea object. All axes must be attached to a JCChartArea.
vert - if true, the axis is a vertical axis. Otherwise, the axis is considered horizontal.
meth - Axis annotation method


public JCAxis()
Default constructor


public JCAxis(Locale locale)
Default constructor with locale.

Method Detail


protected void updateAnnoHandler(int type)
This method instantiates either an AnnotationHandler or a CircularChartAnnoHandler depending on the chart type parameter.


public void setParentChart(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart p)
Sets the parent chart of this axis. This involves noting it locally, setting the parent region to be the chart area associated with the specified chart, setting these values on any titles this axis may have, and marking all annotations to use this parent.

setParentChart in class ChartInteriorRegion
p - The parent chart to use


public void setLocale(Locale locale)
Set the locale for this axis.


public Locale getLocale()
Retrieve the locale for this axis.


public void setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone)
Set the time zone for formatting. This is used for time labels.

timeZone - The new time zone.


public TimeZone getTimeZone()
Retrieve the time zone for this axis.

The current time zone.


public boolean isAnnotationVisible()
Gets the value of the annotationVisible property.


public void setAnnotationVisible(boolean visible)
Sets the value of the annotationVisible property.


public boolean isGridVisible()
Gets the value of the GridVisible property. The GridVisible property determines whether a grid is drawn for the axis.

true if the grid should appear, false otherwise


public void setGridVisible(boolean isGridVisible)
Sets the value of the GridVisible property. The GridVisible property determines whether a grid is drawn for the axis.

isGridVisible - Set to true if the grid should appear, false otherwise


public void setGridDefault(boolean isDefault)
Sets the value of the gridDefault property. The gridDefault property determines whether grid lines are drawn at the labels.

isDefault - If true, grid lines will be drawn at the labels. If false, grid line positions will be determined by JCGrid properties.


public boolean isGridDefault()


public double getGridSpacing()
Gets the GridSpacing property of the first JCGrid object. The GridSpacing property controls the spacing between grid lines relative to the axis.

floating-point number representing the axis value spacing between grid lines. A value of 0.0 indicates that grid lines will not be shown.


public void setGridSpacing(double space)
Sets the GridSpacing property of the first JCGrid object on this axis. The GridSpacing property controls the spacing between grid lines relative to the axis.

space - floating-point number representing the axis value spacing between grid lines. A value of 0.0 indicates that grid lines will not be shown.


public void setGridSpacingIsDefault(boolean useDef)
Sets the isDefault property of the first JCGrid object on this axis. The GridSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the grid spacing value. If true, Chart will calculate the grid spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided grid spacing.

useDef - true indicates that chart calculates the GridSpacing property. If false, the GridSpacing property is already specified.


public boolean getGridSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the isDefault property of the first JCGrid object on this axis. The GridSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the grid spacing value. If true, Chart will calculate the grid spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided grid spacing.

true indicates that chart calculates the GridSpacing property. If false, the GridSpacing property is already specified.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartStyle getGridStyle()
Gets the GridStyle property of the first JCGrid object on this axis. The GridStyle property controls the appearance of the grid.

JCChartStyle object that controls the grid's appearance


public void setGridStyle(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartStyle style)
Sets the GridStyle property of the first JCGrid object on this axis. The GridStyle property controls the appearance of the grid.

style - JCChartStyle object that controls the grid's appearance


public void setLogarithmic(boolean log)
Sets the Logarithmic property of JCAxis, which determines whether the axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false).

log - If true, the axis will be logarithmic (base 10). Otherwise, the axis will be linear.


public boolean isLogarithmic()
Gets the Logarithmic property of JCAxis, which determines whether the axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false).

if true, the axis will be logarithmic (base 10). Otherwise, the axis will be linear.


public void setEditable(boolean b)
Sets the Editable property. The Editable property determines whether the axis can be affected by edit/translation/zooming.

b - if true, the axis can be affected by an edit, translation or zoom action. If false, the axis is static.


public boolean isEditable()
Gets the Editable property. The Editable property determines whether the axis can be affected by edit/translation/zooming.

if true, the axis can be affected by an edit, translation or zoom action. If false, the axis is static.


public void setDecimalPadded(boolean b)
Sets the DecimalPadded property. The DecimalPadded property determines whether the axis annotations will have their decimal portions padded with zeroes to the size of the precision.

b - if true, the axis annotations will be decimal padded.


public boolean isDecimalPadded()
Gets the DecimalPadded property. The DecimalPadded property determines whether the axis annotations will have their decimal portions padded with zeroes to the size of the precision.

if true, the axis annotations are decimal padded.


public void setMin(double nmin)
Sets the Min property of the JCAxis, which controls the minimum value shown on the axis.

nmin - minimum value


public double getMin()
Gets the Min property of the JCAxis, which controls the minimum value shown on the axis.

minimum value


public void setMinIsDefault(boolean useDef)
Sets the MinIsDefault property. The MinIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the minimum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis min. If false, Chart will use the provided axis min.

useDef - if true, Chart calculates the Min property. If false, the Min property is already specified.


public boolean getMinIsDefault()
Gets the MinIsDefault property. The MinIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the minimum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis min. If false, Chart will use the provided axis min.

true Chart calculates the Min property. If false, the Min property is already specified.


public void setMax(double nmax)
Sets the Max property of the axis, which controls the maximum value shown on the axis.

nmax - maximum value


public double getMax()
Gets the Max property of the axis, which controls the maximum value shown on the axis.

maximum value


public void setMaxIsDefault(boolean useDef)
Sets the MaxIsDefault property. The MaxIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the maximum axis value. If true, Chart calculates the axis max. If false, Chart uses the provided axis max.

useDef - if true, Chart calculates the Max property. If false, the Max property is already specified.


public boolean getMaxIsDefault()
Gets the MaxIsDefault property. The MaxIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the maximum axis value. If true, Chart calculates the axis max. If false, Chart uses the provided axis max.

true Chart calculates the Max property. If false, the Max property is already specified.


public void setOrigin(double oval)
Sets the Origin property of the Axis, which controls the location of the origin along the axis.

oval - origin value


public double getOrigin()
Gets the Origin property of the Axis, which controls the location of the origin along the axis.

origin value


public void setOriginIsDefault(boolean useDef)
Sets the OriginIsDefault property. The OriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin. If true, Chart calculates the axis origin. If false, Chart uses the provided axis origin value.

useDef - if true Chart calculates the Origin property. If false, the Origin property is already specified.


public boolean getOriginIsDefault()
Gets the OriginIsDefault property. The OriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin. If true, Chart will calculate the axis origin. If false, Chart will use the provided axis origin value.

true Chart calculates the Origin property. If false, the Origin property is already specified.


public void setOriginPlacement(int place)
Sets the OriginPlacement property of the JCAxis, which specifies where the origin is placed. Note that the OriginPlacement property is only active if the Origin property has not been set.

place - one of AUTOMATIC (places origin at minimum value or at zero if there are negative and positive values), ZERO (places origin at zero), MIN (places origin at minimum value on axis) or MAX (places origin at maximum value on axis)
IllegalArgumentException - If OriginPlacement isn't one of AUTOMATIC, ZERO, MIN or MAX.


public int getOriginPlacement()
Gets the OriginPlacement property of the JCAxis, which specifies where the origin is placed.

one of AUTOMATIC (places origin at minimum value or at zero if there are negative and positive values), ZERO (places origin at zero), MIN (places origin at minimum value on axis) or MAX (places origin at maximum value on axis)


public void setOriginPlacementIsDefault(boolean useDef)
Sets the OriginPlacementIsDefault property. The OriginPlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for determining the location of the axis origin. If true, Chart calculates the origin positioning. If false, Chart uses the provided origin placement.

useDef - if true, Chart calculates the OriginPlacement property. If false, the OriginPlacement property is already specified.


public boolean getOriginPlacementIsDefault()
Gets the OriginPlacementIsDefault property. The OriginPlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for determining the location of the axis origin. If true, Chart calculates the origin positioning. If false, Chart uses the provided origin placement.

true Chart calculates the OriginPlacement property. If false, the OriginPlacement property is already specified.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxisTitle getTitle()
Retrieves the JCAxisTitle object, which controls the appearance of the axis title.

JCAxisTitle object
See Also:


public void setTitle(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxisTitle props)
Sets the JCAxisTitle object associated with the JCAxis. JCAxisTitle controls the appearance of the axis title. This method is only accessible inside the chart package.

props - new JCAxisTitle object.
See Also:


public void setReversed(boolean rev)
Sets the Reversed property of JCAxis, which determines if the axis order is reversed.

rev - true if the axis is reversed, false otherwise


public boolean isReversed()
Gets the Reversed property of JCAxis, which determines if the axis order is reversed.

true if the axis is reversed, false otherwise


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxisFormula getFormula()
Retrieves the JCAxisFormula object, which specifies a relationship between this JCAxis object and another JCAxis object.

JCAxisFormula object
See Also:


public void setAnnotationRotation(int rot)
Sets the AnnotationRotation property of JCAxis.

The AnnotationRotation property specifies the rotation (clockwise) of each axis label. The 2D API is used to rotate the drawn text. Valid values are JCAxis.ROTATE_NONE, JCAxis.ROTATE_90, JCAxis.ROTATE_180, JCAxis.ROTATE_270, or ROTATE_OTHER.

IllegalArgumentException - If the provided rotation value is not part of the ROTATE_ enum.


public int getAnnotationRotation()
Gets the AnnotationRotation property of JCAxis.

The AnnotationRotation property specifies the rotation (clockwise) of each axis label. In JDK 1.2, the 2D API is used to rotate the drawn text. Valid values are JCAxis.ROTATE_NONE, JCAxis.ROTATE_90, JCAxis.ROTATE_180, JCAxis.ROTATE_270 or JCAxis.ROTATE_OTHER.



public void setAnnotationRotationAngle(int angleUnit,
                                       double rotationAngle)
Sets the AnnotationRotationAngle property of JCAxis. The AnnotationRotationAngle property represents the angle of rotation in radians of labels on this axis.

angleUnit - The units of the specified angle. Allowed values are JCChartUtil.DEGREES, JCChartUtil.RADIANS, and JCChartUtil.GRADS. If an invalid angle unit is specified, the method will not update the AnnotationRotationAngle property.
rotationAngle - The rotation angle of axis labels.


public double getAnnotationRotationAngle(int angleUnit)
Returns the AnnotationRotationAngle property of JCAxis. The AnnotationRotationAngle property represents the angle of rotation of the labels on this axis.

angleUnit - The desired units for the returned angle. Allowed values are JCChartUtil.DEGREES, JCChartUtil.RADIANS, and JCChartUtil.GRADS.
The rotation angle of the axis labels in the specified angle unit. If an invalid angle unit is specified, the returned angle will be in RADIANS.


public void setPlacement(int place)
Sets the Placement property of the JCAxis, which controls where the axis is placed.

place - one of AUTOMATIC (Chart chooses an appropriate location), ORIGIN (appears at the origin value), MIN (appears at the minimum axis value), MAX (appears at the maximum axis value) or VALUE_ANCHORED (appears at a particular value along another axis. Note that x axis labels, for example, will be placed at either the y axis origin, y axis max or y axis min value.
IllegalArgumentException - If the Placement value is not one of AUTOMATIC, ORIGIN, MIN, MAX or VALUE_ANCHORED.


public void setPlacement(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis ax)
Convenience method that sets the Placement property to ORIGIN, and sets the PlacementAxis property to the provided value

ax - new value for PlacementAxis.


public void setPlacement(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis ax,
                         double v)
Convenience method that sets the Placement property to VALUE_ANCHORED, the PlacementAxis property to the provided axis, and the PlacementLocation property to the provided floating- point value.

ax - new value for PlacementAxis
v - new value for PlacementLocation


public int getPlacement()
Gets the Placement property of the JCAxis, which controls where the axis is placed.

one of AUTOMATIC (Chart chooses an appropriate location), ORIGIN (appears at the origin value), MIN (Appears at the minimum axis value) and MAX (appears at the maximum axis value). Note that x axis labels, for example, will be placed at either the y axis origin, y axis max or y axis min value.


public void setPlacementIsDefault(boolean useDef)
Sets the PlacementIsDefault property. The PlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for determining the location of the axis. If true, Chart calculates the origin positioning. If false, Chart uses the provided axus placement.

useDef - if true, Chart calculates the Placement property. If false, the Placement property is already specified.


public boolean getPlacementIsDefault()
Gets the PlacementIsDefault property. The PlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for determining the location of the axis. If true, Chart calculates the axis positioning. If false, Chart uses the provided placement.

true Chart calculates the Placement property. If false, the Placement property is already specified.


public void setPlacementAxis(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis ax)
Sets the PlacementAxis property of the axis. The PlacementAxis property determines the axis that controls the placement of this axis. In JCChart, it is possible to position an axis at a particular position on another axis (in conjunction with the PlacementLocation property or the Placement property).

ax - axis to be used to position this axis.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis getPlacementAxis()
Gets the PlacementAxis property of the axis. The PlacementAxis property determines the axis that controls the placement of this axis. In JCChart, it is possible to position an axis at a particular position on another axis (in conjunction with the PlacementLocation property or the Placement property).

axis to be used to position this axis.


public void setPlacementLocation(double v)
Sets the value of the PlacementLocation property. The PlacementLocation property is used with the PlacementAxis property to position the current axis object at a particular point on another axis.

v - Floating-point data value on PlacementAxis at which to place the current axis.


public double getPlacementLocation()
Gets the value of the PlacementLocation property. The PlacementLocation property is used with the PlacementAxis property to position the current axis object at a particular point on another axis.

Floating-point data value on PlacementAxis at which to place the current axis.


public void setAnnotationMethod(int newMethod)
Sets the value of the AnnotationMethod property. The AnnotationMethod property determines how axis annotations are generated.

IllegalArgumentException - If the AnnotationMethod value is not one of VALUE, VALUE_LABELS, TIME_LABELS or POINT_LABELS.


public int getAnnotationMethod()
Gets the value of the AnnotationMethod property. The AnnotationMethod property determines how axis annotations are generated.



public void setPrecision(int prec)
Sets the Precision property of the Axis, which controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in the axis label.

prec - number of zeros after the decimal place. If negative, it specifies the number of zeros that appear before the decimal place.


protected void setPrecisionInternal(int prec)


protected void updateAnnoDefPrecision(int prec)
This method updates the default precision of the DEFAULT_LABELS JCAnno object.


public int getPrecision()
Gets the Precision property of the Axis, which controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in the axis label.

number of zeros after the decimal place. If negative, specifies the number of zeros that appear before the decimal place.


public void setPrecisionIsDefault(boolean useDef)
Sets the PrecisionIsDefault property of JCAxis. The PrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision. If true, Chart will calculate the precision. If false, Chart will use the provided precision.

useDef - true tells Chart to calculate the Precision property, whereas false means that the Precision property is already specified


public void setMaxPrecision(int maxprec)
Sets the MaxPrecision property of the Axis, which controls the maximum value of the Precision property. The default value is 14.

maxprec - the maximum value the Precision property can take on.


public int getMaxPrecision()
Gets the MaxPrecision property of the Axis, which controls the maximum value of the Precision property. The default value is 14.

the maximum value the Precision property can take on.


public boolean getPrecisionIsDefault()
Gets the PrecisionIsDefault property of JCAxis. The PrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision. If true, Chart will calculate the precision. If false, Chart will use the provided precision.

true tells Chart to calculate the Precision property, whereas false means that the Precision property is already specified


protected void updateAnnoDefaultPrecision(int chartType)
This method is invoked by the setChartType() method of ChartDataView. When switching between chart types, we need to update the default annotation precision.


public void setNumSpacing(double inc)
Sets the NumSpacing property of the Axis, which controls the number interval of the axis labels. NumSpacing is only meant to work with Value or ValueLabels annotations. This method has no effect when time labels or point labels are being used.

inc - interval between axis labels


public double getNumSpacing()
Gets the NumSpacing property of the Axis, which controls the interval between axis labels. NumSpacing is only meant to work with Value or ValueLabels annotations. This method has no effect when time labels or point labels are being used.

interval between axis labels


public void setNumSpacingIsDefault(boolean useDef)
Sets the NumSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxis. The NumSpacingIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided numbering spacing.

useDef - true tells Chart to calculate the NumSpacing property, whereas false means the NumSpacing property is already specified


public boolean getNumSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the NumSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxis. The NumSpacingIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided numbering spacing.

true tells Chart to calculate the NumSpacing property, whereas false means the NumSpacing property is already specified


public double getTickSpacing()
Gets the TickSpacing property, which controls the interval between tick lines on the axis. Note: if the AnnotationMethod property is set to POINT_LABELS, tick lines appear at point values.

interval between ticks


public void setTickSpacing(double tick)
Sets the TickSpacing property, which controls the interval between tick lines on the axis.

tick - interval between ticks


public void setTickSpacingIsDefault(boolean useDef)
Sets the TickSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxis. The TickSpacingIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the tick spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the tick spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided tick spacing.

useDef - true tells Chart to calculate the TickSpacing property, whereas false means that the TickSpacing property is already specified


public boolean getTickSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the TickSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxis. The TickSpacingIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the tick spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the tick spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided tick spacing.

true tells Chart to calculate the TickSpacing property, whereas false means that the TickSpacing property is already specified


public void setLabelGenerator(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLabelGenerator lg)
Sets the value of the LabelGenerator property. The LabelGenerator property holds a reference to an object that implements the JCLabelGenerator interface. This interface is used to externally generate labels.

lg - reference to object instance used to generate labels.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLabelGenerator getLabelGenerator()
Gets the value of the LabelGenerator property. The LabelGenerator property holds a reference to an object that implements the JCLabelGenerator interface. This interface is used to externally generate labels.

reference to object instance used to generate labels.


public void setTimeUnit(long tu)
Sets the value of the TimeUnit property. The TimeUnit property controls the unit of time used for labelling a time labelled axis.

tu - Unit of time; one of SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS or YEARS.


public long getTimeUnit()
Gets the value of the TimeUnit property. The TimeUnit property controls the unit of time used for labelling a time labelled axis.



public void setTimeBase(Date nb)
Sets the value of the TimeBase property. The TimeBase property defines the start time for the axis.

nb - Date object representing the start time for the axis.


public Date getTimeBase()
Gets the value of the TimeBase property. The TimeBase property defines the start time for the axis.

Date object representing the start time for the axis.


public String timeBaseToString(boolean useTimeFormat)
Convert the time base to a time label string.

useTimeFormat - if true, will use TimeFormat property in generating label. If false, will use default format.


public void setTimeFormat(String tf)
Sets the value of the TimeFormat property The TimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes. This is JDK 1.1 compliant. Uses the date and time format patterns described in JDK 1.1 documentation If this date and time format is used then the old time format does not reflect the changes

tf - format string for time labels.
See Also:


public void setTimeFormat(String tf,
                          boolean update)
Sets the value of the TimeFormat property and recalcs as specified.

tf - format string for time labels.
update - force a recalc if true.
See Also:


public String getTimeFormat()
Gets the value of the TimeFormat property The TimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes.

format string for time labels.


public void setTimeFormatIsDefault(boolean ud)
Sets the value of the TimeFormatIsDefault property. The TimeFormatIsDefault property determines whether a time label format is generated automatically, or the user value for TimeFormat is used.

ud - true if a default will be generated, false if the user value will be used.


public void setTimeFormatIsDefault(boolean ud,
                                   boolean update)
Sets the value of the TimeFormatIsDefault property and recalcs as specified.

ud - true if a default will be generated, false if the user value will be used.
update - will recalc if true.


public boolean getTimeFormatIsDefault()
Gets the value of the TimeFormatIsDefault property. The TimeFormatIsDefault property determines whether a time label format is generated automatically, or the user value for TimeFormat is used.

true if a default will be generated, false if the user value will be used.


public void setVertical(boolean v)
Sets the value of the Vertical property. The Vertical property determines whether the axis is vertically oriented or horizontally oriented.

v - If true, the axis is vertical. Otherwise, it is horizontal.


protected void setVerticalInternal(boolean v)


public boolean isVertical()
Gets the value of the Vertical property. The Vertical property determines whether the axis is vertically oriented or horizontally oriented.

If true, the axis is vertical. Otherwise, it is horizontal.


public void setGap(int gp)
Sets the value of the Gap property. The Gap property determines the amount of space left between adjacent axis annotations, in pixels.

gp - Space between labels. To ensure that the labels do not overlap, gp should be >=0. If overlapping labels is desired, gp can be <0.


public int getGap()
Gets the value of the Gap property. The Gap property determines the amount of space left between adjacent axis annotations, in pixels.

Space between labels. To ensure that the labels do not overlap, gp should be >=0. If overlapping labels is desired, gp can be <0.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel getValueLabel(double val)
Retrieves the value label for the specified value from the list of user-specified value labels. Note that if there is no value label that is an exact floating point match of the value, the value label with a value closest to the value is returned.

val - data value for which to find the value label
JCValueLabel instance. Returns null if there are no user-specified value labels.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel getGeneratedValueLabel(double val)
Retrieves the value label for the specified value from the list of value labels generated for this axis. If the AnnotationMethod is set to VALUE_LABELS, this list will be the same as the user-specified list of value labels. Note that if there is no value label that is an exact floating point match of the value, the value label with a value closest to the value is returned.

val - data value for which to find the value label
JCValueLabel instance. Returns null if there are no generated value labels.


public void addValueLabel(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel vl)
Adds the provided value label to the list of value labels. If the AnnotationMethod is VALUE_LABELS, then the value label will appear at the appropriate point along the axis.

vl - JCValueLabel instance to add


public void removeValueLabel(int index)
Intended for internal use only.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel[] getValueLabels()
Gets the value of the ValueLabels property. The ValueLabels property is an indexed property containing a list of all annotations specified by the user for an axis.


public Vector getUserValueLabels()
Intended for internal use only.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel[] getGeneratedValueLabels()
Gets the list of value labels generated for this axis. If the AnnotationMethod is set to VALUE_LABELS, this list will be the same as the user-specified list of value labels.


public void setValueLabels(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel[] vl)
Sets the value of the ValueLabels property. The ValueLabels property is an indexed property containing a list of all annotations specified by the user for an axis.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel getValueLabels(int indx)
Gets the value of the ValueLabels property at a specified index. The ValueLabels property is an indexed property containing a list of all annotations specified by the user for an axis.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel getGeneratedValueLabels(int indx)
Gets the value label at the specified index in the list of value labels generated for this axis. If the AnnotationMethod is set to VALUE_LABELS, this list will be the same as the user-specified list of value labels.


public void setValueLabels(int index,
                           com.klg.jclass.chart.JCValueLabel vl)
Sets the value of one one value label in the ValueLabels property. The ValueLabels property is an indexed property containing a list of all annotations specified by the user for an axis. This method is required by the beanbox, but somewhat ill-formed because the index specified will not necessarily be honoured because the ValueLabel list is sorted by value. It is not recommended for use.


public String toString()
String representation of the axis. Used by com.klg.jclass.beans.IndexedPropertyEditor to name the axis.

toString in class Object


public int toPixel(double v)
Converts a data value along the axis to a pixel value. The pixel value is valid inside the parent JCChartArea.

v - data value to convert to a screen location
screen location in pixels


public double toPixelDouble(double v)
Converts a data value along the axis to a pixel value. The pixel value is valid inside the parent JCChartArea.

v - data value to convert to a screen location
screen location in pixels


public Point toPixelPolar(double angle,
                          double r,
                          boolean convertDataToPixel)
Converts polar data (angle,radius) to pixel (x,y) coordinates. The pixel value is valid inside the parent JCChartArea.

angle - theta value in radians
r - radius in data or pixel units
convertDataToPixel - false if r is in pixel units.
(x,y) chart area location in pixels. Returns null if r axis doesn't exist.


protected double applyDataToPixelScaling(double dataValue)
Convert from data to pixel units (i.e., apply scaling factor only, no translation).

dataValue - Data value to be scaled.
The scaled value in pixel units. Double.MAX_VALUE if the r axis doesn't exist.


protected double applyPixelToDataScaling(double pixels)
Convert from pixel to data units (i.e., apply scaling factor only, no translation).

pixels - Pixel value to be scaled.
The scaled value in data units. Double.MAX_VALUE if the r axis doesn't exist.


public int toPixel(double v,
                   boolean drawFront)
Converts a data value along the axis to a pixel value, shifting the value to the front or back plane of the chart from the plane this axis is on. The pixel value is valid inside the parent JCChartArea.

v - data value to convert to a screen location
drawFront - true if the conversion to the front plane is desired, false if the conversion to the back plane is desired.
screen location in pixels


public double toPixelDouble(double v,
                            boolean drawFront)
Converts a data value along the axis to a pixel value, shifting the value to the front or back plane of the chart from the plane this axis is on. The pixel value is valid inside the parent JCChartArea.

v - data value to convert to a screen location
drawFront - true if the conversion to the front plane is desired, false if the conversion to the back plane is desired.
screen location in pixels


public double toData(int v)
Converts a pixel value relative to the parent JCChartArea to a value in the data space. In effect, this routine performs mapping along a particular axis.

v - screen value (in pixels) to convert to a data value. Must be relative to the plot area.
data value corresponding to the screen location


public double toData(int v,
                     boolean drawFront)
Converts a pixel value relative to the parent JCChartArea to a value in the data space, first shifting the value from the front or back plane of the chart to the plane that holds this axis. In effect, this routine performs mapping along a particular axis.

v - screen value (in pixels) to convert to a data value. Must be relative to the plot area.
drawFront - true if the conversion from the front plane is desired, false if the conversion from the back plane is desired.
data value corresponding to the screen location


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCDataCoord toDataPolar(int x,
                                                    int y)
Converts a pixel value relative to the parent JCChartArea to a value in the data space.

x - screen value x coordinate. Must be relative to the plot area.
y - screen value y coordinate.
data value corresponding to the screen location. Null if r axis doesn't exist.


public void draw(Graphics gc)
Overrides ChartInteriorRegion.draw() to ensure that a border is not drawn around the axis.

Specified by:
draw in interface com.klg.jclass.chart.Drawable
draw in class ChartInteriorRegion
gc - graphics context to use for drawing


public void drawAnnotationsAndTitle(Graphics gc)


public void drawAnnotationsAndTitle(Graphics gc,
                                    boolean drawAnno,
                                    boolean drawTitle)


public void setBounds(int newx,
                      int newy,
                      int neww,
                      int newh)
Overridden setBounds() method that makes sure the scale and shift values are recalculated when the axis size or position changes.

setBounds in class ChartInteriorRegion
newx - new x position relative to the parent chart
newy - new y position relative to the parent chart
neww - new width
newh - new height


public void recalc()
Recalculates the axis parameters. This method is just a placeholder for now, since axis recalculation is distributed inside recalc() for JCChartArea.

recalc in class ChartInteriorRegion


public double dateToValue(Date d)
Converts a date to a value along this axis, taking into consideration the current TimeBase and TimeUnit properties.

d - date to convert
value along this axis represented by specified date.


public Date valueToDate(double v)
Converts a value along this axis to a Date, taking into consideration the current TimeBase and TimeUnit properties.

v - value to convert
date represented by specified value.


protected boolean isRightSide()
Returns true if the axis is on the right side of the chart.


protected boolean isLeftSide()
Returns true if the axis is on the left side of the chart.


protected boolean isBottomSide()
Returns true if the axis is on the bottom of the chart.


protected boolean isTopSide()
Returns true if the axis is on the top of the chart.


protected void setPolarAxisParams(com.klg.jclass.chart.PolarAxisParams axisParams)


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.PolarAxisParams getPolarAxisParams()


protected void layoutPolarAxis()
Axis layout for Polar or Radar charts. This method is called twice. In the first invocation, polarAxisParams properties are initialized, and chartArea.recalc() is called. While processing chartArea.recalc(), layoutPolarAxis() gets called again. We don't want to reinitialize polarAxisParams or call chartArea.recalc() again, so if polarAxisParams.radius is already equal to the initial value, return immediately.


protected void adjustCenterAndRadius(int xOffset,
                                     int yOffset,
                                     int radiusDelta)
Adjusts the position and size of a Polar/Radar chart to keep all of the annotation within view. This method can be called for either the theta axis, or r axis, but not both.

xOffset - x coordinate offset of chart center
yOffset - y coordinate offset of chart center
radiusDelta - Change in value of chart radius


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.AnnoBoundsInfo getPolarAnnotationBounds()
Returns an AnnoBoundsInfo object for this axis.


protected int getThetaAxisLabelOffset()
Returns the pixel distance between the theta axis and a theta axis label in a Polar/Radar chart.


public boolean isPolar()
Is the chart a polar plot?

true if the chart type is JCChart.POLAR


public boolean isRadar()
Is the chart a radar plot?

true if the chart type is JCChart.RADAR or JCChart.AREA_RADAR


public boolean isPolarRadar()
Is the chart a polar or radar plot?

true if the chart type is JCChart.POLAR, JCChart.RADAR or JCChart.AREA_RADAR


protected boolean isPolarRadar(int type)


public boolean isBar()
Internal methods


protected double[] getGridLineList()
Gets a list of the axis positions that grid lines have to be drawn at.

an array of grid line positions.


protected void drawRadialGridLine(Graphics gc,
                                  double angle)
Draws a radial line of length radius at the specified angle.

gc - The graphics context
angle - Angle in radians.


protected void drawGridLineInTrough(Graphics gc,
                                    com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLineStyle ls,
                                    double v)
Draw a grid line in the axis trough.

gc - Graphics object used to draw grid line
ls - JCLineStyle object associated with this grid line
v - the value on the axis representing the grid line to draw.


protected void drawWebLine(Graphics gc,
                           com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLineStyle ls,
                           double r,
                           int nSpokes)


public Color getForeground()
Gets the foreground color of this axis, which is derived according to the following hierarchy: set locally, set on parent region JCChartArea instance, and set on parent JCChart instance.

getForeground in class ChartInteriorRegion
the derived foreground color of this axis.


public Color getBackground()
Gets the background color of this axis, which is derived according to the following hierarchy: set locally, set on parent region JCChartArea instance and region is opaque, and set on parent JCChart instance and chart is opaque.
Note: this is here for completeness sake -- there is really no background color to an axis.

getBackground in class ChartInteriorRegion
the derived background color of this axis.


public Font getFont()
Gets the font property of this axis, which is derived according to the following hierarchy: set locally, set on parent region JCChartArea instance, and set on parent JCChart instance.

getFont in class ChartInteriorRegion
the derived font of this axis.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartArea getChartArea()
Gets the parent region JCChartArea instance.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.AnnotationHandler getAnnotationHandler()
Gets the AnnotationHandler for this axis


public void setYAxisAngle(int units,
                          double angle)
Method to set the angle of the y axis in a Polar/Radar chart.

units - The units of the specified angle. Valid values are JCChartUtil.DEGREES, JCChartUtil.GRADS, or JCChartUtil.RADIANS.
angle - The desired angle for the r axis.


public double getYAxisAngle(int units)
Method to get the angle of the y axis in a Polar/Radar chart.

units - The desired units of the returned angle. Valid values are JCChartUtil.DEGREES, JCChartUtil.GRADS, or JCChartUtil.RADIANS.


public void setOriginBase(int units,
                          double angle)
Method to set the angle of the theta axis origin.

units - The units of the specified angle. Valid values are JCChartUtil.DEGREES, JCChartUtil.GRADS, or JCChartUtil.RADIANS.
angle - The desired angle for the theta axis origin.


public double getOriginBase(int units)
Method to get the angle of the theta axis origin.

units - The desired units of the returned angle. Valid values are JCChartUtil.DEGREES, JCChartUtil.GRADS, or JCChartUtil.RADIANS.


public void setHalfRange(boolean fHalfRange)
Method to set the half range flag for Polar charts.

fHalfRange - If true, theta axis labels on a Polar chart will have a maximum value of 180 degrees.


public boolean isHalfRange()
Method to get the half range flag for Polar charts.

true if theta axis labels have a maximum value of 180 degrees.


public void setRadarCircularGrid(boolean fCircular)
Makes the y grid lines of a Radar chart circular.

fCircular - true for circular grid lines, false for webbed grid lines.


public boolean isRadarCircularGrid()
Gets the state of the circular flag for Radar chart grid lines.

true if the y grid lines are circular, false if the y grid lines are webbed.


public Point2D.Double getPolarRadarCenter()
Gets the center of the plot area for polar/radar charts.

the center of the plot area for polar/radar charts.


public double getPolarRadarRadius()
Gets the radius of the plot area for polar/radar charts.

the radius of the plot area for polar/radar charts.


public void addAnnotation(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAnno anno)
Adds a JCAnno object to this axis.


public void removeAnnotation(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAnno anno)
Removes the specified JCAnno object from this axis.


public void removeAnnotation(int index)
Removes the JCAnno object at the specified index from this axis.


public boolean containsAnnotation(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAnno anno)
Determines if the specified JCAnno has already been added to the axis.

anno - The JCAnno to look for
true if the JCAnno was found


public boolean containsAnnotation(String annoName)
Determines if a JCAnno with the specified name has already been added to the axis.

annoName - The name of the JCAnno. If the parameter is null, the method will return false;
true if a JCAnno of the specified name was found


public void setAnnotationList(List annoList)
Sets a List of JCAnno objects on this axis.

annoList - A List of JCAnno objects


public List getAnnotationList()
Returns the List of JCAnno objects that have been set on this axis.


public void removeAllAnnotations()
Removes all JCAnno objects from the internal List.


public void removeDefaultLabels()
For internal use only.


public void removeDefaultTicks()
For internal use only.


public void removeDefaultGrid()
For internal use only.


protected void updateGridObject(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCGrid chartGrid,
                                double start,
                                double stop,
                                double increment)


protected void updateGrids()


public void addDefaultLabels()
Intended for internal use.


public void addDefaultTicks()
Intended for internal use.


protected void makeDefaultAnnotations()
Create default JCAnno objects.


protected void updateAnnotations()
At the end of the layout process, update the default start, stop, and increment values of tick objects.


protected com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAnno getAnnoObject(int type)
This method searches an internal List for a JCAnno object of the specified type.

type - The JCAnno type. Valid values include JCAnno.DEFAULT_LABELS, JCAnno.DEFAULT_TICKS, or JCAnno.USER_DEFINED.
A JCAnno object of the specified type, or null if such an object does not exist.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAnno getDefaultLabels()
For internal use only. This method returns a JCAnno object of type DEFAULT_LABELS, or null if an object of that type doesn't exist.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAnno getDefaultTicks()
For internal use only. This method returns a JCAnno object of type DEFAULT_TICKS, or null if an object of that type doesn't exist.


protected void makeTickLabels()
If the annotation method is VALUE or if the useAnnoTicks flag is set, iterate through the list of JCAnno objects and create JCValueLabels for the tick marks defined by each JCAnno. If useAnnoTicks is true, skip JCAnno objects that have the drawLabel flag set.


public void setUseAnnoTicks(boolean useAnnoTicks)
This method is used to set the value of the useAnnoTicks flag. If the flag is true, ticks specified by the JCAnno objects will be drawn when the annotation method is TIME_LABELS, POINT_LABELS, or VALUE_LABELS. If false, ticks will be drawn at the positions of the labels. The useAnnoTicks flag is ignored when the annotation method is VALUE.


public boolean getUseAnnoTicks()
This method returns the value of the useAnnoTicks flag. If the flag is true, ticks specified by the JCAnno objects will be drawn when the annotation method is TIME_LABELS, POINT_LABELS, or VALUE_LABELS. If false, ticks will be drawn at the positions of the labels. The useAnnoTicks flag is ignored when the annotation method is VALUE.


protected int getMaxTickOuterExtent()
This method returns the maximum outer extent of tick marks on this axis.


public List getGridList()
Returns the List of JCGrid objects.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCGrid getGrid(int index)
This method returns the JCGrid object at the specified index.


public void addGrid(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCGrid grid)
Adds a JCGrid object to this axis.


public void removeGrid(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCGrid grid)
Removes the specified JCGrid object from this axis.


public void removeGrid(int index)
Removes the JCGrid object at the specified index from this axis.


public void removeAllGrids()


public boolean containsGrid(com.klg.jclass.chart.JCGrid grid)
Determines if the specified JCGrid has already been added to the axis.

grid - The JCGrid to look for
true if the JCGrid was found


public boolean containsGrid(String gridName)
Determines if a JCGrid with the specified name has already been added to the axis.

gridName - The name of the JCGrid. If the parameter is null, the method will return false;
true if a JCGrid of the specified name was found


public com.klg.jclass.chart.JCGrid getDefaultGrid()
For internal use only. Returns the first JCGrid object in the internal List that has all properties set to their defaults.


public com.klg.jclass.chart.Mapper getMapper()
Get the current image map mapper. For internal use only.

The current image map mapper.


public void setMapper(com.klg.jclass.chart.Mapper mapper)
Set the current image map mapper. For internal use only.

mapper - The new image map mapper.

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