JClass DesktopViews 6.3.0 API

JClass DesktopViews 6.3.0 API Documentation

JClass Chart Core Packages
com.klg.jclass.chart Contains the base classes for JClass Chart, including the JClass Chart JavaBeans.
com.klg.jclass.chart.applet Contains the support classes for JCChart.
com.klg.jclass.chart.beans Contains the support classes for the various JCChart JavaBeans.
com.klg.jclass.chart.data Contains support classes for reading data from various sources.
com.klg.jclass.chart.db The parent package for the IDE-specific data bound JCChart JavaBeans.
com.klg.jclass.chart.db.datasource Contains the JCChart JavaBean for binding to data accessed using JClass DataSource.
com.klg.jclass.chart.db.jbuilder Contains the JCChart JavaBean for binding to data accessed using JBuilder.
com.klg.jclass.chart.property.html Contains the support classes for JCChart.

JClass Chart 3D Core Packages
com.klg.jclass.chart3d Contains the core classes for JClass Chart 3D.
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data Contains the chart data for JClass Chart 3D.
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event Contains the listener and event classes for JClass Chart 3D.
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d Contains support classes specific to Java 2D API.
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d Contains support classes specific to Java 3D API.
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape Contains the custom point styles for JClass Chart 3D.

JClass DataSource Core Packages
com.klg.jclass.datasource Contains the core classes for JClass Datasource.
com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans Contains the support classes for the various DataSource JavaBeans.
com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder Contains the JavaBean and support classes for a hierarchically-structured data source that integrates with JBuilder data source objects.
com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc Contains the JavaBean and support classes for a hierarchically-structured data source that integrates with JDBC data source objects.
com.klg.jclass.datasource.swing Contains the JavaBean and support classes for a data source that integrates with javax.swing data source objects, such as a JLabel or a JComboBox.
com.klg.jclass.datasource.util Contains utility classes supporting JClass DataSource.

JClass Elements Core Packages
com.klg.jclass.swing Contains the base classes for the GUI components in JClass Elements.
com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge Contains JCCircularGauge, a subclass of JComponent whose on-screen representation looks like an analog circular measuring instrument.
com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans Contains JCCircularGaugeBean, a JavaBean wrapper for JCCircularGauge.
com.klg.jclass.util.calendar Contains the classes that support calendar functions.
com.klg.jclass.util.progress Support classes for JCProgressHelper.
com.klg.jclass.util.swing Contains utility classes for JClass Elements.
com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode Contains classes for encoding components so that their images may be exported.
com.klg.jclass.util.treetable Contains support classes for JCTreeTable.

JClass Field Core Packages
com.klg.jclass.field Contains a collection of data entry and validation components for your Java applications.
com.klg.jclass.field.cell Contains editors and renderers for JClass Field data entry and display cells.
com.klg.jclass.field.db.datasource Contains data-aware components for use with JClass DataSource.
com.klg.jclass.field.db.jbuilder Contains data-aware components for use with JBuilder.
com.klg.jclass.field.validate Contains the validator classes for JClass Field These are exposed so that application programmers may extend them by subclassing.

JClass HiGrid Core Packages
com.klg.jclass.higrid Contains the base classes for JClass Higrid.
com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans Contains JCHiGrid, the JavaBean wrapper for JCHigrid, as well as Event, Listener, and BeanInfo classes.

JClass JarMaster Core Packages
com.klg.jclass.jarmaster Contains the base classes for JClass JarMaster.

JClass LiveTable Core Packages
com.klg.jclass.table Contains the base classes for JClass LiveTable.
com.klg.jclass.table.beans Contains the LiveTable JavaBean and its support classes.
com.klg.jclass.table.data Contains classes for connecting the table to data sources.
com.klg.jclass.table.db Contains base classes for the various data-aware LiveTable JavaBeans.
com.klg.jclass.table.db.datasource Contains the LiveTable data-aware JavaBean that uses JClass DataSource to provide a result set.
com.klg.jclass.table.db.jbuilder Contains the LiveTable data-aware JavaBean that uses JBuilder to provide a result set.

JClass PageLayout Core Packages
com.klg.jclass.page Contains the base classes for JCPageLayout.
com.klg.jclass.page.adobe Contains a resource bundle that is used to map between a font name and an alias.
com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf Contains the PDF printer.
com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript Contains the PostScript and EPS printers.
com.klg.jclass.page.awt Contains the AWT printer.
com.klg.jclass.page.html Contains the HTML printer.
com.klg.jclass.page.pcl Contains the PCL printer.
com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.page Contains special classes for encoding components so that their images may be printed using JClass PageLayout.

Common / Shared Packages
com.klg.jclass.cell Contains classes and interfaces that manage cells used in JClass products.
com.klg.jclass.cell.editors Defines the group of editors used in JClass components.
com.klg.jclass.cell.renderers Defines the group of renderers used in JClass components.
com.klg.jclass.cell.validate Contains event, listener and support classes for validating cell contents.
com.klg.jclass.util Contains a collection of utility classes.
com.klg.jclass.util.formulae Contains classes that encapsulate mathematical expressions (operators) whose operands may be scalars, vectors (in the mathematical sense), and matrices.
com.klg.jclass.util.io Contains classes used to control input and output for JClass Chart, ServerChart, and ServerReport.
com.klg.jclass.util.legend Contains classes used to provide a legend in a JClass Chart, JClass Chart3d or a JClass Gauge.
com.klg.jclass.util.value Contains classes for setting various types of values and listening for changes to them.
com.klg.jclass.util.xml Contains an XML parser and other support classes.


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