JClass DesktopViews 6.3.0 API

Class MetaData

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.borland.dx.dataset.AccessListener, Cloneable, com.borland.dx.dataset.DataChangeListener, DataModelListener, com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener, EventListener, IdeMetaDataModel, MetaDataModel, MutableTreeNode, com.borland.dx.dataset.NavigationListener, ReadOnlyBindingListener, Serializable, TreeNode

public class MetaData
extends IdeMetaData
implements com.borland.dx.dataset.DataChangeListener, com.borland.dx.dataset.AccessListener, com.borland.dx.dataset.NavigationListener, com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener, DataModelListener

This is the JBuilder implmentation for DataControls. DataControls hold the meta data for DataTables. In terms of JClass Outline Grid, DataControls are the nodes of the MetaTree. The MetaTree describes the hierarchacal relations between DataControls.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet
Fields inherited from class com.klg.jclass.datasource.IdeMetaData
globalBookmarkBeforeLastMove, globalDataTableBeforeLastMove
Fields inherited from class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseMetaData
binding, bufferSize, cacheChildren, columns, commitPolicy, counter, currentBookmark, currentDataTable, dataModel, deletePermissions, description, idxToColumnMap, initialHashtableSize, insertPermissions, maxRows, metaDataID, provider, showDeletedRows, storeClass, updatePermissions
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
allowsChildren, children, EMPTY_ENUMERATION, parent, userObject
Fields inherited from interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.MetaDataModel
Constructor Summary
MetaData(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModel dataModel, com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder.MetaData parent, Object child)
          After first calling the Root constructor, call this to add master-detail relationships.
MetaData(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModel dataModel, Object root)
          Root constructor.
Method Summary
 void accessChange(com.borland.dx.dataset.AccessEvent event)
 void added(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
 void addError(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet, com.borland.dx.dataset.ReadWriteRow row, com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException exception, com.borland.jb.util.ErrorResponse response)
 void adding(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet, com.borland.dx.dataset.ReadWriteRow row)
 void afterChangeOfRowData(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          A row has changed, re-read all its cells and its status to reflect the new values.
 void afterDeleteRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Removes the row from the display.
 void afterInsertRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          A new row has been added to the datasource.
 void afterMoveToCurrentRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          The global cursor has moved to a new row.
 void afterRequeryRowAndDetails(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Re-reads the indicated row and refresh all open children under this row.
 void afterRequeryTable(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Re-read this table and refresh all open children in this table.
 void afterReset(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Listeners must close all expanded views and reset/reread the root node.
 void beforeCancelAll(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Called before all changes are cancelled.
 void beforeCancelRowChanges(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Called before all edits to a row are undone.
 void beforeCommitAll(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Called before all changes are committed.
 void beforeCommitConditional(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Called when the root-level bookmark for a subtree changes.
 void beforeCommitRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Called before single row is committed to data source.
 void beforeDeleteRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Called before a row is [logically] deleted.
 void beforeDeleteTable(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          The indicated DataTable will be deleted and flushed from the cache.
 void beforeEditCell(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Called before a cell is edited.
 void beforeInsertRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Called before a row is inserted.
 void beforeMoveToCurrentRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          The global cursor will move to a new row.
 void beforeRequery(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Called when either DataTableModel.requeryRowAndDetails() or DataTableModel.requeryRow() is called.
 void beforeReset(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Called before entire grid is reset.
 void beginEvents(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Notification that multiple events are coming.
 void canceling(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
 void clear()
          Changes the query for this data control.
 void dataChanged(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataChangeEvent event)
 void deleted(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
 void deleteError(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet, com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException exception, com.borland.jb.util.ErrorResponse response)
 void deleting(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
 void editError(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet, com.borland.dx.dataset.Column column, com.borland.dx.dataset.Variant variant, com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException exception, com.borland.jb.util.ErrorResponse response)
 void endEvents(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          Notification that multiple events are complete.
 Object getNativeMetaData()
          Return the native meta data object.
 void initialize(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          For internal use only Used by the JCData bean.
 void inserted(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
 void inserting(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
 void modifying(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
 void navigated(com.borland.dx.dataset.NavigationEvent event)
 void originatorNavigateRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
          The current row has been deleted and the originator of the deletion should now reposition the global cursor to a new, valid row.
 void postRow(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataChangeEvent event)
 void refreshDataSet()
          For internal use only.
 void updated(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
 void updateError(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet, com.borland.dx.dataset.ReadWriteRow row, com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException exception, com.borland.jb.util.ErrorResponse response)
 void updating(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet, com.borland.dx.dataset.ReadWriteRow newRow, com.borland.dx.dataset.ReadRow oldRow)
Methods inherited from class com.klg.jclass.datasource.IdeMetaData
cleanChildDataSets, cleanChildDataSets, handledAsSingleLevelBindingMove, handleIDEUpdateCellRequest, navigated, requeryCurrentRowAndBelow, setCommitPolicy, turnOffDataModelEvents, turnOnDataModelEvents
Methods inherited from class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseMetaData
addColumn, commitTransaction, createByteArrayFromBinaryStream, getAutoCommit, getBinding, getBufferSize, getCacheChildren, getColumnCount, getColumnIdentifier, getColumnIndex, getColumnMap, getColumnObject, getColumnObjects, getCommitPolicy, getCurrentBookmark, getCurrentDataTable, getDataModel, getDeleteAllowed, getDescription, getInsertAllowed, getJavaColumnType, getMaxRows, getMetaID, getProvider, getShowDeletedRows, getStoreClass, getUpdateAllowed, isUpdateAllowedOnColumn, rollbackTransaction, setAutoCommit, setBinding, setBufferSize, setCacheChildren, setCurrentBookmark, setCurrentDataTable, setDeleteAllowed, setDescription, setInsertAllowed, setMaxRows, setMetaID, setProviderClassName, setShowDeletedRows, setStoreClass, setUpdateAllowed
Methods inherited from class com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataSourceTreeNode
getChildren, getFirstChild, getIterator, getIterator, getIterator, getIterator, getLastChild, getNextChild, getPreviousChild, hasChildren, insert, isChildOf, toString
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
add, breadthFirstEnumeration, children, clone, depthFirstEnumeration, getAllowsChildren, getChildAfter, getChildAt, getChildBefore, getChildCount, getDepth, getFirstLeaf, getIndex, getLastLeaf, getLeafCount, getLevel, getNextLeaf, getNextNode, getNextSibling, getParent, getPath, getPathToRoot, getPreviousLeaf, getPreviousNode, getPreviousSibling, getRoot, getSharedAncestor, getSiblingCount, getUserObject, getUserObjectPath, insert, isLeaf, isNodeAncestor, isNodeChild, isNodeDescendant, isNodeRelated, isNodeSibling, isRoot, pathFromAncestorEnumeration, postorderEnumeration, preorderEnumeration, remove, remove, removeAllChildren, removeFromParent, setAllowsChildren, setParent, setUserObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.MetaDataModel
addColumn, commitTransaction, getAutoCommit, getBinding, getCacheChildren, getColumnCount, getColumnIdentifier, getColumnIndex, getColumnObject, getColumnObjects, getCommitPolicy, getCurrentBookmark, getCurrentDataTable, getDataModel, getDeleteAllowed, getDescription, getInsertAllowed, getJavaColumnType, getMaxRows, getMetaID, getProvider, getShowDeletedRows, getStoreClass, getUpdateAllowed, isUpdateAllowedOnColumn, rollbackTransaction, setAutoCommit, setBinding, setCacheChildren, setCurrentBookmark, setCurrentDataTable, setDeleteAllowed, setDescription, setInsertAllowed, setMaxRows, setMetaID, setProviderClassName, setShowDeletedRows, setStoreClass, setUpdateAllowed
Methods inherited from interface javax.swing.tree.TreeNode
children, getAllowsChildren, getChildAt, getChildCount, getIndex, getParent, isLeaf

Field Detail


protected com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet
Constructor Detail


public MetaData(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModel dataModel,
                com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder.MetaData parent,
                Object child)
         throws DataModelException
After first calling the Root constructor, call this to add master-detail relationships.

dataModel - the HiGrid DataModel to which this meta data object will be added.
parent - the MetaData object which will be the master of this detail MetaData object.
child - the Object (DataSet) which contributes its information to form a child MetaData object of parent in the MetaDataTree.
DataModelException - If the operation fails.


public MetaData(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModel dataModel,
                Object root)
         throws DataModelException
Root constructor. Call this constructor first, then call the MetaData(HiGrid DataModel, MetaData, DataSet) constructor to build the MetaDataTree hierarchy for subsequent nodes.

dataModel - the HiGridDataModel to which this meta data object will be added as the root.
root - the Object (DataSet) which contributes its information to form the root MetaData object in the MetaDataTree.
DataModelException - If the operation fails.
Method Detail


public void clear()
Changes the query for this data control. For customizer use during design-time.

Specified by:
clear in interface MetaDataModel
clear in class BaseMetaData


public Object getNativeMetaData()
Return the native meta data object. This is a DataSet in JBuilder and a RelationView in VisualCafe.

Specified by:
getNativeMetaData in interface MetaDataModel
getNativeMetaData in class BaseMetaData
the native meta data object for this level.


public void dataChanged(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataChangeEvent event)
Specified by:
dataChanged in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.DataChangeListener


public void postRow(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataChangeEvent event)
Specified by:
postRow in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.DataChangeListener


public void accessChange(com.borland.dx.dataset.AccessEvent event)
Specified by:
accessChange in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.AccessListener


public void navigated(com.borland.dx.dataset.NavigationEvent event)
Specified by:
navigated in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.NavigationListener


public void adding(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet,
                   com.borland.dx.dataset.ReadWriteRow row)
Specified by:
adding in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void added(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
Specified by:
added in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void addError(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet,
                     com.borland.dx.dataset.ReadWriteRow row,
                     com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException exception,
                     com.borland.jb.util.ErrorResponse response)
Specified by:
addError in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void canceling(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
Specified by:
canceling in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void deleting(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
Specified by:
deleting in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void deleted(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
Specified by:
deleted in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void deleteError(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet,
                        com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException exception,
                        com.borland.jb.util.ErrorResponse response)
Specified by:
deleteError in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void editError(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet,
                      com.borland.dx.dataset.Column column,
                      com.borland.dx.dataset.Variant variant,
                      com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException exception,
                      com.borland.jb.util.ErrorResponse response)
Specified by:
editError in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void inserting(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
Specified by:
inserting in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void inserted(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
Specified by:
inserted in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void modifying(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
Specified by:
modifying in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void updating(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet,
                     com.borland.dx.dataset.ReadWriteRow newRow,
                     com.borland.dx.dataset.ReadRow oldRow)
Specified by:
updating in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void updateError(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet,
                        com.borland.dx.dataset.ReadWriteRow row,
                        com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSetException exception,
                        com.borland.jb.util.ErrorResponse response)
Specified by:
updateError in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void updated(com.borland.dx.dataset.DataSet dataSet)
Specified by:
updated in interface com.borland.dx.dataset.EditListener


public void refreshDataSet()
                    throws DataModelException
For internal use only. Call DataSet.refresh, called by DataTableModel.requeryLevel

Specified by:
refreshDataSet in interface IdeMetaDataModel
DataModelException - If an exception occurs while refreshing the data sets.


public void beforeInsertRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Called before a row is inserted. Can be cancelled. If not cancelled will be followed by afterInsertRow().

Specified by:
beforeInsertRow in interface DataModelListener
See Also:


public void beforeReset(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Called before entire grid is reset. Can be cancelled. If not cancelled will be followed by afterReset(). This will result from a call to DataModel.requeryAll().

Specified by:
beforeReset in interface DataModelListener
See Also:


public void beforeRequery(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Called when either DataTableModel.requeryRowAndDetails() or DataTableModel.requeryRow() is called. If not cancelled will be followed by an,

Specified by:
beforeRequery in interface DataModelListener
See Also:
DataTableModel.requeryRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelListener, long), DataTableModel.requeryRowAndDetails(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelListener, long)


public void beforeEditCell(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Called before a cell is edited. Can be cancelled.

Specified by:
beforeEditCell in interface DataModelListener
See Also:
DataTableModel.updateCell(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelListener, long, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)


public void beforeDeleteRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Called before a row is [logically] deleted. Can be cancelled. If not cancelled will be followed by an afterDeleteRow90 or a afterChangeOfRowData() if the commit policy is COMMIT_MANUALLY or COMMIT_LEAVING_ANCESTOR.

Specified by:
beforeDeleteRow in interface DataModelListener
See Also:
DataTableModel.deleteRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelListener, long), MetaDataModel.getCommitPolicy()


public void beforeCommitAll(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Called before all changes are committed. Can be cancelled. All modified, deleted and inserted rows at all levels are about to be committed. beforeDeleteRow() and afterChangeOfRowData() will follow depending on the operations performed on the modified rows being saved. Results from a call to DataModel.updateAll.

Specified by:
beforeCommitAll in interface DataModelListener
See Also:


public void beforeCancelAll(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Called before all changes are cancelled. Can be cancelled. afterInsertRow() and afterChangeOfRowData() can follow this event.

Specified by:
beforeCancelAll in interface DataModelListener
See Also:


public void beforeCancelRowChanges(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Called before all edits to a row are undone. Can be cancelled An afterDeleteRow() or afterChangeOfRowData() will follow.

Specified by:
beforeCancelRowChanges in interface DataModelListener
See Also:
DataTableModel.cancelRowChanges(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelListener, long)


public void beforeCommitConditional(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Called when the root-level bookmark for a subtree changes. When this happens those nodes in the previous subtree which are not COMMIT_MANUALLY are committed. Can be cancelled. If cancelled the cursor moves but the changes are automatically committed.

Specified by:
beforeCommitConditional in interface DataModelListener


public void beforeCommitRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Called before single row is committed to data source. Can be cancelled in which case the row edits are not written to the datasource and the rows status remains modified. afterDeleteRow() or afterChangeOfRowData() will follow depending on the status of the row to be committed.

Specified by:
beforeCommitRow in interface DataModelListener
See Also:
DataTableModel.commitRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelListener, long)


public void beforeMoveToCurrentRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
The global cursor will move to a new row. Can be cancelled.

Specified by:
beforeMoveToCurrentRow in interface DataModelListener


public void beforeDeleteTable(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
The indicated DataTable will be deleted and flushed from the cache. Can be cancelled.

Specified by:
beforeDeleteTable in interface DataModelListener


public void afterChangeOfRowData(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
A row has changed, re-read all its cells and its status to reflect the new values. If this event is the result of a cell edit call DataModelEvent.getColumn() to get the name of the column which changed. If getColumn() returns "", re-read the entire row. Called when

Specified by:
afterChangeOfRowData in interface ReadOnlyBindingListener


public void afterInsertRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
A new row has been added to the datasource. Listeners need to display the row. Rows are always added to the end of DataTableModels.

Specified by:
afterInsertRow in interface ReadOnlyBindingListener


public void afterDeleteRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Removes the row from the display. A row has been physically deleted and needs to be removed from the display or has been logically deleted but the showDeletedRows property has been set to false. Called when,

Specified by:
afterDeleteRow in interface ReadOnlyBindingListener


public void afterReset(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Listeners must close all expanded views and reset/reread the root node. The previous pointer to the root node is no longer valid. Call DataModel.getDataTableTree().getRoot() for the new root table. Called when the datasource has been reset.

Specified by:
afterReset in interface ReadOnlyBindingListener
See Also:


public void afterMoveToCurrentRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
The global cursor has moved to a new row. Listeners should position their cursor on the indicated row. In a master-detail relationship child levels should refresh themselves to reflect data sets which correspond to the new parent row by calling DataModel.getCurrentDataTable() or for field controls, DataModel.getCurrentDataItem().

Specified by:
afterMoveToCurrentRow in interface ReadOnlyBindingListener


public void afterRequeryRowAndDetails(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Re-reads the indicated row and refresh all open children under this row.

Specified by:
afterRequeryRowAndDetails in interface ReadOnlyBindingListener


public void afterRequeryTable(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Re-read this table and refresh all open children in this table.

Specified by:
afterRequeryTable in interface ReadOnlyBindingListener


public void beginEvents(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Notification that multiple events are coming. Multiple events will be nested between beginEvents() and endEvents(). Allows listeners to treat the events as a batch, to, for example, reduce repaints.

Specified by:
beginEvents in interface ReadOnlyBindingListener


public void endEvents(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
Notification that multiple events are complete. Multiple events will be nested between beginEvents() and endEvents(). Allows listeners to treat the events as a batch, to, for example, reduce repaints. Called when

Specified by:
endEvents in interface ReadOnlyBindingListener


public void originatorNavigateRow(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
The current row has been deleted and the originator of the deletion should now reposition the global cursor to a new, valid row.

Specified by:
originatorNavigateRow in interface DataModelListener


public void initialize(com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent e)
For internal use only Used by the JCData bean.

Specified by:
initialize in interface ReadOnlyBindingListener

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