JClass DesktopViews 6.3.0 API

Package com.klg.jclass.higrid

Contains the base classes for JClass Higrid.


Interface Summary
ActionInitiator ActionInitiators are used by HiGridAction to associate a keystroke, mouse press or other type of event to a specific action on a JClass HiGrid.
Aggregate Interface for the built-in Aggregate types used to display summary information.
AutoTraverseCallback The AutoTraverseCallback interface defines a mechanism whereby the expansion of RowNodes can be controlled by the developer at runtime.
CellStyleModel The CellStyleModel class provides CellRenderer and CellEditor objects formatting information that can be used in drawing.
FocusModel Since in JDK1.4, a different focus mechanism is used, an object implementing the FocusManager interface is required to use the correct mechanism for the current environment.
GridScrollbarCallback The interface for positioning a Rowtip and setting its text.
HiGridColumnSelectionListener Event listener interface for HiGrid ColumnSelection events.
HiGridEditStatusRenderer Interface to render the row edit status in HiGrid.
HiGridErrorHandler The default error handler for HiGrid Error events.
HiGridErrorListener Event listener interface for HiGrid Error events.
HiGridExpansionListener Event listener interface for HiGrid Expansion events.
HiGridFormatNodeListener Event listener interface for HiGrid FormatNode events.
HiGridHeaderRenderer Interface to render headers in HiGrid.
HiGridMoveCellListener Event listener interface for HiGrid MoveCell events.
HiGridNodeRenderer Interface to render tree nodes in HiGrid.
HiGridPrintListener Event listener interface for HiGrid Print events.
HiGridRepaintListener Event listener interface for HiGrid Repaint events.
HiGridResizeCellListener Event listener interface for HiGrid ResizeCell events.
HiGridRowSelectionListener Event listener interface for HiGrid RowSelection events.
HiGridSortTableListener Event listener interface for HiGrid SortTable events.
HiGridTraverseListener Event listener interface for HiGrid Traverse events.
HiGridUpdateListener Event listener interface for HiGrid Update events.
HiGridValidateListener Event listener interface for higrid validate events.
Walkable The Walkable interface should be implemented by objects that wish to traverse HiGrid's RowTree.

Class Summary
AfterDetailsFormat An AfterDetailsFormat object describes a row which is displayed after a group of one or more tables and contains detail summary information about those tables.
AggregateAverage Implements the AggregateAverage type.
AggregateCount Implements the AggregateCount type.
AggregateFirst Implements the AggregateFirst type.
AggregateLast Implements the AggregateLast type.
AggregateMax Implements the AggregateMax type.
AggregateMin Implements the AggregateMin type.
AggregateSum Implements the AggregateSum type.
AutoTraverseCallbackAdapter The adapter which receives AutoTraverseCallback events.
BaseAggregate Implements the base Aggregate type behavior.
BeforeDetailsFormat A BeforeDetailsFormat object describes a row which is displayed before a group of one or more tables and contains detail summary information about those tables.
CellFormat The CellFormat class completely describes a given cell displayed within HiGrid.
CellPosition A CellPosition object describes a cell by specifying its rowNode and column index.
CellStyle The CellStyle class is an implementation of the CellStyleModel interface and provides CellRenderer and CellEditor objects formatting information that can be used in drawing.
ColumnSortable Implementation of the Comparator interface to sort specific columns.
Controller The Controller class performs the Controller function in the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm.
DefaultAfterDetailsCellStyle The DefaultAfterDetailsCellStyle class defines a CellStyle object that specifies the characteristics of a HiGrid after details cell.
DefaultBeforeDetailsCellStyle The DefaultBeforeDetailsCellStyle class defines a CellStyle object that specifies the characteristics of a HiGrid before details cell.
DefaultColumnSelectionHandler The DefaultColumnSelectionHandler sorts the data table when the user clicks on a column header.
DefaultDataModelListener The DefaultDataModelListener class handles DataModelEvents from HiGrid's DataModel.
DefaultEditStatusRenderer The DefaultEditStatusRenderer class defines a JCCellRenderer object that paints EditStatus objects in a HiGrid edit status cell.
DefaultErrorHandler DefaultErrorHandler is the default error handler for HiGrid Error events.
DefaultFooterCellStyle The DefaultFooterCellStyle class defines a CellStyle object that specifies the characteristics of a HiGrid footer cell.
DefaultHeaderCellStyle The DefaultHeaderCellStyle class defines a CellStyle object that specifies the characteristics of a HiGrid header cell.
DefaultImageRenderer The DefaultImageRenderer class defines a JCCellRenderer object that paints Image objects in a HiGrid cell.
DefaultNodeRenderer The DefaultNodeRenderer class defines a JCCellRenderer object that paints NodeStatus objects in a HiGrid node cell.
DefaultRecordCellStyle The DefaultRecordCellStyle class defines a CellStyle object that specifies the characteristics of a HiGrid record cell.
DefaultSortable DefaultSortable is the default HiGrid implementation of the Comparator interface.
DetailsMetaData DetailsMetaData describes the meta data for the before and after details record types.
EditPopupMenu The EditPopupMenu class is the default popup menu for runtime editing of HiGrid.
EditStatus The EditStatus class packages together some status information for display by a HiGridEditStatusRenderer.
EditStatusCellFormat The EditStatusCellFormat class manages certain properties as class properties: BorderInsets, MarginInsets, width and showing
FocusManager Since in JDK1.4, a different focus mechanism is used, an object implementing the FocusModel interface is required to use the correct mechanism for the current environment.
FocusManagerNew A FocusManager object for JDK 1.4 and later
FocusManagerOld A FocusManager object for JDK's prior to 1.4
FolderIconStyle The FolderIconStyle class defines the folder icon style to be used.
FooterFormat A FooterFormat object describes a row which is displayed after a group of records within a single table and contains summary information about that table.
FooterMetaData FooterMetaData describes the meta data for the footer record type.
FormatNode The FormatNode class aggregates all of the information necessary to render a given table.
FormatTree The FormatTree holds the design-time visual formatting information for all of the levels of HiGrid.
GridArea The GridArea is the component onto which the HiGrid nodes are rendered.
GridScrollbar GridScrollbar manages the interaction between an actual scrollbar (extends Component, implements Adjustable) and the HiGrid object.
GridScrollbarCallbackAdapter The adapter which receives GridScrollbarCallback events.
HeaderFormat A HeaderFormat object describes a row which is displayed before a group of records within a single table and contains heading information describing the columns of that table.
HeaderTipWalk The HeaderTipWalk class is used as a container of information during recursive searches of the RowTree.
HiGrid The core class for JClass HiGrid.
HiGridAction HiGridAction is responsible for defining a mapping from a user event to an action performed on HiGrid.
HiGridBorder Wrapper class for com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCBorder.
HiGridColumnSelectionAdapter The adapter which receives HiGridColumnSelection events.
HiGridColumnSelectionEvent Event object for HiGridColumnSelectionEvent, a subclass of HiGridEvent containing information about the particular type of event.
HiGridData HiGridData includes support for the footer, before details, and after details records.
HiGridErrorAdapter The adapter which receives HiGridError events.
HiGridErrorEvent Event object for HiGridErrorEvent, a subclass of HiGridEvent containing information about the particular type of event.
HiGridEvent HiGridEvent is the base class for most HiGrid events.
HiGridExpansionAdapter The adapter which receives HiGridExpansion events.
HiGridExpansionEvent Event object for HiGridExpansionEvent, a subclass of HiGridEvent containing information about the particular type of event.
HiGridFocusTraversalPolicy HiGridFocusTraversalPolicy
HiGridFormatNodeAdapter The adapter which receives HiGridFormatNode events.
HiGridFormatNodeEvent Event object for HiGridFormatNodeEvent, a subclass of HiGridEvent containing information about the particular type of event.
HiGridInternalData A simple class to package together some internal data.
HiGridMoveCellAdapter The adapter which receives HiGridMoveCell events.
HiGridMoveCellEvent Event object for HiGridMoveCellEvent, a subclass of HiGridEvent containing information about the particular type of event.
HiGridPrintEvent Event object for HiGridPrintEvent, a subclass of HiGridEvent containing information about the particular type of event.
HiGridRepaintAdapter The adapter which receives HiGridRepaint events.
HiGridRepaintEvent Event object for HiGridRepaintEvent, a subclass of HiGridEvent containing information about the particular type of event.
HiGridResizeCellAdapter The adapter which receives HiGridResizeCell events.
HiGridResizeCellEvent Event object for HiGridResizeCellEvent, a subclass of HiGridEvent containing information about the particular type of event.
HiGridRowSelectionAdapter The adapter which receives HiGridRowSelection events.
HiGridRowSelectionEvent Event object for HiGridRowSelectionEvent, a subclass of HiGridEvent containing information about the particular type of event.
HiGridSortTableAdapter The adapter which receives HiGridSortTable events.
HiGridSortTableEvent Event object for HiGridSortTableEvent, a subclass of HiGridEvent containing information about the particular type of event.
HiGridTip The HiGridTip class is a custom implementation of a JToolTip.
HiGridTraverseAdapter The adapter which receives HiGridTraverse events.
HiGridTraverseEvent Event object for HiGridTraverseEvent, a subclass of HiGridEvent containing information about the particular type of event.
HiGridUI HiGridUI controls PLAF changes for HiGrid.
HiGridUpdateAdapter The adapter which receives HiGridUpdate events.
HiGridUpdateEvent Event object for HiGridUpdateEvent, a subclass of HiGridEvent containing information about the particular type of event.
HiGridValidateAdapter The adapter which receives HiGridValidate events.
HiGridValidateEvent Event object for HiGridValidateEvent, a subclass of HiGridEvent containing information about the particular type of event.
IndicatorCellFormat Classes that inherit from IndicatorCellFormat tend to manage certain properties as class properties.
JCVersion In JClass, each package has a JCVersion class.
KeyActionInitiator A KeyActionInitiator is used by HiGridAction to associate a combination of key code and modifier to a specific action on HiGrid.
LastRowWalk The LastRowWalk class is used as a container of information during recursive searches of the RowTree.
LastVisibleRowWalk The LastVisibleRowWalk class is used as a container of information during recursive searches of the RowTree.
LocaleBundle Manages resources for a locale.
LookupTable Manages editors and renderers, and uses the com.klg.jclass.cell.EditorRendererRegistry.
MouseActionInitiator A MouseActionInitiator is used by HiGridAction to associate a combination of mouse button and modifier to a specific action on HiGrid.
NodeCellFormat The NodeStatusCellFormat class manages certain properties as class properties: BorderInsets, MarginInsets, width and showing
NodeStatus The NodeStatus class packages together some status information for display by a HiGridNodeRenderer.
NullCellEditor NullEditor provides a simple component that only draws a focus-like rectangle around the current cell.
PrintGrid Abstract class to support both JDK 1.1 and JDK 1.2 (Java 2) printing.
PrintGrid12 Controls printing of pages with header and footer.
PrintPreview The PrintPreview is a frame to display print pages.
RecordFormat A RecordFormat object describes a row which is one of a group of records within a single table.
RowFormat The RowFormat class contains the design-time and run-time information associated with a given RowNode.
RowNode The RowNode class aggregates all of the information necessary to render a specific row within a given table.
RowTree The RowTree holds the run-time visual information for the levels of an instance of HiGrid.
ShowableRowFormat ShowableRowFormat objects describe rows which can be displayed or hidden at run-time.
SortData SortData holds the sorting info for a column.
SortGrid Sort the grid rows by specified columns.
SortLabel SortLabel is used by SortLabelCellRenderer.
SortLabelCellRenderer A cell renderer to draw a label with the ascending/descending icon indication.
StringRowFlavor StringRowFlavor is a Transferable object that passes row cell data through a string of cells separated by tab/newline characters.
SummaryColumn The column object for the summary record types.
SummaryDataTable The data table for a summary row type.
SummaryMetaData SummaryMetaData is the base class for the meta data for a summary record type.
TableNodeRenderer An alternative to DefaultNodeRenderer when no indentation is wanted.

Exception Summary
HiGridException The HiGridException class generates HiGrid-specific runtime exceptions.

Package com.klg.jclass.higrid Description

Contains the base classes for JClass Higrid. JClass HiGrid is a front end for database-driven Java applications. JClass HiGrid is a unique RAD outline-grid, that in combination with JClass DataSource, lets you manage, display and update hierarchical data. Specify master and detail relationships for each level of the tree-view hierarchy, and JClass HiGrid provides the graphical user interface.

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