JClass DesktopViews 6.3.0 API Documentation |
java.lang.Object | +--com.klg.jclass.page.FontLibrary
Stores lists of available fonts in Hashtables for easy lookup, sometimes depending on output type. The list of stock fonts for PDF output and the files that contain them is currently found in the font.map file in the com.klg.jclass.sreport.adobe.fonts package. The list of stock fonts for RTF output is currently found in the font.map file in the com.klg.jclass.sreport.rtf package. The list of user font names that logically map to these fonts is currently found in com.klg.jclass.sreport.adobe.JCAdobeFontMap class for PDF output and the com.klg.jclass.sreport.rtf.JCRTFFontMap class for RTF output. Default directories are searched for additional TrueType fonts that are added to the list of available fonts. Users may specify additional fonts by directory or by font file name. User-added directories are searched for font name map resource bundle files named user.properties, but such files can also be added manually. Automatic font mapping is also attempted for TrueType fonts. User-specified font name mapping takes precedence over built-in mapping of stock fonts, which itself takes precedence over automatic font name mapping.
Field Summary | |
static int |
Type 1 Font (backed with .afm file) |
static int |
Special case: all file types! |
protected static boolean |
True if default font directories should be searched for fonts. |
protected static Hashtable |
Table of automatically generate font name mappings from possible user font names to the real font name as used by ServerReport internals. |
static Hashtable[] |
Array of Hashtables containing available fonts have been read from the default font directories or have been specified by a user. |
static Hashtable[] |
Array of Hashtables containing available stock fonts. |
protected static String |
Name before ".properties" in user font name map bundle name. |
protected static com.klg.jclass.page.FontLibrary |
Actual instance of FontLibrary. |
static int |
Number of output types supported. |
static int |
Output Type: PDF. |
static ResourceBundle[] |
Array of stock font name map bundles containing default mappings for stock fonts. |
protected static boolean |
True if font-related error messages should be suppressed. |
static Hashtable |
Global hashtable storing user properties for use of true type fonts. |
static int |
TrueType Font |
protected static List |
Corresponding List of FontFileLookup objects that were used to find the font bundles. |
protected static List[] |
Array of ResourceBundle lists representing the font name resource bundles for user-added font packages. |
Method Summary | |
protected static String |
addAFMToAvailableFonts(com.klg.jclass.page.FontFileLookup afmFile)
Add the font inside the AFM file represented by the passed FontFileLookup object to the list of available fonts by doing a quick parse of the afm file to determine the name of the font that is contained within. |
static void |
addFont(String fileLocation)
Add the font represented by the specified .afm or .ttf file to the hashtable of available fonts. |
static void |
addFont(URL fontURL,
int fontType)
Add the font represented by the specified AFM or TrueType file to the hashtable of available fonts. |
static void |
addFontNameMap(ResourceBundle fontBundle,
int fileType)
Add the values contained in the specified font name map to PageLayout's global font name map. |
static void |
addFontNameMap(String location,
String name)
Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's global font name map regardless of the type of the font file. |
static void |
addFontNameMap(String location,
String name,
int fileType)
Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's global font name map for fonts of the specified file type (TTF or AFM). |
static void |
addFontNameMap(URL location)
Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's global font name map regardless of the type of the font file. |
static void |
addFontNameMap(URL location,
int fileType)
Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's global font name map for fonts of the specified file type (TTF, AFM or NAMED). |
static void |
addFontNameMap(URL location,
String name)
Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's global font name map regardless of the type of the font file. |
static void |
addFontNameMap(URL location,
String name,
int fileType)
Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's global font name map for fonts of the specified file type (TTF, AFM or NAMED). |
protected static void |
addFontNameMapBundle(com.klg.jclass.page.FontFileLookup propLook,
int fileType)
Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's global font name map for fonts of the specified file type (TTF, AFM or NAMED). |
static void |
addFontPackage(String packagePath)
Add any fonts represented by .afm or .ttf files in the provided directory (and all of its subdirectories) to the hashtable of available fonts. |
static void |
addFontPackage(String packagePath,
boolean recurse)
Add any fonts represented by .afm or .ttf files in the provided directory (and all of its subdirectories, if recurse is set to true) to the hashtable of available fonts. |
static void |
addRelativeFont(String fileLocation)
Add the font represented by the specified AFM or TrueType file to the hashtable of available fonts. |
static void |
addRelativeFontNameMap(String location,
String name)
Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's global font name map regardless of the type of the font file. |
static void |
addRelativeFontNameMap(String location,
String name,
int fileType)
Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's global font name map for fonts of the specified file type (TTF, AFM or NAMED). |
protected static List |
addTTFToAvailableFonts(com.klg.jclass.page.FontFileLookup ttfFile)
Add the font inside the TTF file represented by the passed FontFileLookup object to the list of available fonts by doing a quick parse of the ttf file to determine the name of the font that is contained within. |
static String[] |
Return list of all font name aliases that are used across all output types. |
static String[] |
getAvailableFontNames(int outputType)
Return list of all font name aliases specified with respect to the specified output type. |
static boolean |
Get the SuppressErrorMessages property, which determines if font-related error messages are being suppressed. |
static com.klg.jclass.page.TrueTypeFontProperties |
getTrueTypeFontProperties(String userFontName,
int outputType)
Get the TrueTypeFontProperties class associated with the given user font name. |
static List |
getTTFFontNames(String fileLocation)
Returns the list of font names contained with a TTF file. |
static List |
getTTFFontNames(URL fontURL)
Returns the list of font names contained with a TTF file. |
static void |
Initialize FontLibrary class by creating an instance and calling its constructor (if this hasn't been done yet). |
static boolean |
isAFMFile(String fileName)
Check to see if passed file name is an AFM file by examining its extension. |
static boolean |
Get the AutoLoad property, which determines if default directories are automatically searched. |
static boolean |
isTrueTypeFile(String fileName)
Check to see if passed file name is a TrueType file (.ttf, .ttc) by examining its extension. |
static String |
lookupAutomaticFontName(String fontName)
Look up the specified font name in the automatic font name map. |
static com.klg.jclass.page.FontFileLookup |
lookupFontFile(String fontName,
int outputType)
Lookup the font file (as encapsulated by the FontFileLookup object) by the actual font name, depending on the output type. |
static String |
lookupFontNameByUserAlias(String key,
int outputType)
Find the actual name of the desired font by looking up the given user alias in the various font name map resource bundles. |
static String |
lookupStockFontName(String fontName,
int outputType)
Look up the specified font name in the stock font name map resource bundle associated with the passed output type. |
static com.klg.jclass.page.TrueTypeFontProperties |
lookupTrueTypeFontProperties(String realFontName)
Get the TrueTypeFontProperties class associated with the given real font name. |
static String |
lookupUserFontName(String fontName,
int outputType)
Look up the specified font name alias in the list of user-supplied font name map resource bundles associated with the specified output type. |
static void |
setAutoLoad(boolean al)
Set the AutoLoad property, which determines if default directories are automatically searched. |
static void |
setSuppressErrorMessages(boolean suppress)
Set the SuppressErrorMessages property, which suppresses font-related error messages if set to true. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static final int AFM
public static final int TTF
public static final int ALL_FILE_TYPES
public static final int PDF
public static final int NUM_OUTPUT_TYPES
public static Hashtable[] availableFonts
public static Hashtable[] availableStockFonts
public static ResourceBundle[] stockFontNameMapBundles
protected static final String defaultUserFontBundleName
protected static List[] userFontBundles
protected static List userFontBundleLookups
protected static Hashtable automaticFontNameMapTable
public static Hashtable trueTypeFontProperties
protected static boolean autoLoad
protected static com.klg.jclass.page.FontLibrary fontLibraryInstance
- Actual instance of FontLibrary. Currently only used so that
the constructor is never called twice.
protected static boolean suppressErrorMessages
- True if font-related error messages should be suppressed.
Default is true.
Method Detail
public static void initFontLibrary()
- Initialize FontLibrary class by creating an instance and calling its
constructor (if this hasn't been done yet).
public static void setAutoLoad(boolean al)
- Set the AutoLoad property, which determines if default directories
are automatically searched. Default is true.
- Parameters:
- the new value of the AutoLoad property.
public static boolean isAutoLoad()
- Get the AutoLoad property, which determines if default directories
are automatically searched. Default is true.
- Returns:
- the value of the AutoLoad property.
public static void setSuppressErrorMessages(boolean suppress)
- Set the SuppressErrorMessages property, which suppresses font-related
error messages if set to true. Default is false.
- Parameters:
- the new value of the SuppressErrorMessages property.
public static boolean getSuppressErrorMessages()
- Get the SuppressErrorMessages property, which determines if font-related
error messages are being suppressed. Default is false.
- Returns:
- the value of the SuppressErrorMessages property.
public static void addFontPackage(String packagePath)
- Add any fonts represented by .afm or .ttf files in the provided directory
(and all of its subdirectories) to the hashtable of available fonts.
These directories are also stored for use in reading font files when
they become needed. If a font name map resource bundle property
file of name "user" and corresponding to the default locale exists
in the directory, it is also loaded and its contents added to
ServerReport's global font name map. (For example, for the North
American/English locale, the directory is first searched for the
file named "user_en_US.properties", then "user_en.properties" and finally
"user.properties". Font name map files outline the names the user will
refer to fonts by the and the names by which they're referred inside the
corresponding .afm or .ttf file.)
This method may be called via the convenience method in JCDocument.
- Parameters:
- a String representing the absolute location of the
directory which contains both font files (.afm
or .ttf) and a font name map resource bundle
property file (e.g. "user.properties").
public static void addFontPackage(String packagePath,
boolean recurse)
- Add any fonts represented by .afm or .ttf files in the provided
directory (and all of its subdirectories, if recurse is set to
true) to the hashtable of available fonts. These directories
are also stored for use in reading font files when they become
needed. If a font name map resource bundle property file
of name "user" and corresponding to the default locale exists
in the directory, it is also loaded and its contents added to
ServerReport's global font name map. (For example, for the North
American/English locale, the directory is first searched for the
file named "user_en_US.properties", then "user_en.properties" and finally
"user.properties". Font name map files outline the names the user will
refer to fonts by the and the names by which they're referred inside the
corresponding .afm or .ttf file.)
This method may be called via the convenience method in JCDocument.
- Parameters:
- a String representing the absolute location of the
directory which contains both font files (.afm
or .ttf) and a font name map resource bundle
property file (e.g. "user.properties").recurse
- if true, all subdirectories under provided directory
will also be parsed for font files and font name map files
public static void addFont(String fileLocation)
throws IOException
- Add the font represented by the specified .afm or .ttf file to the hashtable
of available fonts. The specified font file location must be the
absolute location of the desired file and will be stored for use in
reading the font file when it is needed.
- Parameters:
- a String representing the absolute location of a
.afm or .ttf font file.
public static void addFont(URL fontURL,
int fontType)
throws IOException
- Add the font represented by the specified AFM or TrueType file to the
hashtable of available fonts. The specified font file location must be
the absolute location of the desired file and will be stored for use in
reading the font file when it is needed.
- Parameters:
- an URL representing the absolute location of a font file
in either .afm or .ttf formatfontType
- either AFM or TTF, depending on the contents located
at the destination represented by fontURL
public static void addRelativeFont(String fileLocation)
throws IOException
- Add the font represented by the specified AFM or TrueType file to the
hashtable of available fonts. The specified font file location must be
a location relative to the classpath. It will be stored for use in
reading the font file when it is needed.
- Parameters:
- a String representing the relative location of a
.afm or .ttf font file. It is assumed that the
location begins at the tops of the classpath
entries. (In other words, if the location does
not begin with a '/', one is added.)
protected static String addAFMToAvailableFonts(com.klg.jclass.page.FontFileLookup afmFile)
throws IOException
- Add the font inside the AFM file represented by the passed FontFileLookup
object to the list of available fonts by doing a quick parse of the afm file
to determine the name of the font that is contained within.
AFM fonts are used for PDF output only.
- Parameters:
- a FontFileLookup object referencing an .afm file
- Returns:
- name of AFM font added. May be null if no file was found
at the provided location.
protected static List addTTFToAvailableFonts(com.klg.jclass.page.FontFileLookup ttfFile)
throws IOException
- Add the font inside the TTF file represented by the passed FontFileLookup
object to the list of available fonts by doing a quick parse of the ttf file
to determine the name of the font that is contained within.
AFM fonts are used for both PDF and RTF output.
- Parameters:
- a FontFileLookup object referencing an .afm file
- Returns:
- List of names of TTF fonts added. May be null if no file was found
at the provided location.
public static void addFontNameMap(String location,
String name)
throws IOException
- Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's
global font name map regardless of the type of the font file.
The font name map must be located in a resource
bundle .properties file and is subject to standard resource bundle
localization processing. In other words, the resource bundle that is
eventually read by this method is the one that exists at the specified
location and whose file name represents the most appropriate bundle for
the default locale. For example, for the specified name of "user" in
the North American/English locale, this method will first look for the
a resource bundle in the file "user_en_US.properties", then
"user_en.properties" and finally "user.properties".
- Parameters:
- the absolute path of the directory containing the font
name map resource bundle file(s).name
- the name of the resource bundle. This name should not
contain any locale-specific information or a file extension,
as this information will be provided by the method. For
example, names should be of the name "file", not
"file.properties" or "file_en_US.properties".
public static void addFontNameMap(String location,
String name,
int fileType)
throws IOException
- Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's
global font name map for fonts of the specified file type (TTF or AFM).
The font name map must be located in a resource
bundle .properties file and is subject to standard resource bundle
localization processing. In other words, the resource bundle that is
eventually read by this method is the one that exists at the specified
location and whose file name represents the most appropriate bundle for
the default locale. For example, for the specified name of "user" in
the North American/English locale, this method will first look for the
a resource bundle in the file "user_en_US.properties", then
"user_en.properties" and finally "user.properties".
- Parameters:
- the absolute path of the directory containing the font
name map resource bundle file(s).name
- the name of the resource bundle. This name should not
contain any locale-specific information or a file extension,
as this information will be provided by the method. For
example, names should be of the name "file", not
"file.properties" or "file_en_US.properties".fileType
- type of font the values in this map should be used
with. One of TTF, AFM or NAMED.
protected static void addFontNameMapBundle(com.klg.jclass.page.FontFileLookup propLook,
int fileType)
throws IOException
- Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's
global font name map for fonts of the specified file type (TTF, AFM
or NAMED).
The font name map must be located in a resource
bundle .properties file and is subject to standard resource bundle
localization processing. In other words, the resource bundle that is
eventually read by this method is the one that exists at the location
specified by the FontFileLookup object and whose file name represents
the most appropriate bundle for the default locale. For example, for
a FontFileLookup object referencing the specified name of "user" in
the North American/English locale, this method will first look for the
a resource bundle in the file "user_en_US.properties", then
"user_en.properties" and finally "user.properties".
- Parameters:
- FontFileLookup object representing location of
resource properties filefileType
- type of font the values in this map should be used
with. One of TTF, AFM or NAMED.
public static void addFontNameMap(URL location,
String name)
throws IOException
- Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's
global font name map regardless of the type of the font file.
The font name map must be located in a resource
bundle .properties file and is subject to standard resource bundle
localization processing. In other words, the resource bundle that is
eventually read by this method is the one that exists at the specified
location and whose file name represents the most appropriate bundle for
the default locale. For example, for the specified name of "user" in
the North American/English locale, this method will first look for the
a resource bundle in the file "user_en_US.properties", then
"user_en.properties" and finally "user.properties".
- Parameters:
- the absolute path of the directory containing the font
name map resource bundle file(s) specified as an URL.name
- the name of the resource bundle. This name should not
contain any locale-specific information or a file extension,
as this information will be provided by the method. For
example, names should be of the name "file", not
"file.properties" or "file_en_US.properties".
public static void addFontNameMap(ResourceBundle fontBundle,
int fileType)
- Add the values contained in the specified font name map to PageLayout's
global font name map. Use of the other methods is recommended for better
performance, as they try to reduce the number of ResourceBundles stored.
- Parameters:
- An existing font name map bundle.fileType
- type of font the values in this map should be used
with. One of TTF or AFM.
public static void addFontNameMap(URL location,
String name,
int fileType)
throws IOException
- Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's
global font name map for fonts of the specified file type (TTF, AFM
or NAMED).
The font name map must be located in a resource
bundle .properties file and is subject to standard resource bundle
localization processing. In other words, the resource bundle that is
eventually read by this method is the one that exists at the specified
location and whose file name represents the most appropriate bundle for
the default locale. For example, for the specified name of "user" in
the North American/English locale, this method will first look for the
a resource bundle in the file "user_en_US.properties", then
"user_en.properties" and finally "user.properties".
- Parameters:
- the absolute path of the directory containing the font
name map resource bundle file(s) specified as an URL.name
- the name of the resource bundle. This name should not
contain any locale-specific information or a file extension,
as this information will be provided by the method. For
example, names should be of the name "file", not
"file.properties" or "file_en_US.properties".fileType
- type of font the values in this map should be used
with. One of TTF, AFM or NAMED.
public static void addFontNameMap(URL location)
throws IOException
- Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's
global font name map regardless of the type of the font file.
The font name map located at the specified URL
must be a resource bundle .properties-style stream, but this particular
method does not apply any of the standard resource bundle localization
processing to the specified URL. In other words, the resource bundle
that is eventually read by this method is exactly the one specified in
the passed URL.
- Parameters:
- the absolute path of the desired font name map resource
bundle file specified as an URL.
public static void addFontNameMap(URL location,
int fileType)
throws IOException
- Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's
global font name map for fonts of the specified file type (TTF, AFM
or NAMED).
The font name map located at the specified URL
must be a resource bundle .properties-style stream, but this particular
method does not apply any of the standard resource bundle localization
processing to the specified URL. In other words, the resource bundle
that is eventually read by this method is exactly the one specified in
the passed URL.
- Parameters:
- the absolute path of the desired font name map resource
bundle file specified as an URL.fileType
- type of font the values in this map should be used
with. One of TTF, AFM or NAMED.
public static void addRelativeFontNameMap(String location,
String name)
throws IOException
- Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's
global font name map regardless of the type of the font file.
The font name map must be located in a resource
bundle .properties file and is subject to standard resource bundle
localization processing. In other words, the resource bundle that is
eventually read by this method is the one that exists at the specified
location and whose file name represents the most appropriate bundle for
the default locale. For example, for the specified name of "user" in
the North American/English locale, this method will first look for the
a resource bundle in the file "user_en_US.properties", then
"user_en.properties" and finally "user.properties".
- Parameters:
- the path of the directory containing the font name map
resource bundle file(s), specified as a directory
relative to the classpath. It is assumed that the
location begins at the tops of the classpath
entries. (In other words, if the location does
not begin with a '/', one is added.)name
- the name of the resource bundle. This name should not
contain any locale-specific information or a file extension,
as this information will be provided by the method. For
example, names should be of the name "file", not
"file.properties" or "file_en_US.properties".
public static void addRelativeFontNameMap(String location,
String name,
int fileType)
throws IOException
- Add the values contained in the specified font name map to ServerReport's
global font name map for fonts of the specified file type (TTF, AFM
or NAMED).
The font name map located at the specified URL
must be a resource bundle .properties-style stream, but this particular
method does not apply any of the standard resource bundle localization
processing to the specified URL. In other words, the resource bundle
that is eventually read by this method is exactly the one specified in
the passed URL.
- Parameters:
- the absolute path of the desired font name map resource
bundle file specified as an URL.fileType
- type of font the values in this map should be used
with. One of TTF, AFM or NAMED.
public static String lookupFontNameByUserAlias(String key,
int outputType)
- Find the actual name of the desired font by looking up the given
user alias in the various font name map resource bundles. The bundles
are searched in the following order: user specified font name maps,
stock font name maps for the passed output type, automatically
font name maps generated from true type files found on the system.
If not found in any of the font name maps, see if the name maps
directly to a font. If so, the font name is its own alias.
- Parameters:
- the name used by the user to reference the fontoutputType
- the output type currently being used, which
determines which stock font packages will be searched.
One of PDF or RTF.
- Returns:
- the actual name of the font as found in its .ttf or .afm file
public static String lookupStockFontName(String fontName,
int outputType)
- Look up the specified font name in the stock font name map resource bundle
associated with the passed output type. If it is found, return the
corresponding font name alias. If not, return null.
- Parameters:
- the user font name used for lookupoutputType
- the output type currently being used, which
determines which stock font packages will be searched.
One of PDF or RTF.
- Returns:
- the alias for the specified font name from the stock font
name map resource bundle
public static String lookupAutomaticFontName(String fontName)
- Look up the specified font name in the automatic font name map.
The automatic font name map is a list of possible mappings generated
automatically when TrueType fonts are loaded into the FontLibrary.
These mappings map possible user aliases to the font's real name,
as is used by the internals of ServerReport.
- Parameters:
- the user font name used for lookup
- Returns:
- the alias for the specified font name from the automatic font
name map table
public static String lookupUserFontName(String fontName,
int outputType)
- Look up the specified font name alias in the list of user-supplied font name
map resource bundles associated with the specified output type. If it is
found, return the font name that is being aliased. If not, return null.
- Parameters:
- user font name aliasoutputType
- One of PDF or RTF. Determines which user
font bundles are searched for the alias.
- Returns:
- the font name associated with the specified font name alias in
the user-supplied font name map resource bundles for the
specified output type.
public static String[] getAvailableFontNames()
- Return list of all font name aliases that are used across
all output types.
- Returns:
- array of font name aliases used across all output types.
public static String[] getAvailableFontNames(int outputType)
- Return list of all font name aliases specified with respect
to the specified output type.
- Parameters:
- - only PDF type supported in this release.
- Returns:
- array of font name aliases used with respect to the
specified output type.
public static com.klg.jclass.page.FontFileLookup lookupFontFile(String fontName,
int outputType)
- Lookup the font file (as encapsulated by the FontFileLookup object)
by the actual font name, depending on the output type.
public static com.klg.jclass.page.TrueTypeFontProperties getTrueTypeFontProperties(String userFontName,
int outputType)
- Get the TrueTypeFontProperties class associated with the given user
font name. If one does not exist, one is created with default values.
The given user font name is mapped to the real font name as defined
in the backing font file, meaning that even if several user aliases
refer to the same font, only a single TrueTypeFontProperties class
will be associated eith the font.
- Parameters:
- the user font name. This will be mapped to the
real font name.outputType
- the output type being used. One of PDF or
RTF. This is used to determine which bundle
stock fonts to look up the font name.
- Returns:
- the instance of TrueTypeFontProperties associated with the
font name.
public static com.klg.jclass.page.TrueTypeFontProperties lookupTrueTypeFontProperties(String realFontName)
- Get the TrueTypeFontProperties class associated with the given real
font name. If one does not exist, one is created with default values.
- Parameters:
- the real name of the font this properties class
is associated with.
- Returns:
- the instance of TrueTypeFontProperties associated with the
font name.
public static boolean isAFMFile(String fileName)
- Check to see if passed file name is an AFM file by examining its extension.
- Returns:
- true if the passed file name is an AFM file; false otherwise.
public static boolean isTrueTypeFile(String fileName)
- Check to see if passed file name is a TrueType file (.ttf, .ttc) by
examining its extension.
- Returns:
- true if the passed file name is a TrueType file; false otherwise.
public static List getTTFFontNames(String fileLocation)
throws IOException
- Returns the list of font names contained with a TTF file.
- Parameters:
- the absolute location of the TTF file on
the filesystem
- Returns:
- a List containing the names (as Strings) for each
font contained within the specified TTF file. These
names are the ones used internally within ServerReport
to identify the font.
public static List getTTFFontNames(URL fontURL)
throws IOException
- Returns the list of font names contained with a TTF file.
- Parameters:
- the absolute location of the TTF file as an URL
- Returns:
- a List containing the names (as Strings) for each
font contained within the specified TTF file. These
names are the ones used internally within ServerReport
to identify the font.
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