JClass DesktopViews 6.3.0 API

Package com.klg.jclass.table

Contains the base classes for JClass LiveTable.


Interface Summary
ActionInitiator ActionInitiators are used by TableAction to associate a key stroke or mouse press or other type of event to a specific action on table.
CellBorderModel Defines the requirements for a object responsible for renderering cell borders.
CellLayoutModel Defines the requirements for an object responsible for cell dimensions.
CellStyleModel The CellStyleModel class provides CellRenderer and CellEditor objects formatting information that can be used in drawing.
ComponentModel ComponentModel defines the requirements of a class that controls the storage, placement and traversal of components in cells.
DataViewModel The DataViewModel interface defines the methods for classes that can serve as an intermediary between the JCTable and the data source (TableDataModel).
EditableTableDataModel The EditableTableDataModel interface extends the basic read-only TableDataModel interface, adding the ability for the JCTable object to change the data if the user edits it.
EditTraverseHandler EditTraverseHandler controls the cell traversal and editor display/commit/cancel logic.
FocusModel Since in JDK1.4, a different focus mechanism is used, an object implementing the FocusManager interface is required to use the correct mechanism for the current environment.
JCCellDisplayListener This is the listener interface for receiving JCCellDisplayEvent objects for cells.
JCEditCellListener The listener interface for receiving JCEditCellEvent objects.
JCPaintListener The listener interface for receiving JCPaintEvent objects.
JCPrintListener The listener interface for receiving JCPrintEvent objects.
JCResizeCellListener The interface that receives JCResizeCellEvent objects.
JCResizeCellMotionListener The interface that receives JCResizeCellEvent objects during the resize process.
JCScrollListener The listener interface for receiving JCScrollEvent objects.
JCSelectListener The listener interface for receiving JCSelectEvent objects.
JCSortListener The listener interface for receiving JCSortEvent objects.
JCTableDataListener The interface that receives JCTableDataEvent objects.
JCTableEnum These are commonly used variables and constants in JClass JCTable.
JCTraverseCellListener The listener interface for receiving JCTraverseCellEvent objects.
Moveable Moveable defines the interface required by classes that DataViewSupport can move/add/delete and swap.
RowColumnSeriesModel RowColumnSeriesModel defines the interface required by classes that can store row or column based properties.
SelectionModel The SelectionModel interface represents the current cell selection state in Table.
SeriesModel SeriesModel defines the interface required by classes that can store row/column based properties (for example, editors, renderers, styles).
SortableDataViewModel The SortableDataViewModel adds methods to sort, drag and swap rows and columns in the view.
TableCellInfoModel TableCellInfoModel interface extends the CellInfo adding table specific methods.
TableDataModel The TableDataModel interface defines a data source for the JCTable

Class Summary
AdjustmentHandler AdjustmentHandler responds to AdjustmentEvents and manages table scrolling.
BaseDataView The BaseDataView class implements all DataViewModel methods that control editors and renderers.
CellArea A CellArea is a transparent component that manages a specific scrollable or non-scrollable region within JCTable.
CellAreaHandler CellAreaHandler controls the creation and removal of CellAreas within the table.
CellAreaRenderer CellAreaRenderer controls the painting of CellAreas within the table.
CellRangeFlavor CellRangeFlavor is a Transferable object that passes cell data through a Vector of cells.
CellRangeValue Contains a JCCellRange and associated object.
CellSize The CellSize class controls the dimensions for single row or column.
CellStyleChangeSupport The CellStyleChangeSupport class provides methods to notify PropertyChange listeners of style changes.
ComponentHandler ComponentHandler controls the placement of components within table and ensures that traverse from a component to table or table to component flows across and down the cells or to the left and up for reverse traversal.
ComponentHandlerNew ComponentHandler controls the placement of components within table and ensures that traverse from a component to table or table to component flows across and down the cells or to the left and up for reverse traversal.
ComponentHandlerOld ComponentHandler controls the placement of components within table and ensures that traverse from a component to table or table to component flows across and down the cells or to the left and up for reverse traversal.
EditTraverseHandlerAbstract EditTraverseHandlerOld controls the cell traversal and editor display/commit/cancel logic for JDK's prior to 1.4.
EditTraverseHandlerNew EditTraverseHandlerNew controls the cell traversal and editor display/commit/cancel logic for JDK's 1.4 and later.
EditTraverseHandlerOld EditTraverseHandlerOld controls the cell traversal and editor display/commit/cancel logic for JDK's prior to 1.4.
FocusManager Since in JDK1.4, a different focus mechanism is used, an object implementing the FocusModel interface is required to use the correct mechanism for the current environment.
FocusManagerNew A FocusManager object for JDK 1.4 and later
FocusManagerOld A FocusManager object for JDK's prior to 1.4
InputHandler InputHandler provides copy/paste support for KeyInputHandler and MouseInputHandler.
JCCellBorder The JCCellBorder class implements the CellBorderModel interface, and provides border drawing for the standard border types.
JCCellDisplayAdapter The adapter which receives JCCellDisplay events.
JCCellDisplayEvent The event posted when a cell value is requested for display.
JCCellLayout Maintain row/column heights and widths in a "chain" or array of runs.
JCCellPosition JCCellPosition is used to set the attributes or values of a cell, label or range.
JCCellRange JCCellRange is used to specify a range of cells or labels.
JCCellStyle The JCCellStyle class provides a default implementation of the CellStyleModel interface.
JCEditCellAdapter The adapter which receives JCEditCell events.
JCEditCellEvent The event posted before and after editing a cell.
JCListTable JCListTable is a subclass of JCTable that provides list-like look and behavior.
JCPaintAdapter The adapter which receives JCPaintEvent objects.
JCPaintEvent The event posted before and after a portion of the table is painted (whenever the table redraws or modifies an onscreen area).
JCPrintAdapter The adapter which receives JCPrint events.
JCPrintEvent The event posted for each page during printing.
JCPrintPreview The JCPrintPreview frame displays table print pages.
JCPrintTable The JCPrintTable class controls paging, header and footers, and print layout for JClass LiveTable.
JCResizeCellAdapter The adapter which receives JCResizeCell events.
JCResizeCellEvent The event posted as a user resizes a row and/or column.
JCResizeCellMotionAdapter The adapter which receives JCResizeCell events during the resize process.
JCRowColumnSeries RowColumnSeriesModel defines the interface required by classes that can store row or column based properties (for example, row height and column width).
JCScrollAdapter The adapter which receives JCScroll events.
JCScrollEvent The event posted before and after the table is scrolled.
JCSelectAdapter The adapter which receives JCSelectEvent objects.
JCSelectEvent The event posted as a user selects cells or cells are selected programmatically.
JCSelection The SelectionModel interface represents the current cell selection state in Table.
JCSeries SeriesModel defines the interface required by classes that can store row/column based properties (for example: editors, renderers, styles).
JCSortAdapter The adapter which receives JCSort events.
JCSortEvent The event posted after a call to sortByColumn().
JCTable The core JClass LiveTable class; JCTable is the base class for all the Beans, and contains the majority of the programmatic API for JClass LiveTable.
JCTableCellInfo JCTableCellInfo is an object passed to CellRenderer and CellEditor objects to supply information about the type of cell being displayed or edited.
JCTableDataAdapter The adapter which receives JCTableDataEvent events.
JCTableDataEvent TableDataEvent objects describe changes to a TableDataModel object.
JCTableUI JCTableUI controls the pluggable look and feel (PLAF) changes for JCTable.
JCTraverseCellAdapter The adapter which receives JCTraverseCell events.
JCTraverseCellEvent This event is posted as a user traverses from one cell to another.
JCVersion In JClass, each package has a JCVersion class.
KeyActionInitiator KeyActionInitiator are used by TableAction to associate a combination of key code and modifier to a specific action on table.
KeyInputHandler KeyInputHandler processes all key events for table during key press.
MouseActionInitiator MouseActionInitiator are used by TableAction to associate a combination of mouse button and modifier to a specific action on table.
MouseInputHandler MouseInputHandler processes all mouse events for table.
PositionCellSize Contains a row/column position and associated CellSize object.
PrintCellAreaHandler PrintCellAreaHandler controls the creation and removal of CellAreas within the table during printing.
PrintCellAreaRenderer PrintCellAreaRenderer controls the painting of CellAreas within the table.
PrintCellLayout PrintCellLayout is a simplified implementation of the CellLayoutModel that stores row heights and column widths during printing.
Sort Static methods to process column sorting.
SpanHandler SpanHandler controls the creation, validation, removal and repaint of spanned cell ranges.
StringCellRangeFlavor StringCellRangeFlavor is a Transferable object that passes cell data through a string of cells separating by tab/newline characters.
SwingCellBorder The SwingCellBorder class implements the CellBorderModel interface to provide cell and frame border drawing using Swing borders.
Table Compatability class.
TableAction TableAction is responsible for defining a mapping from a user event to an action performed on table.
TableChangeHandler TableChangeHandler batches repaint/recalc/relayout requests in order to minimize calculation and painting and to process requests "off-line".
TableDataComparator Defines a class that performs comparisons based on object type for objects that support the Comparatable interface.
TableDataView The TableDataView serves an an intermediary between the Table and the data source (TableData).
TableFocusTraversalPolicy TableFocusTraversalPolicy
TableLayout TableLayout controls the placement of CellAreas and scrollbars in table based on their need and positionning policy.
TableListenerPropagator Wrap a formula and listen for changes to table cells which are operands for this formula.
TableMouseWheelListener TableMouseWheelListener responds to MouseWheelEvents and passes adjust the scrollbars appropriately.
TablePopupMenu TablePopupMenu is the popup menu to hide columns, show columns, or go to a row.

Exception Summary
ImmutableEventException ImmutableEventException are thrown when methods in table events are called inappropriately.
JCTableException Generates Table specific runtime exceptions.

Package com.klg.jclass.table Description

Contains the base classes for JClass LiveTable. JClass LiveTable supports data-intensive environments through automatic data-binding and XML support, and lets you provide a wide variety of user interactions. JClass LiveTable can easily be configured to act as a spreadsheet, data-entry form, multi-column list or data grid. Built-in formula abstractions allow the developer to add customized spreadsheet functionality to tables

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