JClass DesktopViews 6.3.0 API

Package com.klg.jclass.util.formulae

Contains classes that encapsulate mathematical expressions (operators) whose operands may be scalars, vectors (in the mathematical sense), and matrices.


Interface Summary
Expression This interface defines the minimum support necessary for something to be considered an expression - basically it must evaluate to something.
ExpressionReference This is a marker interface which identifies Expressions which exist solely to point to data/Expressions in other places (e.g.
Result This is a marker interface which identifies Expression types which are valid return types from the evaluation of other Expressions.

Class Summary
Abs This is a concrete implementation for the absolute value operation.
Add This is a concrete implementation for the addition "+" operation.
Average This is a concrete implementation for the average operation.
Ceiling This is a concrete implementation for the ceiling operation.
Count This is a concrete implementation for the count operation.
Divide This is a concrete implementation for the division "/" operation.
ExpressionList An expression list is a list (or set) of expressions
ExpressionVariable A variable is a named expression which can have its value changed by name-keyed access to it.
Floor This is a concrete implementation for the floor operation.
GeometricMean This operation computes the geometric mean of a set of numbers Geometric mean is defined as the Nth root of the product of a set of N numbers.
JCExpressionCellRenderer Renders the result of a formula (com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.Expression) in a cell.
MathExpressionList A MathExpressionList is a List of Expressions
MathMatrix The class of matrices (we almost undoubtedly do not ever need to go beyond this point, since nobody in their right mind would ever try to do tensor math in a spreadsheet).
MathScalar MathScalar is a scalar constant represented as a MathValue.
MathValue The class MathValue forms the root for all derived constant-based result/data classes.
MathVector The class of vectors (in a linear algebra sense) for matrix math.
Max This is a concrete implementation for the max operation.
Median This operation computes the median value in a set of elements.
Min This is a concrete implementation for the min operation.
Multiply This is a concrete implementation for the multiplication "*" operation.
Operation The Operation class defines the basic elements of an operator.
Power This is a concrete implementation for the exponentiation "^" operation.
Product This is a concrete implementation for the product "*" operation.
QueryExpressionList A QueryExpressionList is a List view of a set of Expressions stored in a ResultSet (result of a database/datasource query)
RealComparator A RealComparator compares two real-valued MathValues NOTE: We implement this so that (eventually, if we desire) we can add additional comparators to provide such things as a mechanism for comparison of vectors or complex numbers
Remainder This is a concrete implementation for the remained "%" operation.
Root This is a concrete implementation for square roots This is a unary operator, *???but can also work on lists???*.
Round This is a concrete implementation for the round operation.
Sort This operation returns a sorted list of the given elements (secondary/nested lists are flattened)
StdDeviation This is a concrete implementation for the Standard Deviation operation.
Subtract This is a concrete implementation for the subtraction "-" operation.
Sum This is a concrete implementation for the sum "+" operation.
TableExpressionList A TableExpressionList represents an examination of a rectangular range of cells stored in a JCTableDataModel
TableExpressionListIterator TableExpressionListIterator implements the ListIterator interface to allow iteration over the elements of a TableExpressionList.
TableReference TableReference selects a single cell from a JCTableDataModel
Trunc This is a concrete implementation for the trunc (truncation) operation.

Exception Summary
OperandMismatchException We throw an OperandMismatchException when an illegal mathematical construct is evaluated.

Package com.klg.jclass.util.formulae Description

Contains classes that encapsulate mathematical expressions (operators) whose operands may be scalars, vectors (in the mathematical sense), and matrices. These objects may then be stored as the generalized values of cells in a JClass PageLayout table, or in a JClass LiveTable, where they may be evaluated at run time to produce results based on the then-current data.

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