JClass DesktopViews 6.3.0 API

Package com.klg.jclass.util.swing

Contains utility classes for JClass Elements.


Interface Summary
JCComparableRow JCComparableRow interface.
JCElastic Empty interface that informs enabled layout managers that a particular component should be stretched up to its maximum before stretching any non-elastic components.
JCFontListener Event listener interface for JCFont events.
JCPopupListener Listener interface for popup events.
JCRowComparator This interface is to be used with JCRowSortModel.
JCRowSortModel Interface to specify methods for a sortable rows datasource.
JCRowSortTableModel Interface to specify methods for a sortable table datasource.
JCSortableTable.SortableColumnHeader Interface required by the column header component (if not a JLabel or JButton) to allow setting of the sort icon.
JCSpinBox.KeySelectionManager The interface that defines a KeySelectionManager.
JCSpinBoxEditor The editor component used for JCSpinBox components.
JCSpinBoxModel A data model for JCSpinBox modeled after javax.swing.ComboBoxModel.
JCSpinBoxMutableModel Extension of the spin box model that defines models that are changable.
JCSpinBoxRenderer Interface for creating renderers for JCSpinBox.

Class Summary
AbstractSpinBox Abstract base for creating spinboxes.
AbstractSpinBox.MetalBorder Generates a border for the Metal look and feel.
ArrowIcon Creates ArrowIcon's for buttons.
BasePopupMenu BasePopupMenu is the popup menu to initiate component specific commands at runtime.
DefaultRowComparator This class is to be used with JCRowSortModel.
DefaultRowSortTableModel Wrap a table model with a sorted table model
DefaultSpinBoxModel Since the SpinBox model is identical to the combo box model we simply extend the defult combobox model implementation.
GotoRowDialog Displays a dialog box asking the user for a row number to advance to.
JCAction Abstract implementation of Action interface, but also adds i18n/l10n functionality.
JCAlignLayout A layout that provides a simple way to lay out a vertically arranged group of control components, each with an associated label (or other component) placed to its left.
JCBorder The class contains static methods to draw shadows around a specified area.
JCBox JCBox is a Swing container that uses JCElasticLayout to lay out components in single row or column.
JCBrace An implementation of a component that participates in layout but has no view.
JCCheckBoxList Subclass of the JList component that implements a JCheckBox as the cell renderer.
JCColumnLayout A simple sub-class of JCElasticLayout that allows layout in a single column.
JCElasticLayout A layout manager that supports JCElastic components either horizontally or vertically.
JCExitFrame JCExitFrame is a JFrame extension that exits the application when the frame is closed.
JCFileFilter A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
JCFontAdapter Event listener interface for JCFont events.
JCFontChooser JCFontChooser is the base class for JCFontChooserBar and JCFontChooserPane.
JCFontChooserBar JCFontChooserBar provides a pane of controls designed to allow a user to manipulate and select a font.
JCFontChooserPane JCFontChooserPane provides a pane of controls designed to allow a user to manipulate and select a font.
JCFontEvent Fired for font related events.
JCGridLayout JCGridLayout is an improved subclass of GridLayout.
JCHelpPane Class that contains two JCHTMLPanes.
JCHTMLPane Extension of JEditorPane that only handles HTML content and implements to code necessary to traverse links when clicked on by the user.
JCIconCreator JCIconCreator creates image icons from String arrays.
JCListModel List model.
JCMenu Subclass of JMenu that also requests Accelerator and Mnemonic information from a javax.swing.Action that has been added to it.
JCMessageHelper Invokes JOptionPane in a thread-safe manner.
JCPopupEvent JCPopupEvent is posted when the popup has either a selected value or a cancel value.
JCProgressHelper This is a class for creating and managing a progress dialog in a Thread-safe manner.
JCRectUtil JCRectUtil provides functions for computing the largest available rectangle from a list of rectangles.
Here is a brief summary of how to use it: Initialize with a rectangle by calling rlInit(r, v), where r is the initializing rectangle and v is a blank vector.
JCRowLayout A simple sub-class of JCElasticLayout that allows layout in a single row.
JCSortableTable JCSortableTable class.
JCSpinBox A spinbox component.
JCSpinNumberBox A spin box component whose spin arrows allow a user to increment or decrement the contained Number value by the specified spinStep amount.
JCSpinNumberBox.Range Public static class to pass in and out the allowable Range of the value.
JCSpring Stretchable concrete implementable of the JCElastic interface, which specifies components as stretchable for the JCElasticLayout manager and its subclasses.
JCSwingRunnable Absract runnable class that provides the runSafe() method.
JCSwingTypeConverter JCSwingTypeConverter contains static methods for converting to/from AWT and Swing data types.
JCSwingUtilities Utilities class that provides tools to perferm common tasks.
JCSwingWorker An abstract class that you subclass to perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread.
JCTableColumn JCTableColumn extends TableColumn to add an EditorRendererRegistry type and a header label horizontal alignment specification.
JCWordWrap JCWordWrap provides a static method wrapText, which performs basic word-wrap logic on a String given a line width and new line delimiter.
MessageWrapper Wrapper used by jclass.util.swing.JCMessageHelper to wrap a message and a title string.
TextRenderer TextRenderer is a class that extends the swing JLabel class functionality for use as a text renderer.

Package com.klg.jclass.util.swing Description

Contains utility classes for JClass Elements.

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