JClass HIGrid



JClass HiGrid Beans

JClass HiGrid JavaBeans  Properties of JCHiGrid Bean  Using the Customizer

Overview of the Customizer's Functions  The Serialization Tab  Specifying the Data Sources

Joining Tables  The Driver Table Panel  Driver Limitations  Setting Properties on the Format Tab

Setting a Column's Edit Status Properties  The JCHiGridExternalDS Bean

3.1 JClass HiGrid JavaBeans

The main Bean for HiGrid development is JCHiGrid Bean. With it, you can bind and configure the DataSource, and use the HiGrid portion as a viewer/editor on the data. With JCHiGrid Bean, the DataSource and HiGrid are tightly coupled as one Bean. The data model can be thought of as 'internal'.

The second Bean, JCHiGridExternalDS, is provided for developers who want to separate the DataSource from HiGrid, to have a data source that is 'external' to the HiGrid component. JCHiGridExternalDS is almost identical to JCHiGrid Bean, except that the data source features have been disabled. With JCHiGridExternalDS you can bind with an existing data source component, such as TreeDataBean.

This chapter covers using the JCHiGrid Bean as one of the components in your application. With the exception of data handling, the two HiGrid Beans are the same. Minor differences are discussed in Section 3.12, The JCHiGridExternalDS Bean.

This chapter demonstrates

3.1.1 Placing the JClass HiGrid Bean on a Form

After you have installed its JAR file where the IDE you are using can find it, you can place the bean on a form. In the BeanBox, the Properties - JCHiGrid Bean window lists the top-level properties, including the GridProperties, which is a custom property editor for the description of the hierarchical design, the data binding, and the visual properties of the grid.

Single-click on its Click to edit... field and a modal dialog appears, reminding you to specify a name and location for the serialization file that will store the changes you make to the bean's default properties. Decide where the serialization file is to be located relative to the class loader in your distributed application. Type this path along with the name of the serialization file in the Resource Name field.

Figure 20 :  JClass HiGrid Bean's opening dialog.

Uncheck Show Tips At Start if you do not want this screen to reappear each time you place a new JClass HiGrid Bean component on the workspace, but be aware that if you change your directory, your IDE will not find the saved properties file and you will see this screen again. This does not happen in the BeanBox because the startup directory never changes.

3.1.2 Using the HiGrid Bean in an IDE

JClass HiGrid is designed to be used in an IDE. Use HiGrid's powerful customizer to set up the database connection, build a query in a point-and-click fashion, and bind the retrieved data to the grid for display. The upcoming sections demonstrate the use of the customizer. Please refer to your IDE's documentation or the JClass DesktopViews Installation Guide for more information on integrating JClass HiGrid with an IDE.

3.2 Properties of JCHiGrid Bean

After you have placed the JCHiGrid Bean component on your form (which may be the BeanBox or one of the supported IDEs), you can inspect the main property sheet. It contains property editors for a number of global properties that either apply to the grid as a whole or are included at the top level as a convenient place for inspecting and possibly modifying their default values.

The following figure lists these properties and their default values.

Figure 21 :  JCHiGrid's top-level properties and their default values.

The following table lists the properties and their descriptions. This is not the full list of properties. Nestled in the middle of the table is the property called GridProperties which contains an extensive custom editor. You use this customizer to specify the data source connection, define the meta data model, and set many more visual properties of individual levels. You also use the customizer to manage the appearance of non-database-record rows, such as headers and footers.

You launch the customizer with a single click on the GridProperties' Click to edit field, as shown in the next figure.

Figure 22 :  Click on "Click to edit..." to start the Component Editor.

Note: A single click (mouse-down, mouse-up at the same place) is all that is required to bring up the customizer.




A String that identifies the product.


Shows the edit popup menu if true.


If false, prevents rows from being selected.


If false, disables the sort capability.


The background color for the entire grid.


Sets this mode if you want to prevent multiple updates to the graphical component. This command is usually issued programmatically, turning it on before performing large updates, then turning it back off.


If true, causes a beep to sound when, during cell editing at run time, a validator decides that the input is invalid.


If true, shows the connecting lines between rows.


Sets the width of the edit status column.


Hides the editor's rectangle


If false, the whole grid is read-only.


Chooses among various folder icon styles.


Any of the Java fonts may be selected


The foreground color for the entire grid.


This property invokes the customizer that lets you specify the database connection and define the meta data, along with setting many more visual properties. It is discussed in the next section.


Three options: as needed, always, or never.


The amount of indent in pixels to apply to sub-levels.


The name.


The node width in pixels for all levels.

printFoldersAnd Connections

If true, prints the folder icons and connection lines as well as the rows.


There are two choices: as displayed or expand all levels and print.


If true, then the user is allowed to resize a row anywhere on the row. If false, the row can be resized only in the EditStatus column.


Determines if the specified selection mode allows the operation to continue. You may want to restrict a group of selections to the same table or at the same level.


If true, shows the row tip.


Shows the sort icon when someone clicks on a column header, causing a sort operation.


This software's version number.


Three options: as needed, always, or never.

3.3 Using the Customizer

The customizer provides a way of guiding you through the rather large number of options you have in setting up your grid. Use this JClass HiGrid JavaBean design-time element to specify the database connection and to set most of the visual properties of the grid. At run time, end-users modify the appearance of the grid in ways that were described in the previous chapter, like clicking and dragging, or using the edit popup menu.

You launch the customizer/custom editor as shown in Figure 22.

3.4 Overview of the Customizer's Functions

If you are using an IDE, you use the custom editor to configure the properties of the grid. With it, you can add or remove columns containing unbound data. (Header columns are a special case. They cannot be removed, but they can be made invisible.) You cannot delete bound columns because they are defined by the meta data, and can only be modified by changing it. You can specify Before Details and After Details formats, except at the root level. You may decide to change the meta data design while still in the development phase of your application. If this is the case, you can use the Retrieve Columns button to retrieve the new column information and continue using the customizer. The Clear Format button is used to start formatting all over again.

The customizer displays the class names for the cell renderer and cell editor objects that it will use automatically for the selected column. The choice is based on the column's data type, and is determined by the underlying database data type for that field. If you decide to define your own cell editor, you will have to enter its class name manually.

The custom editor's main areas are: a panel containing a Data tab and a Format tab. The data tab contains three main areas: Data Source Type, Data Access, and JDBC.

The tab structure is shown in the diagram. The contents of each panel is described in detail in the subsequent sections.

Figure 23 :  The GridProperties Custom Editor's tabbed dialogs.

3.5 The Serialization Tab

You begin the process by choosing a name and location for your serialization file, then clicking on the Add button in the meta data outliner on the left hand side of the Component Editor's main page.

Figure 24 :  The GridPropertiesEditor's opening page.

  1. Click the Serialization tab.
  2. Click Save As....
  3. A file dialog appears. A default filename is supplied, which you can change if you wish. Click Save.
  4. Now the Add button is enabled. Click Add and give the root level data table a name.

    Important: You need to name the root level of the data source's meta- data, or choose the default name, before you can make a database connection.

    Figure 25 :  The Add button is at the lower left of the grid properties editor.

  5. Click OK. The root table will have the name you give it, but you can change it at any time. This can be useful, since you may want to use an exact name from the database to which you are about to connect. You can revise the label for the data table after the connection is made and the table names are available by clicking the Description... button. We have chosen the name Orders for the data table. The name appears next to a folder icon in the left-hand panel, as shown in Figure 26. The connection tab is similar to the JCData and the JCTreeData that will be discussed later on. It is shown below.

    Figure 26 :  JClass HiGrid's connection panel.

The Connection panel is described both in the JClass DesktopViews Installation Guide and in the Data Bean chapter1. You supply the server name, the driver, and you give any additional information that may be necessary, such as a login name and password. If, as part of database connection URL, a host address and port number are required, they are specified as well.

3.6 Specifying the Data Sources

Up to this point we have not specified which of the database's tables are to be used. This is accomplished in the SQL Statement panel. A single level can comprise more than one table, but in this example we will use only the Orders table. You place a table in the top part of the SQL Statement panel either by clicking on the Add Table button or by right-clicking on the top panel itself. Clicking on Add Table brings up a Table Chooser dialog containing all the names, and the Orders table is chosen.

If you right-click on the top panel a popup menu appears:

Figure 27 :  The popup menu resulting from a right click on the upper SQL Statement panel.

Click on Add > Table to choose the table name, then click the Close button on the Table Chooser. You'll see the table has been added to the panel, but one further step is required to make the addition permanent. This step is done after formulating the SQL statement.

Figure 28 :  The Table Chooser dialog resulting from clicking Add Table.

The bottom panel, also called SQL Statement, is the text area that holds the actual SQL query. The next figure shows the table and a SQL statement. The customizer knows which table to select, but it does not make any assumptions about what columns of the table you want to display. This you do by pointing to a column name in the table to select it, then clicking on Add Selected Column(s). At this point you have a valid SQL statement and you can pass this to the data model by pressing the Set/Modify button.

Now we'll add a detail level, called OrderDetails, using the same connection to the database as its parent.

Figure 29 :  Setting the root-level data table.

3.6.1 Summary of the SQL Statement Page Buttons

Meta data design panel

Add - Adds a new entry to the design. The new entry appears as a child of the highlighted level.

Delete - Deletes the highlighted entry. All children of the highlighted node are deleted as well.

Clear - Clears the design. All levels are cleared and all formats are reset.

Description - Brings up an edit window containing the name assigned to the level.

SQL Statement Panel

Add Table... - Launches the Table Chooser window, containing a list of available database tables.

Add Selected Column(s) - After a table has been added to the SQL Statement panel, multiple fields can be chosen by dragging or control-clicking on them. Clicking on Add Selected Column(s) adds the columns name(s) to the SELECT clause of the SQL Statement. The same thing can be accomplished by double-clicking on a field name.

Add Join... - Invokes the Join dialog, whose buttons are Add, Modify, Delete, Auto Join, and OK. It simplifies construction of a WHERE clause when a level contains two or more tables

Join To Parent - Invokes the Join To Parent... dialog, whose buttons are Add, Modify, Delete, Auto Join, and OK. It simplifies construction of a WHERE clause joining parent-child tables.

Set - Sets the parameters that have been chosen for the current level.

Clear - Clears all settings for the current level.

Expert Mode - Only the SQL Statement text area is active. The customizer makes no attempt to parse or modify the query.

3.7 Joining Tables

A join matches common fields in two tables so that meaningful associations are formed. In the example shown, the Orders table has an orderID field that matches the one in OrderDetails. The result of forming a join on these fields is an association of an order with further detailed information about that order. Without the join, all OrderID rows would be listed in the sub-table that follows every Orders row and no useful information is conveyed.

There are three ways of specifying the join. You can type the comparison part of the WHERE clause that will specify the join directly into the edit box, you can choose the dependent table and the join column names from the drop down lists, or you can select the Auto Join feature. The parent table's field must be one of the selected fields for you to be able to specify it in the join but the associated field in the dependent table need not be visible.

Figure 30 :  Joining the dependent table to its parent.

3.8 The Driver Table Panel

A level can be populated by more than one table. If it is, your application should specify which one is the primary table, that is, the one that will be used by the database to drive requeries. Use the Driver Table dialog shown in Figure 31 for this purpose.

3.9 Driver Limitations

Some JDBC drivers do not return a list of table names, therefore, they do not return a table's primary key. For these drivers, you must specify the primary key and those columns that are to be used when performing a requery. The Join To Parent dialog that has just been discussed does not permit you to choose the parent table. Instead, the edit field is disabled and is marked "<PARENT QUERY>", making it impossible to specify which parent table to use there. The Driver Table panel lets you specify the table to be used as the parent in the Join To Parent dialog. Here's the procedure:

  1. Select the folder that you deem to be the driver table.
  2. Select the Driver Table tab.
  3. In the Table combo box, select the one you want to choose as the master table.
  4. This table's primary key is shown in the text area.

As you would expect, the Add and Delete buttons are not active.

Figure 31 :  The Driver Table panel, resulting from selecting the Driver Table tab.

3.10 Setting Properties on the Format Tab

There are several actions that can be performed from the Format tab. The most important procedures are explained, including choosing row types, setting level properties, and setting column properties.

3.10.1 Choosing Row Types

Using the customizer makes it easy to choose which row types you want to include at any level.

  1. Click on a level in the "Folder Tree" (the left hand panel in the JCHiGrid Bean Component Editor showing the meta data design) to select it.
  2. Choose the Format tab, then the Sections tab.
  3. Choose which of the four optional row types you want included.

You can also perform the following actions from this tab:

3.10.2 Setting Level Properties

When you first attempt to choose the Format tab, you may see this error dialog:

Figure 33 :  An error dialog that might appear on your first attempt to choose the Format tab.

If you encountered this error, you will have to clear all formats, start again, and reformat all levels.

Figure 34 :  The General Level properties window where you can clear all formats.

Use this panel to set the properties of all rows of the selected type. The three panels contain these choices:


Background and Foreground Colors, and Fonts


3.10.3 Setting General Column Properties

There are four tabs for setting the numerous properties associated with cells. We'll discuss the ones that are settable on the General tab first. The properties relate to the general layout of the cell, that is, its size and the alignment of data within it.

Follow these steps to set the general cell properties for a single column.

  1. Click on the Cell > General tab after having defined the grid's meta data.
  2. Choose one of the meta data levels by clicking on it.
  3. The text area to the left of the tab lists all the fields for this level. Choose the one whose properties you wish to set.
  4. Edit any of the parameters that require it.

    Figure 35 :  Cell properties that are settable using the General tab.

The General Tab

Setting a Column's Font Properties

Figure 36 :  The Font tab where you can control the font's appearance.

Setting a Column's Color Properties

Figure 37 :  The Color tab, where you can set a column's color properties.

You can use the two types of color selectors to choose from Java's standard set of colors or you can specify RGB (red-green-blue) color values as a triplet of numbers between 0 and 255.


A table of color values has been included in the Appendix to help you choose color values. See Appendix C, Colors and Fonts, for more information.

Setting a Column's Edit Properties

Figure 38 :  The Cell - Edit tab, where you can set a column's edit properties.


3.11 Setting a Column's Edit Status Properties

All row types have an Edit Status cell so that the grid appears properly aligned, although only record rows use them to show whether edits have been made. If you change a row's appearance, and you want a consistent look, you need to match the edit status cell to the other changes. The properties that may need changing are:

3.12 The JCHiGridExternalDS Bean

With most features of the JCHiGridExternalDS Bean, the JCHiGrid Bean reference applies. However, there are some differences between the two Beans. JCHiGridExternalDS behaves more like other data bound components, such as JClass LiveTable, in that it does not manage the DataSource. It can access and modify data from different levels of the data hierarchy, but it cannot alter the DataSource structure or set-up. You will have to use a DataSource Bean, such as TreeDataBean, to set up your data source first.

In the JCHiGridExternalDS customizer you will notice that the Data tab, Add, Delete, Clear, and Description buttons have been `grayed-out'. This means that you can't create SQL queries, or adjust the structure of the data model.

Instead of defining a DataSource, as in JCHiGrid Bean, you select a DataSource in the external datasource field, which has an editor that comes up when you click the ... button:

Figure 40 :  The External DataSource Field. Click the ... button to bring up the editor.

Figure 41 :  The DataBinding Editor, which allows you to select an external data source.

Select a data source from the list. Your data will display in JCHiGridExternalDS and you can configure the view on the data as you would with JCHiGrid Bean.

For information on configuring the DataSource and the data hierarchy, see JClass DataSource Beans, in Chapter 7.

1In the IDE-specific cases, not as much customization can take place because the connection is not checked at design time, so table and column names are not made available to the customizer. Thus, the customizer cannot be used to format the grid.
