Style Name
thin left, right, top, bottom,
horizontal, and column
no column shading
regular heading font
no left, right, top, bottom,
horizontal, or column
no column shading
regular heading font
Style 1
thin header border; no
other borders
no column shading
regular heading font
Style 2
thin header border; thick
top and bottom borders;
no other borders
no column shading
regular heading font
Style 3
thick top, bottom, and
header borders; thin
horizontal borders; no
column border
no column shading
regular heading font
Style 4
no left, right, top, bottom,
horizontal, or column
header colored (black);
reverse type for header
no column shading
Style 5
thick right, left, top,
bottom, and header
borders; no column or
horizontal borders
header colored (black);
reverse type for header
no column shading
Style 6
thick right, left, top,
bottom and header
borders; thin horizontal
and column borders
header colored (black);
reverse type for header
no column shading
Style 7
thick right, left, top,
bottom and header
borders; no horizontal or
column borders
header colored (gray);
reverse type for header
no column shading
Style 8
thick right, left, top,
bottom, and header
borders; thin horizontal
and column borders
header colored (gray);
reverse type for header
no column shading
Style 9
thin header border; thick
top, and bottom borders;
no right, left, horizontal,
and column borders
header colored (gray);
reverse type for header
no column shading
Style 10
thick right, left, top, and
bottom borders; no
header, horizontal, and
column borders
regular heading font
no column shading
Style 11
no right, left, top, and
bottom borders; thin
header, horizontal, and
column borders
plain headers
no column shading
Style 12
thick right, left, top,
bottom, and header
borders; no horizontal or
column borders
header colored (gray);
reverse type for header
gray column shading
Style 13
thick right, left, top,
bottom, and header
borders; thin horizontal
border; no column borders
header colored (black);
reverse type for header
no column shading
Style 14
thin right, left, top, bottom,
and horizontal borders;
thick header border; no
column border
plain header
no column shading
Style 15
thin right, left, top, bottom,
header, and column
borders; no horizontal
plain header
no column shading
Style 16
thin left and horizontal
borders; thick top border;
no bottom, right, and
header borders; thin
border between last two
header colored (dark
gray); reverse type for
header text
no column shading
alternate row shading
(light gray and dark gray)
Style 17
thin left and horizontal
borders; thick top border;
no bottom, right and
header borders; thin
border between last two
header reverse type
alternate row shading
(light gray and dark gray)