JClass Chart Examples

Examples that come with JClass Chart. These are organized by the major feature categories listed in the leftmost column of the table.


Category Example Description

Starting point for all new JClass Chart users

Plot1 Loads data from a file.
Plot2 Loads data from a file. Shows header, footer and legend.
Bar2 Loads data from a file and shows it as a bar chart.
Plot2Inv Shows inverted x-y axes.
Bar2Inv Bar chart on inverted x-y axes.
Bar3d Simple bar chart with 3d effect.
Polar Loads data from a file and shows it as a polar chart.
Radar Chart example that toggles between radar and area radar.
ImageBar Bar chart filled using images.
ImagePlot Plot chart using images as point symbols.
AnnoGrid Plot chart with custom annotations and grid lines.

Chart applets

Applet main page Shows how you can use applet PARAM tags to create charts.
DataSource Tutorial

Custom Chart data source basics

Simplest DataSource Simplest possible Chart data source.
Labeled DataSource Add point and series labels to a data source.
Editable DataSource Shows how to make an editable data source.
File DataSource

Shows all the different file formats understood by JClass Chart

Array1 Simple array-formatted data.
JDBC DataSource Shows how to make a JDBC data source.
Array2 Array-formatted data with point and series labels.
ArrayTrans1 Transposed array-formatted data.
ArrayTrans2 Transposed array-formatted data with point and series labels.
General1 Simple general-formatted data.
General2 General-formatted data with point and series labels.
GeneralTrans1 Transposed general-formatted data.
GeneralTrans2 Transposed general-formatted data with point and series labels.
FileLoader Loads the data file specified on the command line
MultiChartExample Loads the data files specified on the the command line
XML DataSource

Shows all the different XML formats understood by JClass Chart

XMLArray Array-formatted data with point and series labels.
XMLArrayTrans Transposed array-formatted data with point and series labels.
XMLGeneral General-formatted data with point and series labels.

Miscellaneous data source examples

EditableChart Simple editable Chart.
SwingChart Chart connected to a Swing data source.
Repainter Updating data source that uses repaint().
Resetter Updating data source that uses ChartDataEvent.RESET.

Legend toolkit examples

MultiColLegend How to use JCMultiColLegend.
FlowLegend A simple flow layout for legend.
ReverseLegend A legend that reversed the legend item order.
SeparatorLegend A legend with a separator between the title and items.

Advanced axis examples

TimeAxis How to manipulate time-labeled axes.
CustomLabels How to generate custom axis labels.

Chart interactions

Explode How to create exploding pie slices.

Advanced Chart programming

Encode How to output a chart as a GIF or PNG image.

Chart Demos...

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