Class JRBaseMeterPlot

  extended by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseChartPlot
      extended by net.sf.jasperreports.charts.base.JRBaseMeterPlot
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, JRMeterPlot, JRChangeEventsSupport, JRChartPlot, JRCloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class JRBaseMeterPlot
extends JRBaseChartPlot
implements JRMeterPlot

An immutable representation of the layout of a Meter chart.

$Id: 5180 2012-03-29 13:23:12Z teodord $
Barry Klawans (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseChartPlot
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChartPlot
Field Summary
protected  JRDataRange dataRange
          The range displayed by the Meter.
protected  java.util.List<JRMeterInterval> intervals
          The defined intervals for the Meter.
protected  java.lang.Integer meterAngleInteger
          The extend of the meter face in degrees.
protected  java.awt.Color meterBackgroundColor
          The color to use for the face of the meter.
protected  java.awt.Color needleColor
          The color to use for the pointer on the meter.
protected  MeterShapeEnum shapeValue
          The shape to use when drawing the Meter.
protected  java.awt.Color tickColor
          The color to use for each tick on the face of the meter.
protected  java.lang.Integer tickCount
          The number of major ticks on the meter scale.
protected  java.lang.Double tickIntervalDouble
          How often to draw ticks around the face of the meter.
protected  JRFont tickLabelFont
          The font to use when writing tick labels.
protected  java.lang.String units
          Optional description of what the meter is displaying.
protected  JRValueDisplay valueDisplay
          Formatting information for the textual display of the value.
Fields inherited from class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseChartPlot
Constructor Summary
JRBaseMeterPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
          Constructs a copy of an existing meter.
JRBaseMeterPlot(JRMeterPlot meterPlot, JRBaseObjectFactory factory)
          Constructs a copy of an existing meter and registers all expressions maintained by the meter plot with a factory.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone(JRChart parentChart)
 void collectExpressions(JRExpressionCollector collector)
          Adds all the expression used by this plot with the specified collector.
 JRDataRange getDataRange()
          Returns the range of values that the Meter can display.
 java.util.List<JRMeterInterval> getIntervals()
          Returns a list of all the intervals contained in this Meter.
 java.lang.Integer getMeterAngleInteger()
          Returns the size of the Meter face in degrees.
 java.awt.Color getMeterBackgroundColor()
          Returns the background color of the meter.
 java.awt.Color getNeedleColor()
          Returns the color used when drawing the meter's pointer.
 MeterShapeEnum getShapeValue()
          Returns the shape of the Meter.
 java.awt.Color getTickColor()
          Returns the color used when drawing tick marks on the meter.
 java.lang.Integer getTickCount()
          Returns the number of major ticks on the meter scale.
 java.lang.Double getTickIntervalDouble()
          Returns the spacing between the ticks on the face of the meter.
 JRFont getTickLabelFont()
          Returns the font used to write tick labels on the meter.
 java.lang.String getUnits()
          Returns the name of the units that the Meter is displaying.
 JRValueDisplay getValueDisplay()
          Returns a description of how the value of the Meter is displayed.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseChartPlot
addSeriesColor, clearSeriesColors, clone, getBackcolor, getBackgroundAlphaFloat, getChart, getEventSupport, getForegroundAlphaFloat, getLabelRotationDouble, getOrientation, getOrientationValue, getOwnBackcolor, getSeriesColors, setBackcolor, setBackgroundAlpha, setForegroundAlpha, setLabelRotation, setOrientation, setOrientation, setSeriesColors
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChartPlot
addSeriesColor, clearSeriesColors, getBackcolor, getBackgroundAlphaFloat, getChart, getForegroundAlphaFloat, getLabelRotationDouble, getOrientation, getOrientationValue, getOwnBackcolor, getSeriesColors, setBackcolor, setBackgroundAlpha, setForegroundAlpha, setLabelRotation, setOrientation, setOrientation, setSeriesColors
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRCloneable

Field Detail


protected JRDataRange dataRange
The range displayed by the Meter.


protected JRValueDisplay valueDisplay
Formatting information for the textual display of the value.


protected MeterShapeEnum shapeValue
The shape to use when drawing the Meter. Only applied if the meter is over 180 degrees wide and less than a full circle.


protected java.util.List<JRMeterInterval> intervals
The defined intervals for the Meter. Each interval indicates a subsection of the meter and a color to use for that section.


protected java.lang.Integer meterAngleInteger
The extend of the meter face in degrees. It will always be centered around the straight up position.


protected java.lang.String units
Optional description of what the meter is displaying. It will be appended to the textual representation of the value.


protected java.lang.Double tickIntervalDouble
How often to draw ticks around the face of the meter. The interval is relative to the meter range - if the meter displays 100 to 200 and the tickInterval is 20, there will be 4 ticks at 120, 140, 160 and 180.


protected java.awt.Color meterBackgroundColor
The color to use for the face of the meter.


protected java.awt.Color needleColor
The color to use for the pointer on the meter.


protected java.awt.Color tickColor
The color to use for each tick on the face of the meter.


protected java.lang.Integer tickCount
The number of major ticks on the meter scale.


protected JRFont tickLabelFont
The font to use when writing tick labels.

Constructor Detail


public JRBaseMeterPlot(JRChartPlot plot,
                       JRChart chart)
Constructs a copy of an existing meter.

plot - the plot to copy


public JRBaseMeterPlot(JRMeterPlot meterPlot,
                       JRBaseObjectFactory factory)
Constructs a copy of an existing meter and registers all expressions maintained by the meter plot with a factory.

meterPlot - the meter to copy
factory - the factory to register expressions with
Method Detail


public JRDataRange getDataRange()
Description copied from interface: JRMeterPlot
Returns the range of values that the Meter can display.

Specified by:
getDataRange in interface JRMeterPlot
the range of values that the Meter can display


public JRValueDisplay getValueDisplay()
Description copied from interface: JRMeterPlot
Returns a description of how the value of the Meter is displayed. This includes any font and color information, the location of the value, a formatting mask and an optional "units" string to append to the value.

Specified by:
getValueDisplay in interface JRMeterPlot
a description of how the value of the Meter is displayed.


public MeterShapeEnum getShapeValue()
Description copied from interface: JRMeterPlot
Returns the shape of the Meter. The shape is only relevant if the Meter face is over 180 degrees wide, and controls how the portion of the circle described by the Meter but outside of the Meter is drawn. (If the meter is 240 degrees wide the shape setting controls how the remaining 120 degrees is displayed.)

The value returned is one of the shape constants defined in MeterShapeEnum.

Specified by:
getShapeValue in interface JRMeterPlot
a description of how the value of the Meter is displayed.


public java.util.List<JRMeterInterval> getIntervals()
Description copied from interface: JRMeterPlot
Returns a list of all the intervals contained in this Meter. The return value is never null but can be an empty list. Each element in the list is a net.sf.jasperreports.charts.util.JRMeterInterval

Specified by:
getIntervals in interface JRMeterPlot
a list of all the intervals contained in this Meter


public java.lang.Integer getMeterAngleInteger()
Description copied from interface: JRMeterPlot
Returns the size of the Meter face in degrees.

Specified by:
getMeterAngleInteger in interface JRMeterPlot
the size of the Meter face in degrees


public java.lang.String getUnits()
Description copied from interface: JRMeterPlot
Returns the name of the units that the Meter is displaying. This value will be appended to the value when displayed.

Specified by:
getUnits in interface JRMeterPlot
the name of the units that the Meter is displaying


public java.lang.Double getTickIntervalDouble()
Description copied from interface: JRMeterPlot
Returns the spacing between the ticks on the face of the meter. The spacing is relative to the range that the meter is displaying - if the range is 0 to 500 and the tick interval is 50 then 10 ticks will be displayed.

Specified by:
getTickIntervalDouble in interface JRMeterPlot
the spacing between the ticks on the face of the meter


public java.awt.Color getMeterBackgroundColor()
Description copied from interface: JRMeterPlot
Returns the background color of the meter. This is the color of the meter's face.

Specified by:
getMeterBackgroundColor in interface JRMeterPlot
the background color of the meter.


public java.awt.Color getNeedleColor()
Description copied from interface: JRMeterPlot
Returns the color used when drawing the meter's pointer.

Specified by:
getNeedleColor in interface JRMeterPlot
the color used when drawing the meter's pointer


public java.awt.Color getTickColor()
Description copied from interface: JRMeterPlot
Returns the color used when drawing tick marks on the meter.

Specified by:
getTickColor in interface JRMeterPlot
the color used when drawing tick marks on the meter


public java.lang.Integer getTickCount()
Description copied from interface: JRMeterPlot
Returns the number of major ticks on the meter scale.

Specified by:
getTickCount in interface JRMeterPlot
the spacing between the ticks on the face of the meter


public JRFont getTickLabelFont()
Description copied from interface: JRMeterPlot
Returns the font used to write tick labels on the meter.

Specified by:
getTickLabelFont in interface JRMeterPlot
the font used to write tick labels on the meter


public void collectExpressions(JRExpressionCollector collector)
Adds all the expression used by this plot with the specified collector. All collected expression that are also registered with a factory will be included with the report is compiled.

Specified by:
collectExpressions in interface JRChartPlot
collector - the expression collector to use


public java.lang.Object clone(JRChart parentChart)
Specified by:
clone in interface JRChartPlot
clone in class JRBaseChartPlot

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