Interface JRChartPlot

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, JRCloneable
All Known Subinterfaces:
JRAreaPlot, JRBar3DPlot, JRBarPlot, JRBubblePlot, JRCandlestickPlot, JRCategoryPlot, JRHighLowPlot, JRLinePlot, JRMeterPlot, JRMultiAxisPlot, JRPie3DPlot, JRPiePlot, JRScatterPlot, JRThermometerPlot, JRTimeSeriesPlot
All Known Implementing Classes:
JRBaseAreaPlot, JRBaseBar3DPlot, JRBaseBarPlot, JRBaseBubblePlot, JRBaseCandlestickPlot, JRBaseChartPlot, JRBaseHighLowPlot, JRBaseLinePlot, JRBaseMeterPlot, JRBaseMultiAxisPlot, JRBasePie3DPlot, JRBasePiePlot, JRBaseScatterPlot, JRBaseThermometerPlot, JRBaseTimeSeriesPlot, JRDesignAreaPlot, JRDesignBar3DPlot, JRDesignBarPlot, JRDesignBubblePlot, JRDesignCandlestickPlot, JRDesignHighLowPlot, JRDesignLinePlot, JRDesignMeterPlot, JRDesignMultiAxisPlot, JRDesignPie3DPlot, JRDesignPiePlot, JRDesignScatterPlot, JRDesignThermometerPlot, JRDesignTimeSeriesPlot, JRFillAreaPlot, JRFillBar3DPlot, JRFillBarPlot, JRFillBubblePlot, JRFillCandlestickPlot, JRFillChartPlot, JRFillHighLowPlot, JRFillLinePlot, JRFillMeterPlot, JRFillMultiAxisPlot, JRFillPie3DPlot, JRFillPiePlot, JRFillScatterPlot, JRFillThermometerPlot, JRFillTimeSeriesPlot

public interface JRChartPlot
extends JRCloneable

Chart plots define chart appearance and display details such as colors, legend or labels. Each plot may have different characteristics, depending on the chart type it belongs to. This is the superinterface for all plots and contains common properties.

$Id: 5180 2012-03-29 13:23:12Z teodord $
Teodor Danciu (

Nested Class Summary
static interface JRChartPlot.JRSeriesColor
Method Summary
 void addSeriesColor(JRChartPlot.JRSeriesColor seriesColor)
          Adds the specified series color to the plot.
 void clearSeriesColors()
          Removes all defined series colors.
 java.lang.Object clone(JRChart parentChart)
 void collectExpressions(JRExpressionCollector collector)
 java.awt.Color getBackcolor()
          Gets the chart background color.
 java.lang.Float getBackgroundAlphaFloat()
          Gets the transparency factor for this plot background.
 JRChart getChart()
          Gets the chart associated with this chart plot, if available.
 java.lang.Float getForegroundAlphaFloat()
          Gets the transparency factor for this plot foreground.
 java.lang.Double getLabelRotationDouble()
          Deprecated. Replaced by JRCategoryAxisFormat.getCategoryAxisTickLabelRotation().
 org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation getOrientation()
          Deprecated. Replaced by getOrientationValue().
 PlotOrientationEnum getOrientationValue()
          Gets the plot orientation (horizontal or vertical).
 java.awt.Color getOwnBackcolor()
 java.util.SortedSet<JRChartPlot.JRSeriesColor> getSeriesColors()
          Returns a list of all the defined series colors.
 void setBackcolor(java.awt.Color backcolor)
          Sets the chart background color.
 void setBackgroundAlpha(java.lang.Float backgroundAlpha)
          Sets the transparency factor for this plot background.
 void setForegroundAlpha(java.lang.Float foregroundAlpha)
          Sets the transparency factor for this plot foreground.
 void setLabelRotation(java.lang.Double labelRotation)
          Deprecated. Replaced by JRCategoryAxisFormat.setCategoryAxisTickLabelRotation(Double).
 void setOrientation(org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation orientation)
          Deprecated. Replaced by setOrientation(PlotOrientationEnum).
 void setOrientation(PlotOrientationEnum orientation)
          Sets the plot orientation (horizontal or vertical).
 void setSeriesColors(java.util.Collection<JRChartPlot.JRSeriesColor> colors)
          Set the list of series colors.
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRCloneable

Method Detail


JRChart getChart()
Gets the chart associated with this chart plot, if available. Implementations can return null on this method, especially if the chart plot is reused by multiple charts, which is not recommended since it prevents style properties inheritence from parent chart.


java.awt.Color getBackcolor()
Gets the chart background color.


java.awt.Color getOwnBackcolor()


void setBackcolor(java.awt.Color backcolor)
Sets the chart background color.


org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation getOrientation()
Deprecated. Replaced by getOrientationValue().


PlotOrientationEnum getOrientationValue()
Gets the plot orientation (horizontal or vertical).


void setOrientation(org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation orientation)
Deprecated. Replaced by setOrientation(PlotOrientationEnum).


void setOrientation(PlotOrientationEnum orientation)
Sets the plot orientation (horizontal or vertical).


java.lang.Float getBackgroundAlphaFloat()
Gets the transparency factor for this plot background. The range is from 0 to 1, where 0 means transparent and 1 opaque. The default is 1.

a float value between 0 and 1.


void setBackgroundAlpha(java.lang.Float backgroundAlpha)
Sets the transparency factor for this plot background. The range is from 0 to 1, where 0 means transparent and 1 opaque. The default is 1.


java.lang.Float getForegroundAlphaFloat()
Gets the transparency factor for this plot foreground. The range is from 0 to 1, where 0 means transparent and 1 opaque. The default is 1.

a float value between 0 and 1.


void setForegroundAlpha(java.lang.Float foregroundAlpha)
Sets the transparency factor for this plot foreground. The range is from 0 to 1, where 0 means transparent and 1 opaque. The default is 1.


java.lang.Double getLabelRotationDouble()
Deprecated. Replaced by JRCategoryAxisFormat.getCategoryAxisTickLabelRotation().

Gets the angle in degrees to rotate the data axis labels. The range is -360 to 360. A positive value angles the label so it reads downwards wile a negative value angles the label so it reads upwards. Only charts that use a category based axis (such as line or bar charts) support label rotation.


void setLabelRotation(java.lang.Double labelRotation)
Deprecated. Replaced by JRCategoryAxisFormat.setCategoryAxisTickLabelRotation(Double).

Sets the angle in degrees to rotate the data axis labels. The range is -360 to 360. A positive value angles the label so it reads downwards wile a negative value angles the label so it reads upwards. Only charts that use a category based axis (such as line or bar charts) support label rotation.


java.util.SortedSet<JRChartPlot.JRSeriesColor> getSeriesColors()
Returns a list of all the defined series colors. Every entry in the list is of type JRChartPlot.JRSeriesColor. If there are no defined series colors this method will return an empty list, not null.


void clearSeriesColors()
Removes all defined series colors.


void addSeriesColor(JRChartPlot.JRSeriesColor seriesColor)
Adds the specified series color to the plot.


void setSeriesColors(java.util.Collection<JRChartPlot.JRSeriesColor> colors)
Set the list of series colors.

colors - the list of series colors (JRChartPlot.JRSeriesColor instances}


void collectExpressions(JRExpressionCollector collector)


java.lang.Object clone(JRChart parentChart)

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